public void run() {
      try {
        String url = String.format(SUGGESTIONS_URL, URLEncoder.encode(constraint, "UTF-8"));

        HttpFetcher fetcher = new HttpFetcher(new URI(url), HTTP_QUERY_TIMEOUT);
        String json = StringUtils.getUTF8String(fetcher.fetch());

        if (!isCancelled()) {
          final List<String> suggestions =
              readSuggestions((JSONArray) ((JSONArray) JSONValue.parse(json)).get(1));

              new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                  Iterator<String> it = suggestions.iterator();
                  if (it.hasNext())
                    if (!StringUtils.isNullOrEmpty(input.getText(), true)) {
                    } else input.hidePopup();
      } catch (Throwable e) {
        // ignore
  public static MininovaVuzeResponse searchMininovaVuze(String keywords) {
    String iha = null;
    try {
      iha = URLEncoder.encode(keywords, "UTF-8");
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    HttpFetcher fetcher = null;
    try {
      fetcher =
          new HttpFetcher(new URI("" + iha), HTTP_TIMEOUT);
    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {

    byte[] jsonBytes = fetcher.fetch();

    if (jsonBytes == null) return null;

    String json = new String(jsonBytes);
    // fix what seems to be an intentional JSON syntax typo put ther by mininova
    json = json.replace("\"hash\":", ", \"hash\":");

    // Feel the power of reflection
    JsonEngine engine = new JsonEngine();
    MininovaVuzeResponse response = engine.toObject(json, MininovaVuzeResponse.class);

    return response;
  private void load(final String url) {
    try {
      HttpFetcher fetcher = new HttpFetcher(new URI(url));

      byte[] jsonBytes = fetcher.fetch();

      if (jsonBytes != null) {
        final SlideList slideList =
            new JsonEngine().toObject(new String(jsonBytes), SlideList.class);
            new Runnable() {
              public void run() {
                try {
                  setup(slideList.slides, slideList.randomStart);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                  System.out.println("Failed load of Slide Show:" + url);
                  _slides = null;
                  // nothing happens
      // System.out.println("Loaded Slide Show for:" + url);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      System.out.println("Failed load of Slide Show:" + url);
      _slides = null;
      // nothing happens