Ejemplo n.º 1
  private void updateOutputItemsList(
      final String outputDir,
      final VirtualFile srcFile,
      VirtualFile sourceRoot,
      final String packagePrefix,
      final List<File> filesToRefresh,
      Map<String, Collection<TranslatingCompiler.OutputItem>> results,
      final GlobalSearchScope srcRootScope)
      throws CacheCorruptedException {
    CompositeDependencyCache dependencyCache = myCompileContext.getDependencyCache();
    JavaDependencyCache child = dependencyCache.findChild(JavaDependencyCache.class);
    final Cache newCache = child.getNewClassesCache();
    final Set<CompiledClass> paths = myFileNameToSourceMap.get(srcFile.getName());
    if (paths == null || paths.isEmpty()) {
    final String filePath = "/" + calcPackagePath(srcFile, sourceRoot, packagePrefix);
    for (final CompiledClass cc : paths) {
      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("Checking [pathToClass; relPathToSource] = " + cc);

      boolean pathsEquals = FileUtil.pathsEqual(filePath, cc.relativePathToSource);
      if (!pathsEquals) {
        final String qName = child.resolve(cc.qName);
        if (qName != null) {
          pathsEquals =
                      new Computable<Boolean>() {
                        public Boolean compute() {
                          final JavaPsiFacade facade = JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(myProject);
                          PsiClass psiClass = facade.findClass(qName, srcRootScope);
                          if (psiClass == null) {
                            final int dollarIndex = qName.indexOf("$");
                            if (dollarIndex >= 0) {
                              final String topLevelClassName = qName.substring(0, dollarIndex);
                              psiClass = facade.findClass(topLevelClassName, srcRootScope);
                          if (psiClass != null) {
                            final VirtualFile vFile = psiClass.getContainingFile().getVirtualFile();
                            return vFile != null && vFile.equals(srcFile);
                          return false;

      if (pathsEquals) {
        final String outputPath = cc.pathToClass.replace(File.separatorChar, '/');
        final Pair<String, String> realLocation =
            moveToRealLocation(outputDir, outputPath, srcFile, filesToRefresh);
        if (realLocation != null) {
          Collection<TranslatingCompiler.OutputItem> outputs = results.get(realLocation.getFirst());
          if (outputs == null) {
            outputs = new ArrayList<TranslatingCompiler.OutputItem>();
            results.put(realLocation.getFirst(), outputs);
          outputs.add(new OutputItemImpl(realLocation.getSecond(), srcFile));
          if (PACKAGE_ANNOTATION_FILE_NAME.equals(srcFile.getName())) {
          if (CompilerManager.MAKE_ENABLED) {
            newCache.setPath(cc.qName, realLocation.getSecond());
          if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                "Added output item: [outputDir; outputPath; sourceFile]  = ["
                    + realLocation.getFirst()
                    + "; "
                    + realLocation.getSecond()
                    + "; "
                    + srcFile.getPresentableUrl()
                    + "]");
        } else {
              "Failed to copy from temporary location to output directory: "
                  + outputPath
                  + " (see idea.log for details)",
          if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("Failed to move to real location: " + outputPath + "; from " + outputDir);