      aliases = {"/rotate"},
      usage = "<y-axis> [<x-axis>] [<z-axis>]",
      desc = "Rotate the contents of the clipboard",
      help =
          "Non-destructively rotate the contents of the clipboard.\n"
              + "Angles are provided in degrees and a positive angle will result in a clockwise rotation. "
              + "Multiple rotations can be stacked. Interpolation is not performed so angles should be a multiple of 90 degrees.\n")
  public void rotate(
      Player player,
      LocalSession session,
      Double yRotate,
      @Optional Double xRotate,
      @Optional Double zRotate)
      throws WorldEditException {
    if ((yRotate != null && Math.abs(yRotate % 90) > 0.001)
        || xRotate != null && Math.abs(xRotate % 90) > 0.001
        || zRotate != null && Math.abs(zRotate % 90) > 0.001) {
          "Note: Interpolation is not yet supported, so angles that are multiples of 90 is recommended.");

    ClipboardHolder holder = session.getClipboard();
    AffineTransform transform = new AffineTransform();
    transform = transform.rotateY(-(yRotate != null ? yRotate : 0));
    transform = transform.rotateX(-(xRotate != null ? xRotate : 0));
    transform = transform.rotateZ(-(zRotate != null ? zRotate : 0));
    player.print("The clipboard copy has been rotated.");