Ejemplo n.º 1
  public static void getLessonsDetails(Document doc, Schedule s) throws ParseException {

    final SimpleDateFormat fmt = new SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yyyy", Locale.ENGLISH);

    Elements tableCells = doc.getElementsByAttributeValue("class", "table diary");
    for (Element tableCell : tableCells) {

      int tdCount = 0;
      Date date = null;
      Lesson l, lPrev = null; // lPrev to handle duplicate lesson
      int sameLesson = 0; // Also to handle duplicate lesson

      Elements trs = tableCell.getElementsByTag("tr");
      for (Element tr : trs) {

        if (tr.hasAttr("class") && tr.attr("class").equals("table-header")) continue;

        l = null;
        sameLesson = 0; // assume no bug here
        Elements tds = tr.getElementsByTag("td");

        for (Element td : tds) {

          if (td.hasAttr("class") && td.attr("class").equals("date")) {

            date = fmt.parse(td.getElementsByTag("div").first().text());
            tdCount = 1;

          } else if (td.hasAttr("class") && td.attr("class").equals("diary-mark")) {

            String marks = fetchLongCellStringNoWhitespaces(td);
            if (l != null && marks != null) {

              if (sameLesson > 0 && lPrev != null) {

                l.setMarks(fixDuplicateString(marks, lPrev.getMarks(), sameLesson));
              } else l.setMarks(marks);

          } else if (td.hasAttr("class") && td.attr("class").equals("diary-comment")) {

            String comment = fetchLongCellStringNoWhitespaces(td);
            if (l != null && comment != null) {

              if (sameLesson > 0 && lPrev != null) {

                l.setComment(fixDuplicateString(comment, lPrev.getComment(), sameLesson));
              } else l.setComment(comment);


          } else if (tdCount == 2) {

            String theme = fetchLongCellStringNoWhitespaces(td);
            if (l != null && theme != null) {

              if (sameLesson > 0 && lPrev != null) {

                l.setTheme(fixDuplicateString(theme, lPrev.getTheme(), sameLesson));
              } else l.setTheme(theme);

          } else if (tdCount == 3) {

            String homework = fetchLongCellStringNoWhitespaces(td);
            if (l != null && homework != null) {

              if (sameLesson > 0 && lPrev != null) {

                l.setHomework(fixDuplicateString(homework, lPrev.getHomework(), sameLesson));
              } else l.setHomework(homework);

          } else if (SUBJECT_NAME.matcher(td.text()).find()) {

            tdCount = 2;
            int number = Integer.parseInt(td.text().substring(0, 1));
            l = s.getLessonByNumber(date, number);

            if (lPrev != null
                && l != null
                && l.getStart().equals(lPrev.getStart())
                && l.getNumber() == lPrev.getNumber()) {

              // We hit the same lesson bug

          } else {

        if (l != null) {
          lPrev = l;