Ejemplo n.º 1
  /** Insert the method's description here. Creation date: (30.07.00 11:30:34) */
  private final void load() {
    try {
      // D.d("---> ToolSpecification: " + theURL.toString());
      // Step 1: create a DocumentBuilderFactory and configure it
      DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();

      // Optional: set various configuration options
      //		dbf.setCoalescing(putCDATAIntoText);
      // The opposite of creating entity ref nodes is expanding them inline
      //		dbf.setExpandEntityReferences(!createEntityRefs);

      // At this point the DocumentBuilderFactory instance can be saved
      // and reused to create any number of DocumentBuilder instances
      // with the same configuration options.

      // Step 2: create a DocumentBuilder that satisfies the constraints
      // specified by the DocumentBuilderFactory
      DocumentBuilder db = null;
      try {
        db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
      } catch (ParserConfigurationException pce) {

      //		// Set an ErrorHandler before parsing
      //		db.setErrorHandler(new MyErrorHandler(System.err));

      // Step 3: parse the input file
      Document doc = null;
      try {
        doc = db.parse(theURL.toString());
      } catch (SAXException se) {
      } catch (IOException ioe) {

      NodeList theTagList;
      NodeList allowedNettypesList;
      org.w3c.dom.Node actTag, actNettypeTag;
      org.w3c.dom.Node allowedNettypesTag;
      Element root;

      root = doc.getDocumentElement();
      theTagList = root.getChildNodes();
      for (int i = 0; i < theTagList.getLength(); i++) {
        actTag = theTagList.item(i);
        String actTagName = actTag.getNodeName();
        // D.d(actTagName + " " + " " );
        if (actTagName == "nettype") {
          URL typeSpecificationURL = new URL(((Element) actTag).getAttribute("typeSpecification"));
          nettypeId2nettypeURL.put(((Element) actTag).getAttribute("id"), typeSpecificationURL);

           * ********* // Step 3: parse the input file Document actNettypeSpecificationDoc = null;
           * try { actNettypeSpecificationDoc = db.parse(typeSpecificationURL.toString()); } catch
           * (SAXException se) { System.err.println(" Error: " + se.getMessage()); //
           * System.exit(1); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.err.println(" Error: " + ioe); //
           * System.exit(1); } if (actNettypeSpecificationDoc != null) { Element ntSpecRoot =
           * actNettypeSpecificationDoc.getDocumentElement(); String nettypeName =
           * ntSpecRoot.getAttribute("name"); Hashtable specificationTable = new Hashtable();
           * NodeList extendableList = ntSpecRoot.getElementsByTagName("extendable"); for (int j =
           * 0; j < extendableList.getLength(); j++) { org.w3c.dom.Node actExtendableTag =
           * extendableList.item(j); String extendableClassName =
           * ((Element)actExtendableTag).getAttribute("class"); Hashtable
           * extensionName2ExtensionClassName = new Hashtable(); NodeList extensionList =
           * ((Element)actExtendableTag).getElementsByTagName("extension"); for (int k = 0; k <
           * extensionList.getLength(); k++) { org.w3c.dom.Node actExtensionTag =
           * extensionList.item(k); extensionName2ExtensionClassName.put(
           * ((Element)actExtensionTag).getAttribute("name"),
           * ((Element)actExtensionTag).getAttribute("class") ); }
           * specificationTable.put(extendableClassName, extensionName2ExtensionClassName); } }
           * *********
        if (actTagName == "application") {
          String maxinstancesString = ((Element) actTag).getAttribute("maxinstances");
          int maxinstances;
          if (maxinstancesString.equals("inf")) maxinstances = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
          else maxinstances = Integer.parseInt(maxinstancesString);

          allowedNettypesTag = ((Element) actTag).getElementsByTagName("allowedNettypes").item(0);
          Vector allowedNettypes = null;
          if (allowedNettypesTag != null) {
            allowedNettypes = new Vector();
            allowedNettypesList = ((Element) allowedNettypesTag).getElementsByTagName("ntref");
            for (int j = 0; j < allowedNettypesList.getLength(); j++) {
              actNettypeTag = allowedNettypesList.item(j);
              allowedNettypes.addElement(((Element) actNettypeTag).getAttribute("ref"));
            // D.d("+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ App: " + allowedNettypes + " " + allowedNettypesList);
          Vector apptypeinfo = new Vector();
          apptypeinfo.add(((Element) actTag).getAttribute("mainClass"));
          apptypeinfo.add(new Integer(maxinstances));

          apptypeId2apptypeinfo.put(((Element) actTag).getAttribute("id"), apptypeinfo);
        if (actTagName == "format") {
          allowedNettypesTag = ((Element) actTag).getElementsByTagName("allowedNettypes").item(0);
          Vector allowedNettypes = null;
          if (allowedNettypesTag != null) {
            allowedNettypes = new Vector();
            allowedNettypesList = ((Element) allowedNettypesTag).getElementsByTagName("ntref");
            for (int j = 0; j < allowedNettypesList.getLength(); j++) {
              actNettypeTag = allowedNettypesList.item(j);
              allowedNettypes.addElement(((Element) actNettypeTag).getAttribute("ref"));
            // D.d("+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ IO: " + allowedNettypes + " " + allowedNettypesList);
          Vector ioformatinfo = new Vector();
          ioformatinfo.add(((Element) actTag).getAttribute("ioClass"));

          ioFormatId2ioformatinfo.put(((Element) actTag).getAttribute("id"), ioformatinfo);
        if (actTagName == "standardNettype") {
          this.idOfStandardNettype = ((Element) actTag).getAttribute("ref");
        if (actTagName == "standardApplication") {
          this.idOfStandardApplication = ((Element) actTag).getAttribute("ref");
        if (actTagName == "standardFormat") {
          this.idOfStandardIOFormat = ((Element) actTag).getAttribute("ref");
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      D.d("Error in ToolSpecification:");
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /** Insert the method's description here. Creation date: (22.09.00 19:26:49) (not implemented) */
 public final void save() {
   D.d("ToolSpecification: Save not implemented yet (TODO...)");
   // ########## Ich glaub, da fehlt noch was...