public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
   if (intent.getAction().equals("android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT")) {
   } else if (intent.getAction().equals("android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF")) {
 public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView webView, String url) {"shouldOverrideUrlLoading(\"" + url + "\")");
   Uri parse = Uri.parse(url);
   HashMap b = AdUtil.b(parse);
   if (b != null) {
     String str = (String) b.get("ai");
     if (str != null) {
   if (c.a(parse)) {
     c.a(this.a, this.d, parse, webView);
     return true;
   } else if (this.f) {
     if (AdUtil.a(parse)) {
       return super.shouldOverrideUrlLoading(webView, url);
     b = new HashMap();
     b.put(AdActivity.URL_PARAM, url);
     AdActivity.launchAdActivity(this.a, new e("intent", b));
     return true;
   } else if (this.e) {
     b = new HashMap();
     b.put(AdActivity.URL_PARAM, parse.toString());
     AdActivity.launchAdActivity(this.a, new e("intent", b));
     return true;
   } else {"URL is not a GMSG and can't handle URL: " + url);
     return true;
 public Map<String, Object> getRequestMap(Context paramContext)
   HashMap localHashMap = new HashMap();
   if (this.c != null)
     localHashMap.put("kw", this.c);
   if (this.a != null)
     localHashMap.put("cust_gender", Integer.valueOf(this.a.ordinal()));
   if (this.b != null)
     localHashMap.put("cust_age", this.b);
   if (this.f != null)
     localHashMap.put("uule", AdUtil.a(this.f));
   if (this.g)
     localHashMap.put("testing", Integer.valueOf(1));
   if (this.d)
     localHashMap.put("pto", Integer.valueOf(1));
     if (!isTestDevice(paramContext))
       break label208;
     localHashMap.put("adtest", "on");
   while (this.h)
     if (this.e != null)
       localHashMap.put("extras", this.e);
     return localHashMap;
     if (aa.a(paramContext));
     for (int j = 1; ; j = 0)
       localHashMap.put("cipa", Integer.valueOf(j));
   if (AdUtil.c());
   for (String str = "AdRequest.TEST_EMULATOR"; ; str = "\"" + AdUtil.a(paramContext) + "\"")
     a.c("To get test ads on this device, call adRequest.addTestDevice(" + str + ");");
     this.h = true;
 public boolean isTestDevice(Context paramContext)
   if (this.i != null)
     String str = AdUtil.a(paramContext);
     if (str == null)
       return false;
     if (this.i.contains(str))
       return true;
   return false;
 public void a_(d dVar, Map map, Uri uri, WebView webView) {
   HashMap b = AdUtil.b(uri);
   if (b == null) {
     b.e("An error occurred while parsing the message parameters.");
   } else {
     String a = a(uri, b);
     if (a == null) {
       b.e("An error occurred while parsing the message.");
     } else {
       n nVar = (n) map.get(a);
       if (nVar == null) {
         b.e("No AdResponse found, <message: " + a + ">");
       } else {
         nVar.a(dVar, b, webView);
 public final void a(w wVar, HashMap hashMap, WebView webView) {
   String str = (String) hashMap.get("action");
   if (str == null) {
     g.a("No \"action\" parameter in a video gmsg.");
   } else if (webView instanceof e) {
     e eVar = (e) webView;
     Activity i = eVar.i();
     if (i == null) {
       g.a("Could not get adActivity for a video gmsg.");
     } else {
       boolean equals = str.equals("new");
       boolean equals2 = str.equals("position");
       DisplayMetrics a;
       int a2;
       if (equals || equals2) {
         a = AdUtil.a(i);
         a2 = a(hashMap, "x", 0, a);
         int a3 = a(hashMap, "y", 0, a);
         int a4 = a(hashMap, "w", -1, a);
         int a5 = a(hashMap, "h", -1, a);
         if (equals && i.a() == null) {
           i.b(a2, a3, a4, a5);
         } else {
           i.a(a2, a3, a4, a5);
       } else {
         c a6 = i.a();
         if (a6 == null) {
           h hVar = a;
           h.a(eVar, "onVideoEvent", "{'event': 'error', 'what': 'no_video_view'}");
         } else if (str.equals("click")) {
           a = AdUtil.a(i);
           int a7 = a(hashMap, "x", 0, a);
           a2 = a(hashMap, "y", 0, a);
           long uptimeMillis = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
           a6.a(MotionEvent.obtain(uptimeMillis, uptimeMillis, 0, (float) a7, (float) a2, 0));
         } else if (str.equals("controls")) {
           str = (String) hashMap.get("enabled");
           if (str == null) {
             g.a("No \"enabled\" parameter in a controls video gmsg.");
           } else if (str.equals("true")) {
           } else {
         } else if (str.equals("currentTime")) {
           str = (String) hashMap.get("time");
           if (str == null) {
             g.a("No \"time\" parameter in a currentTime video gmsg.");
           } else {
             try {
               a6.a((int) (Float.parseFloat(str) * 1000.0f));
             } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                   new StringBuilder("Could not parse \"time\" parameter: ")
         } else if (str.equals("hide")) {
         } else if (str.equals("load")) {
         } else if (str.equals("pause")) {
         } else if (str.equals("play")) {
         } else if (str.equals("show")) {
         } else if (str.equals("src")) {
           a6.a((String) hashMap.get("src"));
         } else {
           g.a(new StringBuilder("Unknown video action: ").append(str).toString());
   } else {
     g.a("Could not get adWebView for a video gmsg.");
public class AdRequest
  public static final String LOGTAG = "Ads";
  public static final String TEST_EMULATOR = AdUtil.a("emulator");
  public static final String VERSION = "4.3.1";
  private Gender a = null;
  private String b = null;
  private Set<String> c = null;
  private boolean d = false;
  private Map<String, Object> e = null;
  private Location f = null;
  private boolean g = false;
  private boolean h = false;
  private Set<String> i = null;

  public void addExtra(String paramString, Object paramObject)
    if (this.e == null)
      this.e = new HashMap();
    this.e.put(paramString, paramObject);

  public void addKeyword(String paramString)
    if (this.c == null)
      this.c = new HashSet();

  public void addTestDevice(String paramString)
    if (this.i == null)
      this.i = new HashSet();

  public Map<String, Object> getRequestMap(Context paramContext)
    HashMap localHashMap = new HashMap();
    if (this.c != null)
      localHashMap.put("kw", this.c);
    if (this.a != null)
      localHashMap.put("cust_gender", Integer.valueOf(this.a.ordinal()));
    if (this.b != null)
      localHashMap.put("cust_age", this.b);
    if (this.f != null)
      localHashMap.put("uule", AdUtil.a(this.f));
    if (this.g)
      localHashMap.put("testing", Integer.valueOf(1));
    if (this.d)
      localHashMap.put("pto", Integer.valueOf(1));
      if (!isTestDevice(paramContext))
        break label208;
      localHashMap.put("adtest", "on");
    while (this.h)
      if (this.e != null)
        localHashMap.put("extras", this.e);
      return localHashMap;
      if (aa.a(paramContext));
      for (int j = 1; ; j = 0)
        localHashMap.put("cipa", Integer.valueOf(j));
    if (AdUtil.c());
    for (String str = "AdRequest.TEST_EMULATOR"; ; str = "\"" + AdUtil.a(paramContext) + "\"")
      a.c("To get test ads on this device, call adRequest.addTestDevice(" + str + ");");
      this.h = true;

  public boolean isTestDevice(Context paramContext)
    if (this.i != null)
      String str = AdUtil.a(paramContext);
      if (str == null)
        return false;
      if (this.i.contains(str))
        return true;
    return false;

  public void setBirthday(String paramString)
    this.b = paramString;

  public void setExtras(Map<String, Object> paramMap)
    this.e = paramMap;

  public void setGender(Gender paramGender)
    this.a = paramGender;

  public void setKeywords(Set<String> paramSet)
    this.c = paramSet;

  public void setLocation(Location paramLocation)
    this.f = paramLocation;

  public void setPlusOneOptOut(boolean paramBoolean)
    this.d = paramBoolean;

  public void setTestDevices(Set<String> paramSet)
    this.i = paramSet;

  public void setTesting(boolean paramBoolean)
    this.g = paramBoolean;

  public static enum ErrorCode
    private String a;

      NETWORK_ERROR = new ErrorCode("NETWORK_ERROR", 2, "A network error occurred.");
      INTERNAL_ERROR = new ErrorCode("INTERNAL_ERROR", 3, "There was an internal error.");
      ErrorCode[] arrayOfErrorCode = new ErrorCode[4];
      arrayOfErrorCode[0] = INVALID_REQUEST;
      arrayOfErrorCode[1] = NO_FILL;
      arrayOfErrorCode[2] = NETWORK_ERROR;
      arrayOfErrorCode[3] = INTERNAL_ERROR;

    private ErrorCode(String paramString)
      this.a = paramString;

    public final String toString()
      return this.a;

  public static enum Gender
      MALE = new Gender("MALE", 1);
      FEMALE = new Gender("FEMALE", 2);
      Gender[] arrayOfGender = new Gender[3];
      arrayOfGender[0] = UNKNOWN;
      arrayOfGender[1] = MALE;
      arrayOfGender[2] = FEMALE;