Ejemplo n.º 1
   * Read from a Mysql database named mvd which has a table called files and a field called name and
   * another called contents. Yes, it's rigid but do you want to add yet more parameters to the
   * MvdTool?
   * @param file the name of the file (key of table)
   * @param props database properties file
   * @return a char array with database contents
   * @throws Exception
  private static char[] readFromDatabase(String file, Properties props) throws Exception {
    char[] data = null;
    Connection conn = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    Statement stmt = null;
    String name = (file.endsWith(".mvd")) ? file.substring(0, file.length() - 4) : file;
    String username = (String) props.get("username");
    String password = (String) props.get("password");
    String url = (String) props.get("jdbc-url");
    String jdbcClass = (String) props.get("jdbc-class");
    String dbName = (String) props.get("mvd-db-name");
    String nameField = (String) props.get("mvd-name-field");
    String descField = (String) props.get("mvd-desc-field");
    String dataField = (String) props.get("mvd-data-field");
    String tableName = (String) props.get("mvd-table-name");
    if (username == null) username = "******";
    if (password == null) password = "******";
    if (url == null) url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/";
    if (jdbcClass == null) jdbcClass = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver";
    if (dbName == null) dbName = "mvd";
    if (nameField == null) nameField = "name";
    if (descField == null) descField = "description";
    if (dataField == null) dataField = "data";
    if (tableName == null) tableName = "works";
    try {
      conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password);
      stmt = conn.createStatement();
      String query =
          "select " + dataField + " from " + dbName + "." + tableName + " where " + nameField + "='"
              + name + "';";
      rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
      if (rs.first()) {
        String result = rs.getString(dataField);
        data = new char[result.length()];
        result.getChars(0, result.length(), data, 0);
      } else throw new Exception("No results for: " + query);
    } catch (Exception e) {
          "Error accessing database. Message="
              + e.getMessage()
              + " with password="******" and username="
              + username);
    } finally {
      if (rs != null) {
        try {
        } catch (SQLException sqlEx) {
        } // ignore

        rs = null;
      if (stmt != null) {
        try {
        } catch (SQLException sqlEx) {
        } // ignore

        stmt = null;
        if (conn != null) {}
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
          /* ignore close errors */
    return data;
Ejemplo n.º 2
   * Write to a Mysql database named mvd which has a table called works with fields name,
   * description and data.
   * @param file the name of the file (key of table)
   * @param description the description of the mvd
   * @param data a String with the MVD data encoded in base64
   * @param folderId id of the containing folder
   * @param properties property file containing db connection
   * @throws Exception
  private static void writeToDatabase(
      String file, String data, String description, int folderId, Properties props)
      throws Exception {
    Connection conn = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    Statement stmt = null;
    String username = (String) props.get("username");
    String password = (String) props.get("password");
    String url = (String) props.get("jdbc-url");
    String jdbcClass = (String) props.get("jdbc-class");
    String dbName = (String) props.get("mvd-db-name");
    String nameField = (String) props.get("mvd-name-field");
    String descField = (String) props.get("mvd-desc-field");
    String dataField = (String) props.get("mvd-data-field");
    String tableName = (String) props.get("mvd-table-name");
    String folderField = (String) props.get("mvd-folder-field");
    /*		// debug
    	Set<Object> keys = props.keySet();
    	Iterator<Object> iter = keys.iterator();
    	while ( iter.hasNext() )
    		String key = (String) iter.next();
    		String value = (String)props.getProperty(key);
    	// end debug
    String name = (file.endsWith(".mvd")) ? file.substring(0, file.length() - 4) : file;
    description = description.replace("\"", "\\\"");
    if (username == null) username = "******";
    if (password == null) password = "******";
    if (url == null) url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/";
    if (jdbcClass == null) jdbcClass = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver";
    if (dbName == null) dbName = "dv";
    if (nameField == null) nameField = "name";
    if (descField == null) descField = "description";
    if (dataField == null) dataField = "data";
    if (tableName == null) tableName = "works";
    if (folderField == null) folderField = "folder_id";
    try {
      conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url + dbName, username, password);
      if (conn != null) {
        stmt = conn.createStatement();
        if (stmt != null) {
          String query;
          rs =
                  "select * from "
                      + dbName
                      + "."
                      + tableName
                      + " where "
                      + nameField
                      + "=\""
                      + name
                      + "\"");
          if (rs.first()) {
            query =
                "update "
                    + dbName
                    + "."
                    + tableName
                    + " set "
                    + dbName
                    + "."
                    + tableName
                    + "."
                    + descField
                    + "=\""
                    + description
                    + "\","
                    + dbName
                    + "."
                    + tableName
                    + "."
                    + dataField
                    + "=\""
                    + data
                    + "\","
                    + folderField
                    + "=\""
                    + folderId
                    + "\" where "
                    + nameField
                    + "=\""
                    + name
                    + "\"";
          } else {
            query =
                "insert into "
                    + dbName
                    + "."
                    + tableName
                    + " ("
                    + nameField
                    + ","
                    + descField
                    + ","
                    + dataField
                    + ","
                    + folderField
                    + ") values(\""
                    + name
                    + "\",\""
                    + description
                    + "\",\""
                    + data
                    + "\",\""
                    + folderId
                    + "\");";
          stmt = conn.createStatement();
    } catch (Exception e) {
    } finally {
      if (rs != null) {
        try {
        } catch (SQLException sqlEx) {
        } // ignore

        rs = null;
      if (stmt != null) {
        try {
        } catch (SQLException sqlEx) {
        } // ignore

        stmt = null;
        if (conn != null) {}
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
          /* ignore close errors */