public static Result updateGift(String giftId) { if (!Utils.checkCredentials(request())) { return unauthorized(); } if (!Utils.checkJsonInput(request())) {"Bad request data for Invite Code " + request().body()); return generateBadRequest("Bad input json" + request().body()); }"Updating Gift Card. GiftId" + giftId); Gift gift; String giftStatus = ""; try { gift = GiftDAO.getInstance().findGiftById(giftId); JsonNode jsonReq = request().body().asJson(); giftStatus = jsonReq.get("giftStatus").asText(); gift.setGiftStatus(Gift.GiftStatus.valueOf(giftStatus)); GiftDAO.getInstance().updateGift(gift);"Gift Card Updated. GiftId" + giftId); } catch (Exception e) {"Gift Card Update Failed. GiftId" + giftId); return generateBadRequest("Invalid Gift Status. Details:" + e); } // send email to merchant who has challenge with this gift card. try { if (giftStatus.equals("FUNDED")) { EmailService.sendMail(giftId); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error("Failed to send Email. GiftId" + giftId); } return ok(gift.toJson()); }
public static Result getGift(String giftId) { if (!Utils.checkCredentials(request())) { return unauthorized(); } try { Gift gift = GiftDAO.getInstance().findGiftById(giftId); return ok(gift.toJson()); } catch (Exception e) { return generateInternalServer(e.getMessage()); } }
public static Result getGiftImage(String giftId) { if (!Utils.checkCredentials(request())) { return unauthorized(); } try { Gift gift = GiftDAO.getInstance().findGiftById(giftId); String merchantURL = MerchantDAO.getInstance().getMerchantURLLogo(gift.getMerchantId()); return ok(merchantURL); } catch (Exception e) { return generateBadRequest("Invalid giftID"); } }
public static Result addGiftCard() { if (!Utils.checkCredentials(request())) { return unauthorized(); } if (!Utils.checkJsonInput(request())) {"Add Gift Card : Bad request data for watch request " + request().body()); return generateBadRequest("Bad input json"); }"Adding Gift Card"); JsonNode jsonReq = request().body().asJson(); Gift gift = new Gift(); gift.setGiftName(jsonReq.get("giftName").asText()); gift.setAmount(jsonReq.get("amount").asDouble()); gift.setDescription(jsonReq.get("description").asText()); gift.setMaxGifts(jsonReq.get("maxGift").asInt()); // gift.setGiftLogoUrl(jsonReq.get("giftUrl").asText()); gift.setGiftStatus(GiftStatus.ADDED); gift.setGivenGiftCount(0); String merchantId = ""; try { merchantId = Utils.safeStringFromJson(jsonReq, "merchantId"); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(merchantId)) { MerchantDAO.getInstance().findMerchantById(merchantId); gift.setMerchantId(merchantId); gift.setGiftLogoUrl(MerchantDAO.getInstance().getMerchantURLLogo(gift.getMerchantId())); } } catch (Exception e) { return generateBadRequest("Invalid merchant Id"); } String giftId = GiftDAO.getInstance().insertGift(gift); try { gift = GiftDAO.getInstance().findGiftById(giftId);"Gift Card Added. GiftId" + giftId); return ok(gift.toJson()); } catch (Exception e) {"Gift Card Not Inserted Properly. Reason" + e.getMessage()); return generateInternalServer("gift not inserted properly"); } }
public static Result getUserGifts(String userId) { if (!Utils.checkCredentials(request())) { return unauthorized(); } try { User user = UserDAO.getInstance().findUserById(userId); ObjectNode result = Json.newObject(); ArrayNode resultArr = new ArrayNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance); for (UserGiftMap userGiftMap : user.getWonGifts()) resultArr.add(GiftDAO.getInstance().findGiftById(userGiftMap.getGiftId()).toJson()); result.put("gifts", resultArr); return ok(result); } catch (Exception e) { return generateInternalServer(e.getMessage()); } }
public static Result getAllGifts() { if (!Utils.checkCredentials(request())) { return unauthorized(); } try { List<Gift> gifts = GiftDAO.getInstance().getAllGifts(); ObjectNode result = Json.newObject(); ArrayNode resultArr = new ArrayNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance); for (Gift gift : gifts) { resultArr.add(gift.toJson()); } result.put("gifts", resultArr); return ok(result); } catch (Exception e) { return generateInternalServer(e.getMessage()); } }