Ejemplo n.º 1
  protected FileHandle loadAtlas(Element root, FileHandle tmxFile) throws IOException {

    Element e = root.getChildByName("properties");
    Array<FileHandle> atlases = new Array<FileHandle>();

    if (e != null) {
      for (Element property : e.getChildrenByName("property")) {
        String name = property.getAttribute("name", null);
        String value = property.getAttribute("value", null);
        if (name.equals("atlas")) {
          if (value == null) {
            value = property.getText();

          if (value == null || value.length() == 0) {
            // keep trying until there are no more atlas properties

          return getRelativeFileHandle(tmxFile, value);

    return null;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Loads the tilesets
  * @param root the root XML element
  * @return a list of filenames for images containing tiles
  * @throws IOException
 private Array<FileHandle> loadTileSheets(Element root, FileHandle tideFile) throws IOException {
   Array<FileHandle> images = new Array<FileHandle>();
   Element tilesheets = root.getChildByName("TileSheets");
   for (Element tileset : tilesheets.getChildrenByName("TileSheet")) {
     Element imageSource = tileset.getChildByName("ImageSource");
     FileHandle image = getRelativeFileHandle(tideFile, imageSource.getText());
   return images;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  public Matrix4 getMatrix(Element matrix) {
    Matrix4 m = new Matrix4();

    // read elements into data[]
    String[] tokens = matrix.getText().split("\\s+");
    for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
      m.val[i] = Float.parseFloat(tokens[i]);
    return m;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 protected void loadProperties(MapProperties properties, Element element) {
   if (element.getName().equals("properties")) {
     for (Element property : element.getChildrenByName("property")) {
       String name = property.getAttribute("name", null);
       String value = property.getAttribute("value", null);
       if (value == null) {
         value = property.getText();
       properties.put(name, value);
Ejemplo n.º 5
  public void parseLevel(FileHandle file) throws Exception {

    Element root = new XmlReader().parse(file);

    this.pathway = Pathway.parsePathway(root);

    // Loading game objects
    Element entities = root.getChildByName("entities");
    this.gameObjects = new ArrayList<GameObject>();
    if (entities != null) {
      for (int i = 0; i < entities.getChildCount(); i++) {
        Element gameObject = entities.getChild(i);

    // Loading universal objects
    Element universalObjects = root.getChildByName("drawings");
    this.universalObjects = new ArrayList<GameObject>();
    if (universalObjects != null) {
      for (int i = 0; i < universalObjects.getChildCount(); i++) {
        Element universalObject = universalObjects.getChild(i);

    // Loading car
    Element car = root.getChildByName(Car.name);
    this.car = Car.parseCar(car);

    // Loading start
    Element start = root.getChildByName(Start.name);
    this.start = (Start) GameObject.parseGameObject(start);

    // Loading finish
    Element finish = root.getChildByName(Finish.name);
    this.finish = (Finish) GameObject.parseGameObject(finish);

    // Background
    Element background = root.getChildByName("background");
    this.background = LevelBackground.parseLevelBackground(background);

    // Time limit
    this.timeLimit = root.getFloat("timeLimit");

    Element difficulty = root.getChildByName("difficulty");

    System.out.println("Loading level \"" + file.name() + "\" done.");
Ejemplo n.º 6
  private void loadProperties(MapProperties properties, Element element) {
    if (element.getName().equals("Properties")) {
      for (Element property : element.getChildrenByName("Property")) {
        String key = property.getAttribute("Key", null);
        String type = property.getAttribute("Type", null);
        String value = property.getText();

        if (type.equals("Int32")) {
          properties.put(key, Integer.parseInt(value));
        } else if (type.equals("String")) {
          properties.put(key, value);
        } else if (type.equals("Boolean")) {
          properties.put(key, value.equalsIgnoreCase("true"));
        } else {
          properties.put(key, value);
Ejemplo n.º 7
  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  protected void baseInternalLoad(Element xml) {
    name = xml.get("Name", name);

    size = xml.getInt("Size", size);
    if (size < 1) {
      size = 1;

    tile = new GameTile[size][size];

    quality = xml.getInt("Quality", quality);

    Element spriteElement = xml.getChildByName("Sprite");
    if (spriteElement != null) {
      sprite = AssetManager.loadSprite(xml.getChildByName("Sprite"));

    if (sprite != null) {
      sprite.size[0] = size;
      sprite.size[1] = size;

    Element raisedSpriteElement = xml.getChildByName("TilingSprite");
    if (raisedSpriteElement != null) {
      tilingSprite = TilingSprite.load(raisedSpriteElement);

    if (tilingSprite != null) {
      // for (Sprite sprite : tilingSprite.sprites)
      // {
      //	sprite.size = size;
      // }

    Element lightElement = xml.getChildByName("Light");
    if (lightElement != null) {
      light = Roguelike.Lights.Light.load(lightElement);

    Element statElement = xml.getChildByName("Statistics");
    if (statElement != null) {
      Statistic.load(statElement, statistics);
      HP = getMaxHP();

      statistics.put(Statistic.WALK, 1);
      // statistics.put( Statistic.ENTITY, 1 );

    Element inventoryElement = xml.getChildByName("Inventory");
    if (inventoryElement != null) {

    Element immuneElement = xml.getChildByName("Immune");
    if (immuneElement != null) {
      immune = immuneElement.getText().toLowerCase().split(",");

    canTakeDamage = xml.getBoolean("CanTakeDamage", canTakeDamage);

    UID = getClass().getSimpleName() + " " + name + ": ID " + hashCode();
Ejemplo n.º 8
  protected void loadTileLayer(TiledMap map, Element element) {
    if (element.getName().equals("layer")) {
      String name = element.getAttribute("name", null);
      int width = element.getIntAttribute("width", 0);
      int height = element.getIntAttribute("height", 0);
      int tileWidth = element.getParent().getIntAttribute("tilewidth", 0);
      int tileHeight = element.getParent().getIntAttribute("tileheight", 0);
      boolean visible = element.getIntAttribute("visible", 1) == 1;
      float opacity = element.getFloatAttribute("opacity", 1.0f);
      TiledMapTileLayer layer = new TiledMapTileLayer(width, height, tileWidth, tileHeight);

      TiledMapTileSets tilesets = map.getTileSets();

      Element data = element.getChildByName("data");
      String encoding = data.getAttribute("encoding", null);
      String compression = data.getAttribute("compression", null);
      if (encoding == null) { // no 'encoding' attribute means that the encoding is XML
        throw new GdxRuntimeException("Unsupported encoding (XML) for TMX Layer Data");
      if (encoding.equals("csv")) {
        String[] array = data.getText().split(",");
        for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
          for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
            int id = (int) Long.parseLong(array[y * width + x].trim());

            final boolean flipHorizontally = ((id & FLAG_FLIP_HORIZONTALLY) != 0);
            final boolean flipVertically = ((id & FLAG_FLIP_VERTICALLY) != 0);
            final boolean flipDiagonally = ((id & FLAG_FLIP_DIAGONALLY) != 0);

            id = id & ~MASK_CLEAR;

            TiledMapTile tile = tilesets.getTile(id);
            if (tile != null) {
              Cell cell = createTileLayerCell(flipHorizontally, flipVertically, flipDiagonally);
              layer.setCell(x, yUp ? height - 1 - y : y, cell);
      } else {
        if (encoding.equals("base64")) {
          byte[] bytes = Base64Coder.decode(data.getText());
          if (compression == null) {
            int read = 0;
            for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
              for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {

                int id =
                        | unsignedByteToInt(bytes[read++]) << 8
                        | unsignedByteToInt(bytes[read++]) << 16
                        | unsignedByteToInt(bytes[read++]) << 24;

                final boolean flipHorizontally = ((id & FLAG_FLIP_HORIZONTALLY) != 0);
                final boolean flipVertically = ((id & FLAG_FLIP_VERTICALLY) != 0);
                final boolean flipDiagonally = ((id & FLAG_FLIP_DIAGONALLY) != 0);

                id = id & ~MASK_CLEAR;

                TiledMapTile tile = tilesets.getTile(id);
                if (tile != null) {
                  Cell cell = createTileLayerCell(flipHorizontally, flipVertically, flipDiagonally);
                  layer.setCell(x, yUp ? height - 1 - y : y, cell);
          } else if (compression.equals("gzip")) {
            throw new GdxRuntimeException("GZIP compression not supported in GWT backend");
          } else if (compression.equals("zlib")) {
            throw new GdxRuntimeException("ZLIB compression not supported in GWT backend");
        } else {
          // any other value of 'encoding' is one we're not aware of, probably a feature of a future
          // version of Tiled
          // or another editor
          throw new GdxRuntimeException(
              "Unrecognised encoding (" + encoding + ") for TMX Layer Data");
      Element properties = element.getChildByName("properties");
      if (properties != null) {
        loadProperties(layer.getProperties(), properties);
Ejemplo n.º 9
  public Animation read(FileHandle handle) {
    XmlReader rdr = new XmlReader();
    try {

      Element root = rdr.parse(handle);
      int frameRate = Integer.parseInt(root.getChildByName("FrameRate").getText());
      int loopFrame = Integer.parseInt(root.getChildByName("LoopFrame").getText());

      Animation anim = new Animation();
      anim.FrameRate = frameRate;
      anim.LoopFrame = loopFrame;
      anim.Textures = new ArrayList<TextureEntry>();
      anim.Loop = loopFrame != -1;
      anim.Keyframes = new ArrayList<Keyframe>();

      for (int i = 0; i < root.getChildCount(); ++i) {
        Element ch = root.getChild(i);
        if (ch.getName().equals("Texture")) {
          TextureRegion reg = imgSrc.getImage(ch.getText());
          if (reg != null) {
            TextureAtlas.AtlasRegion r = (TextureAtlas.AtlasRegion) reg;
                new TextureEntry(
                    new TextureBounds(
                        new Rectangle(0, 0, r.originalWidth, r.originalHeight),
                        new Vector2(r.originalWidth / 2, r.originalHeight / 2))));
          } else {
            throw new Exception("Unable to resolve image: " + ch.getText());

      for (int i = 0; i < root.getChildCount(); ++i) {
        Element ch = root.getChild(i);
        if (ch.getName().equals("Keyframe")) {
          Keyframe frame = new Keyframe();
          frame.Bones = new ArrayList<Bone>();
          frame.FrameNumber = ch.getIntAttribute("frame");
          frame.Trigger = ch.getAttribute("trigger", "");
          frame.FlipHorizontally = ch.getAttribute("hflip", "False").equals("True");
          frame.FlipVertically = ch.getAttribute("vflip", "False").equals("True");

          for (int j = 0; j < ch.getChildCount(); ++j) {
            Element bone = ch.getChild(j);
            if (bone.getName().equals("Bone")) {
              Element posElem = bone.getChildByName("Position");
              Element sclElem = bone.getChildByName("Scale");
              Vector2 pos = new Vector2();
              Vector2 scl = new Vector2();

              pos.x = Float.parseFloat(posElem.getChildByName("X").getText());
              pos.y = Float.parseFloat(posElem.getChildByName("Y").getText());

              scl.x = Float.parseFloat(sclElem.getChildByName("X").getText());
              scl.y = Float.parseFloat(sclElem.getChildByName("Y").getText());

              Bone b = new Bone();
              b.Hidden = bone.getChildByName("Hidden").getText().equals("True");
              b.Name = bone.getAttribute("name");
              b.TextureFlipHorizontal =
              b.TextureFlipVertical =
              b.ParentIndex = Integer.parseInt(bone.getChildByName("ParentIndex").getText());
              b.TextureIndex = Integer.parseInt(bone.getChildByName("TextureIndex").getText());
              b.Rotation = Float.parseFloat(bone.getChildByName("Rotation").getText());

              b.Position = pos;
              b.Scale = scl;
              b.SelfIndex = j;



        float fr = 1.0f / anim.FrameRate;
        anim.LoopTime = anim.LoopFrame * anim.FrameRate;
        anim.Loop = anim.LoopFrame != -1;
        for (Keyframe kf : anim.Keyframes) {
          kf.FrameTime = fr * kf.FrameNumber;

      return anim;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      Gdx.app.log("AnimationReader", "read", ex);
      return null;