Ejemplo n.º 1
   * Returns a file from which the specified resource can be loaded. This method will unpack the
   * resource into a temporary directory and return a reference to that file.
   * @param path the path to the resource in this jar file.
   * @return a file from which the resource can be loaded or null if no such resource exists.
  public File getResourceFile(String path) throws IOException {
    if (resolveJarFile()) {
      return null;

    // if we have been unpacked, return our unpacked file
    if (_cache != null) {
      File cfile = new File(_cache, path);
      if (cfile.exists()) {
        return cfile;
      } else {
        return null;

    // otherwise, we unpack resources as needed into a temp directory
    String tpath = StringUtil.md5hex(_source.getPath() + "%" + path);
    File tfile = new File(getCacheDir(), tpath);
    if (tfile.exists() && (tfile.lastModified() > _sourceLastMod)) {
      return tfile;

    JarEntry entry = _jarSource.getJarEntry(path);
    if (entry == null) {
      //             log.info("Couldn't locate path in jar", "path", path, "jar", _jarSource);
      return null;

    // copy the resource into the temporary file
    BufferedOutputStream fout = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tfile));
    InputStream jin = _jarSource.getInputStream(entry);
    StreamUtil.copy(jin, fout);

    return tfile;