   * Loads custom data like listener and lib references if exist and fills the installdata.
   * @param installdata installdata into which the custom action data should be stored
   * @throws Exception
  private void loadCustomData(AutomatedInstallData installdata) throws Exception {
    // Usefull variables
    InputStream in;
    ObjectInputStream objIn;
    int i;
    // Load listeners if exist.
    String[] streamNames = AutomatedInstallData.CUSTOM_ACTION_TYPES;
    List[] out = new List[streamNames.length];
    for (i = 0; i < streamNames.length; ++i) {
      out[i] = new ArrayList();
    in = InstallerBase.class.getResourceAsStream("/customData");
    if (in != null) {
      objIn = new ObjectInputStream(in);
      Object listeners = objIn.readObject();
      Iterator keys = ((List) listeners).iterator();
      while (keys != null && keys.hasNext()) {
        CustomData ca = (CustomData) keys.next();

        if (ca.osConstraints != null
            && !OsConstraint.oneMatchesCurrentSystem(
                ca.osConstraints)) { // OS constraint defined, but not matched; therefore ignore
          // it.
        switch (ca.type) {
          case CustomData.INSTALLER_LISTENER:
            Class clazz = Class.forName(ca.listenerName);
            if (clazz == null) {
              throw new InstallerException("Custom action " + ca.listenerName + " not bound!");
          case CustomData.UNINSTALLER_LISTENER:
          case CustomData.UNINSTALLER_JAR:
          case CustomData.UNINSTALLER_LIB:
      // Add the current custem action data to the installdata hash map.
      for (i = 0; i < streamNames.length; ++i) {
        installdata.customData.put(streamNames[i], out[i]);
    // uninstallerLib list if exist

   * Loads the installation data. Also sets environment variables to <code>installdata</code>. All
   * system properties are available as $SYSTEM_<variable> where <variable> is the actual name _BUT_
   * with all separators replaced by '_'. Properties with null values are never stored. Example:
   * $SYSTEM_java_version or $SYSTEM_os_name
   * @param installdata Where to store the installation data.
   * @throws Exception Description of the Exception
  public void loadInstallData(AutomatedInstallData installdata) throws Exception {
    // Usefull variables
    InputStream in;
    ObjectInputStream objIn;
    int size;
    int i;

    // We load the variables
    Properties variables = null;
    in = InstallerBase.class.getResourceAsStream("/vars");
    if (null != in) {
      objIn = new ObjectInputStream(in);
      variables = (Properties) objIn.readObject();

    // We load the Info data
    in = InstallerBase.class.getResourceAsStream("/info");
    objIn = new ObjectInputStream(in);
    Info inf = (Info) objIn.readObject();

    // We put the Info data as variables
    installdata.setVariable(ScriptParser.APP_NAME, inf.getAppName());
    if (inf.getAppURL() != null) {
      installdata.setVariable(ScriptParser.APP_URL, inf.getAppURL());
    installdata.setVariable(ScriptParser.APP_VER, inf.getAppVersion());
    if (inf.getUninstallerCondition() != null) {
      installdata.setVariable("UNINSTALLER_CONDITION", inf.getUninstallerCondition());
    // We read the panels order data
    in = InstallerBase.class.getResourceAsStream("/panelsOrder");
    objIn = new ObjectInputStream(in);
    List panelsOrder = (List) objIn.readObject();

    // We read the packs data
    in = InstallerBase.class.getResourceAsStream("/packs.info");
    objIn = new ObjectInputStream(in);
    size = objIn.readInt();
    ArrayList availablePacks = new ArrayList();
    ArrayList<Pack> allPacks = new ArrayList<Pack>();
    for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
      Pack pk = (Pack) objIn.readObject();
      if (OsConstraint.oneMatchesCurrentSystem(pk.osConstraints)) {

    // We determine the operating system and the initial installation path
    String dir;
    String installPath;
    if (OsVersion.IS_WINDOWS) {
      dir = buildWindowsDefaultPath();
    } else if (OsVersion.IS_OSX) {
      dir = "/Applications";
    } else {
      if (new File("/usr/local/").canWrite()) {
        dir = "/usr/local";
      } else {
        dir = System.getProperty("user.home");

    // We determine the hostname and IPAdress
    String hostname;
    String IPAddress;

    try {
      InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getLocalHost();

      // Get IP Address
      IPAddress = addr.getHostAddress();

      // Get hostname
      hostname = addr.getHostName();
    } catch (Exception e) {
      hostname = "";
      IPAddress = "";

    installdata.setVariable("APPLICATIONS_DEFAULT_ROOT", dir);
    dir += File.separator;
    installdata.setVariable(ScriptParser.JAVA_HOME, System.getProperty("java.home"));
    installdata.setVariable(ScriptParser.CLASS_PATH, System.getProperty("java.class.path"));
    installdata.setVariable(ScriptParser.USER_HOME, System.getProperty("user.home"));
    installdata.setVariable(ScriptParser.USER_NAME, System.getProperty("user.name"));
    installdata.setVariable(ScriptParser.IP_ADDRESS, IPAddress);
    installdata.setVariable(ScriptParser.HOST_NAME, hostname);
    installdata.setVariable(ScriptParser.FILE_SEPARATOR, File.separator);

    Enumeration e = System.getProperties().keys();
    while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
      String varName = (String) e.nextElement();
      String varValue = System.getProperty(varName);
      if (varValue != null) {
        varName = varName.replace('.', '_');
        installdata.setVariable("SYSTEM_" + varName, varValue);

    if (null != variables) {
      Enumeration enumeration = variables.keys();
      String varName;
      String varValue;
      while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
        varName = (String) enumeration.nextElement();
        varValue = variables.getProperty(varName);
        installdata.setVariable(varName, varValue);

    installdata.info = inf;
    installdata.panelsOrder = panelsOrder;
    installdata.availablePacks = availablePacks;
    installdata.allPacks = allPacks;

    // get list of preselected packs
    Iterator pack_it = availablePacks.iterator();
    while (pack_it.hasNext()) {
      Pack pack = (Pack) pack_it.next();
      if (pack.preselected) {
    // Set the installation path in a default manner
    installPath = dir + inf.getAppName();
    if (inf.getInstallationSubPath() != null) { // A subpath was defined, use it.
      installPath =
              dir + inf.getInstallationSubPath(),
              new VariableSubstitutor(installdata.getVariables()));
    // Load custom action data.