Ejemplo n.º 1
  public void run(final StackEntry stack) {
    String output =
        this.source.hasText() ? stack.resolveValue(this.source.getText()).toString() : null;
    long steps = stack.intFromSource("Steps", -1);
    long step = stack.intFromSource("Step", -1);
    long amount = stack.intFromSource("Amount", -1);
    long add = stack.intFromSource("Add", -1);
    String name = stack.stringFromSource("Name");

    if (amount >= 0) OperationContext.get().setAmountCompleted((int) amount);
    else if (add >= 0)
          .setAmountCompleted(OperationContext.get().getAmountCompleted() + (int) add);

    if ((step >= 0) && StringUtil.isNotEmpty(name))
      OperationContext.get().setCurrentStep((int) step, name);

    if (steps >= 0) OperationContext.get().setSteps((int) steps);

    if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(output)) OperationContext.get().setProgressMessage(output);


Ejemplo n.º 2
  public void init(StackEntry stack, XElement el) {
    this.seqnum = (int) stack.intFromElement(el, "StartAt", this.seqnum);

    String size = stack.stringFromElement(el, "Size", "10MB");

    this.size = (int) FileUtil.parseFileSize(size);

    String temp = stack.stringFromElement(el, "Template");

    if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(temp)) this.template = temp;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  public static FileSystemFile tempFile(String ext) {
    CommonPath path =
        new CommonPath(
                + (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(ext)
                    ? FileUtil.randomFilename(ext)
                    : FileUtil.randomFilename()));

    Path tfpath = FileUtil.allocateTempFolder2();

    FileSystemDriver drv = new FileSystemDriver(tfpath);

    return new FileSystemFile(drv, path, false);
Ejemplo n.º 4
  public CompositeStruct buildParams() {
    RecordStruct flds = new RecordStruct();

    for (FieldRequest fld : this.fields) flds.setField(fld.getName(), fld.getParams(flds));

    RecordStruct params =
        new RecordStruct(new FieldStruct("Table", this.table), new FieldStruct("Fields", flds));

    if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(this.id)) params.setField("Id", this.id);

    params.setField("When", this.when);

    if (this.sets.getSize() > 0) params.setField("Sets", this.sets);

    this.parameters = params;

    return this.parameters;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  public void execute(DatabaseInterface conn, DatabaseTask task, OperationResult log) {
    RecordStruct params = task.getParamsAsRecord();

    // System.out.println("NT 1 Got: " + params.toPrettyString());

    // TODO replicating
    // if (task.isReplicating())

    String title = params.getFieldAsString("Title");

    if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(title)) title = title.trim();

    /* this is a fine concept, but maybe not the right place for it - TODO
    String hash = null;

    if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(title)) {
    	title = title.trim();

    	hash = HashUtil.getSha256(title);

    	Object tid = db.firstInIndex("dcmThread", "dcmHash", hash, when, false);

    	if (tid == null) {
    		String titleb = title.toLowerCase();

    		if (titleb.startsWith("re:")) {
    			titleb = titleb.substring(3).trim();
    			hash = HashUtil.getSha256(title);

    			tid = db.firstInIndex("dcmThread", "dcmHash", hash, when, false);

    	String threadid = tid.toString();

    boolean trackTitle = params.getFieldAsBooleanOrFalse("TrackTitle");

    // TODO figure out how to send to future date (target date vs modified)

    String uuid = Session.nextUUId();
    String hash = HashUtil.getSha256((trackTitle && StringUtil.isNotEmpty(title)) ? title : uuid);
    DateTime now = new DateTime();
    DateTime target = params.getFieldAsDateTime("TargetDate");

    if (target == null) target = now;

    String originator =
            ? params.getFieldAsString("Originator")
            : log.getContext().getUserContext().getUserId();

    DbRecordRequest req =
        new InsertRecordRequest()
            .withUpdateField("dcmUuid", uuid)
            .withUpdateField("dcmHash", hash)
            .withUpdateField("dcmCreated", now)
            .withUpdateField("dcmModified", now)
            .withUpdateField("dcmOriginator", originator)
            .withConditionallyUpdateFields(params, "Title", "dcmTitle", "EndDate", "dcmEndDate");

    if (target != null) req.withUpdateField("dcmTargetDate", target);

    ListStruct lbs = params.getFieldAsList("Labels");

    if ((lbs != null) && !lbs.isEmpty())
      req.withUpdateField("dcmLabels", "|" + StringUtil.join(lbs.toStringList(), "|") + "|");

    ListStruct parties = params.getFieldAsList("Parties");

    if (!parties.isEmpty()) {
      for (int i = 0; i < parties.getSize(); i++) {
        RecordStruct party = parties.getItemAsRecord(i);

        String pident = party.getFieldAsString("Party");

        req.withUpdateField("dcmParty", pident, pident)
            .withUpdateField("dcmFolder", pident, party.getFieldAsString("Folder"));

        lbs = party.getFieldAsList("PartyLabels");

        if ((lbs != null) && !lbs.isEmpty())
              "dcmPartyLabels", pident, "|" + StringUtil.join(lbs.toStringList(), "|") + "|");

    RecordStruct cnt = params.getFieldAsRecord("Content");
    String content = cnt.getFieldAsString("Content");
    String stamp = TimeUtil.stampFmt.print(new DateTime());

    req.withUpdateField("dcmContent", stamp, content)
        .withUpdateField("dcmContentHash", stamp, HashUtil.getSha256(content))
        .withUpdateField("dcmContentType", stamp, cnt.getFieldAsString("ContentType"));

    if (!cnt.isFieldEmpty("Source"))
      req.withUpdateField("dcmSource", stamp, cnt.getFieldAsString("Source"));

    if (!cnt.isFieldEmpty("Attributes"))
      req.withUpdateField("dcmAttributes", stamp, cnt.getFieldAsRecord("Attributes"));

    task.getDbm().submit(req, task.getResult());
Ejemplo n.º 6
  public Cookie resolveLocale(HttpContext context, UserContext usr, OperationContextBuilder ctxb) {
    if (this.locales.size() == 0) {
      // make sure we have at least 1 locale listed for the site
      String lvalue = this.getDefaultLocale();

      // add the list of locales supported for this site
      this.locales.put(lvalue, this.getLocaleDefinition(lvalue));

    LocaleDefinition locale = null;

    // see if the path indicates a language
    CommonPath path = context.getRequest().getPath();

    if (path.getNameCount() > 0) {
      String lvalue = path.getName(0);

      locale = this.locales.get(lvalue);

      // extract the language from the path
      if (locale != null) context.getRequest().setPath(path.subpath(1));

    // but respect the cookie if it matches something though
    Cookie langcookie = context.getRequest().getCookie("dcLang");

    if (locale == null) {
      if (langcookie != null) {
        String lvalue = langcookie.value();

        // if everything checks out set the op locale and done
        if (this.locales.containsKey(lvalue)) {
          return null;

        locale = this.getLocaleDefinition(lvalue);

        // use language if variant - still ok and done
        if (locale.hasVariant()) {
          if (this.locales.containsKey(locale.getLanguage())) {
                lvalue); // keep the variant part, it may be used in places on site - supporting a
                         // lang implicitly allows all variants
            return null;

        // otherwise ignore the cookie, will replace it

    // see if the domain is set for a specific language
    if (locale == null) {
      String domain = context.getRequest().getHeader("Host");

      if (domain.indexOf(':') > -1) domain = domain.substring(0, domain.indexOf(':'));

      locale = this.domainlocales.get(domain);

    // see if the user has a preference
    if (locale == null) {
      String lvalue = usr.getLocale();

      if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(lvalue)) locale = this.locales.get(lvalue);

    // if we find any locale at all then to see if it is the default
    // if not use it, else use the default
    if ((locale != null) && !locale.equals(this.getDefaultLocaleDefinition())) {
      return new DefaultCookie("dcLang", locale.getName());

    // clear the cookie if we are to use default locale
    if (langcookie != null) return new DefaultCookie("dcLang", "");

    // we are using default locale, nothing more to do
    return null;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  public void execute(DatabaseInterface conn, DatabaseTask task, OperationResult log) {
    if (task.isReplicating()) {
      // TODO what should happen during a replicate?

    RecordStruct params = task.getParamsAsRecord();
    TablesAdapter db = new TablesAdapter(conn, task);
    BigDateTime when = BigDateTime.nowDateTime();

    String password = params.getFieldAsString("Password");
    String uname = params.getFieldAsString("Username");

    // TODO part of Trust monitoring -- boolean suspect =
    // if (AddUserRequest.meetsPasswordPolicy(password, true).hasLogLevel(DebugLevel.Warn))
    //	params.withField("Suspect", true);

    String uid = null;

    Object userid = db.firstInIndex("dcUser", "dcUsername", uname, when, false);

    if (userid != null) uid = userid.toString();

    // fail right away if not a valid user
    if (StringUtil.isEmpty(uid)) {

    String ckey = params.getFieldAsString("ClientKeyPrint");

    // find out if this is a master key
    if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(ckey)) {
      System.out.println("sign in client key: " + ckey);


      Object mk =
          db.getStaticList("dcDomain", Constants.DB_GLOBAL_ROOT_DOMAIN, "dcMasterKeys", ckey);

      Object mpp =
          (mk == null)
              ? null
              : db.getStaticScalar(
                  "dcDomain", Constants.DB_GLOBAL_ROOT_DOMAIN, "dcMasterPasswordPattern");


      // if master key is present for the client key then check the password pattern
      if (mk != null) {
        boolean passcheck = false;

        if (StringUtil.isEmpty((String) mpp)) {
          passcheck = true;
        } else {
          Pattern pp = Pattern.compile((String) mpp);
          Matcher pm = pp.matcher(password);
          passcheck = pm.matches();

        if (passcheck) {
          this.signIn(conn, task, db, log, when, uid);

    if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(password)) {
      password = password.trim();

      Object fndpass = db.getDynamicScalar("dcUser", uid, "dcPassword", when);

      System.out.println("local password: "******"try local password: "******"root")) {

        Object gp =
            db.getStaticScalar("dcDomain", Constants.DB_GLOBAL_ROOT_DOMAIN, "dcGlobalPassword");


        System.out.println("global password: "******"try global password: "******"dcUser", uid, "dcConfirmCode");

      if (password.equals(fndpass)) {
        Object ra = db.getStaticScalar("dcUser", uid, "dcRecoverAt");

        if (ra == null) {
          // if code matches then good login
          this.signIn(conn, task, db, log, when, uid);

        if (ra != null) {
          DateTime radt = Struct.objectToDateTime(ra);
          DateTime pastra = new DateTime().minusHours(2);

          if (!pastra.isAfter(radt)) {
            // if code matches and has not expired then good login
            this.signIn(conn, task, db, log, when, uid);
