Ejemplo n.º 1
  public void testAclTableEntries() throws Exception {
    String userTestNamespace = "userTestNsp";
    Table acl = UTIL.getConnection().getTable(AccessControlLists.ACL_TABLE_NAME);
    try {
      ListMultimap<String, TablePermission> perms =
          AccessControlLists.getNamespacePermissions(conf, TEST_NAMESPACE);

      perms = AccessControlLists.getNamespacePermissions(conf, TEST_NAMESPACE);
      for (Map.Entry<String, TablePermission> entry : perms.entries()) {
      assertEquals(6, perms.size());

      // Grant and check state in ACL table
      grantOnNamespace(UTIL, userTestNamespace, TEST_NAMESPACE, Permission.Action.WRITE);

      Result result = acl.get(new Get(Bytes.toBytes(userTestNamespace)));
      assertTrue(result != null);
      perms = AccessControlLists.getNamespacePermissions(conf, TEST_NAMESPACE);
      assertEquals(7, perms.size());
      List<TablePermission> namespacePerms = perms.get(userTestNamespace);
      assertEquals(1, namespacePerms.size());
      assertEquals(TEST_NAMESPACE, namespacePerms.get(0).getNamespace());
      assertEquals(null, namespacePerms.get(0).getFamily());
      assertEquals(null, namespacePerms.get(0).getQualifier());
      assertEquals(1, namespacePerms.get(0).getActions().length);
      assertEquals(Permission.Action.WRITE, namespacePerms.get(0).getActions()[0]);

      // Revoke and check state in ACL table
      revokeFromNamespace(UTIL, userTestNamespace, TEST_NAMESPACE, Permission.Action.WRITE);

      perms = AccessControlLists.getNamespacePermissions(conf, TEST_NAMESPACE);
      assertEquals(6, perms.size());
    } finally {
Ejemplo n.º 2
  /** Test for mathematical expression in alignment */
  public void testMathematicalExpression() {
    Collection<? extends Cell> cells = alignment.getCells();

    Iterator<? extends Cell> it = cells.iterator();

    Cell cell = null;
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      Cell temp = it.next();

      if (temp.getTransformationIdentifier()
          .equals("eu.esdihumboldt.cst.functions.numeric.mathexpression")) {
        cell = temp;

    ListMultimap<String, ParameterValue> params = cell.getTransformationParameters();
    List<ParameterValue> values = params.get("expression");

    // test the amount and the correctness of the parameter
    assertEquals(1, values.size());

    String date = values.get(0).as(String.class);

    assertEquals("income * age/10", date);

    // test the amount and the correctness of source properties
    ListMultimap<String, ? extends Entity> src = cell.getSource();

    // all source properties should be named "var" so we test if both lists
    // have the same size
    List<? extends Entity> srcCells = src.get("var");
    assertEquals(2, src.size());
    assertEquals(2, srcCells.size());

    // since we have now the right amount of source properties we can now
    // test the correctness of their names
    Entity srcCell1 = srcCells.get(0);
    Entity srcCell2 = srcCells.get(1);

    String name1 = srcCell1.getDefinition().getDefinition().getDisplayName();
    String name2 = srcCell2.getDefinition().getDefinition().getDisplayName();

    assertEquals("age", name1);
    assertEquals("income", name2);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 private void readInjectedDependencies() {
   File injectedDepFile = new File(getConfigDir(), "injectedDependencies.json");
   if (!injectedDepFile.exists()) {
             "File {} not found. No dependencies injected",
   JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
   JsonElement injectedDeps;
   try {
     injectedDeps = parser.parse(new FileReader(injectedDepFile));
     for (JsonElement el : injectedDeps.getAsJsonArray()) {
       JsonObject jo = el.getAsJsonObject();
       String modId = jo.get("modId").getAsString();
       JsonArray deps = jo.get("deps").getAsJsonArray();
       for (JsonElement dep : deps) {
         JsonObject depObj = dep.getAsJsonObject();
         String type = depObj.get("type").getAsString();
         if (type.equals("before")) {
               modId, VersionParser.parseVersionReference(depObj.get("target").getAsString()));
         } else if (type.equals("after")) {
               modId, VersionParser.parseVersionReference(depObj.get("target").getAsString()));
         } else {
           FMLLog.getLogger().log(Level.ERROR, "Invalid dependency type {}", type);
           throw new RuntimeException("Unable to parse type");
   } catch (Exception e) {
     FMLLog.getLogger().log(Level.ERROR, "Unable to parse {} - skipping", injectedDepFile);
     FMLLog.getLogger().throwing(Level.ERROR, e);
           "Loaded {} injected dependencies on modIds: {}",
Ejemplo n.º 4
  /** test for the inspire identifier function in alignment5 */
  public void testIdentifier() {
    Collection<? extends Cell> cells = alignment5.getCells();

    Iterator<? extends Cell> it = cells.iterator();

    Cell cell = null;
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      Cell temp = it.next();

      if (temp.getTransformationIdentifier()
          .equals("eu.esdihumboldt.cst.functions.inspire.identifier")) {
        cell = temp;

    ListMultimap<String, ParameterValue> params = cell.getTransformationParameters();

    List<ParameterValue> country = params.get("countryName");
    List<ParameterValue> provider = params.get("providerName");
    List<ParameterValue> product = params.get("productName");
    List<ParameterValue> version = params.get("version");
    List<ParameterValue> versionNilReason = params.get("versionNilReason");

    // check if all parameters were set once
    assertEquals(1, country.size());
    assertEquals(1, provider.size());
    assertEquals(1, product.size());
    assertEquals(1, version.size());
    assertEquals(1, versionNilReason.size());

    // now test if they have correct values
    assertEquals("at", country.get(0).getValue());
    assertEquals("BEV", provider.get(0).getValue());
    assertEquals("humboldt-sample-transformed-data-CadastralParcels", product.get(0).getValue());
    assertEquals("", version.get(0).getValue());
    assertEquals("unknown", versionNilReason.get(0).getValue());

    // check if all parameters were tested
    assertEquals(5, params.size());
Ejemplo n.º 5
  /** test for the inspire geographical name function in alignment7 */
  public void testGeographicalName2() {
    Collection<? extends Cell> cells = alignment7.getCells();

    Iterator<? extends Cell> it = cells.iterator();

    Cell cell = null;
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      Cell temp = it.next();

      if (temp.getTransformationIdentifier()
          .equals("eu.esdihumboldt.cst.functions.inspire.geographicalname")) {
        cell = temp;

    ListMultimap<String, ParameterValue> params = cell.getTransformationParameters();

    List<ParameterValue> gender = params.get("grammaticalGender");
    List<ParameterValue> number = params.get("grammaticalNumber");
    List<ParameterValue> lang = params.get("language");
    List<ParameterValue> nameStatus = params.get("nameStatus");
    List<ParameterValue> nativeness = params.get("nativeness");
    List<ParameterValue> ipa = params.get("pronunciationIPA");
    List<ParameterValue> sound = params.get("pronunciationSoundLink");
    List<ParameterValue> source = params.get("sourceOfName");
    List<ParameterValue> script = params.get("script");
    List<ParameterValue> text = params.get("text");
    List<ParameterValue> trans = params.get("transliterationScheme");

    // test if all parameters (except the parameters for the spellings) were
    // set only once
    assertEquals(1, gender.size());
    assertEquals(1, number.size());
    assertEquals(1, lang.size());
    assertEquals(1, nameStatus.size());
    assertEquals(1, nativeness.size());
    assertEquals(1, ipa.size());
    // sound shouldn't be available because in older version we couldn't
    // enter a value
    assertEquals(0, sound.size());
    assertEquals(1, source.size());

    // spelling parameters
    assertEquals(2, script.size());
    assertEquals(2, text.size());
    assertEquals(2, trans.size());

    // now test if they have the correct values
    assertEquals("", gender.get(0).getValue());
    assertEquals("", number.get(0).getValue());
    assertEquals("esp", lang.get(0).getValue());
    assertEquals("official", nameStatus.get(0).getValue());
    assertEquals("endonym", nativeness.get(0).getValue());
    assertEquals("", ipa.get(0).getValue());
    assertEquals("unknown", source.get(0).getValue());

    for (int i = 0; i < text.size(); i++) {
      String spellText = text.get(i).as(String.class);
      String spellScript = script.get(i).as(String.class);
      String spellTrans = trans.get(i).as(String.class);
      if (i == 0) {
        assertEquals("identifier", spellText);
        assertEquals("idScript", spellScript);
        // no value set, initial value is "null"
        assertEquals(null, spellTrans);
      if (i == 1) {
        assertEquals("name", spellText);
        // initial value is "eng", that was removed so we expect an
        // empty string
        assertEquals("", spellScript);
        assertEquals("nameTrans", spellTrans);

    // check if all parameters were tested (size is 13 because "sound" is
    // not defined in params and there are 2 spellings this time and 1
    // spelling has 3 parameters -> +3 parameters)
    assertEquals(13, params.size());
Ejemplo n.º 6
  /** test for the inspire geographical name function in alignment6 */
  public void testGeographicalName1() {
    Collection<? extends Cell> cells = alignment6.getCells();

    Iterator<? extends Cell> it = cells.iterator();

    Cell cell = null;
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      Cell temp = it.next();

      if (temp.getTransformationIdentifier()
          .equals("eu.esdihumboldt.cst.functions.inspire.geographicalname")) {
        cell = temp;

    ListMultimap<String, ParameterValue> params = cell.getTransformationParameters();

    List<ParameterValue> gender = params.get("grammaticalGender");
    List<ParameterValue> number = params.get("grammaticalNumber");
    List<ParameterValue> lang = params.get("language");
    List<ParameterValue> nameStatus = params.get("nameStatus");
    List<ParameterValue> nativeness = params.get("nativeness");
    List<ParameterValue> ipa = params.get("pronunciationIPA");
    List<ParameterValue> sound = params.get("pronunciationSoundLink");
    List<ParameterValue> source = params.get("sourceOfName");
    List<ParameterValue> script = params.get("script");
    List<ParameterValue> text = params.get("text");
    List<ParameterValue> trans = params.get("transliterationScheme");

    // test if all parameters were set only once
    assertEquals(1, gender.size());
    assertEquals(1, number.size());
    assertEquals(1, lang.size());
    assertEquals(1, nameStatus.size());
    assertEquals(1, nativeness.size());
    assertEquals(1, ipa.size());
    // sound shouldn't be available because in older version we couldn't
    // enter a value
    assertEquals(0, sound.size());
    assertEquals(1, source.size());
    assertEquals(1, script.size());
    assertEquals(1, text.size());
    assertEquals(1, trans.size());

    // now test if they have the correct values
    assertEquals("common", gender.get(0).getValue());
    assertEquals("dual", number.get(0).getValue());
    assertEquals("deu", lang.get(0).getValue());
    assertEquals("historical", nameStatus.get(0).getValue());
    assertEquals("exonym", nativeness.get(0).getValue());
    assertEquals("IDipa", ipa.get(0).getValue());
    assertEquals("source", source.get(0).getValue());
    assertEquals("IDscript", script.get(0).getValue());
    assertEquals("identifier", text.get(0).getValue());
    assertEquals("IDtrans", trans.get(0).getValue());

    // check if all parameters were tested (size is 10 because "sound" is
    // not defined in params)
    assertEquals(10, params.size());
  public SuppressionScrap(String fileName) {

    File fXmlFile = new File(fileName);
    DocumentBuilderFactory dbFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
    DocumentBuilder dBuilder = null;
    try {
      dBuilder = dbFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
      Document doc = dBuilder.parse(fXmlFile);


      NodeList nList = doc.getElementsByTagName("suppress");

      for (int temp = 0; temp < nList.getLength(); temp++) {

        Node nNode = nList.item(temp);

        if (nNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {

          Element eElement = (Element) nNode;

          String rule = eElement.getAttribute("checks");
          String file = eElement.getAttribute("files");

          if (file.indexOf('[') == -1) {
            if (rule.equals("")) {

              classSuppressionsByWildRule.put(rule, file);

            } else {
              classSuppressionsByRule.put(rule, file);
              rulesByClass.put(file, rule);

          } else {
            if (rule.equals("")) {

              pakageSuppressionsByWildRule.put(rule, file);

            } else {
              pakageSuppressionsByRule.put(rule, file);
              rulesByPakage.put(file, rule);

          allSuppressionsByRule.put(rule, file);

      Date date = new Date();
      System.out.println("===" + date + " Suppression stats ===");

          "Total Suppression's                      = " + allSuppressionsByRule.size());
          "Total Unique suppression's               = " + allSuppressionsByRule.keySet().size());

          "Total Packages with wildcard suppression = " + pakageSuppressionsByWildRule.size());
          "Total Packages with specific suppression = " + rulesByPakage.keySet().size());

          "Total Classes with wildcard suppression  = " + classSuppressionsByWildRule.size());
          "Total Classes with specific suppression  = " + rulesByClass.keySet().size());


      System.out.println("---Suppressed Packages Ordered by Suppression instance count---");

      System.out.println("---Suppressed Classes  Ordered by Suppression instance count---");

      System.out.println("---Suppression's Ordered by most broken grouped by Package");

      System.out.println("---Suppression's Ordered by most broken grouped by Classes");

    } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
    } catch (SAXException e) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
 public String toString() {
   return "current path: \"" + path + "\"; " + msgMap.size() + " messages";
 public int size() {
   return msgMap.size();
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public int concreteSize() {
   return cells.size();
 public int size() {
   return backingMap.size();
Ejemplo n.º 12
  private Map<FieldName, ? extends ClassificationMap<?>> evaluateRuleSet(
      ModelManagerEvaluationContext context) {
    RuleSetModel ruleSetModel = getModel();

    RuleSet ruleSet = ruleSetModel.getRuleSet();

    List<RuleSelectionMethod> ruleSelectionMethods = ruleSet.getRuleSelectionMethods();

    RuleSelectionMethod ruleSelectionMethod;

    // "If more than one method is included, the first method is used as the default method for
    // scoring"
    if (ruleSelectionMethods.size() > 0) {
      ruleSelectionMethod = ruleSelectionMethods.get(0);
    } else {
      throw new InvalidFeatureException(ruleSet);

    // Both the ordering of keys and values is significant
    ListMultimap<String, SimpleRule> firedRules = LinkedListMultimap.create();

    List<Rule> rules = ruleSet.getRules();
    for (Rule rule : rules) {
      collectFiredRules(firedRules, rule, context);

    RuleClassificationMap result = new RuleClassificationMap();

    RuleSelectionMethod.Criterion criterion = ruleSelectionMethod.getCriterion();

    Set<String> keys = firedRules.keySet();
    for (String key : keys) {
      List<SimpleRule> keyRules = firedRules.get(key);

      switch (criterion) {
        case FIRST_HIT:
            SimpleRule winner = keyRules.get(0);

            // The first value of the first key
            if (result.getEntity() == null) {

            result.put(key, winner.getConfidence());
        case WEIGHTED_SUM:
            SimpleRule winner = null;

            double totalWeight = 0;

            for (SimpleRule keyRule : keyRules) {

              if (winner == null || (winner.getWeight() < keyRule.getWeight())) {
                winner = keyRule;

              totalWeight += keyRule.getWeight();

            result.put(winner, key, totalWeight / firedRules.size());
        case WEIGHTED_MAX:
            SimpleRule winner = null;

            for (SimpleRule keyRule : keyRules) {

              if (winner == null || (winner.getWeight() < keyRule.getWeight())) {
                winner = keyRule;

            result.put(winner, key, winner.getConfidence());
          throw new UnsupportedFeatureException(ruleSelectionMethod, criterion);

    return TargetUtil.evaluateClassification(result, context);