public TopicScores getTokenDocumentDiscrepancies() { TopicScores scores = new TopicScores("token-doc-diff", numTopics, numTopWords); scores.wordScoresDefined = true; for (int topic = 0; topic < numTopics; topic++) { int[][] matrix = topicCodocumentMatrices[topic]; TreeSet<IDSorter> sortedWords = topicSortedWords.get(topic); double topicScore = 0.0; double[] wordDistribution = new double[numTopWords]; double[] docDistribution = new double[numTopWords]; double wordSum = 0.0; double docSum = 0.0; int position = 0; Iterator<IDSorter> iterator = sortedWords.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext() && position < numTopWords) { IDSorter info =; wordDistribution[position] = info.getWeight(); docDistribution[position] = matrix[position][position]; wordSum += wordDistribution[position]; docSum += docDistribution[position]; position++; } for (position = 0; position < numTopWords; position++) { double p = wordDistribution[position] / wordSum; double q = docDistribution[position] / docSum; double meanProb = 0.5 * (p + q); double score = 0.0; if (p > 0) { score += 0.5 * p * Math.log(p / meanProb); } if (q > 0) { score += 0.5 * q * Math.log(q / meanProb); } scores.setTopicWordScore(topic, position, score); topicScore += score; } scores.setTopicScore(topic, topicScore); } return scores; }
public TopicScores getCoherence() { TopicScores scores = new TopicScores("coherence", numTopics, numTopWords); scores.wordScoresDefined = true; for (int topic = 0; topic < numTopics; topic++) { int[][] matrix = topicCodocumentMatrices[topic]; double topicScore = 0.0; for (int row = 0; row < numTopWords; row++) { double rowScore = 0.0; double minScore = 0.0; for (int col = 0; col < row; col++) { double score = Math.log((matrix[row][col] + model.beta) / (matrix[col][col] + model.beta)); rowScore += score; if (score < minScore) { minScore = score; } } topicScore += rowScore; scores.setTopicWordScore(topic, row, minScore); } scores.setTopicScore(topic, topicScore); } return scores; }
public TopicScores getDistanceFromUniform() { int[] tokensPerTopic = model.tokensPerTopic; TopicScores scores = new TopicScores("uniform_dist", numTopics, numTopWords); scores.wordScoresDefined = true; int numTypes = alphabet.size(); for (int topic = 0; topic < numTopics; topic++) { double topicScore = 0.0; int position = 0; TreeSet<IDSorter> sortedWords = topicSortedWords.get(topic); for (IDSorter info : sortedWords) { int type = info.getID(); double count = info.getWeight(); double score = (count / tokensPerTopic[topic]) * Math.log((count * numTypes) / tokensPerTopic[topic]); if (position < numTopWords) { scores.setTopicWordScore(topic, position, score); } topicScore += score; position++; } scores.setTopicScore(topic, topicScore); } return scores; }
// frequency & exclusivity weight double calcFEW(int[] currentTypeTopicCounts, int currentTotalTypeCount, int maxTypeCount) { int index = 0; // int currentTopic, currentValue; double skewIndex = 0; // distinctivines, exclusivity calculation while (index < currentTypeTopicCounts.length && currentTypeTopicCounts[index] > 0) { // currentTopic = currentTypeTopicCounts[index] & topicMask; // currentValue = currentTypeTopicCounts[index] >> topicBits; skewIndex += Math.pow(currentTypeTopicCounts[index] >> topicBits, 2); } skewIndex = skewIndex / Math.pow(currentTotalTypeCount, 2); // frequency consideration skewIndex = currentTotalTypeCount / maxTypeCount * skewIndex; return skewIndex; }
/** Low-quality topics often have lots of unusually short words. */ public TopicScores getWordLengthStandardDeviation() { TopicScores scores = new TopicScores("word-length-sd", numTopics, numTopWords); scores.wordScoresDefined = true; // Get the mean length double meanLength = 0.0; int totalWords = 0; for (int topic = 0; topic < numTopics; topic++) { for (int position = 0; position < topicTopWords[topic].length; position++) { // Some topics may not have all N words if (topicTopWords[topic][position] == null) { break; } meanLength += topicTopWords[topic][position].length(); totalWords++; } } meanLength /= totalWords; // Now calculate the standard deviation double lengthVariance = 0.0; for (int topic = 0; topic < numTopics; topic++) { for (int position = 0; position < topicTopWords[topic].length; position++) { if (topicTopWords[topic][position] == null) { break; } int length = topicTopWords[topic][position].length(); lengthVariance += (length - meanLength) * (length - meanLength); } } lengthVariance /= (totalWords - 1); // Finally produce an overall topic score double lengthSD = Math.sqrt(lengthVariance); for (int topic = 0; topic < numTopics; topic++) { for (int position = 0; position < topicTopWords[topic].length; position++) { if (topicTopWords[topic][position] == null) { break; } int length = topicTopWords[topic][position].length(); scores.addToTopicScore(topic, (length - meanLength) / lengthSD); scores.setTopicWordScore(topic, position, (length - meanLength) / lengthSD); } } return scores; }
public TopicScores getDocumentEntropy(int[] tokensPerTopic) { TopicScores scores = new TopicScores("document_entropy", numTopics, numTopWords); for (int topic = 0; topic < numTopics; topic++) { scores.setTopicScore( topic, -sumCountTimesLogCount[topic] / tokensPerTopic[topic] + Math.log(tokensPerTopic[topic])); } return scores; }
public double labelLogLikelihood(InstanceList ilist) { double logLikelihood = 0; for (int ii = 0; ii < ilist.size(); ii++) { double instanceWeight = ilist.getInstanceWeight(ii); Instance inst = ilist.get(ii); Labeling labeling = inst.getLabeling(); if (labeling == null) continue; Labeling predicted = this.classify(inst).getLabeling(); // System.err.println ("label = \n"+labeling); // System.err.println ("predicted = \n"+predicted); if (labeling.numLocations() == 1) { logLikelihood += instanceWeight * Math.log(predicted.value(labeling.getBestIndex())); } else { for (int lpos = 0; lpos < labeling.numLocations(); lpos++) { int li = labeling.indexAtLocation(lpos); double labelWeight = labeling.valueAtLocation(lpos); // System.err.print (", "+labelWeight); if (labelWeight == 0) continue; logLikelihood += instanceWeight * labelWeight * Math.log(predicted.value(li)); } } } return logLikelihood; }
public void printWords(int numToPrint) { Alphabet alphabet = instancePipe.getDataAlphabet(); int numFeatures = alphabet.size(); int numLabels = instancePipe.getTargetAlphabet().size(); double[] probs = new double[numFeatures]; numToPrint = Math.min(numToPrint, numFeatures); for (int li = 0; li < numLabels; li++) { Arrays.fill(probs, 0.0); p[li].addProbabilities(probs); RankedFeatureVector rfv = new RankedFeatureVector(alphabet, probs); System.out.println( "\nFeature probabilities " + instancePipe.getTargetAlphabet().lookupObject(li)); for (int i = 0; i < numToPrint; i++) System.out.println(rfv.getObjectAtRank(i) + " " + rfv.getValueAtRank(i)); } }
/* Perform several rounds of Gibbs sampling on the documents in the given range. */ public void estimate( int docIndexStart, int docIndexLength, int numIterations, int showTopicsInterval, int outputModelInterval, String outputModelFilename, Randoms r) { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int iterations = 0; iterations < numIterations; iterations++) { if (iterations % 10 == 0) System.out.print(iterations); else System.out.print("."); System.out.flush(); if (showTopicsInterval != 0 && iterations % showTopicsInterval == 0 && iterations > 0) { System.out.println(); printTopWords(5, false); } if (outputModelInterval != 0 && iterations % outputModelInterval == 0 && iterations > 0) { this.write(new File(outputModelFilename + '.' + iterations)); } sampleTopicsForDocs(docIndexStart, docIndexLength, r); } long seconds = Math.round((System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) / 1000.0); long minutes = seconds / 60; seconds %= 60; long hours = minutes / 60; minutes %= 60; long days = hours / 24; hours %= 24; System.out.print("\nTotal time: "); if (days != 0) { System.out.print(days); System.out.print(" days "); } if (hours != 0) { System.out.print(hours); System.out.print(" hours "); } if (minutes != 0) { System.out.print(minutes); System.out.print(" minutes "); } System.out.print(seconds); System.out.println(" seconds"); }
/** * Classify an instance using NaiveBayes according to the trained data. The alphabet of the * featureVector of the instance must match the alphabe of the pipe used to train the classifier. * * @param instance to be classified. Data field must be a FeatureVector * @return Classification containing the labeling of the instance */ public Classification classify(Instance instance) { // Note that the current size of the label alphabet can be larger // than it was at the time of training. We are careful here // to correctly handle those labels here. For example, // we assume the log prior probability of those classes is // minus infinity. int numClasses = getLabelAlphabet().size(); double[] scores = new double[numClasses]; FeatureVector fv = (FeatureVector) instance.getData(); // Make sure the feature vector's feature dictionary matches // what we are expecting from our data pipe (and thus our notion // of feature probabilities. assert (instancePipe == null || fv.getAlphabet() == instancePipe.getDataAlphabet()); int fvisize = fv.numLocations(); prior.addLogProbabilities(scores); // Set the scores according to the feature weights and per-class probabilities for (int fvi = 0; fvi < fvisize; fvi++) { int fi = fv.indexAtLocation(fvi); for (int ci = 0; ci < numClasses; ci++) { // guard against dataAlphabet or target alphabet growing; can happen if classifying // a never before seen feature. Ignore these. if (ci >= p.length || fi >= p[ci].size()) continue; scores[ci] += fv.valueAtLocation(fvi) * p[ci].logProbability(fi); } } // Get the scores in the range near zero, where exp() is more accurate double maxScore = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (int ci = 0; ci < numClasses; ci++) if (scores[ci] > maxScore) maxScore = scores[ci]; for (int ci = 0; ci < numClasses; ci++) scores[ci] -= maxScore; // Exponentiate and normalize double sum = 0; for (int ci = 0; ci < numClasses; ci++) sum += (scores[ci] = Math.exp(scores[ci])); for (int ci = 0; ci < numClasses; ci++) scores[ci] /= sum; // Create and return a Classification object return new Classification(instance, this, new LabelVector(getLabelAlphabet(), scores)); }
/** Low-quality topics may be very similar to the global distribution. */ public TopicScores getDistanceFromCorpus() { int[] tokensPerTopic = model.tokensPerTopic; TopicScores scores = new TopicScores("corpus_dist", numTopics, numTopWords); scores.wordScoresDefined = true; for (int topic = 0; topic < numTopics; topic++) { double coefficient = (double) numTokens / tokensPerTopic[topic]; double topicScore = 0.0; int position = 0; TreeSet<IDSorter> sortedWords = topicSortedWords.get(topic); for (IDSorter info : sortedWords) { int type = info.getID(); double count = info.getWeight(); double score = (count / tokensPerTopic[topic]) * Math.log(coefficient * count / wordTypeCounts[type]); if (position < numTopWords) { // System.out.println(alphabet.lookupObject(type) + ": " + count + " * " + numTokens + " / // " + wordTypeCounts[type] + " * " + tokensPerTopic[topic] + " = " + (coefficient * count // / wordTypeCounts[type])); scores.setTopicWordScore(topic, position, score); } topicScore += score; position++; } scores.setTopicScore(topic, topicScore); } return scores; }
public void collectDocumentStatistics() { topicCodocumentMatrices = new int[numTopics][numTopWords][numTopWords]; wordTypeCounts = new int[alphabet.size()]; numTokens = 0; // This is an array of hash sets containing the words-of-interest for each topic, // used for checking if the word at some position is one of those words. IntHashSet[] topicTopWordIndices = new IntHashSet[numTopics]; // The same as the topic top words, but with int indices instead of strings, // used for iterating over positions. int[][] topicWordIndicesInOrder = new int[numTopics][numTopWords]; // This is an array of hash sets that will hold the words-of-interest present in a document, // which will be cleared after every document. IntHashSet[] docTopicWordIndices = new IntHashSet[numTopics]; int numDocs = model.getData().size(); // The count of each topic, again cleared after every document. int[] topicCounts = new int[numTopics]; for (int topic = 0; topic < numTopics; topic++) { IntHashSet wordIndices = new IntHashSet(); for (int i = 0; i < numTopWords; i++) { if (topicTopWords[topic][i] != null) { int type = alphabet.lookupIndex(topicTopWords[topic][i]); topicWordIndicesInOrder[topic][i] = type; wordIndices.add(type); } } topicTopWordIndices[topic] = wordIndices; docTopicWordIndices[topic] = new IntHashSet(); } int doc = 0; for (TopicAssignment document : model.getData()) { FeatureSequence tokens = (FeatureSequence) document.instance.getData(); FeatureSequence topics = (FeatureSequence) document.topicSequence; for (int position = 0; position < tokens.size(); position++) { int type = tokens.getIndexAtPosition(position); int topic = topics.getIndexAtPosition(position); numTokens++; wordTypeCounts[type]++; topicCounts[topic]++; if (topicTopWordIndices[topic].contains(type)) { docTopicWordIndices[topic].add(type); } } int docLength = tokens.size(); if (docLength > 0) { int maxTopic = -1; int maxCount = -1; for (int topic = 0; topic < numTopics; topic++) { if (topicCounts[topic] > 0) { numNonZeroDocuments[topic]++; if (topicCounts[topic] > maxCount) { maxTopic = topic; maxCount = topicCounts[topic]; } sumCountTimesLogCount[topic] += topicCounts[topic] * Math.log(topicCounts[topic]); double proportion = (model.alpha[topic] + topicCounts[topic]) / (model.alphaSum + docLength); for (int i = 0; i < DEFAULT_DOC_PROPORTIONS.length; i++) { if (proportion < DEFAULT_DOC_PROPORTIONS[i]) { break; } numDocumentsAtProportions[topic][i]++; } IntHashSet supportedWords = docTopicWordIndices[topic]; int[] indices = topicWordIndicesInOrder[topic]; for (int i = 0; i < numTopWords; i++) { if (supportedWords.contains(indices[i])) { for (int j = i; j < numTopWords; j++) { if (i == j) { // Diagonals are total number of documents with word W in topic T topicCodocumentMatrices[topic][i][i]++; } else if (supportedWords.contains(indices[j])) { topicCodocumentMatrices[topic][i][j]++; topicCodocumentMatrices[topic][j][i]++; } } } } docTopicWordIndices[topic].clear(); topicCounts[topic] = 0; } } if (maxTopic > -1) { numRank1Documents[maxTopic]++; } } doc++; } }
public void printTopWords(int numWords, boolean useNewLines) { class WordProb implements Comparable { int wi; double p; public WordProb(int wi, double p) { this.wi = wi; this.p = p; } public final int compareTo(Object o2) { if (p > ((WordProb) o2).p) return -1; else if (p == ((WordProb) o2).p) return 0; else return 1; } } for (int ti = 0; ti < numTopics; ti++) { // Unigrams WordProb[] wp = new WordProb[numTypes]; for (int wi = 0; wi < numTypes; wi++) wp[wi] = new WordProb(wi, (double) unitypeTopicCounts[wi][ti]); Arrays.sort(wp); int numToPrint = Math.min(wp.length, numWords); if (useNewLines) { System.out.println("\nTopic " + ti + " unigrams"); for (int i = 0; i < numToPrint; i++) System.out.println( uniAlphabet.lookupObject(wp[i].wi).toString() + " " + wp[i].p / tokensPerTopic[ti]); } else { System.out.print("Topic " + ti + ": "); for (int i = 0; i < numToPrint; i++) System.out.print(uniAlphabet.lookupObject(wp[i].wi).toString() + " "); } // Bigrams /* wp = new WordProb[numBitypes]; int bisum = 0; for (int wi = 0; wi < numBitypes; wi++) { wp[wi] = new WordProb (wi, ((double)bitypeTopicCounts[wi][ti])); bisum += bitypeTopicCounts[wi][ti]; } Arrays.sort (wp); numToPrint = Math.min(wp.length, numWords); if (useNewLines) { System.out.println ("\nTopic "+ti+" bigrams"); for (int i = 0; i < numToPrint; i++) System.out.println (biAlphabet.lookupObject(wp[i].wi).toString() + " " + wp[i].p/bisum); } else { System.out.print (" "); for (int i = 0; i < numToPrint; i++) System.out.print (biAlphabet.lookupObject(wp[i].wi).toString() + " "); System.out.println(); } */ // Ngrams AugmentableFeatureVector afv = new AugmentableFeatureVector(new Alphabet(), 10000, false); for (int di = 0; di < topics.length; di++) { FeatureSequenceWithBigrams fs = (FeatureSequenceWithBigrams) ilist.get(di).getData(); for (int si = topics[di].length - 1; si >= 0; si--) { if (topics[di][si] == ti && grams[di][si] == 1) { String gramString = uniAlphabet.lookupObject(fs.getIndexAtPosition(si)).toString(); while (grams[di][si] == 1 && --si >= 0) gramString = uniAlphabet.lookupObject(fs.getIndexAtPosition(si)).toString() + "_" + gramString; afv.add(gramString, 1.0); } } } // System.out.println ("pre-sorting"); int numNgrams = afv.numLocations(); // System.out.println ("post-sorting "+numNgrams); wp = new WordProb[numNgrams]; int ngramSum = 0; for (int loc = 0; loc < numNgrams; loc++) { wp[loc] = new WordProb(afv.indexAtLocation(loc), afv.valueAtLocation(loc)); ngramSum += wp[loc].p; } Arrays.sort(wp); int numUnitypeTokens = 0, numBitypeTokens = 0, numUnitypeTypes = 0, numBitypeTypes = 0; for (int fi = 0; fi < numTypes; fi++) { numUnitypeTokens += unitypeTopicCounts[fi][ti]; if (unitypeTopicCounts[fi][ti] != 0) numUnitypeTypes++; } for (int fi = 0; fi < numBitypes; fi++) { numBitypeTokens += bitypeTopicCounts[fi][ti]; if (bitypeTopicCounts[fi][ti] != 0) numBitypeTypes++; } if (useNewLines) { System.out.println( "\nTopic " + ti + " unigrams " + numUnitypeTokens + "/" + numUnitypeTypes + " bigrams " + numBitypeTokens + "/" + numBitypeTypes + " phrases " + Math.round(afv.oneNorm()) + "/" + numNgrams); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(numNgrams, numWords); i++) System.out.println( afv.getAlphabet().lookupObject(wp[i].wi).toString() + " " + wp[i].p / ngramSum); } else { System.out.print( " (unigrams " + numUnitypeTokens + "/" + numUnitypeTypes + " bigrams " + numBitypeTokens + "/" + numBitypeTypes + " phrases " + Math.round(afv.oneNorm()) + "/" + numNgrams + ")\n "); // System.out.print (" (unique-ngrams="+numNgrams+" // ngram-count="+Math.round(afv.oneNorm())+")\n "); for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(numNgrams, numWords); i++) System.out.print(afv.getAlphabet().lookupObject(wp[i].wi).toString() + " "); System.out.println(); } } }