Ejemplo n.º 1
 public boolean contains(@Nullable Object object) {
   if (object instanceof Entry) {
     Entry<?, ?> entry = (Entry<?, ?>) object;
     return multimap.containsEntry(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
   return false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  static ImmutableSetMultimap<PartitionKeyToTraceId, Long> entriesThatIncreaseGap(
      ConcurrentMap<PartitionKeyToTraceId, Pair<Long>> sharedState,
      ImmutableSetMultimap<PartitionKeyToTraceId, Long> updates) {
    ImmutableSet.Builder<PartitionKeyToTraceId> toUpdate = ImmutableSet.builder();

    // Enter a loop that affects shared state when an update widens the time interval for a key.
    for (Map.Entry<PartitionKeyToTraceId, Long> input : updates.entries()) {
      PartitionKeyToTraceId key = input.getKey();
      long timestamp = input.getValue();
      for (; ; ) {
        Pair<Long> oldRange = sharedState.get(key);
        if (oldRange == null) {
          // Initial state is where this key has a single timestamp.
          oldRange = sharedState.putIfAbsent(key, Pair.create(timestamp, timestamp));

          // If there was no previous value, we need to update the index
          if (oldRange == null) {

        long first = timestamp < oldRange._1 ? timestamp : oldRange._1;
        long last = timestamp > oldRange._2 ? timestamp : oldRange._2;

        Pair<Long> newRange = Pair.create(first, last);
        if (oldRange.equals(newRange)) {
          break; // the current timestamp is contained
        } else if (sharedState.replace(key, oldRange, newRange)) {
          toUpdate.add(key); // The range was extended

    // When the loop completes, we'll know one of our updates widened the interval of a trace, if
    // it is the first or last timestamp. By ignoring those between an existing interval, we can
    // end up with less Cassandra writes.
    Builder<PartitionKeyToTraceId, Long> result = ImmutableSetMultimap.builder();
    for (PartitionKeyToTraceId needsUpdate : toUpdate.build()) {
      Pair<Long> firstLast = sharedState.get(needsUpdate);
      if (updates.containsEntry(needsUpdate, firstLast._1)) result.put(needsUpdate, firstLast._1);
      if (updates.containsEntry(needsUpdate, firstLast._2)) result.put(needsUpdate, firstLast._2);
    return result.build();