@Override public void execute(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FtpSessionHandler fs, String param) { Logger logger = fs.getLogger(); String message = fs.getFtpMessage("214_Command_Recognized"); message += "\r\n"; try { message += Utility.getAllSupportingCommand(); if (!message.endsWith("\r\n")) message += "\r\n"; message += fs.getFtpMessage("214_Ok"); Utility.sendMessageToClient(ctx.channel(), logger, fs.getClientIp(), message); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { Utility.sendMessageToClient(ctx.channel(), logger, fs.getClientIp(), e.getMessage()); } }
/** * It perform both security test and file existence test;<br> * if one of these tests fail, it will return error message. */ @Override public void execute(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FtpSessionHandler fs, String inPath) { Logger logger = fs.getLogger(); FtpServerConfig serverConfig = fs.getServerConfig(); FileManager fm = serverConfig.getFileManager(); logger.debug("param=" + inPath + "|"); try { fm.deleteFile(fs, inPath); Utility.sendMessageToClient( ctx.channel(), logger, fs.getClientIp(), fs.getFtpMessage("250_Delete_Ok")); } catch (IOException | AccessDeniedException | NotAFileException err) { Utility.sendMessageToClient(ctx.channel(), logger, fs.getClientIp(), err.getMessage()); } catch (PathNotFoundException | InvalidPathException err) { Utility.sendMessageToClient( ctx.channel(), logger, fs.getClientIp(), fs.getFtpMessage("550_File_Delete_Failure") + ":" + err.getMessage()); } }
public void execute(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FtpSessionHandler fs, String param) { Utility.sendMessageToClient( ctx.channel(), fs.getLogger(), fs.getClientIp(), fs.getFtpMessage("200_Opt_Response")); }