private static void assertUnorderedResult(ResultSet rs, String expectedResult) throws Exception {
   assertEquals(expectedResult, TestUtils.FormattedResult.ResultFactory.toString(rs));
  public void createTableWithViewJoins() throws Exception {
    // DB-4170: create table with data didn't work with more than one join (the view defn is
    // executed)
    String nameTable = "names";
    String nameTableRef = spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName + "." + nameTable;
    String nameTableDef = "(id int, fname varchar(10), lname varchar(10))";
    new TableDAO(methodWatcher.getOrCreateConnection())
        .drop(spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, nameTable);

    new TableCreator(methodWatcher.getOrCreateConnection())
        .withCreate(format("create table %s %s", nameTableRef, nameTableDef))
        .withInsert(format("insert into %s values (?,?,?)", nameTableRef))
                row(20, "Joe", "Blow"),
                row(70, "Fred", "Ziffle"),
                row(60, "Floyd", "Jones"),
                row(40, "Janice", "Jones")))

    String empTable = "emptab";
    String empTableRef = spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName + "." + empTable;
    String empTableDef = "(empnum int, dept int, salary int)";
    new TableDAO(methodWatcher.getOrCreateConnection())
        .drop(spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, empTable);

    new TableCreator(methodWatcher.getOrCreateConnection())
        .withCreate(format("create table %s %s", empTableRef, empTableDef))
        .withInsert(format("insert into %s values (?,?,?)", empTableRef))
        .withRows(rows(row(20, 1, 75000), row(70, 3, 76000), row(60, 2, 78000), row(40, 2, 52000)))

    String ssnTable = "ssn";
    String ssnTableRef = spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName + "." + ssnTable;
    String ssnTableDef = "(id int, ssn int)";
    new TableDAO(methodWatcher.getOrCreateConnection())
        .drop(spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, ssnTable);

    new TableCreator(methodWatcher.getOrCreateConnection())
        .withCreate(format("create table %s %s", ssnTableRef, ssnTableDef))
        .withInsert(format("insert into %s values (?,?)", ssnTableRef))
        .withRows(rows(row(20, 11199222), row(70, 33366777), row(60, 88844777), row(40, 22200555)))

    String viewName = "empsal";
    String viewRef = spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName + "." + viewName;
    String viewDef =
            "create view %s as select distinct "
                + "A.ID, A.LNAME, A.FNAME, "
                + "B.DEPT, B.SALARY, "
                + "C.SSN "
                + "FROM %s A "
                + "LEFT OUTER JOIN %s B ON A.ID = B.EMPNUM "
                + "LEFT OUTER JOIN %s C ON A.ID = C.ID ",
            viewRef, nameTableRef, empTableRef, ssnTableRef);


    String depsalTable = "depsal";
    String depsalTableRef = spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName + "." + depsalTable;
    String depsalTableDef =
            "create table %s as " + "select dept, salary, ssn from %s with data",
            depsalTableRef, viewRef);
    new TableDAO(methodWatcher.getOrCreateConnection())
        .drop(spliceSchemaWatcher.schemaName, depsalTable);

    String sqlText = format("select * from %s order by dept, salary", depsalTableRef);
    ResultSet rs = methodWatcher.executeQuery(sqlText);

    String expected =
        "DEPT |SALARY |   SSN   |\n"
            + "------------------------\n"
            + "  1  | 75000 |11199222 |\n"
            + "  2  | 52000 |22200555 |\n"
            + "  2  | 78000 |88844777 |\n"
            + "  3  | 76000 |33366777 |";
        "\n" + sqlText + "\n",