Ejemplo n.º 1
  static SetCalendarItemData getSetCalendarItemData(
      ZimbraSoapContext zsc,
      OperationContext octxt,
      Account acct,
      Mailbox mbox,
      Element e,
      ParseMimeMessage.InviteParser parser)
      throws ServiceException {
    String partStatStr =
        e.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_CAL_PARTSTAT, IcalXmlStrMap.PARTSTAT_NEEDS_ACTION);

    // <M>
    Element msgElem = e.getElement(MailConstants.E_MSG);

    // check to see whether the entire message has been uploaded under separate cover
    String attachmentId = msgElem.getAttribute(MailConstants.A_ATTACHMENT_ID, null);
    Element contentElement = msgElem.getOptionalElement(MailConstants.E_CONTENT);

    InviteParserResult ipr = null;

    MimeMessage mm = null;
    if (attachmentId != null) {
      ParseMimeMessage.MimeMessageData mimeData = new ParseMimeMessage.MimeMessageData();
      mm = SendMsg.parseUploadedMessage(zsc, attachmentId, mimeData);
    } else if (contentElement != null) {
      mm = ParseMimeMessage.importMsgSoap(msgElem);
    } else {
      CalSendData dat = handleMsgElement(zsc, octxt, msgElem, acct, mbox, parser);
      mm = dat.mMm;
      ipr = parser.getResult();

    if (ipr == null && msgElem.getOptionalElement(MailConstants.E_INVITE) != null) {
      ipr = parser.parse(zsc, octxt, mbox.getAccount(), msgElem.getElement(MailConstants.E_INVITE));
      // Get description texts out of the MimeMessage and set in the parsed invite.  Do it only if
      // the MimeMessage has text parts.  This prevents discarding texts when they're specified only
      // in the <inv> but not in mime parts.
      if (ipr != null && ipr.mInvite != null && mm != null) {
        String desc = Invite.getDescription(mm, MimeConstants.CT_TEXT_PLAIN);
        String descHtml = Invite.getDescription(mm, MimeConstants.CT_TEXT_HTML);
        if ((desc != null && desc.length() > 0) || (descHtml != null && descHtml.length() > 0))
          ipr.mInvite.setDescription(desc, descHtml);

    ParsedMessage pm = new ParsedMessage(mm, mbox.attachmentsIndexingEnabled());

    Invite inv = (ipr == null ? null : ipr.mInvite);
    if (inv == null || inv.getDTStamp() == -1) { // zdsync if -1 for 4.5 back compat
      CalendarPartInfo cpi = pm.getCalendarPartInfo();
      ZVCalendar cal = null;
      if (cpi != null && CalendarItem.isAcceptableInvite(mbox.getAccount(), cpi)) cal = cpi.cal;
      if (cal == null)
        throw ServiceException.FAILURE("SetCalendarItem could not build an iCalendar object", null);
      boolean sentByMe = false; // not applicable in the SetCalendarItem case
      Invite iCalInv = Invite.createFromCalendar(acct, pm.getFragment(), cal, sentByMe).get(0);

      if (inv == null) {
        inv = iCalInv;
      } else {
        inv.setDtStamp(iCalInv.getDTStamp()); // zdsync
        inv.setFragment(iCalInv.getFragment()); // zdsync

    SetCalendarItemData sadata = new SetCalendarItemData();
    sadata.invite = inv;
    sadata.message = pm;
    return sadata;