private void printText(Node node) {
    boolean escape = true;
    String text = node.getNodeValue();

    String source = getSource(node);
    if (source != null) {
      // Get the original source string. This will contain the actual entities
      // such as ">" instead of ">" which it gets turned into for the DOM nodes.
      // By operating on source we can preserve the user's entities rather than
      // having > for example always turned into >.
      text = source;
      escape = false;

    // Most text nodes are just whitespace for formatting (which we're replacing)
    // so look for actual text content and extract that part out
    String trimmed = text.trim();
    if (!trimmed.isEmpty()) {
      // TODO: Reformat the contents if it is too wide?

      // Note that we append the actual text content, NOT the trimmed content,
      // since the whitespace may be significant, e.g.
      // <string name="toast_sync_error">Sync error: <xliff:g id="error">%1$s</xliff:g>...

      // However, we should remove all blank lines in the prefix and suffix of the
      // text node, or we will end up inserting additional blank lines each time you're
      // formatting a text node within an outer element (which also adds spacing lines)
      int lastPrefixNewline = -1;
      for (int i = 0, n = text.length(); i < n; i++) {
        char c = text.charAt(i);
        if (c == '\n') {
          lastPrefixNewline = i;
        } else if (!Character.isWhitespace(c)) {
      int firstSuffixNewline = -1;
      for (int i = text.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        char c = text.charAt(i);
        if (c == '\n') {
          firstSuffixNewline = i;
        } else if (!Character.isWhitespace(c)) {
      if (lastPrefixNewline != -1 || firstSuffixNewline != -1) {
        boolean stripSuffix;
        if (firstSuffixNewline == -1) {
          firstSuffixNewline = text.length();
          stripSuffix = false;
        } else {
          stripSuffix = true;

        int stripFrom = lastPrefixNewline + 1;
        if (firstSuffixNewline >= stripFrom) {
          text = text.substring(stripFrom, firstSuffixNewline);

          // In markup strings we may need to preserve spacing on the left and/or
          // right if we're next to a markup string on the given side
          if (lastPrefixNewline != -1) {
            Node left = node.getPreviousSibling();
            if (left != null
                && left.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
                && isMarkupElement((Element) left)) {
              text = ' ' + text;
          if (stripSuffix) {
            Node right = node.getNextSibling();
            if (right != null
                && right.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
                && isMarkupElement((Element) right)) {
              text += ' ';

      if (escape) {
        XmlUtils.appendXmlTextValue(mOut, text);
      } else {
        // Text is already escaped

      if (mStyle != XmlFormatStyle.RESOURCE) {
    } else {
      // Ensure that if we're in the middle of a markup string, we preserve spacing.
      // In other words, "<b>first</b> <b>second</b>" - we don't want that middle
      // space to disappear, but we do want repeated spaces to collapse into one.
      Node left = node.getPreviousSibling();
      Node right = node.getNextSibling();
      if (left != null
          && right != null
          && left.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
          && right.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
          && isMarkupElement((Element) left)) {
        mOut.append(' ');