Ejemplo n.º 1
   * testLabProcedureInTransitToReceived
   * @throws Exception
  public void testLabProcedureInTransitToReceived() throws Exception {
    WebConversation wc = login("5000000001", "pw");

    WebResponse wr = wc.getCurrentPage();
    assertEquals("iTrust - Lab Tech Home", wr.getTitle());

    wr = wr.getLinkWith("All Lab Procedures").click();
    assertEquals("iTrust - View Laboratory Procedures", wr.getTitle());

    // Ensure the table of received lab procedures has only one entry
    WebTable tbl = wr.getTableWithID("receivedTable");
    assertEquals(3, tbl.getRowCount());
    assertEquals("Beaker Beaker", tbl.getCellAsText(2, 4));

    // Check table of in-transit lab procedures
    tbl = wr.getTableWithID("inTransitTable");
    assertEquals(20, tbl.getRowCount());
    String labProcID = tbl.getCellAsText(2, 0); // lab proc id is auto-assigned
    // Click "Set to Received" on Lab Procedure
    WebForm form = wr.getFormWithID("inTransitForm");
    Button receivedButton = form.getButtons()[0];
    assertEquals("Set to Received", receivedButton.getText());

    wr = wc.getCurrentPage();
    assertEquals("iTrust - View Laboratory Procedures", wr.getTitle());

    // Ensure the table of received lab procedures contains the modified lab procedure.
    tbl = wr.getTableWithID("receivedTable");
    assertEquals(4, tbl.getRowCount());
    // assertFalse(tbl.getCellAsText(2, 0).contains("There are no received lab procedures"));
    assertEquals(labProcID, tbl.getCellAsText(2, 0)); // check that the lab proc is now here

    // Check that table of in-transit lab procedures has no lab procedures
    tbl = wr.getTableWithID("inTransitTable");
    assertEquals(19, tbl.getRowCount());
    // assertTrue(tbl.getCellAsText(2, 0).contains("There are no lab procedures in transit"));  //
    // lab procedure ID
Ejemplo n.º 2
 DisabledButtonException(Button button) {
   _name = button.getName();
   _value = button.getValue();