Ejemplo n.º 1
  public static WavFile newWavFile(
      File file, int numChannels, long numFrames, int validBits, long sampleRate)
      throws IOException, WavFileException {
    // Instantiate new Wavfile and initialise
    final WavFile wavFile = new WavFile();
    wavFile.file = file;
    wavFile.numChannels = numChannels;
    wavFile.numFrames = numFrames;
    wavFile.sampleRate = sampleRate;
    wavFile.bytesPerSample = (validBits + 7) / 8;
    wavFile.blockAlign = wavFile.bytesPerSample * numChannels;
    wavFile.validBits = validBits;

    // Sanity check arguments
    if ((numChannels < 1) || (numChannels > 65535)) {
      throw new WavFileException("Illegal number of channels, valid range 1 to 65536");
    if (numFrames < 0) {
      throw new WavFileException("Number of frames must be positive");
    if ((validBits < 2) || (validBits > 65535)) {
      throw new WavFileException("Illegal number of valid bits, valid range 2 to 65536");
    if (sampleRate < 0) {
      throw new WavFileException("Sample rate must be positive");

    // Create output stream for writing data
    wavFile.oStream = new FileOutputStream(file);

    // Calculate the chunk sizes
    final long dataChunkSize = wavFile.blockAlign * numFrames;
    long mainChunkSize =
            + // Riff Type
            + // Format ID and size
            + // Format data
            + // Data ID and size

    // Chunks must be word aligned, so if odd number of audio data bytes
    // adjust the main chunk size
    if ((dataChunkSize % 2) == 1) {
      mainChunkSize += 1;
      wavFile.wordAlignAdjust = true;
    } else {
      wavFile.wordAlignAdjust = false;

    // Set the main chunk size
    putLE(RIFF_CHUNK_ID, wavFile.buffer, 0, 4);
    putLE(mainChunkSize, wavFile.buffer, 4, 4);
    putLE(RIFF_TYPE_ID, wavFile.buffer, 8, 4);

    // Write out the header
    wavFile.oStream.write(wavFile.buffer, 0, 12);

    // Put format data in buffer
    final long averageBytesPerSecond = sampleRate * wavFile.blockAlign;

    putLE(FMT_CHUNK_ID, wavFile.buffer, 0, 4); // Chunk ID
    putLE(16, wavFile.buffer, 4, 4); // Chunk Data Size
    putLE(1, wavFile.buffer, 8, 2); // Compression Code (Uncompressed)
    putLE(numChannels, wavFile.buffer, 10, 2); // Number of channels
    putLE(sampleRate, wavFile.buffer, 12, 4); // Sample Rate
    putLE(averageBytesPerSecond, wavFile.buffer, 16, 4); // Average Bytes Per Second
    putLE(wavFile.blockAlign, wavFile.buffer, 20, 2); // Block Align
    putLE(validBits, wavFile.buffer, 22, 2); // Valid Bits

    // Write Format Chunk
    wavFile.oStream.write(wavFile.buffer, 0, 24);

    // Start Data Chunk
    putLE(DATA_CHUNK_ID, wavFile.buffer, 0, 4); // Chunk ID
    putLE(dataChunkSize, wavFile.buffer, 4, 4); // Chunk Data Size

    // Write Format Chunk
    wavFile.oStream.write(wavFile.buffer, 0, 8);

    // Calculate the scaling factor for converting to a normalised double
    if (wavFile.validBits > 8) {
      // If more than 8 validBits, data is signed
      // Conversion required multiplying by magnitude of max positive value
      wavFile.floatOffset = 0;
      wavFile.floatScale = Long.MAX_VALUE >> (64 - wavFile.validBits);
    } else {
      // Else if 8 or less validBits, data is unsigned
      // Conversion required dividing by max positive value
      wavFile.floatOffset = 1;
      wavFile.floatScale = 0.5 * ((1 << wavFile.validBits) - 1);

    // Finally, set the IO State
    wavFile.bufferPointer = 0;
    wavFile.bytesRead = 0;
    wavFile.frameCounter = 0;
    wavFile.ioState = IOState.WRITING;

    return wavFile;