Ejemplo n.º 1
 public void run() {
   if (som == null || ((som.getLabels() == null || som.voronoiSet == null) && artterms == null))
   // check if termvector information is available -> if not: crawl
   if (artterms == null) {
     //			System.out.println("do the crawl...");
     // artists are contained in labels (-> collect)
     Set<String> artistset = new HashSet<String>();
     for (int i = 0; i < som.getNumberOfColumns(); i++) { // for each column in codebook
       for (int j = 0; j < som.getNumberOfRows(); j++) { // for each row in codebook
         Vector temp = (Vector) som.voronoiSet.elementAt(i * som.getNumberOfRows() + j);
         // read all labels in Voronoi-Set of current map unit
         for (int k = 0; k < temp.size(); k++) {
           Integer labelIndex = (Integer) temp.elementAt(k);
     String[] artists = artistset.toArray(new String[artistset.size()]);
     wtet = new WebTermExtractionThread(artists, queryconstraint);
     wtet.start(); // -> threadEnded
   } else {
     System.out.println("data already present.");