Ejemplo n.º 1
 /* (non-Javadoc)
  * @see org.json.JSONString#toJSONString()
 public final String toJSONString() {
   try {
     final JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject();
     jsonObj.put(KEY_TOKENDATA, Base64.encode(tokendata));
     jsonObj.put(KEY_SIGNATURE, Base64.encode(signature));
     return jsonObj.toString();
   } catch (final JSONException e) {
     throw new MslInternalException("Error encoding " + this.getClass().getName() + " JSON.", e);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /* (non-Javadoc)
  * @see com.netflix.msl.entityauth.EntityAuthenticationData#getAuthData()
 public JSONObject getAuthData() throws MslEncodingException {
   final JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject();
   try {
     jsonObj.put(KEY_X509_CERT, Base64.encode(x509cert.getEncoded()));
   } catch (final JSONException e) {
     throw new MslEncodingException(MslError.JSON_ENCODE_ERROR, "X.509 authdata", e);
   } catch (final CertificateEncodingException e) {
     throw new MslEncodingException(MslError.X509CERT_ENCODE_ERROR, "X.509 authdata", e);
   return jsonObj;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  /* (non-Javadoc)
   * @see java.lang.Object#toString()
  public String toString() {
    try {
      final JSONObject tokendataJO = new JSONObject();
      tokendataJO.put(KEY_RENEWAL_WINDOW, renewalWindow);
      tokendataJO.put(KEY_EXPIRATION, expiration);
      tokendataJO.put(KEY_MASTER_TOKEN_SERIAL_NUMBER, mtSerialNumber);
      tokendataJO.put(KEY_SERIAL_NUMBER, serialNumber);
      tokendataJO.put(KEY_USERDATA, "(redacted)");

      final JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject();
      jsonObj.put(KEY_TOKENDATA, tokendataJO);
      jsonObj.put(KEY_SIGNATURE, Base64.encode(signature));
      return jsonObj.toString();
    } catch (final JSONException e) {
      throw new MslInternalException("Error encoding " + this.getClass().getName() + " JSON.", e);
Ejemplo n.º 4
   * Construct a new X.509 asymmetric keys authentication data instance from the provided JSON
   * object.
   * @param x509AuthJO the authentication data JSON object.
   * @throws MslCryptoException if the X.509 certificate data cannot be parsed.
   * @throws MslEncodingException if the X.509 certificate cannot be found.
  X509AuthenticationData(final JSONObject x509AuthJO)
      throws MslCryptoException, MslEncodingException {

    // Extract X.509 certificate representation.
    final String x509;
    try {
      x509 = x509AuthJO.getString(KEY_X509_CERT);
    } catch (final JSONException e) {
      throw new MslEncodingException(
          MslError.JSON_PARSE_ERROR, "X.509 authdata " + x509AuthJO.toString(), e);

    // Get the X.509 certificate factory.
    final CertificateFactory factory;
    try {
      factory = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
    } catch (final CertificateException e) {
      throw new MslInternalException("No certificate X.509 certificate factory.", e);

    // Create X.509 cert.
    final byte[] x509bytes;
    try {
      x509bytes = Base64.decode(x509);
    } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) {
      throw new MslCryptoException(MslError.X509CERT_INVALID, x509, e);
    try {
      final ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(x509bytes);
      x509cert = (X509Certificate) factory.generateCertificate(bais);
      identity = x509cert.getSubjectX500Principal().getName();
    } catch (final CertificateException e) {
      throw new MslCryptoException(MslError.X509CERT_PARSE_ERROR, x509, e);
Ejemplo n.º 5
   * @param localIdentity local entity identity.
   * @param remoteIdentity remote entity identity.
   * @param remoteRsaPubkeyB64 base64-encoded remote entity public key in X.509 format.
   * @param email user email address. May be {@code null}.
   * @param password user password. May be {@code null}.
   * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException if the RSA algorithm is not supported.
   * @throws InvalidKeySpecException if the public key is invalid.
  public Oneshot(
      final String localIdentity,
      final String remoteIdentity,
      final String remoteRsaPubkeyB64,
      final String email,
      final String password)
      throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeySpecException {
    // Create MSL control.
    this.ctrl = new MslControl(0);

    // Setup remote entity public key.
    final byte[] pubkeyBytes = Base64.decode(remoteRsaPubkeyB64);
    final X509EncodedKeySpec pubkeySpec = new X509EncodedKeySpec(pubkeyBytes);
    final KeyFactory factory = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
    final PublicKey pubkey = factory.generatePublic(pubkeySpec);
    final OneshotRsaStore rsaStore = new OneshotRsaStore(remoteIdentity, pubkey);

    // Create MSL context.
    this.ctx = new OneshotMslContext(localIdentity, rsaStore);

    // Save user account information.
    this.email = email;
    this.password = password;
Ejemplo n.º 6
   * Create a new user ID token from the provided JSON object. The associated master token must be
   * provided to verify the user ID token.
   * @param ctx MSL context.
   * @param userIdTokenJO user ID token JSON object.
   * @param masterToken the master token.
   * @throws MslEncodingException if there is an error parsing the JSON, the token data is missing
   *     or invalid, or the signature is invalid.
   * @throws MslCryptoException if there is an error verifying the token data.
   * @throws MslException if the user ID token master token serial number does not match the master
   *     token serial number, or the expiration timestamp occurs before the renewal window, or the
   *     user data is missing or invalid, or the user ID token master token serial number is out of
   *     range, or the user ID token serial number is out of range.
  public UserIdToken(
      final MslContext ctx, final JSONObject userIdTokenJO, final MasterToken masterToken)
      throws MslEncodingException, MslCryptoException, MslException {
    this.ctx = ctx;

    // Grab the crypto context.
    final ICryptoContext cryptoContext = ctx.getMslCryptoContext();

    // Verify the JSON representation.
    try {
      try {
        tokendata = Base64.decode(userIdTokenJO.getString(KEY_TOKENDATA));
      } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) {
        throw new MslEncodingException(
                "useridtoken " + userIdTokenJO.toString(),
      if (tokendata == null || tokendata.length == 0)
        throw new MslEncodingException(
                MslError.USERIDTOKEN_TOKENDATA_MISSING, "useridtoken " + userIdTokenJO.toString())
      try {
        signature = Base64.decode(userIdTokenJO.getString(KEY_SIGNATURE));
      } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) {
        throw new MslEncodingException(
                "useridtoken " + userIdTokenJO.toString(),
      verified = cryptoContext.verify(tokendata, signature);
    } catch (final JSONException e) {
      throw new MslEncodingException(
              MslError.JSON_PARSE_ERROR, "useridtoken " + userIdTokenJO.toString(), e)

    // Pull the token data.
    final String tokenDataJson = new String(tokendata, MslConstants.DEFAULT_CHARSET);
    try {
      final JSONObject tokenDataJO = new JSONObject(tokenDataJson);
      renewalWindow = tokenDataJO.getLong(KEY_RENEWAL_WINDOW);
      expiration = tokenDataJO.getLong(KEY_EXPIRATION);
      if (expiration < renewalWindow)
        throw new MslException(
                MslError.USERIDTOKEN_EXPIRES_BEFORE_RENEWAL, "usertokendata " + tokenDataJson)
      mtSerialNumber = tokenDataJO.getLong(KEY_MASTER_TOKEN_SERIAL_NUMBER);
      if (mtSerialNumber < 0 || mtSerialNumber > MslConstants.MAX_LONG_VALUE)
        throw new MslException(
                "usertokendata " + tokenDataJson)
      serialNumber = tokenDataJO.getLong(KEY_SERIAL_NUMBER);
      if (serialNumber < 0 || serialNumber > MslConstants.MAX_LONG_VALUE)
        throw new MslException(
                MslError.USERIDTOKEN_SERIAL_NUMBER_OUT_OF_RANGE, "usertokendata " + tokenDataJson)
      final byte[] ciphertext;
      try {
        ciphertext = Base64.decode(tokenDataJO.getString(KEY_USERDATA));
      } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) {
        throw new MslException(
                MslError.USERIDTOKEN_USERDATA_INVALID, tokenDataJO.getString(KEY_USERDATA))
      if (ciphertext == null || ciphertext.length == 0)
        throw new MslException(
                MslError.USERIDTOKEN_USERDATA_MISSING, tokenDataJO.getString(KEY_USERDATA))
      userdata = (verified) ? cryptoContext.decrypt(ciphertext) : null;
    } catch (final JSONException e) {
      throw new MslEncodingException(
              MslError.USERIDTOKEN_TOKENDATA_PARSE_ERROR, "usertokendata " + tokenDataJson, e)
    } catch (final MslCryptoException e) {
      throw e;

    // Pull the user data.
    if (userdata != null) {
      final String userDataJson = new String(userdata, MslConstants.DEFAULT_CHARSET);
      try {
        final JSONObject userDataJO = new JSONObject(userDataJson);
        issuerData =
            (userDataJO.has(KEY_ISSUER_DATA)) ? userDataJO.getJSONObject(KEY_ISSUER_DATA) : null;
        final String identity = userDataJO.getString(KEY_IDENTITY);
        if (identity == null || identity.length() == 0)
          throw new MslException(MslError.USERIDTOKEN_IDENTITY_INVALID, "userdata " + userDataJson)
        final TokenFactory factory = ctx.getTokenFactory();
        user = factory.createUser(ctx, identity);
        if (user == null)
          throw new MslInternalException(
              "TokenFactory.createUser() returned null in violation of the interface contract.");
      } catch (final JSONException e) {
        throw new MslEncodingException(
                MslError.USERIDTOKEN_USERDATA_PARSE_ERROR, "userdata " + userDataJson, e)
    } else {
      issuerData = null;
      user = null;

    // Verify serial numbers.
    if (masterToken == null || this.mtSerialNumber != masterToken.getSerialNumber())
      throw new MslException(
              "uit mtserialnumber " + this.mtSerialNumber + "; mt " + masterToken)
Ejemplo n.º 7
   * Create a new user ID token with the specified user.
   * @param ctx MSL context.
   * @param renewalWindow the renewal window.
   * @param expiration the expiration.
   * @param masterToken the master token.
   * @param serialNumber the user ID token serial number.
   * @param issuerData the issuer data. May be null.
   * @param user the MSL user.
   * @throws MslEncodingException if there is an error encoding the JSON data.
   * @throws MslCryptoException if there is an error encrypting or signing the token data.
  public UserIdToken(
      final MslContext ctx,
      final Date renewalWindow,
      final Date expiration,
      final MasterToken masterToken,
      final long serialNumber,
      final JSONObject issuerData,
      final MslUser user)
      throws MslEncodingException, MslCryptoException {
    // The expiration must appear after the renewal window.
    if (expiration.before(renewalWindow))
      throw new MslInternalException(
          "Cannot construct a user ID token that expires before its renewal window opens.");
    // A master token must be provided.
    if (masterToken == null)
      throw new MslInternalException("Cannot construct a user ID token without a master token.");
    // The serial number must be within range.
    if (serialNumber < 0 || serialNumber > MslConstants.MAX_LONG_VALUE)
      throw new MslInternalException(
          "Serial number " + serialNumber + " is outside the valid range.");

    this.ctx = ctx;
    this.renewalWindow = renewalWindow.getTime() / MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND;
    this.expiration = expiration.getTime() / MILLISECONDS_PER_SECOND;
    this.mtSerialNumber = masterToken.getSerialNumber();
    this.serialNumber = serialNumber;
    this.issuerData = issuerData;
    this.user = user;

    // Construct the user data.
    final JSONObject userData = new JSONObject();
    try {
      if (this.issuerData != null) userData.put(KEY_ISSUER_DATA, this.issuerData);
      userData.put(KEY_IDENTITY, user.getEncoded());
      this.userdata = userData.toString().getBytes(MslConstants.DEFAULT_CHARSET);
    } catch (final JSONException e) {
      throw new MslEncodingException(MslError.JSON_ENCODE_ERROR, "userdata", e);

    try {
      // Encrypt the user data.
      final ICryptoContext cryptoContext = ctx.getMslCryptoContext();
      final byte[] ciphertext = cryptoContext.encrypt(this.userdata);

      // Construct the token data.
      try {
        final JSONObject tokenDataJO = new JSONObject();
        tokenDataJO.put(KEY_RENEWAL_WINDOW, this.renewalWindow);
        tokenDataJO.put(KEY_EXPIRATION, this.expiration);
        tokenDataJO.put(KEY_MASTER_TOKEN_SERIAL_NUMBER, this.mtSerialNumber);
        tokenDataJO.put(KEY_SERIAL_NUMBER, this.serialNumber);
        tokenDataJO.put(KEY_USERDATA, Base64.encode(ciphertext));
        this.tokendata = tokenDataJO.toString().getBytes(MslConstants.DEFAULT_CHARSET);
      } catch (final JSONException e) {
        throw new MslEncodingException(MslError.JSON_ENCODE_ERROR, "usertokendata", e)

      // Sign the token data.
      this.signature = cryptoContext.sign(this.tokendata);
      this.verified = true;
    } catch (final MslCryptoException e) {
      throw e;