Ejemplo n.º 1
  public RawImage requestOrLoadImage(String filename) throws IOException {
    File imageFile = new File(filename);
    String canonicalPath = imageFile.getCanonicalPath();

    if (registry.containsKey(canonicalPath)) {
      return registry.get(canonicalPath);
    } else {
      RawImage newImage = imageLoader.createImageFromFile(filename);
      registry.put(canonicalPath, newImage);
      loadingStates.put(newImage, LoadingState.NotLoadedYet);
      return newImage;
Ejemplo n.º 2
   * Starts the image loading process if it has not been started yet. If ther loading process is in
   * progress, adds the caller's reporter its reporters list. If the image is loaded successfully,
   * just calls reporter's <code>reportSuccess</code> with the bitmap.
   * @param activity caller activity
   * @param filename name of the image to be loaded
   * @param reporter caller's reporter object
   * @return The current loading progress status
   * @throws IOException
  public synchronized LoadingState loadImage(
      final RawImage img, final ImageLoaderReporter reporter) {
    // Checking if the image needs loading
    if (loadingStates.get(img) == LoadingState.NotLoadedYet
        || loadingStates.get(img) == LoadingState.LoadingError) {
      // Creating the progress listener
      final ProgressListener imageLoadingProgressListener =
          new ProgressListener() {
            public boolean reportProgress(float progress) {
              int p = (int) (progress * 100);
              reporters.callReportProgressForImage(img, p);
              return true;

      // Adding the new listener to the loader

      // Adding the image loading reporter
      reporters.add(img, reporter);

      // Creating a runnable which will load the image for us
      Runnable imageLoadingRunnable =
          new Runnable() {
            ImageLoaderException exception = null;

            public void run() {
              // At start...
              // Showing the progress dialog (reporting the 0% progress)
              reporters.callReportProgressForImage(img, 0);

              // Setting the image's loading state
              loadingStates.put(img, LoadingState.LoadingInProgress);

              // Loading the bitmap itself
              IPreciseBitmap pb = null;
              try {
                pb = img.getBitmap();
              } catch (ImageLoaderException e) {
                // Saving the exception
                exception = e;

              // At final...
              final IPreciseBitmap result = pb;
              final ImageLoaderException resultException = exception;

              // Removing the progress handler

              // Checking if exception has occured
              if (resultException != null) {
                // Setting the image's loading state
                loadingStates.put(img, LoadingState.LoadingError);

                // Reporting exception to the caller
                reporters.callReportExceptionForImage(img, resultException);
              } else {
                // Setting the image's loading state
                loadingStates.put(img, LoadingState.Loaded);

                // Adding the result to the registry
                loadedBitmaps.put(img, result);

                // Reporting the result to the caller
                reporters.callReportSuccessForImage(img, result);

      // Running the loader thread
      new Thread(imageLoadingRunnable).start();

    } else if (loadingStates.get(img) == LoadingState.LoadingInProgress) {
      // Adding the image loading reporter
      // (after the image has loaded by other, already started thread,
      // the result will be sent to the caller)
      reporters.add(img, reporter);
    } else if (loadingStates.get(img) == LoadingState.Loaded) {
      // If the image is loaded, its bitmap should be in the registry.
      // So we retrieve it from there and sending to caller.

    // Returning the current loading state
    return loadingStates.get(img);