Ejemplo n.º 1
  public void saveModel(String newfilename) throws IOException {
    FileWriter fwr = new FileWriter(newfilename);
    BufferedWriter gcwr = new BufferedWriter(fwr);

    for (GCode gc : gcodes) {
      // gcwr.write("\n");
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public String getModelComments() {
   StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(500);
   buf.append("--------- Slicer Comments------------\n");
   int max = 500; // max to avoid OOM
   for (GCode gCode : gcodes) {
     // Ignore comments behind gcodes
     if (max > 0 && gCode.isComment()) {
       // System.out.println(gCode.getComment());
   return buf.toString();
Ejemplo n.º 3
   * Guess diameter 1) user defined environment variable 2) comments in GCODE file 3) Fallback to
   * some very rough calculation
   * @return diameter
  private float guessDiameter() {
    // Read user defined environment variable if exists
    try {
      String dia = System.getenv("FILAMENT_DIAMETER");
      if (dia != null) {
        // System.out.println("Use env value FILAMENT_DIAMETER="+dia);
        return Float.parseFloat(dia);
    } catch (NumberFormatException e1) {

    // get diameter from comments in gcode file
    try {
      GCodeStore codes = getGcodes();
      for (GCode gCode : codes) {
        // Ignore comments behind gcodes
        if (gCode.isComment()) {
          // System.out.println("COMMENT"+gCode.getComment());
          if (gCode.getComment().matches(".*FILAMENT_DIAMETER\\s=.*")) { // SLICER
            // System.out.println("MATCHES:"+gCode.getComment());
            String[] res = gCode.getComment().split("=");
            return Float.parseFloat(res[1]);
          } else if (gCode.getComment().matches(".*FILAMENT_DIAMETER_.*")) { // SKEINFORGE
            // System.out.println("MATCHES:"+gCode.getComment());
            String[] res = gCode.getComment().split("[:<]");
            return Float.parseFloat(res[2]);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      // Comment parsing failed
    //	System.err.println("Failed to parse GCODE comments for filament diameter. Fallback to
    // guessing.");
    // Fallback ... no comments found
    isguessed = true;
    // Tried many formulars but there is no good way to guess the diameter (too many unknowns)
    float exRadius = getAvgLayerHeight() / 2;
    float WOT = 2.1f; // Assume a wide over thickness value of ~2.1 (heavily depends on nozzel size)
    double extrArea = exRadius * (exRadius * WOT) * Math.PI; // Fläche extruded mm2
    double menge = extrArea * getDistance();
    double sizeArea = menge / getExtrusion();
    double guessedDia = Math.sqrt(sizeArea / Math.PI) * 2;
    //	System.out.println("Extr menge mm3:"+menge/1000+" Estimate dia:"+guessedDia);

    // Either take 1.75 or 3mm
    if (guessedDia > 2.45f) {
      return 3;
    } else if (guessedDia < 2.05f) {
      return 1.75f;
    // use 3
        "Unable to detect diameter - Fallback to 3mm.\nPlease set environment variable FILAMENT_DIAMETER");
    return 3;
Ejemplo n.º 4
   * Main method to walk through the GCODES and analyze them.
   * @return
  public void analyze() {
    Layer currLayer = startLayer(0, null);
    Layer lastprinted = currLayer;
    // Current Positions & Speed
    float xpos = 0;
    Position currpos = new Position(0, 0);
    float lastxpos = 0;
    float lastypos = 0;
    float lastzpos = 0;
    boolean pos_changed = false;
    float ypos = 0;
    float zpos = 0;
    float epos = 0;
    float f_old = 1000;
    float f_new = f_old;
    float bedtemp = 0, extemp = 0;
    boolean m101 = false; // BFB style extrusion
    float m108 = 0; // Bfb style extr.

    GCodeStore gcarr = getGcodes();
    int gcnum = gcarr.size();
    for (int ig = 0; ig < gcnum; ig++) {
      GCode gc = gcarr.get(ig);
      lastxpos = xpos;
      lastypos = ypos;
      lastzpos = zpos;

      // Update Speed if specified
      // TODO Clarify if default speed is the last used speed or not
      if (gc.isInitialized(Constants.F_MASK)) {
        if (!gc.isInitialized(Constants.X_MASK)
                && !gc.isInitialized(Constants.Y_MASK)
                && !gc.isInitialized(Constants.Z_MASK)
            || !ACCELERATION) {
          f_old = gc.getF(); // no movement no acceleration
          f_new = gc.getF(); // faccel is the same
        } else {
          f_new = gc.getF(); // acceleration

      if (gc.getGcode() == Constants.GCDEF.G1
          || gc.getGcode() == Constants.GCDEF.G0
          || gc.getGcode() == Constants.GCDEF.G2
          || gc.getGcode() == Constants.GCDEF.G3) {
        if (currLayer.highidx - currLayer.lowidx
            < 5) { // only set layer temp, if not already printed too much
        // Detect Layer change and create new layers.
        if (gc.isInitialized(Constants.Z_MASK) && gc.getZ() != currLayer.getZPosition()) {
          // endLayer(currLayer);	//finish old layer
          if (currLayer.isPrinted()) {
            lastprinted = currLayer;
          } else if (lastprinted != currLayer) {
            // Assume zlift
            // Append non printed layers to last printed one
            // Z-lift would otherwise cause thousands of layers
            //						for (GCode gco : currLayer.getGcodes()) {
            //							lastprinted.addGcodes(gco,ig);
            //						}
            lastprinted.highidx = ig; // set high index to new index
            // Minor problem is that the beginning of a new layer is sometimes without extrusion
            // before the first z-lift
            // this leads to assigning this to the previous printed layer.
          currLayer = startLayer(gc.getZ(), lastprinted); // Start new layer
        float move = 0;
        // Move G1 - X/Y at the same time
        if (gc.getGcode() == Constants.GCDEF.G2 || gc.getGcode() == Constants.GCDEF.G3) {
          // center I&J relative to x&y
          float cx = (xpos + gc.getIx());
          float cy = (ypos + gc.getJy());
          float newxpos = gc.isInitialized(Constants.X_MASK) ? gc.getX() : xpos;
          float newypos = gc.isInitialized(Constants.Y_MASK) ? gc.getY() : ypos;
          // triangle
          float bx = (newxpos - cx);
          float by = (newypos - cy);
          float ax = (xpos - cx);
          float ay = (ypos - cy);
          // Java drawarc is based on a bonding box
          // Left upper edge of the bounding box
          float xmove = Math.abs(cx - xpos);
          float ymove = Math.abs(cy - ypos);
          // assume a circle (no oval)
          float radius = ((float) Math.sqrt((xmove * xmove) + (ymove * ymove)));
          double angle1, angle2;
          // Calculate right angle
          if (gc.getGcode() == Constants.GCDEF.G2) {
            angle1 = Math.atan2(by, bx) * (180 / Math.PI);
            angle2 = Math.atan2(ay, ax) * (180 / Math.PI);
          } else {
            angle2 = Math.atan2(by, bx) * (180 / Math.PI);
            angle1 = Math.atan2(ay, ax) * (180 / Math.PI);
          double angle = (int) (angle2 - angle1);

          xpos = newxpos;
          ypos = newypos;
          // Bogenlaenge
          move = (float) (Math.PI * radius * angle / 180);
        } else if (gc.isInitialized(Constants.X_MASK) && gc.isInitialized(Constants.Y_MASK)) {
          float xmove = Math.abs(xpos - gc.getX());
          float ymove = Math.abs(ypos - gc.getY());
          xpos = gc.getX();
          ypos = gc.getY();
          move = (float) Math.sqrt((xmove * xmove) + (ymove * ymove));
        } else if (gc.isInitialized(Constants.X_MASK)) {
          move = Math.abs(xpos - gc.getX());
          xpos = gc.getX();
        } else if (gc.isInitialized(Constants.Y_MASK)) {
          move = Math.abs(ypos - gc.getY());
          ypos = gc.getY();
        } else if (gc.isInitialized(Constants.E_MASK)) {
          // Only E means we need to measure the time
          move = Math.abs(epos - gc.getE());
        } else if (gc.isInitialized(Constants.Z_MASK)) {
          // Only Z means we need to measure the time
          // TODO if Z + others move together, Z might take longest. Need to add time
          move = Math.abs(zpos - gc.getZ());
        // update Z pos when Z changed
        if (gc.isInitialized(Constants.Z_MASK)) {
          zpos = gc.getZ();
        // Update epos and extrusion, not add time because the actual move time is already added
        if (gc.isInitialized(Constants.E_MASK)) {
          if (relativepos) {
            epos = 0;
          } else {
            float oldepos = gc.getE();
            gc.setExtrusion(gc.getE() - epos);
            epos = oldepos;
        } else if (m101) {
          float extr = m108 / 60 * (move / (f_new / 60)); // only for direct drive extr. with r=5
          // gc.setInitialized(Constants.E_MASK, extr); //commented out to avoid E to be send to the
          // printer

        if (useAcceleration) {
          // Calculate time with a linear acceleration
          if (f_new >= f_old) {
            // Assume sprinter _MAX_START_SPEED_UNITS_PER_SECOND {40.0,40.0,....}
                    / (((Math.min(40 * 60, f_old) + f_new) / 2)
                        / 60)); // set time with linear acceleration
            // System.out.println("F"+f_old+"FA"+f_new+"time"+gc.getTime()+"ACCEL:
            // "+(Math.abs(40-f_new)/gc.getTimeAccel()));
          } else {
            gc.setTimeAccel(move / ((f_old + f_new) / 2 / 60)); // set time with linear acceleration
            // System.out.println("F"+f_old+"FA"+f_new+"  DEACCEL:
            // "+(Math.abs(f_old-f_new)/gc.getTimeAccel()));
        } else {
          // Calculate time without acceleration
          gc.setTimeAccel(move / (f_new / 60)); // Set time w/o acceleration
        f_old = f_new; // acceleration done. assign new speed

        // Calculate print size
        // if(gc.isInitialized(Constants.E_MASK) && gc.getE() > 0) {
        if ((gc.isExtruding() && gc.getDistance() != 0) || m101) {
          if (pos_changed) { // make sure that the start position is used for the boundary
            // calculation
            currLayer.addPosition(lastxpos, lastypos, lastzpos);
          currLayer.addPosition(xpos, ypos, zpos);
          pos_changed = true;
      } else if (gc.getGcode() == Constants.GCDEF.G28
          || gc.getGcode() == Constants.GCDEF.G92) { // Initialize Axis
        if (gc.isInitialized(Constants.E_MASK)) epos = gc.getE();
        if (gc.isInitialized(Constants.X_MASK)) xpos = gc.getX();
        if (gc.isInitialized(Constants.Y_MASK)) ypos = gc.getY();
        if (gc.isInitialized(Constants.Z_MASK)) zpos = gc.getZ();
      } else if (gc.getGcode() == Constants.GCDEF.G91) {
        relativepos = true;
      } else if (gc.getGcode() == Constants.GCDEF.G90) {
        relativepos = false;
      } else if (gc.getGcode() == Constants.GCDEF.G20
          || gc.getGcode() == Constants.GCDEF.G21) { // Assume that unit is only set once
      } else if (gc.getGcode() == Constants.GCDEF.M101) { // bfb style gcode
        m101 = true;
      } else if (gc.getGcode() == Constants.GCDEF.M103) {
        m101 = false;
      } else if (gc.getGcode() == Constants.GCDEF.T0) {
        // extruders=Math.max(extruders, 1);
      } else if (gc.getGcode() == Constants.GCDEF.T1) {
        extruderCount = Math.max(extruderCount, 2);
      } else if (gc.getGcode() == Constants.GCDEF.T2) {
        extruderCount = Math.max(extruderCount, 3);
      } else if (gc.getGcode() == Constants.GCDEF.T3) {
        extruderCount = Math.max(extruderCount, 4);
      } else if (gc.getGcode() == Constants.GCDEF.T4) {
        extruderCount = Math.max(extruderCount, 5);
      } else if (gc.getGcode() == Constants.GCDEF.M218 || gc.getGcode() == Constants.GCDEF.G10) {
        float xoff = 0;
        float yoff = 0;
        if (gc.isInitialized(Constants.X_MASK)) xoff = gc.getX();
        if (gc.isInitialized(Constants.Y_MASK)) yoff = gc.getY();
        int toff = (int) gc.getR(); // T is stored in R field
        if (extruderOffset == null)
          extruderOffset = new Position[] {null, null, null, null, null}; // init for 5 extr.
        if (toff <= 4) {
          extruderOffset[toff] = new Position(xoff, yoff);
      } else if (gc.getGcode() == Constants.GCDEF.M108) {
        if (gc.isInitialized(Constants.E_MASK)) m108 = gc.getE();
      } else if (gc.isInitialized(Constants.SF_MASK)) { // update Fan if specified
        currLayer.setFanspeed((int) gc.getFanspeed());
      } else if (gc.isInitialized(Constants.SE_MASK)) { // update Temperature if specified
        extemp = gc.getExtemp();
      } else if (gc.isInitialized(Constants.SB_MASK)) { // Update Bed Temperature if specified
        bedtemp = gc.getBedtemp();

      currpos.updatePos(xpos, ypos); // reuse currposs obj, gcode just copies the floats
      // Add Gcode to Layer
      currLayer.addGcodes(gc, ig);
    // System.out.println("Summarize Layers");
    for (Layer closelayer : layer) {
      endLayer(closelayer); // finish old layer
    // End last layer
    // endLayer(currLayer);
