  * isolate the process of composing the fmp ssn
  * @param pat the patient as from the paws patient service
  * @return textual representation of the fmp ssn
 private String fmpSsn() {
   String ssn =
       _pawsPatient.getSSN().substring(0, 3)
           + "‑"
           + _pawsPatient.getSSN().substring(3, 5)
           + "‑"
           + _pawsPatient.getSSN().substring(5);
   return (StringUtil.isEmpty(_pawsPatient.getFMP())) ? ssn : _pawsPatient.getFMP() + '/' + ssn;
  * traverse the array of telecoms to see if the type representation is that of the passed in
  * parameter fo phone kind
  * @param telecoms an array of telecoms for a patient as from the paws patient service
  * @param phoneKind a string like "Home Phone" which is the only we we have to find a particular
  *     kind of phone number. too back paws is structured this way because it is a very fragile
  *     process and will crap out if there is a misspelling
  * @return the desired phone number
 private String getPhone(Telecom[] telecoms, String phoneKind) {
   for (Telecom tele : telecoms) {
     if (phoneKind.equalsIgnoreCase(tele.getTelecomType().getRepresentation())) {
       if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(tele.getValue())) {
         return tele.getValue().replaceAll(" ", " ");
   return null;
  * accessor for the provider
  * @return the provider
 public String getProvider() {
   return (StringUtil.isEmpty(_provider))
       ? null
       : _provider; // ServPaws.lookupProvider(_provider).getFullName();
  * mutator for the paws patient id. if the id represents a change to the underlying paws patient,
  * updates the paws patient
  * @param pawsUnitNbr
 public void setPawsPatientId(final String pawsUnitNbr) {
   if ((!StringUtil.isEmpty(pawsUnitNbr))
       && ((null == _pawsPatient) || (!pawsUnitNbr.equals(_pawsPatient.getUnitNumber())))) {
     _pawsPatient = ServPaws.patient(pawsUnitNbr);
  * accessor for for the call back phone
  * @return the callback phone
 public String getCallbackPhone() {
   return (StringUtil.isEmpty(_callbackPhone))
       ? homePhone(_pawsPatient.getTelecoms())
       : _callbackPhone;