 * For an instrument, this calculates the sensitivity of the present value (PV) to points on the
 * yield curve(s) (i.e. dPV/dR at every point the instrument has sensitivity). The return format is
 * a map with curve names (String) as keys and List of DoublesPair as the values; each list holds
 * set of time (corresponding to point of the yield curve) and sensitivity pairs (i.e. dPV/dR at
 * that time). <b>Note:</b> The length of the list is instrument dependent and may have repeated
 * times (with the understanding the sensitivities should be summed).
public class PresentValueCurveSensitivityCalculator
    extends AbstractInstrumentDerivativeVisitor<YieldCurveBundle, Map<String, List<DoublesPair>>> {
  // TODO: Change the output format from Map to InterestRateCurveSensitivity, which wraps the map
  // and adds common functionality.

  /** The method unique instance. */
  private static final PresentValueCurveSensitivityCalculator INSTANCE =
      new PresentValueCurveSensitivityCalculator();

   * Return the unique instance of the class.
   * @return The instance.
  public static PresentValueCurveSensitivityCalculator getInstance() {
    return INSTANCE;

  /** Constructor. */
  PresentValueCurveSensitivityCalculator() {}

  /** The method used for OIS coupons. */
  private static final CouponOISDiscountingMethod METHOD_OIS =

  private static final CouponIborDiscountingMethod METHOD_IBOR =
  private static final CouponIborGearingDiscountingMethod METHOD_IBOR_GEARING =
  private static final CashDiscountingMethod METHOD_DEPOSIT = CashDiscountingMethod.getInstance();
  private static final DepositZeroDiscountingMethod METHOD_DEPOSIT_ZERO =
  private static final BillSecurityDiscountingMethod METHOD_BILL_SECURITY =
  private static final BillTransactionDiscountingMethod METHOD_BILL_TRANSACTION =

  public Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> visit(
      final InstrumentDerivative instrument, final YieldCurveBundle curves) {
    return instrument.accept(this, curves);

  public Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> visitCash(final Cash cash, final YieldCurveBundle curves) {
    return METHOD_DEPOSIT.presentValueCurveSensitivity(cash, curves).getSensitivities();

  public Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> visitDepositZero(
      final DepositZero deposit, final YieldCurveBundle curves) {
    return METHOD_DEPOSIT_ZERO.presentValueCurveSensitivity(deposit, curves).getSensitivities();

  public Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> visitForwardRateAgreement(
      final ForwardRateAgreement fra, final YieldCurveBundle curves) {
    final ForwardRateAgreementDiscountingMethod method =
    return method.presentValueCurveSensitivity(fra, curves).getSensitivities();

  /** {@inheritDoc} Future transaction pricing without convexity adjustment. */
  public Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> visitInterestRateFuture(
      final InterestRateFuture future, final YieldCurveBundle curves) {
    final InterestRateFutureDiscountingMethod method =
    return method.presentValueCurveSensitivity(future, curves).getSensitivities();

  public Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> visitBondFixedSecurity(
      final BondFixedSecurity bond, final YieldCurveBundle curves) {
    final BondSecurityDiscountingMethod method = BondSecurityDiscountingMethod.getInstance();
    return method.presentValueCurveSensitivity(bond, curves).getSensitivities();

  public Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> visitBondFixedTransaction(
      final BondFixedTransaction bond, final YieldCurveBundle curves) {
    final BondTransactionDiscountingMethod method = BondTransactionDiscountingMethod.getInstance();
    return method.presentValueSensitivity(bond, curves).getSensitivities();

  public Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> visitBondIborTransaction(
      final BondIborTransaction bond, final YieldCurveBundle curves) {
    final BondTransactionDiscountingMethod method = BondTransactionDiscountingMethod.getInstance();
    return method.presentValueSensitivity(bond, curves).getSensitivities();

  public Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> visitBillSecurity(
      final BillSecurity bill, final YieldCurveBundle curves) {
    return METHOD_BILL_SECURITY.presentValueCurveSensitivity(bill, curves).getSensitivities();

  public Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> visitBillTransaction(
      final BillTransaction bill, final YieldCurveBundle curves) {
    return METHOD_BILL_TRANSACTION.presentValueCurveSensitivity(bill, curves).getSensitivities();

  public Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> visitBondFuture(
      final BondFuture bondFuture, final YieldCurveBundle curves) {
    final BondFutureDiscountingMethod method = BondFutureDiscountingMethod.getInstance();
    return method.presentValueCurveSensitivity(bondFuture, curves).getSensitivities();

  public Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> visitSwap(
      final Swap<?, ?> swap, final YieldCurveBundle curves) {
    final Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> senseR = visit(swap.getSecondLeg(), curves);
    final Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> senseP = visit(swap.getFirstLeg(), curves);
    return addSensitivity(senseR, senseP);

  public Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> visitFixedCouponSwap(
      final SwapFixedCoupon<?> swap, final YieldCurveBundle curves) {
    return visitSwap(swap, curves);

  public Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> visitTenorSwap(
      final TenorSwap<? extends Payment> swap, final YieldCurveBundle curves) {
    return visitSwap(swap, curves);

  public Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> visitFloatingRateNote(
      final FloatingRateNote frn, final YieldCurveBundle curves) {
    return visitSwap(frn, curves);

  public Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> visitCrossCurrencySwap(
      final CrossCurrencySwap ccs, final YieldCurveBundle curves) {
    final Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> senseD = visit(ccs.getDomesticLeg(), curves);
    final Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> senseF = visit(ccs.getForeignLeg(), curves);
    // Note the sensitivities subtract rather than add here because the CCS is set up as domestic
    // FRN minus a foreign FRN
    return addSensitivity(senseD, multiplySensitivity(senseF, -ccs.getSpotFX()));

  public Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> visitForexForward(
      final ForexForward fx, final YieldCurveBundle curves) {
    final Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> senseP1 = visit(fx.getPaymentCurrency1(), curves);
    final Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> senseP2 = visit(fx.getPaymentCurrency2(), curves);
    // Note the sensitivities add rather than subtract here because the FX Forward is set up as a
    // notional in one currency PLUS a notional in another  with the  opposite sign
    return InterestRateCurveSensitivityUtils.addSensitivity(
        senseP1, multiplySensitivity(senseP2, fx.getSpotForexRate()));

  public Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> visitGenericAnnuity(
      final Annuity<? extends Payment> annuity, final YieldCurveBundle data) {
    final Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> map = new HashMap<String, List<DoublesPair>>();
    for (final Payment p : annuity.getPayments()) {
      final Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> tempMap = visit(p, data);
      for (final String name : tempMap.keySet()) {
        if (!map.containsKey(name)) {
          map.put(name, tempMap.get(name));
        } else {
          final List<DoublesPair> tempList = map.get(name);
          map.put(name, tempList);
    return map;

  public Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> visitFixedPayment(
      final PaymentFixed payment, final YieldCurveBundle data) {
    final String curveName = payment.getFundingCurveName();
    final YieldAndDiscountCurve curve = data.getCurve(curveName);
    final double t = payment.getPaymentTime();

    final DoublesPair s = new DoublesPair(t, -t * payment.getAmount() * curve.getDiscountFactor(t));
    final List<DoublesPair> list = new ArrayList<DoublesPair>();
    final Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> result = new HashMap<String, List<DoublesPair>>();
    result.put(curveName, list);
    return result;

  public Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> visitCouponIborSpread(
      final CouponIborSpread payment, final YieldCurveBundle data) {
    final String fundingCurveName = payment.getFundingCurveName();
    final String liborCurveName = payment.getForwardCurveName();
    final YieldAndDiscountCurve fundCurve = data.getCurve(fundingCurveName);
    final YieldAndDiscountCurve liborCurve = data.getCurve(liborCurveName);

    final double tPay = payment.getPaymentTime();
    final double tStart = payment.getFixingPeriodStartTime();
    final double tEnd = payment.getFixingPeriodEndTime();
    final double dfPay = fundCurve.getDiscountFactor(tPay);
    final double dfStart = liborCurve.getDiscountFactor(tStart);
    final double dfEnd = liborCurve.getDiscountFactor(tEnd);
    final double forward = (dfStart / dfEnd - 1) / payment.getFixingYearFraction();
    final double notional = payment.getNotional();

    final Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> result = new HashMap<String, List<DoublesPair>>();

    List<DoublesPair> temp = new ArrayList<DoublesPair>();
    DoublesPair s;
    s =
        new DoublesPair(
                * dfPay
                * notional
                * (forward + payment.getSpread())
                * payment.getPaymentYearFraction());

    if (!liborCurveName.equals(fundingCurveName)) {
      result.put(fundingCurveName, temp);
      temp = new ArrayList<DoublesPair>();

    final double ratio =
            * dfPay
            * dfStart
            / dfEnd
            * payment.getPaymentYearFraction()
            / payment.getFixingYearFraction();
    s = new DoublesPair(tStart, -tStart * ratio);
    s = new DoublesPair(tEnd, tEnd * ratio);

    result.put(liborCurveName, temp);

    return result;

  public Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> visitCouponOIS(
      final CouponOIS payment, final YieldCurveBundle data) {
    final Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> result =
        METHOD_OIS.presentValueCurveSensitivity(payment, data).getSensitivities();
    return result;

  public Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> visitFixedCouponAnnuity(
      final AnnuityCouponFixed annuity, final YieldCurveBundle data) {
    return visitGenericAnnuity(annuity, data);

  public Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> visitCouponFixed(
      final CouponFixed payment, final YieldCurveBundle data) {
    return visitFixedPayment(payment.toPaymentFixed(), data);

  public Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> visitForwardLiborAnnuity(
      final AnnuityCouponIbor annuity, final YieldCurveBundle data) {
    return visitGenericAnnuity(annuity, data);

  public Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> visitFixedFloatSwap(
      final FixedFloatSwap swap, final YieldCurveBundle data) {
    return visitFixedCouponSwap(swap, data);

  public Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> visitCouponCMS(
      final CouponCMS payment, final YieldCurveBundle data) {
    final CouponCMSDiscountingMethod method = CouponCMSDiscountingMethod.getInstance();
    return method.presentValueSensitivity(payment, data).getSensitivities();

  public Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> visitCouponIbor(
      final CouponIbor coupon, final YieldCurveBundle curves) {
    return METHOD_IBOR.presentValueCurveSensitivity(coupon, curves).getSensitivities();

  public Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> visitCouponIborGearing(
      final CouponIborGearing coupon, final YieldCurveBundle curves) {
    return METHOD_IBOR_GEARING.presentValueCurveSensitivity(coupon, curves).getSensitivities();

   * Compute the sensitivity of the discount factor at a given time.
   * @param curveName The curve name associated to the discount factor.
   * @param curve The curve from which the discount factor should be computed.
   * @param time The time
   * @return The sensitivity.
  public static Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> discountFactorSensitivity(
      final String curveName, final YieldAndDiscountCurve curve, final double time) {
    final DoublesPair s = new DoublesPair(time, -time * curve.getDiscountFactor(time));
    final List<DoublesPair> list = new ArrayList<DoublesPair>();
    final Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> result = new HashMap<String, List<DoublesPair>>();
    result.put(curveName, list);
    return result;
 public Map<String, List<DoublesPair>> visitBillSecurity(
     final BillSecurity bill, final YieldCurveBundle curves) {
   return METHOD_BILL_SECURITY.presentValueCurveSensitivity(bill, curves).getSensitivities();