Ejemplo n.º 1
  public String getSIF() {
    StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer();
    List<Property> xvCalendarProperties = getXVCalendarProperties();

    openXMLTag(xml, SIFCalendar.TIME_ZONE);
    for (Property property : xvCalendarProperties) {
      if ("TZ".equals(property.getName())) {
        addXMLNode(xml, SIFCalendar.TIME_ZONE_BASIC_OFFSET, property.getValue());

      if ("DAYLIGHT".equals(property.getName())) {
        String dl = property.getValue();
        if (!"FALSE".equalsIgnoreCase(dl)) {

          openXMLTag(xml, SIFCalendar.TIME_ZONE_DAYLIGHT);
          String[] dlParts = dl.split(";");

          addXMLNode(xml, SIFCalendar.TIME_ZONE_DST_OFFSET, dlParts[1]);
          addXMLNode(xml, SIFCalendar.TIME_ZONE_DST_START, dlParts[2]);
          addXMLNode(xml, SIFCalendar.TIME_ZONE_DST_END, dlParts[3]);
          addXMLNode(xml, SIFCalendar.TIME_ZONE_DST_NAME, (dlParts[4] == null) ? "" : dlParts[4]);
              xml, SIFCalendar.TIME_ZONE_STANDARD_NAME, (dlParts[5] == null) ? "" : dlParts[5]);
          closeXMLTag(xml, SIFCalendar.TIME_ZONE_DAYLIGHT);
        } else {
          // When DAYLIGHT is FALSE does not send <DayLight/>

    closeXMLTag(xml, SIFCalendar.TIME_ZONE);
    return xml.toString();
Ejemplo n.º 2
  public void testTimeZoneHelperToXVCalendarBogota() {

    TimeZoneHelper vctz =
        new TimeZoneHelper(
            1167609600000L, // 01 Jan 2007 @ 00:00:00 UTC
            1349049600000L); // 01 Oct 2012 @ 00:00:00 UTC
    Property tz = vctz.getTZ();
    List<Property> dayLightList = vctz.getDaylightList();

    assertEquals(1, dayLightList.size());
    assertEquals("TZ", tz.getName());
    assertEquals("-0500", tz.getValue());
    assertEquals("DAYLIGHT", dayLightList.get(0).getName());
    assertEquals("FALSE", dayLightList.get(0).getValue());
Ejemplo n.º 3
   * Creates a new instance of TimeZoneHelper on the basis of the information extracted from a
   * vCalendar (1.0) item.
   * @param tz the TZ property
   * @param daylightList a List containing all DAYLIGHT properties
   * @throws java.lang.Exception
  public TimeZoneHelper(Property tz, List<Property> daylightList) throws Exception {
    this.name = ""; // vCalendar (1.0) has no time zone identifier because
    // there's just one time zone per calendar item

    if ((tz == null) || (tz.getValue() == null) || (tz.getValue().length() == 0)) {
      throw new Exception("No TZ property");

    basicOffset = parseOffset(tz.getValue());

    for (Property transition : daylightList) {

      if (transition.getValue() == null) {
      if (transition.getValue().startsWith("TRUE;")) {
        String[] daylight = transition.getValue().split(";");

        String summerOffsetString = daylight[1].replaceAll("[\\+\\-:]", "") + "00";

        int summerOffset = 3600000 * Integer.parseInt(summerOffsetString.substring(0, 2));
        summerOffset += 60000 * Integer.parseInt(summerOffsetString.substring(2, 4));
        if (daylight[1].startsWith("-")) {
          summerOffset = -summerOffset;

        long summerStart = parseDateTime(daylight[2]);
        String summerTimeName;
        if (daylight.length >= 5) {
          summerTimeName = daylight[4];
        } else {
          summerTimeName = "";
        TimeZoneTransition summerTime =
            new TimeZoneTransition(summerOffset, summerStart, summerTimeName);

        long summerEnd = parseDateTime(daylight[3]);
        String standardTimeName;
        if (daylight.length >= 6) {
          standardTimeName = daylight[5];
        } else {
          standardTimeName = "";
        TimeZoneTransition standardTime =
            new TimeZoneTransition(basicOffset, summerEnd, standardTimeName);

Ejemplo n.º 4
   * Creates a new instance of TimeZoneHelper on the basis of the information extracted from an
   * iCalendar (vCalendar 2.0) item.
   * @param vTimeZone
   * @param from the start of the relevant time interval for the generation of transitions (an
   *     istant expressed as a long)
   * @param to the end of the relevant time interval for the generation of transitions (an istant
   *     expressed as a long)
   * @throws java.lang.Exception
  public TimeZoneHelper(VTimezone vTimeZone, long from, long to) throws Exception {
    Property tzID = vTimeZone.getProperty("TZID");
    if (tzID != null) {
      this.name = tzID.getValue();

      // Try and skip the parsing by using just the TZID:
      String extracted = extractID(name);
      if (extracted != null) {
        processID(extracted, from, to);

      List<VComponent> standardTimeRules = vTimeZone.getComponents("STANDARD");
      List<VComponent> summerTimeRules = vTimeZone.getComponents("DAYLIGHT");

      String standardTimeOffset;
      if (standardTimeRules.isEmpty()) {
        if (summerTimeRules.isEmpty()) {
          throw new Exception("Empty VTIMEZONE");
        } else {
          standardTimeOffset = summerTimeRules.get(0).getProperty("TZOFFSETFROM").getValue();
      } else {
        standardTimeOffset = standardTimeRules.get(0).getProperty("TZOFFSETTO").getValue();
      basicOffset = parseOffset(standardTimeOffset);

      for (VComponent standardTimeRule : standardTimeRules) {
        addTransitions(standardTimeRule, from, to);
      for (VComponent summerTimeRule : summerTimeRules) {
        addTransitions(summerTimeRule, from, to);

    } else {
      this.name = ""; // This should not happen!
Ejemplo n.º 5
  public void testTimeZoneHelperToXVCalendarCanberra() {

    TimeZoneHelper vctz =
        new TimeZoneHelper(
            1167609600000L, // 01 Jan 2007 @ 00:00:00 UTC
            1349049600000L); // 01 Oct 2012 @ 00:00:00 UTC
    Property tz = vctz.getTZ();
    List<Property> dayLightList = vctz.getDaylightList();

    assertEquals(6, dayLightList.size());
    assertEquals("TZ", tz.getName());
    assertEquals("+1000", tz.getValue());
    assertEquals("DAYLIGHT", dayLightList.get(0).getName());
    assertEquals("DAYLIGHT", dayLightList.get(1).getName());
    assertEquals("DAYLIGHT", dayLightList.get(2).getName());
    assertEquals("DAYLIGHT", dayLightList.get(3).getName());
    assertEquals("DAYLIGHT", dayLightList.get(4).getName());
    assertEquals("DAYLIGHT", dayLightList.get(5).getName());
Ejemplo n.º 6
  private void addTransitions(VComponent timeRule, long from, long to) throws Exception {

    int offset;
    int previousOffset;
    String start;
    long startTime;
    long time;
    String transitionName;

    Property tzName = timeRule.getProperty("TZNAME");
    Property tzOffsetFrom = timeRule.getProperty("TZOFFSETFROM");
    Property tzOffsetTo = timeRule.getProperty("TZOFFSETTO");
    Property tzDtStart = timeRule.getProperty("DTSTART");
    Property tzRRule = timeRule.getProperty("RRULE");
    Property tzRDate = timeRule.getProperty("RDATE");

    if (tzDtStart != null) {
      start = tzDtStart.getValue();
      startTime = parseDateTime(start);
    } else {
      throw new Exception("Required property DTSTART (of a time zone) is missing");
    if (tzOffsetTo != null) {
      offset = parseOffset(tzOffsetTo.getValue());
    } else {
      throw new Exception("Required property TZOFFSETTO is missing");
    if (tzOffsetFrom != null) {
      previousOffset = parseOffset(tzOffsetFrom.getValue());
    } else {
      throw new Exception("Required property TZOFFSETFROM is missing");
    if (tzName != null) {
      transitionName = tzName.getValue();
    } else {
      transitionName = "";

    if (tzRDate != null) {
      String[] rDates = tzRDate.getValue().split(",");
      for (String rDate : rDates) {
        time = parseDateTime(rDate);
        transitions.add(new TimeZoneTransition(offset, time, transitionName));

    if (tzRRule != null) {
      RecurrencePattern rrule =
              null, // as of specs
              false); // iCalendar
      if (((rrule.getTypeId() == RecurrencePattern.TYPE_MONTH_NTH) && (rrule.getInterval() == 12))
          || ((rrule.getTypeId() == RecurrencePattern.TYPE_YEAR_NTH)
              && (rrule.getInterval() == 1))) { // yearly

        int dayOfWeek = getDayOfWeekFromMask(rrule.getDayOfWeekMask());
        if (dayOfWeek > 0) { // one day
          TimeZone fixed = TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC");
          Calendar finder = new GregorianCalendar(fixed);
          finder.setTimeInMillis(startTime); // Sets hour and minutes
          int hh = finder.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
          int mm = finder.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
          int m = rrule.getMonthOfYear() - 1; // Yes, it works
          int yearStart = year(startTime);
          int yearFrom = (startTime > from) ? yearStart : year(from);
          int yearTo = year(to);
          if (rrule.isNoEndDate()) {
            int count = rrule.getOccurrences();
            int yearRecurrenceEnd;
            if (count != -1) {
              yearRecurrenceEnd = yearStart + count - 1;
              if (yearRecurrenceEnd < yearTo) {
                yearTo = yearRecurrenceEnd;
          } else {
            try {
              int yearRecurrenceEnd = year(rrule.getEndDatePattern());
              if (yearRecurrenceEnd < yearTo) {
                yearTo = yearRecurrenceEnd;
            } catch (ParseException e) {
              // Ignores the UNTIL part
          for (int y = yearFrom; y <= yearTo; y++) {
            finder.set(Calendar.YEAR, y);
            finder.set(Calendar.MONTH, m);
            finder.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, dayOfWeek);
            finder.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH, rrule.getInstance());
            finder.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, hh);
            finder.set(Calendar.MINUTE, mm);
            long transitionTime = finder.getTimeInMillis() - (previousOffset - getBasicOffset());
            transitions.add(new TimeZoneTransition(offset, transitionTime, transitionName));
Ejemplo n.º 7
  protected static VTimezone toVTimezone(
      List<ICalendarTimeZoneTransition> iCalendarTransitions, String id, int basicOffset) {

    VTimezone vtz = new VTimezone();
    vtz.addProperty("TZID", id);
    TzDaylightComponent summerTimeRDates = null;
    TzStandardComponent standardTimeRDates = null;
    String standardTimeOffset = formatOffset(basicOffset);

    // Visits all transitions in cronological order
    for (int i = 0; i < iCalendarTransitions.size(); ) {

      // If it's the last transition, or it's a transition that is not
      // part of the standard/day-light time series, the special case must
      // be separately treated
      if ((i == iCalendarTransitions.size() - 1)
          || (!areHalfYearFar(
              iCalendarTransitions.get(i).getTime(), iCalendarTransitions.get(i + 1).getTime()))) {

        // "Burns" components that may be present in the buffer
        if (summerTimeRDates != null) {
          summerTimeRDates = null;
          standardTimeRDates = null;

        // Creates a new STANDARD component of the RDATE kind
        TzStandardComponent specialRDate = new TzStandardComponent();
        String specialCaseTime = iCalendarTransitions.get(i).getTimeISO1861();
        specialRDate.addProperty("DTSTART", specialCaseTime);
        specialRDate.addProperty("RDATE", specialCaseTime);
        specialRDate.addProperty("TZOFFSETFROM", standardTimeOffset);
        standardTimeOffset = // It needs be updated
        specialRDate.addProperty("TZOFFSETTO", standardTimeOffset);
        specialRDate.addProperty("TZNAME", iCalendarTransitions.get(i).getName());
        vtz.addComponent(specialRDate); // Burns it
        i++; // Moves on to the next transition

      String lastOffset = standardTimeOffset;
      String summerTimeOffset = formatOffset(iCalendarTransitions.get(i).getOffset());
      standardTimeOffset = formatOffset(iCalendarTransitions.get(i + 1).getOffset());
      String summerTimeStart = iCalendarTransitions.get(i).getTimeISO1861();
      String standardTimeStart = iCalendarTransitions.get(i + 1).getTimeISO1861();
      ICalendarTimeZoneTransition summerTimeClusterStart = iCalendarTransitions.get(i);
      ICalendarTimeZoneTransition standardTimeClusterStart = iCalendarTransitions.get(i + 1);
      int j; // Summer-time starts, backward instance count
      int k; // Summer-time starts, forward instance count
      int l; // Summer-time ends, backward instance count
      int m; // Summer-time ends, forward instance count
      for (j = i + 2; j < iCalendarTransitions.size(); j += 2) {
        ICalendarTimeZoneTransition clusterMember = iCalendarTransitions.get(j);
        if (!summerTimeClusterStart.matchesRecurrence(clusterMember, true)) {
      for (k = i + 2; k < iCalendarTransitions.size(); k += 2) {
        ICalendarTimeZoneTransition clusterMember = iCalendarTransitions.get(k);
        if (!summerTimeClusterStart.matchesRecurrence(clusterMember, false)) {
      for (l = i + 3; l < iCalendarTransitions.size(); l += 2) {
        ICalendarTimeZoneTransition clusterMember = iCalendarTransitions.get(l);
        if (!standardTimeClusterStart.matchesRecurrence(clusterMember, true)) {
      for (m = i + 3; m < iCalendarTransitions.size(); m += 2) {
        ICalendarTimeZoneTransition clusterMember = iCalendarTransitions.get(m);
        if (!standardTimeClusterStart.matchesRecurrence(clusterMember, false)) {
      boolean backwardInstanceCountForStarts = true;
      boolean backwardInstanceCountForEnds = true;
      if (k > j) { // counting istances in the forward direction makes a
        // longer summer-time-start series
        j = k; // j is now the longest series of summer-time starts
        backwardInstanceCountForStarts = false;
      if (m > l) { // counting istances in the forward direction makes a
        // longer summer-time-end series
        l = m; // l is now the longest series of summer-time ends
        backwardInstanceCountForEnds = false;
      j -= 2; // Compensates for the end condition of the for cycle above
      l -= 2; // Compensates for the end condition of the for cycle above
      if (l > j + 1) {
        l = j + 1; // l is now the best acceptable end for a
        // combined start-end series
      } else {
        j = l - 1;
      // At this point, l + 1 = j

      if (l > i + 1) { // more than one year: there's a recurrence
        if (summerTimeRDates != null) {

        // Create a new DAYLIGHT component
        summerTimeRDates = new TzDaylightComponent();
        summerTimeRDates.addProperty("DTSTART", summerTimeStart);
        StringBuffer summerTimeRRule = new StringBuffer("FREQ=YEARLY;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=");
        if (backwardInstanceCountForStarts) {
        } else {
            .append(summerTimeClusterStart.getMonth() + 1); // Jan must be 1
        if (j < iCalendarTransitions.size() - 2) {
        summerTimeRDates.addProperty("RRULE", summerTimeRRule.toString());
        summerTimeRDates.addProperty("TZOFFSETFROM", lastOffset);
        summerTimeRDates.addProperty("TZOFFSETTO", summerTimeOffset);
        summerTimeRDates.addProperty("TZNAME", iCalendarTransitions.get(i).getName());

        // Create a new STANDARD component
        standardTimeRDates = new TzStandardComponent();
        standardTimeRDates.addProperty("DTSTART", standardTimeStart);
        StringBuffer standardTimeRRule = new StringBuffer("FREQ=YEARLY;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=");
        if (backwardInstanceCountForEnds) {
        } else {
            .append(standardTimeClusterStart.getMonth() + 1); // Jan must be 1
        if (l < iCalendarTransitions.size() - 1) {

        standardTimeRDates.addProperty("RRULE", standardTimeRRule.toString());
        standardTimeRDates.addProperty("TZOFFSETFROM", summerTimeOffset);
        standardTimeRDates.addProperty("TZOFFSETTO", standardTimeOffset);
        standardTimeRDates.addProperty("TZNAME", iCalendarTransitions.get(i + 1).getName());

        summerTimeRDates = null;
        standardTimeRDates = null;
        i = j; // Increases the counter to jump beyond the recurrence
      } else { // just one year: i, i+1 are transitions of the RDATE kind
        if (summerTimeRDates == null) {
          // Create a new DAYLIGHT component
          summerTimeRDates = new TzDaylightComponent();
          summerTimeRDates.addProperty("DTSTART", summerTimeStart);
          summerTimeRDates.addProperty("RDATE", summerTimeStart);
          summerTimeRDates.addProperty("TZOFFSETFROM", lastOffset);
          summerTimeRDates.addProperty("TZOFFSETTO", summerTimeOffset);
          summerTimeRDates.addProperty("TZNAME", iCalendarTransitions.get(i).getName());
          // Create a new STANDARD component
          standardTimeRDates = new TzStandardComponent();
          standardTimeRDates.addProperty("DTSTART", standardTimeStart);
          standardTimeRDates.addProperty("RDATE", standardTimeStart);
          standardTimeRDates.addProperty("TZOFFSETFROM", summerTimeOffset);
          standardTimeRDates.addProperty("TZOFFSETTO", standardTimeOffset);
          standardTimeRDates.addProperty("TZNAME", iCalendarTransitions.get(i + 1).getName());
        } else {
          Property rdate = summerTimeRDates.getProperty("RDATE");
          rdate.setValue(rdate.getValue() + ';' + summerTimeStart);
          rdate = standardTimeRDates.getProperty("RDATE");
          rdate.setValue(rdate.getValue() + ';' + standardTimeStart);
      i += 2;
    if (summerTimeRDates != null) {
      summerTimeRDates = null;
      standardTimeRDates = null;
    return vtz;