Ejemplo n.º 1
  protected List<TransactionTask> terminate(
      String subscriberId, boolean override, Map<String, Object> metas) throws CatalogException {
    List<TransactionTask> tasks = new ArrayList<TransactionTask>();
    Map<String, Object> context = RequestContextLocalStore.get().getInProcess();

    final long TERMINATE_TIMESTAMP = System.currentTimeMillis();
    context.put(Constants.MINIMUM_COMMITMENT_BREACH.name(), true);

    // check for minimum commitment...
    if (this.getMinimumCommitment() != null) {
      if (!(this.getMinimumCommitment() instanceof NoCommitment)) {
        long commitmentTime = this.getMinimumCommitment().getCommitmentTime(this);
        if (commitmentTime > TERMINATE_TIMESTAMP) {
          // minimum commitment breached.... set the context for penalty calculation...
          if (!override) {
            throw new CatalogException(
                "Minimum Commitment Period ("
                    + (new Date(commitmentTime)).toString()
                    + ") is still Active!!");

    // Try to get subscriber instance...
    Subscriber subscriber = null;
    try {
      subscriber = (Subscriber) context.get(Constants.SUBSCRIBER_ENTITY.name());
      if (subscriber == null) {
        subscriber = new FetchSubscriber(subscriberId).execute();

        if (subscriber == null)
          throw new CatalogException(
              "Unable fetch Subscriber: "
                  + subscriberId
                  + "!! Cannot proceed with renewal... Will cause inconsistencies!!");

        context.put(Constants.SUBSCRIBER_ENTITY.name(), subscriber);
    } catch (FrameworkException e) {
      if (e instanceof CatalogException) throw ((CatalogException) e);
      throw new CatalogException("Failed to fetch Susbcriber: " + subscriber, e);

    // check for additional policies in terminate...
    if (!override
        && !this.getEligibility().execute(subscriber, SubscriptionLifeCycleEvent.TERMINATE)) {
      // eligibility failed for this renewal.... convert to expire...
      throw new CatalogException("Terminate related policies rejected the request!!");

    // pretty much start packing up the tasks now....

    // ---------- Charging Tasks
     * 1. Evaluate Penalties and create Charging Task

    context.put(Constants.SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT.name(), SubscriptionLifeCycleEvent.RENEWAL);
    Map<String, MonetaryUnit> penalties = this.getPrice().getPrintableAdviceOfCharge();

    MonetaryUnit minimumCommitmentPenalty =
    if (minimumCommitmentPenalty != null) {
      tasks.add(new Charging(ChargingMode.CHARGE, minimumCommitmentPenalty, subscriberId));
          SubscriptionLifeCycleEvent.TERMINATE, TERMINATE_TIMESTAMP, minimumCommitmentPenalty);

    MonetaryUnit terminationPenalty = penalties.get(Constants.MINIMUM_COMMITMENT_BREACH.name());
    if (terminationPenalty != null) {
      tasks.add(new Charging(ChargingMode.CHARGE, terminationPenalty, subscriberId));
          SubscriptionLifeCycleEvent.TERMINATE, TERMINATE_TIMESTAMP, terminationPenalty);

    // ---------- Fulfillment Tasks
     * 1. get a list of all Atomic Products
     * 2. create a list of Fulfillment tasks
     * 3. add the fulfillment tasks to the transaction tasks
    // first, pack all the fulfillment tasks pertinent to deprovisioning
    for (AtomicProduct atomicProduct : this.getProvisionedProducts()) {
      tasks.add(new Fulfillment(FulfillmentMode.CANCEL, atomicProduct, subscriberId, null));

        new Notification(

    // save states and history & ask to be saved in DB
    this.subscriptionHistory.add(SubscriptionLifeCycleState.IN_TERMINATION, TERMINATE_TIMESTAMP);
    tasks.add(new Persistence<Subscription>(PersistenceMode.SAVE, this, subscriberId));

    return tasks;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  protected List<TransactionTask> renewal(
      String subscriberId, boolean override, Map<String, Object> metas) throws CatalogException {
    List<TransactionTask> tasks = new ArrayList<TransactionTask>();
    Map<String, Object> context = RequestContextLocalStore.get().getInProcess();

    metas.put("lifeCycleEvent", "renewal");

    OfferCatalog catalog = new OfferCatalog();
    Offer relevantOffer = catalog.getOfferById(this.getName());
    if (relevantOffer.getOfferState() != State.PUBLISHED) {
      // current subscribed offer is not renewable anymore
      logger.info("This offer is not available for RENEWAAL anymore... Converting to expiry...");
      tasks.addAll(this.expiry(subscriberId, true, metas));
      return tasks;

    // current subscribed offer is renewable...
    long RENEWAL_TIMESTAMP = System.currentTimeMillis();

    // Get the Subscriber
    Subscriber subscriber = null;
    try {
      subscriber = (Subscriber) context.get(Constants.SUBSCRIBER_ENTITY.name());
      if (subscriber == null) {
        subscriber = new FetchSubscriber(subscriberId).execute();

        if (subscriber == null)
          throw new CatalogException(
              "Unable fetch Subscriber: "
                  + subscriberId
                  + "!! Cannot proceed with renewal... Will cause inconsistencies!!");

        context.put(Constants.SUBSCRIBER_ENTITY.name(), subscriber);
    } catch (FrameworkException e) {
      if (e instanceof CatalogException) throw ((CatalogException) e);
      throw new CatalogException("Failed to fetch Susbcriber: " + subscriber, e);

    // enforce auto-termination....
    if (!override
        && this.getAutoTermination() != null
        && !(this.getAutoTermination().getTerminationTime(this) > RENEWAL_TIMESTAMP)) {
      // its time for auto-termination... covert to expire...
      tasks.addAll(this.expiry(subscriberId, true, metas));
      return tasks;

    // check for additional policies for renewal event
    context.put(Constants.SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT.name(), SubscriptionLifeCycleEvent.RENEWAL);
    if (!override
        && !this.getEligibility().execute(subscriber, SubscriptionLifeCycleEvent.RENEWAL)) {
      // eligibility failed for this renewal.... convert to expire...
      tasks.addAll(this.expiry(subscriberId, true, metas));
      return tasks;

    // check if this renewal will breach accumulation....
    if (!override && !this.getAccumulation().execute()) {
      // accumulation failed this renewal.... concert to expire...
      tasks.addAll(this.expiry(subscriberId, true, metas));
      return tasks;

    // pretty much start packing up the tasks now....

    // ---------- Charging Tasks
     * 1. Evaluate Price and create Charging Task

    if (this.isCommercial()) {
      context.put(Constants.SUBSCRIPTION_EVENT.name(), SubscriptionLifeCycleEvent.RENEWAL);
      MonetaryUnit rate = this.getPrice().getSimpleAdviceOfCharge();
      tasks.add(new Charging(ChargingMode.CHARGE, rate, subscriberId));
      this.addPurchaseHistory(SubscriptionLifeCycleEvent.RENEWAL, RENEWAL_TIMESTAMP, rate);

    // ---------- Fulfillment Tasks
     * 1. get a list of all Atomic Products
     * 2. create a list of Fulfillment tasks
     * 3. if trial period is being set, then adjust the validity period with trial period
     * 4. add the fulfillment tasks to the transaction tasks

    for (AtomicProduct atomicProduct : this.getAllAtomicProducts()) {
      AtomicProduct cloned = CloneHelper.deepClone(atomicProduct);
      tasks.add(new Fulfillment(FulfillmentMode.FULFILL, cloned, subscriberId, metas));

        new Future(

    // ----------- Notification Tasks
     * 1. Send Notification for each state of the Request Processing
     * 2. Transaction Engine must be able to use this task persistently across the entire process...
        new Notification(

    // finally save this transaction to DB...
    this.addSubscriptionHistory(SubscriptionLifeCycleState.IN_RENEWAL, RENEWAL_TIMESTAMP);
    tasks.add(new Persistence<Subscription>(PersistenceMode.SAVE, this, subscriberId));

    return tasks;