Ejemplo n.º 1
   * Parses a field type definition
   * @param docField
   * @return
  protected static Field ParseField(FieldDoc docField) {
    assert (docField != null);

    Field xmlField = new Field();

    xmlField.name = docField.name();
    xmlField.comment = docField.commentText();
    xmlField.type = ParseType(docField.type());
    xmlField.isFinal = docField.isFinal();
    if (xmlField.isFinal) {
      xmlField.finalExpression = docField.constantValueExpression();
    } else if (docField.constantValueExpression() != null) {
      // how would a non-final field have a constant value expression?
      // my understanding is that this field is only != null when is not final
      assert (false);
    xmlField.isStatic = docField.isStatic();
    xmlField.isVolatile = docField.isVolatile();
    xmlField.isTransient = docField.isTransient();
    xmlField.scope = DetermineScope(docField);

    // parse annotations from the field
    xmlField.annotationInstances =
        ParseAnnotationInstances(docField.annotations(), docField.qualifiedName());

    return xmlField;
Ejemplo n.º 2
   * Parses an enum type definition
   * @param docField
   * @return
  protected static EnumField ParseEnumField(FieldDoc docField) {
    assert (docField != null);

    EnumField xmlEnumField = new EnumField();

    xmlEnumField.name = docField.name();
    xmlEnumField.comment = docField.commentText();

    return xmlEnumField;
  * Build the field sub header.
  * @param node the XML element that specifies which components to document
  * @param fieldsContentTree content tree to which the documentation will be added
 public void buildFieldSubHeader(XMLNode node, Content fieldsContentTree) {
   if (!currentClass.definesSerializableFields()) {
     FieldDoc field = (FieldDoc) currentMember;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 /** Print the class's attributes fd */
 private void attributes(Options opt, FieldDoc fd[]) {
   for (FieldDoc f : fd) {
     if (hidden(f)) continue;
     String att = "";
     stereotype(opt, f, Align.LEFT);
     att = visibility(opt, f) + f.name();
     if (opt.showType) att += typeAnnotation(opt, f.type());
     tableLine(Align.LEFT, att);
     tagvalue(opt, f);
  * Build the field information.
  * @param node the XML element that specifies which components to document
  * @param fieldsContentTree content tree to which the documentation will be added
 public void buildFieldInfo(XMLNode node, Content fieldsContentTree) {
   if (configuration.nocomment) {
   FieldDoc field = (FieldDoc) currentMember;
   ClassDoc cd = field.containingClass();
   // Process default Serializable field.
   if ((field.tags("serial").length == 0) && !field.isSynthetic() && configuration.serialwarn) {
         field.position(), "doclet.MissingSerialTag", cd.qualifiedName(), field.name());
   fieldWriter.addMemberDescription(field, fieldsContentTree);
   fieldWriter.addMemberTags(field, fieldsContentTree);
Ejemplo n.º 6
   * Writes out the JML specs about the field.
   * @param field the field to describe
  public void writeJmlSpecs(@NonNull FieldDoc field) {
    Context context = org.jmlspecs.openjml.jmldoc.Main.jmlContext;
    Name newFieldName = Names.instance(context).fromString(field.name());
    VarSymbol newField = (VarSymbol) currentClassSym.members().lookup(newFieldName).sym;
    // System.out.println("Sym " + newField + " for " + newFieldName + " in " + currentClassSym);
    if (newField == null) return; // Inherited Java fxields?

    JmlSpecs.FieldSpecs fspecs = JmlSpecs.instance(context).getSpecs(newField);
    // FIXME - if the only specs are represent clauses, this won't print them
    String s = Utils.jmlAnnotations(newField);
    if (fspecs != null
        && (!fspecs.list.isEmpty()
            || s.length() != 0)) { // FIXME - what if there are JML annotations but no clauses
      strong("JML Specifications: ");
      for (JmlTree.JmlTypeClause clause : fspecs.list) {
        writer.print("    ");
      if (isModel) {
        TypeSpecs tspecs = JmlSpecs.instance(context).get(currentClassSym);
        for (JmlTypeClause t : tspecs.clauses) {
          if (!(t instanceof JmlTypeClauseRepresents)) continue;
          JmlTypeClauseRepresents tr = (JmlTypeClauseRepresents) t;
          if (!(tr.ident instanceof JCTree.JCIdent)) continue;
          Name n = ((JCTree.JCIdent) (tr.ident)).name;
          if (n == newFieldName) {
            writer.print("    ");
            writer.print(JmlPretty.write(t, false));

Ejemplo n.º 7
   * Parses annotation instances from the javadoc annotation instance type
   * @param annotationDocs Annotations decorated on some type
   * @return Serializable representation of annotations
  protected static AnnotationInstance[] ParseAnnotationInstances(
      AnnotationDesc[] annotationDocs, String origin) {
    AnnotationInstance[] annotations = null;

    if (annotationDocs != null && annotationDocs.length > 0) {
      ArrayList<AnnotationInstance> list = new ArrayList<AnnotationInstance>();

      for (AnnotationDesc annot : annotationDocs) {
        AnnotationInstance instance = new AnnotationInstance();

        AnnotationTypeDoc annotTypeInfo = null;
        try {
          annotTypeInfo = annot.annotationType();
          instance.name = annot.annotationType().name();
          instance.qualifiedName = annot.annotationType().qualifiedTypeName();

        } catch (ClassCastException castException) {
          log.error("Unable to obtain type data about an annotation found on: " + origin);
          log.error("Add to the -cp parameter the class/jar that defines this annotation.");
          instance.name = null;
          instance.qualifiedName = null;

        AnnotationDesc.ElementValuePair[] arguments = annot.elementValues();
        if (arguments != null && arguments.length > 0) {
          ArrayList<AnnotationArgument> argumentList = new ArrayList<AnnotationArgument>();

          for (AnnotationDesc.ElementValuePair pair : arguments) {
            AnnotationArgument annotationArgument = new AnnotationArgument();
            annotationArgument.name = pair.element().name();

            Type annotationArgumentType = pair.element().returnType();
            annotationArgument.type = annotationArgumentType.qualifiedTypeName();
            annotationArgument.isPrimitive = annotationArgumentType.isPrimitive();
            annotationArgument.isArray = annotationArgumentType.dimension().length() > 0;

            Object objValue = pair.value().value();
            if (objValue instanceof AnnotationValue[]) {
              AnnotationValue[] realValues = (AnnotationValue[]) objValue;
              String[] values = new String[realValues.length];

              for (int i = 0; i < realValues.length; i++) {
                values[i] = realValues[i].value().toString();
              annotationArgument.value = values;
            } else if (objValue instanceof Number) {
              Number number = (Number) objValue;
              annotationArgument.value = new String[] {number.toString()};
            } else if (objValue instanceof Character) {
              Character character = (Character) objValue;
              annotationArgument.value = new String[] {character.toString()};
            } else if (objValue instanceof Boolean) {
              Boolean booleanValue = (Boolean) objValue;
              annotationArgument.value = new String[] {booleanValue.toString()};
            } else if (objValue instanceof String) {
              String stringValue = (String) objValue;
              annotationArgument.value = new String[] {stringValue};
            } else if (objValue instanceof FieldDoc) {
              FieldDoc field = (FieldDoc) objValue;
              annotationArgument.value = new String[] {field.name()};
            } else if (objValue instanceof ClassDoc) {
              ClassDoc classDoc = (ClassDoc) objValue;
              annotationArgument.value = new String[] {classDoc.qualifiedTypeName()};

          instance.arguments = argumentList.toArray(new AnnotationArgument[] {});


      annotations = list.toArray(new AnnotationInstance[] {});

    return annotations;
Ejemplo n.º 8
   * This method only handles static final fields.
  protected String addStaticStructMember(FieldDoc field, String cname)
      throws ClassNotFoundException {
    String res = null;
    Object exp = null;

    if (!field.isStatic()) return res;
    if (!field.isFinal()) return res;

    exp = field.constantValue();

    if (exp != null) {
      /* Constant. */

      String cn = cname + "_" + field.name();
      String suffix = null;
      long val = 0;
      /* Can only handle int, long, float, and double fields. */
      if (exp instanceof Integer) {
        suffix = "L";
        val = ((Integer) exp).intValue();
      if (exp instanceof Long) {
        // Visual C++ supports the i64 suffix, not LL
        suffix = isWindows ? "i64" : "LL";
        val = ((Long) exp).longValue();
      if (exp instanceof Float) suffix = "f";
      if (exp instanceof Double) suffix = "";
      if (suffix != null) {
        // Some compilers will generate a spurious warning
        // for the integer constants for Integer.MIN_VALUE
        // and Long.MIN_VALUE so we handle them specially.
        if ((suffix.equals("L") && (val == Integer.MIN_VALUE))
            || (suffix.equals("LL") && (val == Long.MIN_VALUE))) {
          res =
              "    #undef  "
                  + cn
                  + lineSep
                  + "    #define "
                  + cn
                  + " ("
                  + (val + 1)
                  + suffix
                  + "-1)"
                  + lineSep;
        } else {
          res =
              "    #undef  "
                  + cn
                  + lineSep
                  + "    #define "
                  + cn
                  + " "
                  + exp.toString()
                  + suffix
                  + lineSep;
    return res;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public DocReferenceable getFieldDocRef(FieldDoc fieldDoc) {
   return new UnknownApiRef(fieldDoc.name());
Ejemplo n.º 10
   * Prints the class if needed.
   * <p>A class is a rootClass if it's included among the classes returned by RootDoc.classes(),
   * this information is used to properly compute relative links in diagrams for UMLDoc
  public String printClass(ClassDoc c, boolean rootClass) {
    ClassInfo ci;
    boolean toPrint;
    Options opt = optionProvider.getOptionsFor(c);

    String className = c.toString();
    if ((ci = getClassInfo(className)) != null) toPrint = !ci.nodePrinted;
    else {
      toPrint = true;
      ci = newClassInfo(className, true, hidden(c));
    if (toPrint && !hidden(c) && (!c.isEnum() || opt.showEnumerations)) {
      // Associate classname's alias
      String r = className;
      w.println("\t// " + r);
      // Create label
      w.print("\t" + ci.name + " [label=");

      boolean showMembers =
          (opt.showAttributes && c.fields().length > 0)
              || (c.isEnum() && opt.showEnumConstants && c.enumConstants().length > 0)
              || (opt.showOperations && c.methods().length > 0)
              || (opt.showConstructors && c.constructors().length > 0);

      externalTableStart(opt, c.qualifiedName(), classToUrl(c, rootClass));

      // Calculate the number of innerTable rows we will emmit
      int nRows = 1;
      if (showMembers) {
        if (opt.showAttributes) nRows++;
        else if (!c.isEnum() && (opt.showConstructors || opt.showOperations)) nRows++;
        if (c.isEnum() && opt.showEnumConstants) nRows++;
        if (!c.isEnum() && (opt.showConstructors || opt.showOperations)) nRows++;

      firstInnerTableStart(opt, nRows);
      if (c.isInterface()) tableLine(Align.CENTER, guilWrap(opt, "interface"));
      if (c.isEnum()) tableLine(Align.CENTER, guilWrap(opt, "enumeration"));
      stereotype(opt, c, Align.CENTER);
      Font font = c.isAbstract() && !c.isInterface() ? Font.CLASS_ABSTRACT : Font.CLASS;
      String qualifiedName = qualifiedName(opt, r);
      int startTemplate = qualifiedName.indexOf('<');
      int idx = 0;
      if (startTemplate < 0) idx = qualifiedName.lastIndexOf('.');
      else idx = qualifiedName.lastIndexOf('.', startTemplate);
      if (opt.showComment)
        tableLine(Align.LEFT, htmlNewline(escape(c.commentText())), opt, Font.CLASS);
      else if (opt.postfixPackage && idx > 0 && idx < (qualifiedName.length() - 1)) {
        String packageName = qualifiedName.substring(0, idx);
        String cn = className.substring(idx + 1);
        tableLine(Align.CENTER, escape(cn), opt, font);
        tableLine(Align.CENTER, packageName, opt, Font.PACKAGE);
      } else {
        tableLine(Align.CENTER, escape(qualifiedName), opt, font);
      tagvalue(opt, c);
      firstInnerTableEnd(opt, nRows);

       * Warning: The boolean expressions guarding innerTableStart()
       * in this block, should match those in the code block above
       * marked: "Calculate the number of innerTable rows we will emmit"
      if (showMembers) {
        if (opt.showAttributes) {
          FieldDoc[] fields = c.fields();
          // if there are no fields, print an empty line to generate proper HTML
          if (fields.length == 0) tableLine(Align.LEFT, "");
          else attributes(opt, c.fields());
        } else if (!c.isEnum() && (opt.showConstructors || opt.showOperations)) {
          // show an emtpy box if we don't show attributes but
          // we show operations
          tableLine(Align.LEFT, "");
        if (c.isEnum() && opt.showEnumConstants) {
          FieldDoc[] ecs = c.enumConstants();
          // if there are no constants, print an empty line to generate proper HTML
          if (ecs.length == 0) {
            tableLine(Align.LEFT, "");
          } else {
            for (FieldDoc fd : c.enumConstants()) {
              tableLine(Align.LEFT, fd.name());
        if (!c.isEnum() && (opt.showConstructors || opt.showOperations)) {
          boolean printedLines = false;
          if (opt.showConstructors) printedLines |= operations(opt, c.constructors());
          if (opt.showOperations) printedLines |= operations(opt, c.methods());

          if (!printedLines)
            // if there are no operations nor constructors,
            // print an empty line to generate proper HTML
            tableLine(Align.LEFT, "");

      w.print(", URL=\"" + classToUrl(c, rootClass) + "\"");

      // If needed, add a note for this node
      int ni = 0;
      for (Tag t : c.tags("note")) {
        String noteName = "n" + ni + "c" + ci.name;
        w.print("\t// Note annotation\n");
        w.print("\t" + noteName + " [label=");
            UmlGraph.getCommentOptions(), c.qualifiedName(), classToUrl(c, rootClass));
            Align.LEFT, htmlNewline(escape(t.text())), UmlGraph.getCommentOptions(), Font.CLASS);
        w.print("\t" + noteName + " -> " + relationNode(c) + "[arrowhead=none];\n");
      ci.nodePrinted = true;
    return ci.name;