Ejemplo n.º 1
 @Test(groups = "Integration")
 public void testSshIgnoringHeaderProperty() {
   host.setConfig(BrooklynConfigKeys.SSH_CONFIG_SCRIPT_HEADER, "#!/bin/bash -e\necho foo\n");
   ProcessTaskWrapper<Integer> t = submit(SshTasks.newSshExecTaskFactory(host, false, "echo bar"));
       t.block().getStdout().trim().matches("bar"), "mismatched output was: " + t.getStdout());
Ejemplo n.º 2
 @Test(groups = "Integration")
 public void testSshEchoHello() {
   ProcessTaskWrapper<Integer> t =
       submit(SshTasks.newSshExecTaskFactory(host, "sleep 1 ; echo hello world"));
   Assert.assertEquals(t.get(), (Integer) 0);
   Assert.assertEquals(t.getTask().getUnchecked(), (Integer) 0);
   Assert.assertEquals(t.getStdout().trim(), "hello world");
  * attempts to resolve hostnameTarget from origin
  * @return null if it definitively can't be resolved, best-effort IP address if possible, or blank
  *     if we could not run ssh or make sense of the output
 public static String getResolvedAddress(
     Entity entity, SshMachineLocation origin, String hostnameTarget) {
   ProcessTaskWrapper<Integer> task =
       SshTasks.newSshExecTaskFactory(origin, "ping -c 1 -t 1 " + hostnameTarget)
           .summary("checking resolution of " + hostnameTarget)
   if (task.asTask().isError()) {
         "ping could not be run, at "
             + entity
             + " / "
             + origin
             + ": "
             + Tasks.getError(task.asTask()));
     return "";
   if (task.getExitCode() == null || task.getExitCode() != 0) {
     if (task.getExitCode() != null && task.getExitCode() < 10) {
       // small number means ping failed to resolve or ping the hostname
           "not able to resolve "
               + hostnameTarget
               + " from "
               + origin
               + " for "
               + entity
               + " because exit code was "
               + task.getExitCode());
       return null;
     // large number means ping probably did not run
         "ping not run as expected, at "
             + entity
             + " / "
             + origin
             + " (code "
             + task.getExitCode()
             + "):\n"
             + task.getStdout().trim()
             + " --- "
             + task.getStderr().trim());
     return "";
   String out = task.getStdout();
   try {
     String line1 = Strings.getFirstLine(out);
     String ip = Strings.getFragmentBetween(line1, "(", ")");
     if (Strings.isNonBlank(ip)) return ip;
   } catch (Exception e) {
     /* ignore non-parseable output */
   if (out.contains("")) return "";
   return "";