private void doShakeKons(IProgressMonitor monitor, int workUnits) { try { monitor.subTask("Anonymisiere Konsultationen"); Query<Konsultation> qbe = new Query<Konsultation>(Konsultation.class); List<Konsultation> list = qbe.execute(); int workPerKons = (Math.round(workUnits * .8f) / list.size()); Lipsum lipsum = new Lipsum(); monitor.worked(Math.round(workUnits * .2f)); for (Konsultation k : list) { VersionedResource vr = k.getEintrag(); StringBuilder par = new StringBuilder(); int numPars = (int) Math.round(3 * Math.random() + 1); while (numPars-- > 0) { par.append(lipsum.getParagraph()); } vr.update(par.toString(), "random contents"); k.setEintrag(vr, true); k.purgeEintrag(); if (monitor.isCanceled()) { break; } monitor.worked(workPerKons); } } catch (Throwable e) { SWTHelper.showError("Fehler", e.getMessage()); } }
private void loadArticlesUsedOnSelectedDay() { String date = dtDate.getYear() + String.format("%02d", dtDate.getMonth() + 1) + String.format("%02d", dtDate.getDay()); Query<Konsultation> qbe = new Query<Konsultation>(Konsultation.class); qbe.add(Konsultation.FLD_DATE, Query.EQUALS, date); List<Konsultation> cons = qbe.execute(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (Konsultation c : cons) { List<Verrechnet> leistungen = c.getLeistungen(); for (Verrechnet v : leistungen) { IVerrechenbar vv = v.getVerrechenbar(); if (vv instanceof Artikel) { Artikel art = (Artikel) vv; Mandant mandator = ElexisEventDispatcher.getSelectedMandator(); IStockEntry stockEntry = CoreHub.getStockService() .findPreferredStockEntryForArticle( art.storeToString(), (mandator != null) ? mandator.getId() : null); if (stockEntry != null) { StockEntry se = (StockEntry) stockEntry; currOrder.addBestellungEntry( se.getArticle(), se.getStock(), se.getProvider(), v.getZahl()); } else { sb.append(art.getLabel() + " ist kein Lagerartikel.\n"); } } } } }
public static getElexisPatient(Patient ehcPatient) { // try to look up via ids List<Identificator> ids = ehcPatient.getIds(); for (Identificator identificator : ids) { String idRoot = identificator.getRoot(); if (idRoot.equals(CodeSystems.SwissSSNDeprecated.getCodeSystemId()) || idRoot.equals(CodeSystems.SwissSSN.getCodeSystemId())) { IPersistentObject ret = Xid.findObject(Xid.DOMAIN_AHV, identificator.getExtension()); if (ret instanceof Kontakt) { if (((Kontakt) ret).istPatient()) { return; } } System.out.println("foud ret " + ret); if (ret instanceof { return ( ret; } } } Query<> qpa = new Query<>(; // initialize data Name ehcName = ehcPatient.getName(); Date ehcBirthdate = ehcPatient.getBirthday(); String gender = ehcPatient.getAdministrativeGenderCode() == AdministrativeGender.FEMALE ? Person.FEMALE : Person.MALE; TimeTool ttBirthdate = new TimeTool(); // add data to query if (ehcName.getFamilyName() != null && !ehcName.getFamilyName().isEmpty()) { qpa.add(, Query.EQUALS, ehcName.getFamilyName()); } if (ehcName.getGivenNames() != null && !ehcName.getGivenNames().isEmpty()) { qpa.add(, Query.EQUALS, ehcName.getGivenNames()); } if (ehcBirthdate != null) { ttBirthdate.setTime(ehcBirthdate); qpa.add(Person.BIRTHDATE, Query.EQUALS, ttBirthdate.toString(TimeTool.DATE_COMPACT)); } List<> existing = qpa.execute(); // create or overwrite Patient ret = null; if (existing.isEmpty()) { ret = new ehcName.getFamilyName(), ehcName.getGivenNames(), ttBirthdate.toString(TimeTool.DATE_COMPACT), gender); } else { ret = existing.get(0); } return ret; }
@Override public boolean delete() { Query<Note> qbe = new Query<Note>(Note.class); qbe.add(FLD_PARENT, Query.EQUALS, getId()); List<Note> list = qbe.execute(); for (Note note : list) { note.delete(); } return super.delete(); }
public void setQuery(final Query q) { boolean ch = false; for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { if (!lastFiltered[i].equals(StringTool.leer)) { q.add(dbFields[i], "LIKE", lastFiltered[i] + "%", true); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ q.and(); ch = true; } } if (ch) { q.insertTrue(); } }
private void doShakeNames(IProgressMonitor monitor, int workUnits) { monitor.subTask("Anonymisiere Patienten und Kontakte"); Query<Kontakt> qbe = new Query<Kontakt>(Kontakt.class); List<Kontakt> list = qbe.execute(); int workPerName = (Math.round(workUnits * .8f) / list.size()); Namen n = null; if (zufallsnamen) { n = new Namen(); } monitor.worked(Math.round(workUnits * .2f)); for (Kontakt k : list) { String vorname = ""; // Mandanten behalten // if(k.get(Kontakt.FLD_IS_MANDATOR).equalsIgnoreCase(StringConstants.ONE)) // continue; if (zufallsnamen) { k.set("Bezeichnung1", n.getRandomNachname()); } else { k.set("Bezeichnung1", getWord()); } if (zufallsnamen) { vorname = n.getRandomVorname(); } else { vorname = getWord(); } k.set("Bezeichnung2", vorname); if (k.istPerson()) { Person p = Person.load(k.getId()); p.set(Person.SEX, StringTool.isFemale(vorname) ? Person.FEMALE : Person.MALE); } k.set(Kontakt.FLD_ANSCHRIFT, ""); k.set(Kontakt.FLD_PHONE1, getPhone()); k.set(Kontakt.FLD_PHONE2, Math.random() > 0.6 ? getPhone() : ""); k.set(Kontakt.FLD_MOBILEPHONE, Math.random() > 0.5 ? getPhone() : ""); k.set(Kontakt.FLD_E_MAIL, ""); k.set(Kontakt.FLD_PLACE, ""); k.set(Kontakt.FLD_STREET, ""); k.set(Kontakt.FLD_ZIP, ""); k.set(Kontakt.FLD_FAX, Math.random() > 0.8 ? getPhone() : ""); if (monitor.isCanceled()) { break; } monitor.worked(workPerName); } }
private void updateDosierungen() { Query<Prescription> q = new Query<Prescription>(Prescription.class); List<Prescription> pl = q.execute(); for (Prescription p : pl) { try { String[] parts = p.getDosis().split("-"); if (parts == null || parts.length != 4) { // System.out.println("skip"); continue; } for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { String d = parts[i]; if (d.equals("x")) { parts[i] = "X"; break; } // Brueche kuerzen if (d.matches("[0-9]+/[0-9]+")) { String[] dp = d.split("/"); int z = Integer.parseInt(dp[0]); int n = Integer.parseInt(dp[1]); if (z > n) { int g = z / n; z %= n; parts[i] = g + " " + z + "/" + n; } } } p.setDosis(parts[0] + "-" + parts[1] + "-" + parts[2] + "-" + parts[3]); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
/** Der Konstruktor liest eine ESR-Zeile ein und konstruiert daraus den Datensatz. */ public ESRRecord(final String file, final String codeline) { super.create(null); Mandant m; Rechnung rn = null; String mandantID; REJECT rejectCode; String[] vals = new String[11]; vals[0] = new TimeTool().toString(TimeTool.DATE_COMPACT); vals[10] = file; rejectCode = REJECT.OK; // Code/Modus. MODE mode = MODE.Unbekannt; String smd = codeline.substring(0, 3); if (smd.equals("002")) { // $NON-NLS-1$ mode = MODE.Gutschrift_edv; } else if (smd.equals("012")) { // $NON-NLS-1$ mode = MODE.Gutschrift_Schalter; } else if (smd.equals("005")) { // $NON-NLS-1$ mode = MODE.Storno_edv; } else if (smd.equals("015")) { // $NON-NLS-1$ mode = MODE.Storno_Schalter; } else if (smd.equals("008")) { // $NON-NLS-1$ mode = MODE.Korrektur_edv; } else if (smd.equals("018")) { // $NON-NLS-1$ mode = MODE.Korrektur_Schalter; } else if (smd.equals("999")) { // $NON-NLS-1$ mode = MODE.Summenrecord; } vals[5] = Integer.toString(mode.ordinal()); // Daten parsen. Der ESR-Record liefert 6-stellige Daten, wir wollen 8-stellige String prefix = vals[0].substring(0, 2); // TODO Das funktioniert nur bis ins Jahr 2099 :-) TimeTool dat = new TimeTool(prefix + codeline.substring(59, 65)); vals[1] = dat.toString(TimeTool.DATE_GER); dat.set(prefix + codeline.substring(65, 71)); vals[2] = dat.toString(TimeTool.DATE_GER); dat.set(prefix + codeline.substring(71, 77)); vals[3] = (dat.toString(TimeTool.DATE_GER)); if (mode.equals(MODE.Summenrecord)) { // Betrag (führende Nullen entfernen) vals[4] = Integer.toString(Integer.parseInt(codeline.substring(39, 51).trim())); // Totalbetrag // 12-stellig } else { vals[4] = Integer.toString(Integer.parseInt(codeline.substring(39, 49).trim())); // Zeilenbetrag // 10-stellig String esrline = codeline.substring(12, 39); // Von der RechnungsNummer führende Nullen wegbringen int rnnr = Integer.parseInt(esrline.substring(POSITION_RN_NR, 26)); Query<Rechnung> qbe_r = new Query<Rechnung>(Rechnung.class); String rnid = qbe_r.findSingle("RnNummer", "=", Integer.toString(rnnr)); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ if (rnid == null) { rejectCode = REJECT.RN_NUMMER; vals[6] = ""; // $NON-NLS-1$ mandantID = ""; // $NON-NLS-1$ } else { vals[6] = rnid; rn = Rechnung.load(rnid); if (rn == null) { rejectCode = REJECT.RN_NUMMER; vals[6] = ""; // $NON-NLS-1$ mandantID = ""; // $NON-NLS-1$ } else { m = rn.getMandant(); if (m == null) { rejectCode = REJECT.MANDANT; vals[6] = ""; // $NON-NLS-1$ mandantID = ""; // $NON-NLS-1$ } else { mandantID = m.getId(); } } } String PatNr = esrline.substring(POSITION_PAT_NR, POSITION_RN_NR); long patnr = Long.parseLong(PatNr); // führende Nullen wegbringen String PatID = new Query<Patient>(Patient.class) .findSingle("PatientNr", "=", Long.toString(patnr)); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ if (PatID == null) { if (rejectCode == REJECT.OK) { rejectCode = REJECT.PAT_NUMMER; } vals[7] = ""; // $NON-NLS-1$ } else if ((rn != null) && (!rn.getFall().getPatient().getId().equals(PatID))) { if (rejectCode == REJECT.OK) { rejectCode = REJECT.PAT_FALSCH; } vals[7] = ""; // $NON-NLS-1$ } else { vals[7] = PatID; } vals[8] = mandantID; } vals[9] = Integer.toString(rejectCode.ordinal()); set( new String[] { "Datum", "Eingelesen", "Verarbeitet", "Gutgeschrieben", //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-4$ "BetragInRp", CODE, RECHNUNGS_ID, PATIENT_ID, MANDANT_ID, FLD_REJECT_CODE, "File" }, vals); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ }
public Object[] getElements(final Object inputElement) { Query<Bestellung> qbe = new Query<Bestellung>(Bestellung.class); return qbe.execute().toArray(); }
@Override protected IStatus createContent(IProgressMonitor monitor) { int total = 10000000; Query<AccountTransaction> qbe = new Query<AccountTransaction>(AccountTransaction.class); TimeTool ttStart = new TimeTool(this.getStartDate().getTimeInMillis()); TimeTool ttEnd = new TimeTool(this.getEndDate().getTimeInMillis()); qbe.add( AccountTransaction.FLD_DATE, Query.GREATER_OR_EQUAL, ttStart.toString(TimeTool.DATE_COMPACT)); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ qbe.add( AccountTransaction.FLD_DATE, Query.LESS_OR_EQUAL, ttEnd.toString(TimeTool.DATE_COMPACT)); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ monitor.beginTask(NAME, total); monitor.subTask(Messages.FakturaJournal_DatabaseQuery); List<AccountTransaction> transactions = qbe.execute(); int sum = transactions.size(); final ArrayList<Comparable<?>[]> result = new ArrayList<Comparable<?>[]>(); if (sum == 0) { monitor.done(); this.dataSet.setContent(result); return Status.OK_STATUS; } int step = total / sum; monitor.worked(20 * step); PatientIdFormatter pif = new PatientIdFormatter(8); String actMnId = CoreHub.actMandant.getId(); for (AccountTransaction at : transactions) { Patient pat = at.getPatient(); if (pat != null) { if (bOnlyActiveMandator) { Rechnung rn = at.getRechnung(); if (rn == null) { continue; } Mandant mn = rn.getMandant(); if (mn != null) { if (!mn.getId().equals(actMnId)) { continue; } } } Comparable<?>[] row = new Comparable<?>[this.dataSet.getHeadings().size()]; row[0] = pif.format(pat.get(Patient.FLD_PATID)); row[1] = new DateTool(at.getDate()); row[2] = at.getAmount(); row[4] = at.getRemark(); if (((Money) row[2]).isNegative()) { row[3] = Messages.FakturaJournal_FA; } else { if (((String) row[4]).toLowerCase().contains("storno")) { // $NON-NLS-1$ row[3] = Messages.FakturaJournal_ST; } else { row[3] = Messages.FakturaJournal_GU; } } if (monitor.isCanceled()) { return Status.CANCEL_STATUS; } result.add(row); } monitor.worked(step); } // Set content. this.dataSet.setContent(result); // Job finished successfully monitor.done(); return Status.OK_STATUS; }
/** * Import a medicament from one row of the BAG-Medi file * * @param row * <pre> * row[0] = ID,bzw Name * row[1] = Generikum * row[2] = Pharmacode * row[3] = BAG-Dossier * row[4] = Swissmedic-Nr * row[5] = Swissmedic-Liste * row[6] * row[7] = Namen * row[8] = EK-Preis * row[9] = VK-Preis * row[10]= Limitatio (Y/N) * row[11]= LimitatioPts * row[12]= Gruppe (optional) * row[13]= Substance (optional) * </pre> * * @return */ public static boolean importUpdate(final String[] row) throws ElexisException { String pharmacode = "0"; BAGMedi imp = null; // Kein Pharmacode, dann nach Name suchen if (StringTool.isNothing(row[2].trim())) { String mid = qbe.findSingle(Artikel.FLD_NAME, "=", row[7]); if (mid != null) { imp = BAGMedi.load(mid); } } else { try { // strip leading zeroes int pcode = Integer.parseInt(row[2].trim()); pharmacode = Integer.toString(pcode); } catch (Exception ex) { ExHandler.handle(ex); log.log(Level.WARNING, "Pharmacode falsch: " + row[2]); } qbe.clear(true); qbe.add(Artikel.FLD_SUB_ID, "=", pharmacode); qbe.or(); qbe.add(Artikel.FLD_SUB_ID, Query.EQUALS, row[2].trim()); List<Artikel> lArt = qbe.execute(); if (lArt == null) { throw new ElexisException( BAGMediImporter.class, "Article list was null while scanning for " + pharmacode, ElexisException.EE_UNEXPECTED_RESPONSE, true); } if (lArt.size() > 1) { // Duplikate entfernen, genau einen gültigen und existierenden Artikel behalten Iterator<Artikel> it = lArt.iterator(); boolean hasValid = false; Artikel res = null; while (it.hasNext()) { Artikel ax =; if (hasValid || (!ax.isValid())) { if (res == null) { res = ax; } it.remove(); } else { hasValid = true; } } if (!hasValid) { if (res != null) { if (res.isDeleted()) { res.undelete(); lArt.add(res); } } } } imp = lArt.size() > 0 ? BAGMedi.load(lArt.get(0).getId()) : null; } if (imp == null || (!imp.isValid())) { imp = new BAGMedi(row[7], pharmacode); String sql = new StringBuilder() .append("INSERT INTO ") .append(BAGMedi.EXTTABLE) .append(" (ID) VALUES (") .append(imp.getWrappedId()) .append(");") .toString(); PersistentObject.getConnection().exec(sql); } else { String sql = new StringBuilder() .append("SELECT ID FROM ") .append(BAGMedi.EXTTABLE) .append(" WHERE ID=") .append(imp.getWrappedId()) .toString(); String extid = PersistentObject.getConnection().queryString(sql); if (extid == null) { sql = new StringBuilder() .append("INSERT INTO ") .append(BAGMedi.EXTTABLE) .append(" (ID) VALUES (") .append(imp.getWrappedId()) .append(");") .toString(); PersistentObject.getConnection().exec(sql); } } imp.update(row); return true; }
/** * find the children of this note * * @return a list of all Notes that are children of the current note. The list might me empty but * is never null. */ public List<Note> getChildren() { Query<Note> qbe = new Query<Note>(Note.class); qbe.add(FLD_PARENT, Query.EQUALS, getId()); return qbe.execute(); }