Ejemplo n.º 1
/** @author Adrian Cole */
public class CreateServerOptions extends BindToJsonPayload {

  static class File {
    private final String path;
    private final String contents;

    public File(String path, byte[] contents) {
      this.path = checkNotNull(path, "path");
      this.contents = Base64.encodeBytes(checkNotNull(contents, "contents"));
          path.getBytes().length < 255,
              "maximum length of path is 255 bytes.  Path specified %s is %d bytes",
              path, path.getBytes().length));
          contents.length < 10 * 1024,
              "maximum size of the file is 10KB.  Contents specified is %d bytes",

    public String getContents() {
      return contents;

    public String getPath() {
      return path;

  private class ServerRequest {
    final String name;
    final int imageId;
    final int flavorId;
    Map<String, String> metadata;
    List<File> personality;
    Integer sharedIpGroupId;
    Addresses addresses;

    private ServerRequest(String name, int imageId, int flavorId) {
      this.name = name;
      this.imageId = imageId;
      this.flavorId = flavorId;

  private Map<String, String> metadata = Maps.newHashMap();
  private List<File> files = Lists.newArrayList();
  private Integer sharedIpGroupId;
  private String publicIp;

  public void bindToRequest(HttpRequest request, Map<String, String> postParams) {
    ServerRequest server =
        new ServerRequest(
            checkNotNull(postParams.get("name"), "name parameter not present"),
                checkNotNull(postParams.get("imageId"), "imageId parameter not present")),
                checkNotNull(postParams.get("flavorId"), "flavorId parameter not present")));
    if (metadata.size() > 0) server.metadata = metadata;
    if (files.size() > 0) server.personality = files;
    if (sharedIpGroupId != null) server.sharedIpGroupId = this.sharedIpGroupId;
    if (publicIp != null) {
      server.addresses = new Addresses();
    bindToRequest(request, ImmutableMap.of("server", server));

   * You may further customize a cloud server by injecting data into the file system of the cloud
   * server itself. This is useful, for example, for inserting ssh keys, setting configuration
   * files, or storing data that you want to retrieve from within the instance itself. It is
   * intended to provide a minimal amount of launch-time personalization. If significant
   * customization is required, a custom image should be created. The max size of the file path data
   * is 255 bytes while the max size of the file contents is 10KB. Note that the file contents
   * should be encoded as a Base64 string and the 10KB limit refers to the number of bytes in the
   * decoded data not the number of characters in the encoded data. The maximum number of file
   * path/content pairs that can be supplied is 5. Any existing files that match the specified file
   * will be renamed to include the extension bak followed by a time stamp. For example, the file
   * /etc/passwd will be backed up as /etc/passwd.bak.1246036261.5785. All files will have root and
   * the root group as owner and group owner, respectively and will allow user and group read access
   * only (-r--r-----).
  public CreateServerOptions withFile(String path, byte[] contents) {
    checkState(files.size() < 5, "maximum number of files allowed is 5");
    files.add(new File(path, contents));
    return this;

   * A shared IP group is a collection of servers that can share IPs with other members of the
   * group. Any server in a group can share one or more public IPs with any other server in the
   * group. With the exception of the first server in a shared IP group, servers must be launched
   * into shared IP groups. A server may only be a member of one shared IP group.
   * <p>Servers in the same shared IP group can share public IPs for various high availability and
   * load balancing configurations. To launch an HA server, include the optional sharedIpGroupId
   * element and the server will be launched into that shared IP group.
   * <p>Note: sharedIpGroupId is an optional parameter and for optimal performance, should ONLY be
   * specified when intending to share IPs between servers.
   * @see #withSharedIp(String)
  public CreateServerOptions withSharedIpGroup(int id) {
    checkArgument(id > 0, "id must be positive or zero.  was: " + id);
    this.sharedIpGroupId = id;
    return this;

   * Custom cloud server metadata can also be supplied at launch time. This metadata is stored in
   * the API system where it is retrievable by querying the API for server status. The maximum size
   * of the metadata key and value is each 255 bytes and the maximum number of key-value pairs that
   * can be supplied per server is 5.
  public CreateServerOptions withMetadata(Map<String, String> metadata) {
    checkNotNull(metadata, "metadata");
        metadata.size() <= 5,
        "you cannot have more then 5 metadata values.  You specified: " + metadata.size());
    for (Entry<String, String> entry : metadata.entrySet()) {
          entry.getKey().getBytes().length < 255,
              "maximum length of metadata key is 255 bytes.  Key specified %s is %d bytes",
              entry.getKey(), entry.getKey().getBytes().length));
          entry.getKey().getBytes().length < 255,
              "maximum length of metadata value is 255 bytes.  Value specified for %s (%s) is %d bytes",
              entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), entry.getValue().getBytes().length));
    this.metadata = metadata;
    return this;

   * Public IP addresses can be shared across multiple servers for use in various high availability
   * scenarios. When an IP address is shared to another server, the cloud network restrictions are
   * modified to allow each server to listen to and respond on that IP address (you may optionally
   * specify that the target server network configuration be modified). Shared IP addresses can be
   * used with many standard heartbeat facilities (e.g. keepalived) that monitor for failure and
   * manage IP failover.
   * <p>If you intend to use a shared IP on the server being created and have no need for a separate
   * public IP address, you may launch the server into a shared IP group and specify an IP address
   * from that shared IP group to be used as its public IP. You can accomplish this by specifying
   * the public shared IP address in your request. This is optional and is only valid if
   * sharedIpGroupId is also supplied.
  public CreateServerOptions withSharedIp(String publicIp) {
        sharedIpGroupId != null, "sharedIp is invalid unless a shared ip group is specified.");
    this.publicIp = checkNotNull(publicIp, "ip");
    return this;

  public static class Builder {

    /** @see CreateServerOptions#withFile(String,byte []) */
    public static CreateServerOptions withFile(String path, byte[] contents) {
      CreateServerOptions options = new CreateServerOptions();
      return options.withFile(path, contents);

    /** @see CreateServerOptions#withSharedIpGroup(int) */
    public static CreateServerOptions withSharedIpGroup(int id) {
      CreateServerOptions options = new CreateServerOptions();
      return options.withSharedIpGroup(id);

    /** @see CreateServerOptions#withMetadata(Map<String, String>) */
    public static CreateServerOptions withMetadata(Map<String, String> metadata) {
      CreateServerOptions options = new CreateServerOptions();
      return options.withMetadata(metadata);

    /** @see CreateServerOptions#withSharedIp(String) */
    public static CreateServerOptions withSharedIp(String publicIp) {
      CreateServerOptions options = new CreateServerOptions();
      return options.withSharedIp(publicIp);
Ejemplo n.º 2
public class ImageLoader {
  private ExecutorService downloadExecutor;
  private ExecutorService drawExecutor;
  private final Map<String, Future<Drawable>> outstandingDownloads = Maps.newHashMap();
  private final Map<ImageView, Future<?>> outstandingDraws = Maps.newHashMap();
  private UrlStreamer urlStreamer;
  private Looper mainLooper;

  public ImageLoader(
      @Named("download") ExecutorService downloadExecutor,
      @Named("draw") ExecutorService drawExecutor,
      Context context,
      UrlStreamer urlStreamer) {
    this.downloadExecutor = downloadExecutor;
    this.drawExecutor = drawExecutor;
    this.urlStreamer = urlStreamer;
    mainLooper = context.getMainLooper();

  public void loadImage(ImageView imageView, String url) {
    downloadAndDrawImage(imageView, url);

  private void downloadAndDrawImage(ImageView imageView, String url) {
    final Future<Drawable> drawableFuture;
    synchronized (outstandingDownloads) {
      Future<Drawable> tempDrawableFuture = outstandingDownloads.get(url);
      if (tempDrawableFuture == null) {
        tempDrawableFuture = downloadExecutor.submit(new DownloadCallable(url, urlStreamer));
        outstandingDownloads.put(url, tempDrawableFuture);
      drawableFuture = tempDrawableFuture;

      Future<?> drawFuture =
          drawExecutor.submit(new DrawRunnable(drawableFuture, url, imageView, mainLooper));
      outstandingDraws.put(imageView, drawFuture);

  private class DownloadCallable implements Callable<Drawable> {
    private final String imageUrl;
    private UrlStreamer urlStreamer;

    public DownloadCallable(String imageUrl, UrlStreamer urlStreamer) {
      this.imageUrl = imageUrl;
      this.urlStreamer = urlStreamer;

    public Drawable call() throws Exception {
      InputStream inputStream = null;
      try {
        inputStream = urlStreamer.get(imageUrl);
        return Drawable.createFromStream(inputStream, "src");
      } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
      } finally {
        if (inputStream != null) {

  private class DrawRunnable implements Callable<Void> {
    private final Future<Drawable> drawableFuture;
    private final String imageUrl;
    private final ImageView imageView;
    private final Looper mainLooper;

    public DrawRunnable(
        Future<Drawable> drawableFuture, String imageUrl, ImageView imageView, Looper mainLooper) {
      this.drawableFuture = drawableFuture;
      this.imageUrl = imageUrl;
      this.imageView = imageView;
      this.mainLooper = mainLooper;

    public Void call() {
      try {
        final Drawable drawable = drawableFuture.get();
        if (imageUrl.equals(imageView.getTag())) {
          new Handler(mainLooper)
                  new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
      } catch (ExecutionException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
      } finally {
        synchronized (outstandingDownloads) {
      return null;

  public void cancelOutstandingRequests() {
    synchronized (outstandingDownloads) {
      for (Future<Drawable> downloadFuture : outstandingDownloads.values()) {

      for (Future<?> drawFuture : outstandingDraws.values()) {