        public void onClicked(SlideupCloser slideupCloser, View slideupView, Slideup slideup) {
          Log.d(TAG, "SlideupViewWrapper.ISlideupViewLifecycleListener.onClicked called.");
          if (slideup.getClickAction() != ClickAction.NONE) {

          // Perform the slideup clicked listener action from the host application first. This give
          // the app the option to override the values that are sent from the server and handle the
          // slideup differently depending on where the user is in the app.
          // To modify the default slideup clicked behavior, mutate the necessary slideup members.
          // As
          // an example, if the slideup were to navigate to the news feed when it was clicked, the
          // behavior can be cancelled by setting the click action to NONE.
          boolean handled = getSlideupManagerListener().onSlideupClicked(slideup, slideupCloser);

          if (!handled) {
            // Perform the default (or modified) slideup clicked behavior.
            performSlideupClicked(slideup, slideupCloser);