Ejemplo n.º 1
   * This function would return a Color object for string such as red, green,.. (all that are
   * available from java.awt.color class). It can also return a specific color represented by HEX or
   * Octal number like 0xffeeffee
  protected Color GetColorFromString(String token) {
    String tokstring = (String) token;

    Color result = Color.black;

    if (Debug.debugging("areas")) {
      Debug.output("AreaHandler: GetColorFromString(" + tokstring + ")");

    // Thank the heavens for Emacs macros!
    if (tokstring.equals("black")) result = Color.black;
    else if (tokstring.equals("blue")) result = Color.blue;
    else if (tokstring.equals("cyan")) result = Color.cyan;
    else if (tokstring.equals("darkGray")) result = Color.darkGray;
    else if (tokstring.equals("gray")) result = Color.gray;
    else if (tokstring.equals("green")) result = Color.green;
    else if (tokstring.equals("lightGray")) result = Color.lightGray;
    else if (tokstring.equals("magenta")) result = Color.magenta;
    else if (tokstring.equals("orange")) result = Color.orange;
    else if (tokstring.equals("pink")) result = Color.pink;
    else if (tokstring.equals("red")) result = Color.red;
    else if (tokstring.equals("white")) result = Color.white;
    else if (tokstring.equals("yellow")) result = Color.yellow;
      // decode a hex color string.
      result = Color.decode(tokstring);

    if (Debug.debugging("areas")) {
      Debug.output("AreaHandler.GetColorFromToken returns (" + result + ")");
    return result;
Ejemplo n.º 2
   * Initializes this object from the given properties
   * @param props the <code>Properties</code> holding settings for this object
  public void setProperties(String prefix, Properties props) {
    if (Debug.debugging("areas")) {
      Debug.output("AreaHandler: setting properties");

    originalProperties = props;

    // These will get initialized when someone asks for it.
    // Otherwise, it delays the startup of the map.
    politicalAreas = null;

    String realPrefix = PropUtils.getScopedPropertyPrefix(prefix);

    String transClassName = props.getProperty(realPrefix + ShapeLayer.TransformProperty);
    if (transClassName != null) {
      try {
        coordTransform =
                    transClassName, realPrefix + ShapeLayer.TransformProperty, props);
      } catch (ClassCastException cce) {

Ejemplo n.º 3
   * Add content to this Group. The OMGraphicHandler layers that are part of the map with have their
   * graphics may be added with a small separation between the layers, depending on the value of
   * layerSeparation.
   * @param mapHandler Description of the Parameter
  protected void createMap(MapHandler mapHandler) {

    double baselineHeight = layerSeparation;

    LayerHandler lh = (LayerHandler) mapHandler.get("com.bbn.openmap.LayerHandler");
    if (lh != null) {
      Debug.message("3d", "LayerMapContent: putting layer graphics on the map.");
      Layer[] layers = lh.getLayers();

      // Back to front makes the sea in the back, and keeps
      // first layers on top, to go with the OpenMap paradigm.
      for (int i = layers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        Layer layer = layers[i];
        if (layer.isVisible()) {
          if (layer instanceof ScaleFilterLayer) {
            ScaleFilterLayer sfl = (ScaleFilterLayer) layer;
            layer = sfl.getAppropriateLayer();
          if (layer instanceof OMGraphicHandlerLayer) {
            addContent(this, (OMGraphicHandlerLayer) layer, baselineHeight += layerSeparation);
          } else {
            Debug.message("3d", "LayerMapContent: skipping layer " + layer.getName());

    addSea(this, mapHandler);
Ejemplo n.º 4
   * The method needs more information from the properties than the CodePosition version of this
   * method provides, like getting the base symbol code for the scheme and the hierarchy addition.
  public CodePosition addPositionChoice(int index, String entry, String prefix, Properties props) {

    CodeScheme cs = (CodeScheme) super.addPositionChoice(index, entry, prefix, props);
    prefix = PropUtils.getScopedPropertyPrefix(prefix) + entry + ".";

    String next = props.getProperty(prefix + NextProperty);

    if (next != null) {
      String nextClassName = props.getProperty(next + ".class");
      if (nextClassName != null) {
        CodePosition cp = (CodePosition) ComponentFactory.create(nextClassName);
        if (DEBUG) {
          Debug.output("CodeScheme created next class(" + next + "), " + nextClassName);
        if (cp != null) {
          cs.nextPosition = cp;
          cp.parsePositions(next, props);
      } else {
        if (DEBUG) {
          Debug.output("CodeScheme couldn't create next class(" + next + "), " + nextClassName);

    cs.defaultSymbolCode = props.getProperty(prefix + DefaultSymbolCodeProperty);
    cs.hierarchyAddition = props.getProperty(prefix + HierarchyCodeAdditionProperty, "");
    // Don't need to add to choices, already done in super class
    // method.
    return cs;
Ejemplo n.º 5
   * Create and set the graphic within the state machine. The GraphicAttributes describe the type of
   * poly to create.
  public void createGraphic(GraphicAttributes ga) {
    int renderType = OMGraphic.RENDERTYPE_LATLON;
    int lineType = OMGraphic.LINETYPE_GREATCIRCLE;

    if (ga != null) {
      renderType = ga.getRenderType();
      lineType = ga.getLineType();

    if (Debug.debugging("eomg")) {
      Debug.output("EditableOMDistance.createGraphic(): rendertype = " + renderType);

    if (lineType == OMGraphic.LINETYPE_UNKNOWN) {
      lineType = OMGraphic.LINETYPE_GREATCIRCLE;

    this.poly = (OMDistance) createGraphic(renderType, lineType);

    if (ga != null) {
      ga.setTo(poly, true);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public void finalize() {
   if (getGraphic() != null) {
   if (Debug.debugging("gc")) {
     Debug.output("EditableOMGraphic gone.");
Ejemplo n.º 7
   * DeterminePoliticalAreas goes over a list of omgraphics, and spits out a hashtable that holds
   * PoliticalArea objects for every area key.
   * @param graphicList the list of graphics. The top level graphic entries on the list represent
   *     areas.
  public Hashtable determinePoliticalAreas(OMGraphicList graphicList) {
    if (Debug.debugging("areas")) {
      Debug.output("AreaHandler: Determining political areas from OMGraphicList");

    Hashtable poli_areas = new Hashtable();
    return determinePoliticalAreas(graphicList, poli_areas);
Ejemplo n.º 8
   * Parse the hierarchy properties to create SymbolParts for those parts under a particular scheme
   * represented by this instance of CodeScheme.
   * @param hCode the hierarchy code of this scheme, used to grow the tree for subsequent
   *     generations.
   * @param props the hierarchy properties.
   * @param parent the SymbolPart parent that the new SymbolPart tree falls under.
  public void parseHierarchy(String hCode, Properties props, SymbolPart parent) {

    List codePositionList = null;

    if (nextPosition != null) {
      codePositionList = nextPosition.getPositionChoices();

    if (codePositionList == null || codePositionList.isEmpty()) {
      Debug.output(prettyName + ".parseHierarchy(): codePositionList.size = 0");

    List parentList = null;

    for (Iterator it = codePositionList.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
      CodePosition cp = (CodePosition) it.next();
      String newHCode = hCode + "." + cp.getHierarchyNumber();
      if (DEBUG) {
        Debug.output("CodeScheme.parse: " + newHCode + " with " + cp.getPrettyName());

      String entry = props.getProperty(newHCode);
      if (entry != null) {
        SymbolPart sp = new SymbolPart(cp, entry, props, parent);

        if (parentList == null) {
          parentList = parent.getSubs();
          if (parentList == null) {
            parentList = new ArrayList();

        if (DEBUG) {
              "CodeScheme.parse: adding " + sp.getPrettyName() + " to " + parent.getPrettyName());


        if (DEBUG) {
              "CodeScheme.parse: handling "
                  + cp.getPrettyName()
                  + " children for "
                  + sp.getPrettyName());

        cp.parseHierarchy(newHCode, props, sp);

      } else {
        if (DEBUG) {
          Debug.output("CodeScheme.parse: no entry found for " + newHCode);
Ejemplo n.º 9
   * Send a Paint event to all registered listeners.
   * @param graphics PaintEvent
  public void paint(Graphics graphics) {

    if (isEmpty()) return;

    for (PaintListener target : this) {
      if (Debug.debugging("paint")) {
        Debug.output("PaintListenerSupport.paint(): target is: " + target);
      target.listenerPaint(getSource(), graphics);
Ejemplo n.º 10
   * Takes a name of a file, and checks to see if it reflects an entry in a jar file. (Check the
   * filename and see if it looks like "jarfile!jarfileentry".) If it is, it separates the path, and
   * set the inputReader to a JarInputReader and returns true. If not, it returns false.
  protected boolean setJarInputReader(final String name) throws IOException {

    try {
      final int index = name.indexOf("!");
      if (index != -1) {

        // Used to be this, modified by Erik Sanders to work
        // with jdk 1.4 plugin
        // String jarFileName =
        // name.substring(name.indexOf(":") + 1, index);

        // changed to this...
        String jarFileName;

        if (name.startsWith("file:")) {
          // java-plugin 1.3 returns local file: strip file:
          // from string
          jarFileName = name.substring(name.indexOf(":") + 1, index);
        } else {
          // java-plugin 1.4 returns reference to server, so
          // leave http:// part

          // Used to start the substring from 1, but changed
          // to 0 thanks to DGK
          jarFileName = name.substring(0, index);

        // skip !/ "
        final String jarEntryName = name.substring(index + 2);
        if (Debug.debugging("binaryfile")) {
          Debug.output(" got: \n" + jarFileName + "\n" + jarEntryName);

        // If the jar doesn't exist, should return something
        // that indicates this. Should check the performance
        // impllications of this call, though, at some point.

        // DGK added
        final File f = new File(jarFileName);
        if (f.exists() == false) {
          return false;

        setInputReader(new JarInputReader(jarFileName, jarEntryName));
        return true;
    } catch (final java.security.AccessControlException ace) {
      if (Debug.debugging("binaryfile")) {
        Debug.output("BinaryFile.setJarInputFile: AccessControlException for " + name);

    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 11
   * Filters the OMGraphicHandler graphic list so that graphics inside or outside the given shape
   * will be visible. Returns an OMGraphicList with those visible shapes. The returned list should
   * not be assumed to be the same OMGraphicList object that is maintained inside the
   * OMGraphicHandler.
   * @param shapeBoundary java.awt.Shape object defining a boundary.
   * @param getInsideBoundary if true, the filter will look for shapes inside and contacting the
   *     boundary. If false, the filter will look for shapes outside the boundary.
   * @return OMGraphicList containing OMGraphics that are within the Shape.
  public OMGraphicList filter(Shape shapeBoundary, boolean getInsideBoundary) {
    Area area = null;
    if (shapeBoundary != null) {
      area = new Area(shapeBoundary);

    if (Debug.debugging("filtersupportdetail")) {

    return filterList(getList(), area, getInsideBoundary);
Ejemplo n.º 12
  /** Read a cache of OMGraphics */
  public OMGraphicList readCachedGraphics(URL url) throws java.io.IOException {

    if (Debug.debugging("areas")) {
      Debug.output("Reading cached graphics");

    OMGraphicList omgraphics = new OMGraphicList();

    if (url != null) {
    return omgraphics;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 /** From the Runnable interface. The thread starts here... */
 public void run() {
   try {
   } catch (IOException ioe) {
     link = null;
     if (com.bbn.openmap.util.Debug.debugging("link")) {
     com.bbn.openmap.util.Debug.output("LinkServer: Client disconnected");
Ejemplo n.º 14
   * This main function basically reads in the data sources (the shape file and the csv information
   * file, and creates a serialized graphics file that will act like a cache later.
  public static void main(String[] argv) {
    String propertiesFile = null;
    String prefix = null;
    String outputFile = null;


    if (argv.length < 6) printUsage();

    for (int i = 0; i < argv.length; i++) {
      if (argv[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-props")) {
        propertiesFile = argv[++i];
      } else if (argv[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-prefix")) {
        prefix = argv[++i];
      } else if (argv[i].equalsIgnoreCase("-file")) {
        outputFile = argv[++i];

    if (propertiesFile == null || prefix == null || outputFile == null) {

    try {
      Properties properties = new Properties();
      // Read in the properties.
      URL propertiesURL = new URL(propertiesFile);
      InputStream is = propertiesURL.openStream();

      // Let's make a file
      ShapeLayer sl = new ShapeLayer();
      sl.setProperties(prefix, properties);

      AreaHandler ah = new AreaHandler(sl.getSpatialIndex(), sl.getDrawingAttributes());

      // Set the properties in the handler.
      ah.setProperties(prefix, properties);
      // Write the saved graphics.

    } catch (java.net.MalformedURLException murle) {
      Debug.error("Bad URL for properties file : " + propertiesFile);
    } catch (java.io.IOException ioe) {
      Debug.error("IOException creating cached graphics file: " + outputFile);
Ejemplo n.º 15
   * Method to set the properties in the PropertyConsumer. The prefix is a string that should be
   * prepended to each property key (in addition to a separating '.') in order for the
   * PropertyConsumer to uniquely identify properties meant for it, in the midst of Properties meant
   * for several objects.
   * @param prefix a String used by the PropertyConsumer to prepend to each property value it wants
   *     to look up - setList.getProperty(prefix.propertyKey). If the prefix had already been set,
   *     then the prefix passed in should replace that previous value.
   * @param setList a Properties object that the PropertyConsumer can use to retrieve expected
   *     properties it can use for configuration.
  public void setProperties(String prefix, Properties setList) {
    super.setProperties(prefix, setList);
    prefix = PropUtils.getScopedPropertyPrefix(prefix);

    wmsServer = setList.getProperty(prefix + WMSServerProperty);
    if (wmsServer == null) {
      Debug.error("WMSPlugIn needs a WMS server.");

    queryHeader = wmsServer;

    setImageFormat(setList.getProperty(prefix + ImageFormatProperty, getImageFormat()));

    setTransparent(setList.getProperty(prefix + TransparentProperty, getTransparent()));

    setBackgroundColor(setList.getProperty(prefix + BackgroundColorProperty, getBackgroundColor()));

    setWmsVersion(setList.getProperty(prefix + WMSVersionProperty, getWmsVersion()));

    layers = setList.getProperty(prefix + LayersProperty);
    styles = setList.getProperty(prefix + StylesProperty);

    /** Include for vendor specific parameters */
        setList.getProperty(prefix + VendorSpecificNamesProperty, getVendorSpecificNames()));
        setList.getProperty(prefix + VendorSpecificValuesProperty, getVendorSpecificValues()));
  } // end setProperties
Ejemplo n.º 16
   * Called when some fundamental parameters change.
   * <p>Each projection will decide how to respond to this change. For instance, they may need to
   * recalculate "constant" parameters used in the forward() and inverse() calls.
   * <p>
  protected void computeParameters() {
    Debug.message("proj", "Gnomonic.computeParameters()");

    // maxscale = scale at which a world hemisphere fits in the
    // window
    maxscale =
        (width < height)
            ? (float) (planetPixelRadius * 2 * hPrime) / (float) width
            : (float) (planetPixelRadius * 2 * hPrime) / (float) height;
    if (maxscale < minscale) {
      maxscale = minscale;

    if (scale > maxscale) {
      scale = maxscale;

    scaled_radius = planetPixelRadius / scale;

    // width of the world in pixels at current scale. We see only
    // one hemisphere.
    world.x = (int) ((planetPixelRadius * 2 * hPrime) / scale);

    // do some precomputation of stuff
    cosCtrLat = Math.cos(centerY);
    sinCtrLat = Math.sin(centerY);

    // compute the offsets
    hy = height / 2;
    wx = width / 2;
Ejemplo n.º 17
  /** Write an OMPoint to the Link. */
  public static void write(OMPoint point, Link link, LinkProperties props) throws IOException {

    props.setProperty(LinkPoint.LPC_POINT_OVAL, point.isOval() ? "true" : "false");
    switch (point.getRenderType()) {
            (float) point.getLat(), (float) point.getLon(), point.getRadius(), props, link.dos);
      case OMPoint.RENDERTYPE_XY:
        LinkPoint.write(point.getX(), point.getY(), point.getRadius(), props, link.dos);
            (float) point.getLat(),
            (float) point.getLon(),
        Debug.error("LinkPoint.write: point rendertype unknown.");
Ejemplo n.º 18
  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
    if (map != null) {
      Proj proj = (Proj) map.getProjection();
      DataBounds bounds = provider.getDataBounds();

      if (bounds != null) {
        java.awt.geom.Point2D center = bounds.getCenter();
        if (center != null) {
          proj.setCenter((float) center.getY(), (float) center.getX());
          LatLonPoint llp1 = new LatLonPoint(bounds.getMax().getY(), bounds.getMin().getX());

          LatLonPoint llp2 = new LatLonPoint(bounds.getMin().getY(), bounds.getMax().getX());

          // 1.1 buffers the edges for viewing a little, a
          // little zommed out.
          proj.setScale(ProjMath.getScale(llp1, llp2, proj) * 1.1f);
      } else {
        String complaint =
            "Can't move map over data: " + provider.getName() + " isn't ready.  Add to map?";
        if (infoDelegator != null) {
          infoDelegator.displayMessage("Go Over Data", complaint);
        } else {
Ejemplo n.º 19
   * This function takes an OMGraphicList and loads each one with the array representing the records
   * in the dbf file. Each graphics stores the graphic in its object slot.
  public void loadDbfModelIntoGraphics(OMGraphicList list) {
    if (list != null && dbfModel.getRowCount() > 0) {
      int numgraphics = list.size();

      for (int i = 0; i < numgraphics; i++) {
        try {
          OMGraphic omg = list.getOMGraphicAt(i);
          Integer recnum = (Integer) (omg.getAttribute(ShapeConstants.SHAPE_INDEX_ATTRIBUTE));
          // OFF BY ONE!!! The shape record numbers
          // assigned to the records start with 0, while
          // everything else we do starts with 0. The DbfTableModel
          // follows java convention and starts at 0. The integer
          // stored in the OMG should know it too.
          Object inforec = dbfModel.getRecord(recnum.intValue());
          omg.putAttribute(ShapeConstants.SHAPE_DBF_INFO_ATTRIBUTE, inforec);
        } catch (ClassCastException cce) {
          if (Debug.debugging("shape")) {
        } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
Ejemplo n.º 20
   * Inverse project x,y coordinates into a LatLonPoint.
   * @param x integer x coordinate
   * @param y integer y coordinate
   * @param llp LatLonPoint
   * @return LatLonPoint llp
   * @see Proj#inverse(Point2D)
  public <T extends Point2D> T inverse(double x, double y, T llp) {

    if (llp == null) {
      llp = (T) new LatLonPoint.Double();

    // convert from screen to world coordinates
    x -= wx;
    y = hy - y;

    // Debug.output("Gnomonic.inverse: x,y=" + x + "," + y);

    double rho = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
    if (rho == 0) {
      Debug.message("proj", "Gnomonic.inverse: center!");
      llp.setLocation(ProjMath.radToDeg(centerX), ProjMath.radToDeg(centerY));
      return llp;

    double c = Math.atan2(rho, scaled_radius);
    double cosC = Math.cos(c);
    double sinC = Math.sin(c);

    // calculate latitude
    double lat = Math.asin(cosC * sinCtrLat + (y * sinC * (cosCtrLat / rho)));

    // calculate longitude
    double lon = centerX + Math.atan2((x * sinC), (rho * cosCtrLat * cosC - y * sinCtrLat * sinC));
    // Debug.output("Gnomonic.inverse: lat,lon=" +
    // ProjMath.radToDeg(lat) + "," +
    // ProjMath.radToDeg(lon));

    // check if point in outer space
    // if (MoreMath.approximately_equal(lat, ctrLat) &&
    // MoreMath.approximately_equal(lon, ctrLon) &&
    // (Math.abs(x-(width/2))<2) &&
    // (Math.abs(y-(height/2))<2))

    if (Double.isNaN(lat) || Double.isNaN(lon)) {
      Debug.message("proj", "Gnomonic.inverse(): outer space!");
      lat = centerY;
      lon = centerX;

    llp.setLocation(Math.toDegrees(wrapLongitude(lon)), Math.toDegrees(normalizeLatitude(lat)));
    return llp;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 /** Set the OMGraphicList within this OMGraphicHandler. Works if canSetGraphicList == true. */
 public synchronized void setList(OMGraphicList omgl) {
   if (DEBUG) {
         "FilterSupport.setList() with "
             + (omgl != null ? omgl.size() + " graphics." : "null list."));
   list = omgl;
Ejemplo n.º 22
  * Return the graphic list currently being used by the OMGraphicHandler. If filters have been
  * applied, then the OMGraphics that have made it through the filter are visible. List may be
  * null, if it hasn't been set.
  * @see OMGraphic#isVisible().
 public synchronized OMGraphicList getList() {
   if (DEBUG) {
         "FilterSupport.getList() with "
             + (list != null ? list.size() + " graphics." : "null list."));
   return list;
Ejemplo n.º 23
  * Use the current projection to place the graphics on the screen. Has to be called to at least
  * assure the graphics that they are ready for rendering. Called when the graphic position
  * changes.
  * @param proj com.bbn.openmap.proj.Projection
  * @return true
 public boolean generate(Projection proj) {
   Debug.message("eomg", "EditableOMPoly.generate()");
   if (poly != null) {
   return true;
Ejemplo n.º 24
   * Paints the layer.
   * @param g the Graphics context for painting
  public void paint(java.awt.Graphics g) {
    Debug.message("dted", getName() + "|DTEDLayer.paint()");


    if (location != null) location.render(g);
    location = null;
Ejemplo n.º 25
  /** Get all the graphics from the shapefile, colored appropriately. */
  public OMGraphicList getGraphics() {
    if (omgraphics == null) {
      omgraphics = new OMGraphicList();
      try {
            -180, -90, 180, 90, omgraphics, drawingAttributes, (Projection) null, coordTransform);


      } catch (IOException ioe) {
      } catch (FormatException fe) {
    return omgraphics;
Ejemplo n.º 26
   * Given a new projection, the grab points may need to be repositioned off the current position of
   * the graphic. Called when the projection changes.
  public void regenerate(Projection proj) {
    Debug.message("eomg", "EditableOMPoly.regenerate()");
    if (poly != null) {

Ejemplo n.º 27
   * Draw the EditableOMPoly parts into the java.awt.Graphics object. The grab points are only
   * rendered if the poly machine state is PolySelectedState.POLY_SELECTED.
   * @param graphics java.awt.Graphics.
  public void render(java.awt.Graphics graphics) {
    Debug.message("eomg", "EditableOMPoly.render()");

    State state = getStateMachine().getState();

    if (poly != null && !(state instanceof PolyUndefinedState)) {
    } else {
      Debug.message("eomg", "EditableOMPoly.render: null or undefined poly.");

    // Render the points actually on the polygon
    if (state instanceof GraphicSelectedState
        || state instanceof PolyAddNodeState
        || state instanceof PolyDeleteNodeState) {
      for (GrabPoint gb : polyGrabPoints) {
        if (gb != null) {

    // In certain conditions, render the offset grab point.

    if (state instanceof GraphicSelectedState || state instanceof GraphicEditState /*
                                                                                        * ||
                                                                                        * state
                                                                                        * instanceof
                                                                                        * PolySetOffsetState
                                                                                        */) {
      if (gpo != null && poly.getRenderType() == OMGraphic.RENDERTYPE_OFFSET) {
Ejemplo n.º 28
  protected void addSubfield(DDFSubfield ddfs) {
    if (Debug.debugging("iso8211")) {
      Debug.output("DDFField(" + getFieldDefn().getName() + ").addSubfield(" + ddfs + ")");

    String sfName = ddfs.getDefn().getName().trim().intern();
    Object sf = subfields.get(sfName);
    if (sf == null) {
      subfields.put(sfName, ddfs);
    } else {
      if (sf instanceof List) {
        ((List) sf).add(ddfs);
      } else {
        Vector subList = new Vector();
        subfields.put(sfName, subList);
Ejemplo n.º 29
   * Prints a VPF Library
   * @param prefix lines get printed with this prefix
   * @param cat the CoverageAttributeTable (Library) to print
  public static void printLibrary(String prefix, CoverageAttributeTable cat) {
    StringBuffer printedlayers = new StringBuffer();
    String printedlayername = null;

    if (cat == null) {
      System.err.println(prefix + "Library doesn't exist");
    String[] coverages = cat.getCoverageNames();
    if (Debug.debugging("vpf")) {
      Debug.output(prefix + "uses " + (cat.isTiledData() ? "tiled" : "untiled") + " data");
    for (int i = 0; i < coverages.length; i++) {
      printedlayername = printCoverageProperties(prefix, cat, coverages[i]);
      if (printedlayername != null) {
        printedlayers.append(" " + printedlayername);
    println("# Summary:" + printedlayers);
Ejemplo n.º 30
 public void setCacheSize(int cs) {
   if (cs > 0) {
     cacheSize = cs;
   } else {
         "DTEDLayer ("
             + getName()
             + ") being told to set cache size to invalid value ("
             + cs
             + ").");