Ejemplo n.º 1
 static AxoObject Create_lpfsvf_drive() {
   AxoObject o = new AxoObject("lp svf drive", "Low pass filter, state-variable type");
   o.inlets.add(new InletFrac32Buffer("in", "filter input"));
   o.params.add(new ParameterFrac32SMapPitch("pitch"));
   o.params.add(new ParameterFrac32UMapFilterQ("reso"));
   o.params.add(new ParameterFrac32UMap("drive"));
   o.outlets.add(new OutletFrac32Buffer("out", "filter output"));
   o.sLocalData = "int32_t low;\n" + "int32_t band;\n";
   o.sInitCode = "low = 0;\n" + "band = 0;\n";
   o.sKRateCode =
       "int32_t damp = (0x80<<24) - (%reso%<<4);\n"
           + "damp = ___SMMUL(damp,damp);\n"
           + "int32_t alpha;\n"
           + "int32_t freq;\n"
           + "MTOFEXTENDED(%pitch%,alpha);\n"
           + "SINE2TINTERP(alpha,freq);\n";
   o.sSRateCode =
       "int32_t in1 = %in%;\n"
           + "int32_t notch = %in% - (___SMMUL(damp,band)<<1);\n"
           + "low = low + (___SMMUL(freq,band)<<1);\n"
           + "int32_t high  = notch - low;\n"
           + "band = (___SMMUL(freq,high)<<1) + band - (___SMMUL(___SMMUL(___SMMUL(band,band)<<1,band)<<2,%drive%<<4)<<8);\n"
           + "int32_t out1 = low;\n"
           + "%out% = out1;\n";
   return o;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 static AxoObject Create_k_bpfsvf_m() {
   AxoObject o = new AxoObject("bp svf m", "Bandpass filter, state-variable type, control rate");
   o.inlets.add(new InletFrac32("in", "filter input"));
   o.inlets.add(new InletFrac32("pitchm", "pitch modulation input"));
   o.inlets.add(new InletFrac32("resom", "resonance modulation input"));
   o.params.add(new ParameterFrac32SMapKPitch("pitch"));
   o.params.add(new ParameterFrac32UMapFilterQ("reso"));
   o.outlets.add(new OutletFrac32("out", "filter output"));
   o.sLocalData = "int32_t low;\n" + "int32_t band;\n";
   o.sInitCode = "low = 0;\n" + "band = 0;\n";
   o.sKRateCode =
       "int32_t damp = (0x80<<24) - (__USAT(%resom% + %reso%,27)<<4);\n"
           + "damp = ___SMMUL(damp,damp);\n"
           + "int32_t alpha;\n"
           + "int32_t freq;\n"
           + "MTOFEXTENDED(%pitch% + %pitchm%,alpha);\n"
           + "SINE2TINTERP(alpha,freq);\n"
           + "int32_t in1 = %in%;\n"
           + "int32_t notch = %in% - (___SMMUL(damp,band)<<1);\n"
           + "low = low + (___SMMUL(freq,band)<<1);\n"
           + "int32_t high  = notch - low;\n"
           + "band = (___SMMUL(freq,high)<<1) + band;// - drive*band*band*band;\n"
           + "int32_t out1 = band;\n"
           + "%out% = out1;\n";
   return o;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 static AxoObject Create_EQ5hq() {
   AxoObject o =
       new AxoObject(
           "Five-band equalizer. The transition frequencies are 100, 500, 2000, and 6000 Hz. High quality version. Unstable behavior when changing the low gain live.");
   o.inlets.add(new InletFrac32Buffer("in", "input"));
   o.params.add(new ParameterInt32Box("low", -9, 9));
   o.params.add(new ParameterInt32Box("lowmid", -9, 9));
   o.params.add(new ParameterInt32Box("mid", -9, 9));
   o.params.add(new ParameterInt32Box("highmid", -9, 9));
   o.params.add(new ParameterInt32Box("high", -9, 9));
   o.outlets.add(new OutletFrac32Buffer("out", "output"));
   o.includes = new HashSet<String>();
   o.sLocalData =
       "q63_t biquadStateBand1Q31[4 * 2];\n"
           + "q63_t biquadStateBand2Q31[4 * 2];\n"
           + "q31_t biquadStateBand3Q31[4 * 2];\n"
           + "q31_t biquadStateBand4Q31[4 * 2];\n"
           + "q31_t biquadStateBand5Q31[4 * 2];\n"
           + "  arm_biquad_cas_df1_32x64_ins_q31 S1;\n"
           + "  arm_biquad_cas_df1_32x64_ins_q31 S2;\n"
           + "  arm_biquad_casd_df1_inst_q31 S3;\n"
           + "  arm_biquad_casd_df1_inst_q31 S4;\n"
           + "  arm_biquad_casd_df1_inst_q31 S5;\n"
           + "static const int NUMSTAGES=2;\n";
   o.sInitCode =
       "  arm_biquad_cas_df1_32x64_init_q31(&S1, NUMSTAGES,\n"
           + "            (q31_t *) &eq5coefs[190*0 + 10*(%low% + 9)],\n"
           + "            &biquadStateBand1Q31[0], 2);\n"
           + "\n"
           + "  arm_biquad_cas_df1_32x64_init_q31(&S2, NUMSTAGES,\n"
           + "            (q31_t *) &eq5coefs[190*1 + 10*(%lowmid% + 9)],\n"
           + "            &biquadStateBand2Q31[0], 2);\n"
           + "\n"
           + "  arm_biquad_cascade_df1_init_q31(&S3, NUMSTAGES,\n"
           + "          (q31_t *) &eq5coefs[190*2 + 10*(%mid% + 9)],\n"
           + "          &biquadStateBand3Q31[0], 2);\n"
           + "\n"
           + "  arm_biquad_cascade_df1_init_q31(&S4, NUMSTAGES,\n"
           + "          (q31_t *) &eq5coefs[190*3 + 10*(%highmid% + 9)],\n"
           + "          &biquadStateBand4Q31[0], 2);\n"
           + "\n"
           + "  arm_biquad_cascade_df1_init_q31(&S5, NUMSTAGES,\n"
           + "          (q31_t *) &eq5coefs[190*4 + 10*(%high% + 9)],\n"
           + "          &biquadStateBand5Q31[0], 2);\n";
   o.sKRateCode =
       "S1.pCoeffs = (q31_t*)&eq5coefs[190*0 + 10*(%low% + 9)];\n"
           + "S2.pCoeffs = (q31_t*)&eq5coefs[190*1 + 10*(%lowmid% + 9)];\n"
           + "S3.pCoeffs = (q31_t*)&eq5coefs[190*2 + 10*(%mid% + 9)];\n"
           + "S4.pCoeffs = (q31_t*)&eq5coefs[190*3 + 10*(%highmid% + 9)];\n"
           + "S5.pCoeffs = (q31_t*)&eq5coefs[190*4 + 10*(%high% + 9)];\n"
           + "\n"
           + "arm_biquad_cas_df1_32x64_q31(&S1, (q31_t *)%in%, (q31_t *)%out%, BUFSIZE);\n"
           + "arm_biquad_cas_df1_32x64_q31(&S2, (q31_t *)%out%, (q31_t *)%out%, BUFSIZE);\n"
           + "arm_biquad_cascade_df1_q31(&S3, (q31_t *)%out%, (q31_t *)%out%, BUFSIZE);\n"
           + "arm_biquad_cascade_df1_q31(&S4, (q31_t *)%out%, (q31_t *)%out%, BUFSIZE);\n"
           + "arm_biquad_cascade_df1_q31(&S5, (q31_t *)%out%, (q31_t *)%out%, BUFSIZE);\n";
   return o;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 static AxoObject CreateNF() {
   AxoObject o = new AxoObject("notch", "2-pole resonant notch filter (biquad)");
   o.inlets.add(new InletFrac32Buffer("in", "filter input"));
   o.params.add(new ParameterFrac32SMapPitch("pitch"));
   o.params.add(new ParameterFrac32UMapFilterQ("reso"));
   o.outlets.add(new OutletFrac32Buffer("out", "filter output"));
   o.sKRateCode = "#error NOTCH FILTER NOT IMPLEMENTED YET\n";
   return o;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 static AxoObject CreateIntegratorTilde() {
   AxoObject o = new AxoObject("integrator", "cumulative sum, saturating to +-64 units");
   o.inlets.add(new InletFrac32Buffer("in", "input"));
   o.outlets.add(new OutletFrac32Buffer("out", "output"));
   o.sLocalData = "int32_t acc;\n";
   o.sInitCode = "acc = 0;\n";
   o.sSRateCode = "acc += %in%;\n" + "acc = __SSAT(acc,28);\n" + "%out% = acc;\n";
   return o;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 static AxoObject CreateDeltaI() {
   AxoObject o =
       new AxoObject("delta", "pseudo derivative, difference between previous and current value");
   o.outlets.add(new OutletInt32("d", "a(t) - a(t-1)"));
   o.inlets.add(new InletInt32("a", "a"));
   o.sLocalData = "int32_t _ap;\n";
   o.sInitCode = "   _ap = 0;\n";
   o.sKRateCode = "   %d%= %a% - _ap;\n" + "   _ap = %a%;\n";
   return o;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 static AxoObject Create_hipassTilde() {
   AxoObject o = new AxoObject("hp1", "1st order hipass filter");
   o.inlets.add(new InletFrac32Buffer("in", "input"));
   o.outlets.add(new OutletFrac32Buffer("out", "output"));
   o.params.add(new ParameterFrac32UMap("freq"));
   o.sLocalData = "int32_t val;\n";
   o.sInitCode = "val = 0;\n";
   o.sKRateCode = "int32_t f;\n" + "   MTOF(%freq%,f);\n";
   o.sSRateCode = "   val = ___SMMLA((%in%-val)<<1,f,val);\n" + "   %out%= %in%-val;\n";
   return o;
Ejemplo n.º 8
  static AxoObject CreateVCF() {
    AxoObject o =
        new AxoObject("vcf~", "2-pole resonant low-pass filter (biquad), filter updated at k-rate");
    o.inlets.add(new InletFrac32Buffer("in", "filter input"));
    o.inlets.add(new InletFrac32("frequency", "cutoff frequency"));
    o.inlets.add(new InletFrac32("resonance", "filter resonance"));
    o.outlets.add(new OutletFrac32Buffer("out", "filter output"));

    o.sLocalData = "data_filter_biquad_A fd;\n";
    o.sInitCode = "  init_filter_biquad_A(&fd);\n";
    o.sKRateCode =
        " f_filter_biquad_A(&fd,%in%,%out%,%frequency%,INT_MAX - (__USAT(%resonance%,27)<<4));\n";
    return o;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 static AxoObject Create_K_lowpass() {
   AxoObject o = new AxoObject("lowpass", "1st order lowpass filter, control rate");
   o.inlets.add(new InletFrac32("in", "input"));
   o.outlets.add(new OutletFrac32("out", "output"));
   o.params.add(new ParameterFrac32SMapLFOPitch("freq"));
   o.sLocalData = "int32_t val;\n";
   o.sInitCode = "val = 0;\n";
   o.sKRateCode =
       "int32_t f;\n"
           + "   MTOF(%freq%,f);\n"
           + "   val = ___SMMLA((%in%-val)<<1,f,val);\n"
           + "   %out%= val;\n";
   return o;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 static AxoObject CreateHPF() {
   AxoObject o = new AxoObject("hp", "2-pole resonant band-pass filter (biquad)");
   o.inlets.add(new InletFrac32Buffer("in", "filter input"));
   o.params.add(new ParameterFrac32SMapPitch("pitch"));
   o.params.add(new ParameterFrac32UMapFilterQ("reso"));
   o.outlets.add(new OutletFrac32Buffer("out", "filter output"));
   o.sLocalData = "biquad_state bs;" + "biquad_coefficients bc;\n";
   o.sInitCode = "biquad_clearstate(&bs);\n";
   o.sKRateCode =
       "      int32_t freq;\n"
           + "      MTOF(%pitch%,freq);\n"
           + "      biquad_hp_coefs(&bc,freq,INT_MAX - (__USAT(%reso%,27)<<4));\n"
           + "      biquad_dsp(&bs,&bc,%in%,%out%);\n";
   return o;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 static AxoObject Create_Fir16() {
   AxoObject o = new AxoObject("fir16", "finite impulse response filter, with 16 coefficients");
   o.inlets.add(new InletFrac32Buffer("in", "input"));
   o.inlets.add(new InletFrac32Buffer("coefs", "input"));
   o.outlets.add(new OutletFrac32Buffer("out", "output"));
   o.sLocalData = "arm_fir_instance_q31 f;\n" + "q31_t state[BUFSIZE + BUFSIZE -1];\n";
   o.sInitCode =
       "arm_fir_init_q31(&f,\n" + "	BUFSIZE,\n" + "	0,\n" + "	&state[0],\n" + "	BUFSIZE);\n";
   o.sKRateCode =
       "f.pCoeffs = (q31_t*)%coefs%;\n"
           + "\n"
           + "arm_fir_fast_q31(\n"
           + "  &f,\n"
           + "  (q31_t*)%in%,\n"
           + "  %out%,\n"
           + "  BUFSIZE);\n";
   return o;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 static AxoObject CreateVCF2() {
   AxoObject o =
       new AxoObject(
           "vcf2~", "2-pole resonant low-pass filter (biquad), filter updated at k-rate");
   o.inlets.add(new InletFrac32Buffer("in", "filter input"));
   o.inlets.add(new InletFrac32("pitchm", "pitch modulation"));
   o.inlets.add(new InletFrac32("resonance", "filter resonance"));
   o.params.add(new ParameterFrac32SMap("pitch"));
   o.outlets.add(new OutletFrac32Buffer("out", "filter output"));
   o.sLocalData = "data_filter_biquad_A fd;\n";
   o.sInitCode = "  init_filter_biquad_A(&fd);\n";
   o.sKRateCode =
       "  {\n"
           + "      int32_t freq;\n"
           + "      MTOF(%pitch% + %pitchm%,freq);\n"
           + "      f_filter_biquad_A(&fd,%in%,%out%,freq,INT_MAX - (__USAT(%resonance%,27)<<4));\n"
           + "   }\n";
   return o;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 static AxoObject Create_FSync() {
   AxoObject o =
       new AxoObject(
           "delivers frame sync pulse on the I2S data output (needs patch wire). Conflicts with normal audio output! Audio saturation in patch settings MUST BE OFF!");
   String FpsM[] = {"25", "30", "50", "60", "100", "120", "1200", "8000"};
   o.attributes.add(new AxoAttributeComboBox("fps", FpsM, FpsM));
   o.inlets.add(new InletBool32Rising("trig", "frame offset trigger"));
   o.inlets.add(new InletInt32("offset", "frame offset (64 units/sample)"));
   o.sLocalData =
       "int32_t sexp; // frame delay in 64*samples\n" + "uint32_t scount;\n" + "int32_t ptrig;\n";
   o.sInitCode = "sexp =(64*SAMPLERATE)/%fps%;\n" + "scount = 0;\n";
   o.sKRateCode =
       "int smp;\n"
           + "if (%trig% && !ptrig) {\n"
           + "	scount= 100 + %offset%;\n"
           + "}\n"
           + "ptrig = %trig%;\n"
           + "for(smp=0;smp<BUFSIZE;smp++){\n"
           + "  AudioOutputLeft[smp] = 0;\n"
           + "  AudioOutputRight[smp] = 0;\n"
           + "}\n"
           + "int subsmp;\n"
           + "for(smp=0;smp<BUFSIZE;smp++){\n"
           + "	for (subsmp = 0;subsmp<64;subsmp++){\n"
           + "		scount+=1;\n"
           + "		if (scount >= sexp){\n"
           + "			scount = 0;\n"
           + "		}\n"
           + "		if (scount < 19) {\n"
           + "			if (subsmp<32){\n"
           + "				AudioOutputLeft[smp] |= 1<<(31-subsmp);\n"
           + "			} else {\n"
           + "				AudioOutputRight[smp] |= 1<<(63-subsmp);\n"
           + "			}\n"
           + "		}\n"
           + "	}\n"
           + "}";
   return o;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 static AxoObject Create_FSyncCoded() {
   AxoObject o =
       new AxoObject(
           "fsync coded",
           "delivers frame sync pulse on the I2S data output (needs patch wire). Conflicts with normal audio output! Audio saturation in patch settings MUST BE OFF! Modulates timecode into sync jitter...");
   String FpsM[] = {"25", "30", "50", "60", "100", "120", "1200", "8000"};
   o.attributes.add(new AxoAttributeComboBox("fps", FpsM, FpsM));
   o.inlets.add(new InletInt32("h", "hours"));
   o.inlets.add(new InletInt32("m", "minutes"));
   o.inlets.add(new InletInt32("s", "seconds"));
   o.inlets.add(new InletBool32Rising("trig", "frame offset trigger"));
   o.inlets.add(new InletInt32("offset", "frame offset (64 units/sample)"));
   o.sLocalData =
       "int32_t sexp; // frame delay in 64*samples\n"
           + "uint32_t scount;\n"
           + "int32_t ptrig;\n"
           + "\n"
           + "uint8_t time_hours;\n"
           + "uint8_t time_minutes;\n"
           + "uint8_t time_seconds;\n"
           + "uint32_t time_frames;\n"
           + "uint8_t bitindex;\n"
           + "bool evenodd;\n"
           + "bool bitbuf;\n"
           + "\n"
           + "bool Get1BitTC2 (void) {\n"
           + "	if ((time_frames == 0)&&(bitindex==29)){\n"
           + "		bitindex = 1;\n"
           + "	} else if (bitindex < 29) {\n"
           + "		bitindex++;\n"
           + "	} else bitindex = 29;\n"
           + "	switch (bitindex) {\n"
           + "		case 0 : return 0;\n"
           + "		case 1 : return 1;\n"
           + "		case 2 : if (time_seconds&0x01) return 1; else return 0;\n"
           + "		case 3 : if (time_seconds&0x02) return 1; else return 0;\n"
           + "		case 4 : if (time_seconds&0x04) return 1; else return 0;\n"
           + "		case 5 : if (time_seconds&0x08) return 1; else return 0;\n"
           + "		case 6 : if (time_seconds&0x10) return 1; else return 0;\n"
           + "		case 7 : if (time_seconds&0x20) return 1; else return 0;\n"
           + "		case 8 : return 1;\n"
           + "		case 9 : if (time_minutes&0x01) return 1; else return 0;\n"
           + "		case 10 : if (time_minutes&0x02) return 1; else return 0;\n"
           + "		case 11 : if (time_minutes&0x04) return 1; else return 0;\n"
           + "		case 12 : if (time_minutes&0x08) return 1; else return 0;\n"
           + "		case 13 : if (time_minutes&0x10) return 1; else return 0;\n"
           + "		case 14 : if (time_minutes&0x20) return 1; else return 0;\n"
           + "		case 15 : return 1;\n"
           + "		case 16 : if (time_hours&0x01) return 1; else return 0;\n"
           + "		case 17 : if (time_hours&0x02) return 1; else return 0;\n"
           + "		case 18 : if (time_hours&0x04) return 1; else return 0;\n"
           + "		case 19 : if (time_hours&0x08) return 1; else return 0;\n"
           + "		case 20 : if (time_hours&0x10) return 1; else return 0;\n"
           + "		case 21 : if (time_hours&0x20) return 1; else return 0;\n"
           + "		case 22 : return 1;\n"
           + "		default: return 0;\n"
           + "	}\n"
           + "}\n";
   o.sInitCode = "sexp =(64*SAMPLERATE)/%fps%;\n" + "scount = 0;\n" + "bitindex = 0;\n";
   o.sKRateCode =
       "int smp;\n"
           + "if (%trig% && !ptrig) {\n"
           + "	if (bitindex >= 29)\n"
           + "		scount= %offset%; // 64*16 max\n"
           + "\n"
           + "	time_hours = %h%;\n"
           + "	time_minutes = %m%;\n"
           + "	time_seconds = %s%;\n"
           + "	time_frames = 0;\n"
           + "//	if ((bitindex == 29)||(bitindex == 0)) {\n"
           + "//		bitindex = 1;\n"
           + "//		evenodd = 1;\n"
           + "//	}\n"
           + "}\n"
           + "\n"
           + "ptrig = %trig%;\n"
           + "for(smp=0;smp<BUFSIZE;smp++){\n"
           + "  AudioOutputLeft[smp] = 0;\n"
           + "  AudioOutputRight[smp] = 0;\n"
           + "}\n"
           + "\n"
           + "int subsmp;\n"
           + "\n"
           + "for(smp=0;smp<BUFSIZE;smp++){\n"
           + "	for (subsmp = 0;subsmp<64;subsmp++){\n"
           + "		scount++;\n"
           + "		if (scount >= sexp){\n"
           + "			scount = 0;\n"
           + "			if (!evenodd) {\n"
           + "				bitbuf = Get1BitTC2();\n"
           + "//				bitbuf = 1;\n"
           + "				evenodd = 1;\n"
           + "			} else {\n"
           + "				evenodd = 0;\n"
           + "			}\n"
           + "			time_frames++;\n"
           + "		}\n"
           + "		int lo = 10000;\n"
           + "		int hi = 20000;\n"
           + "		int df = 1000; // 1000 -> 500us jitter\n"
           + "		if (evenodd) {\n"
           + "			if (bitbuf) {\n"
           + "				lo += df;\n"
           + "				hi += df;\n"
           + "			} else {\n"
           + "				lo -= df;\n"
           + "				hi -= df;\n"
           + "			}\n"
           + "		}\n"
           + "		if ((scount > lo) &&(scount < hi)) {\n"
           + "			if (subsmp<32){\n"
           + "				AudioOutputLeft[smp] |= 1<<(31-subsmp);\n"
           + "			} else {\n"
           + "				AudioOutputRight[smp] |= 1<<(63-subsmp);\n"
           + "			}\n"
           + "		}\n"
           + "	}\n"
           + "}\n";
   return o;
Ejemplo n.º 15
  static AxoObject Create_Generator() {
    AxoObject o =
        new AxoObject(
            "LTC (linear timecode) generator, in sync with the audio sample clock. Does not support drop-frame format. This implementation only works when the system clock is 48kHz or 96kHz, not at 44.1kHz!");
    String FpsM[] = {"25", "30"};
    String FpsC[] = {"25", "30"};
    o.attributes.add(new AxoAttributeComboBox("fps", FpsM, FpsC));
    o.outlets.add(new OutletInt32("h", "hours"));
    o.outlets.add(new OutletInt32("m", "minutes"));
    o.outlets.add(new OutletInt32("s", "seconds"));
    o.outlets.add(new OutletInt32("f", "frames"));
    o.outlets.add(new OutletFrac32Buffer("out", "ltc output"));

    o.sLocalData =
        "uint8_t h; // hour counter\n"
            + "uint8_t m; // minute counter\n"
            + "uint8_t s; // seconds counter\n"
            + "uint8_t f; // frame counter\n"
            + "uint8_t b; // bit counter\n"
            + "uint8_t ss; // sample counter\n"
            + "int32_t bo; // bit output\n"
            + "\n"
            + "void inc(){\n"
            + "   f++;\n"
            + "   if (f == %fps%) {\n"
            + "      f = 0;\n"
            + "      s++;\n"
            + "      if (s == 60){\n"
            + "         s = 0;\n"
            + "         m++;\n"
            + "         if (m == 60){\n"
            + "            m=0;\n"
            + "            h++;\n"
            + "         }\n"
            + "      }\n"
            + "   }\n"
            + "}\n"
            + "void getbit(){\n"
            + "   b++;\n"
            + "   if (b==160) {\n"
            + "      b = 0;\n"
            + "      inc();\n"
            + "   }\n"
            + "   if ((b&1) == 0){\n"
            + "      bo = -bo;\n"
            + "   } else {\n"
            + "      switch(b>>1){\n"
            + "		case 0:\n"
            + "			bo = ((f%10)&0x1)?-bo:bo;\n"
            + "			break;\n"
            + "		case 1:\n"
            + "			bo = ((f%10)&0x2)?-bo:bo;\n"
            + "			break;\n"
            + "		case 2:\n"
            + "			bo = ((f%10)&0x4)?-bo:bo;\n"
            + "			break;\n"
            + "		case 3:\n"
            + "			bo = ((f%10)&0x8)?-bo:bo;\n"
            + "			break;\n"
            + "		case 4: // user bits field 1\n"
            + "		case 5:\n"
            + "		case 6:\n"
            + "		case 7:\n"
            + "			break;\n"
            + "		case 8:\n"
            + "			bo = ((f/10)&0x1)?-bo:bo;\n"
            + "			break;\n"
            + "		case 9:\n"
            + "			bo = ((f/10)&0x2)?-bo:bo;\n"
            + "			break;\n"
            + "		case 10: // drop frame\n"
            + "		case 11: // color frame\n"
            + "		case 12: // user bits field 2\n"
            + "		case 13: \n"
            + "		case 14: \n"
            + "		case 15: \n"
            + "			break;\n"
            + "		case 16:\n"
            + "			bo = ((s%10)&0x1)?-bo:bo;\n"
            + "			break;\n"
            + "		case 17:\n"
            + "			bo = ((s%10)&0x2)?-bo:bo;\n"
            + "			break;\n"
            + "		case 18:\n"
            + "			bo = ((s%10)&0x4)?-bo:bo;\n"
            + "			break;\n"
            + "		case 19:\n"
            + "			bo = ((s%10)&0x8)?-bo:bo;\n"
            + "			break;\n"
            + "		case 20: // user bits field 3\n"
            + "		case 21:\n"
            + "		case 22:\n"
            + "		case 23:\n"
            + "			break;\n"
            + "		case 24:\n"
            + "			bo = ((s/10)&0x1)?-bo:bo;\n"
            + "			break;\n"
            + "		case 25:\n"
            + "			bo = ((s/10)&0x2)?-bo:bo;\n"
            + "			break;\n"
            + "		case 26: \n"
            + "			bo = ((s/10)&0x4)?-bo:bo;\n"
            + "			break;\n"
            + "		case 27: // even parity (unimplemented)\n"
            + "		case 28: // user bits field 4\n"
            + "		case 29: \n"
            + "		case 30: \n"
            + "		case 31: \n"
            + "			break;\n"
            + "		case 32:\n"
            + "			bo = ((m%10)&0x1)?-bo:bo;\n"
            + "			break;\n"
            + "		case 33:\n"
            + "			bo = ((m%10)&0x2)?-bo:bo;\n"
            + "			break;\n"
            + "		case 34:\n"
            + "			bo = ((m%10)&0x4)?-bo:bo;\n"
            + "			break;\n"
            + "		case 35:\n"
            + "			bo = ((m%10)&0x8)?-bo:bo;\n"
            + "			break;\n"
            + "		case 36: // user bits field 5\n"
            + "		case 37:\n"
            + "		case 38:\n"
            + "		case 39:\n"
            + "			break;\n"
            + "		case 40:\n"
            + "			bo = ((m/10)&0x1)?-bo:bo;\n"
            + "			break;\n"
            + "		case 41:\n"
            + "			bo = ((m/10)&0x2)?-bo:bo;\n"
            + "			break;\n"
            + "		case 42: \n"
            + "			bo = ((m/10)&0x4)?-bo:bo;\n"
            + "			break;\n"
            + "		case 43: // binary group flag\n"
            + "		case 44: // user bits field 6\n"
            + "		case 45: \n"
            + "		case 46: \n"
            + "		case 47: \n"
            + "			break;\n"
            + "		case 48:\n"
            + "			bo = ((h%10)&0x1)?-bo:bo;\n"
            + "			break;\n"
            + "		case 49:\n"
            + "			bo = ((h%10)&0x2)?-bo:bo;\n"
            + "			break;\n"
            + "		case 50:\n"
            + "			bo = ((h%10)&0x4)?-bo:bo;\n"
            + "			break;\n"
            + "		case 51:\n"
            + "			bo = ((h%10)&0x8)?-bo:bo;\n"
            + "			break;\n"
            + "		case 52: // user bits field 7\n"
            + "		case 53:\n"
            + "		case 54:\n"
            + "		case 55:\n"
            + "			break;\n"
            + "		case 56:\n"
            + "			bo = ((h/10)&0x1)?-bo:bo;\n"
            + "			break;\n"
            + "		case 57:\n"
            + "			bo = ((h/10)&0x2)?-bo:bo;\n"
            + "			break;\n"
            + "		case 58: \n"
            + "			bo = ((h/10)&0x4)?-bo:bo;\n"
            + "			break;\n"
            + "		case 59: // binary group flag\n"
            + "		case 60: // user bits field 8\n"
            + "		case 61: \n"
            + "		case 62: \n"
            + "		case 63: \n"
            + "			break;\n"
            + "\n"
            + "		case 64:\n"
            + "		case 65:\n"
            + "			break;\n"
            + "		case 66:\n"
            + "		case 67:\n"
            + "		case 68:\n"
            + "		case 69:\n"
            + "		case 70:\n"
            + "		case 71:\n"
            + "		case 72:\n"
            + "		case 73:\n"
            + "		case 74:\n"
            + "		case 75:\n"
            + "		case 76:\n"
            + "		case 77:\n"
            + "			bo = -bo;\n"
            + "			break;\n"
            + "		case 78:\n"
            + "			break;\n"
            + "		case 79:\n"
            + "			bo = -bo;\n"
            + "			break;\n"
            + "		default: break;\n"
            + "	  }\n"
            + "   }\n"
            + "}\n";
    o.sInitCode =
        "h = 0;\n"
            + "m = 0;\n"
            + "s = 0;\n"
            + "f = 0;\n"
            + "b = 0;\n"
            + "ss = 0;\n"
            + "bo = 1<<26;\n";
    // 160 half-bits per smpte frame
    // 48kHz 24fps -> 12.5 samples/halfbit - no go!
    // 48kHz 25fps -> 12 samples/halfbit
    // 48kHz 30fps -> 10 samples/halfbit

    o.sKRateCode = "%h% = h;\n" + "%m% = m;\n" + "%s% = s;\n" + "%f% = f;\n";
    o.sSRateCode =
        "%out% = bo;\n"
            + "ss++;\n"
            + "if (ss==((SAMPLERATE/160)/%fps%)) {\n"
            + "   ss=0;\n"
            + "   getbit();\n"
            + "}\n";
    return o;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 static AxoObject Create_Decoder() {
   AxoObject o =
       new AxoObject(
           "LTC (linear timecode) decoder.  Does not support drop-frame format. This implementation only works when the system clock is 48kHz or 96kHz, not at 44.1kHz!");
   String FpsM[] = {"25", "30"};
   String FpsC[] = {"25", "30"};
   o.attributes.add(new AxoAttributeComboBox("fps", FpsM, FpsC));
   o.inlets.add(new InletFrac32Buffer("in", "ltc input"));
   o.outlets.add(new OutletInt32("h", "hours"));
   o.outlets.add(new OutletInt32("m", "minutes"));
   o.outlets.add(new OutletInt32("s", "seconds"));
   o.outlets.add(new OutletInt32("f", "frames"));
   o.outlets.add(new OutletInt32("smp", "sample offset to frame"));
   o.outlets.add(new OutletBool32("sync", "sync detect"));
   o.sLocalData =
       "uint8_t h; // hour counter\n"
           + "uint8_t m; // minute counter\n"
           + "uint8_t s; // seconds counter\n"
           + "uint8_t f; // frame counter\n"
           + "int8_t b; // bit counter\n"
           + "// <0 : syncing\n"
           + "// >=0 : reading\n"
           + "int32_t subsample;\n"
           + "uint8_t ss; // sample counter\n"
           + "int32_t bo; // bit output\n"
           + "int32_t psample; // previous sample\n"
           + "int32_t sexp; // expected sample period in audio samples\n"
           + "uint32_t data[2];\n"
           + "uint32_t data2[2];\n";
   o.sInitCode =
           + "m=0;\n"
           + "s=0;\n"
           + "f=0;\n"
           + "b=-1;\n"
           + "ss=0;\n"
           + "bo=0;\n"
           + "sexp =(SAMPLERATE/160)/%fps%;\n"
           + "subsample = 0;\n";
   o.sKRateCode =
       "%h% = h;\n"
           + "%m% = m;\n"
           + "%s% = s;\n"
           + "%f% = f;\n"
           + "%smp% = subsample;\n"
           + "%sync%=0;\n";
   o.sSRateCode =
       "int32_t i1 = %in%>>2;\n"
           + "int transition = ((psample>0)!=(i1>0));\n"
           + "\n"
           + "if (b == -1) {\n"
           + "	if (transition){\n"
           + "		b = -2;\n"
           + "		ss = 0; // beginning of sync word\n"
           + "	}\n"
           + "} else if (((b < -1)&&(b > -26))||(b == -27)||(b==-28)) {\n"
           + "	if ((ss > (sexp-2))&&(ss <= (sexp+2))) {\n"
           + "		if (transition) {\n"
           + "			b--;\n"
           + "			ss = 0;\n"
           + "			if (b == -29) {\n"
           + "				//f++;\n"
           + "				b = 0;\n"
           + "				data[0] = 0;\n"
           + "				data[1] = 0;\n"
           + "			} else if (b == -10) {\n"
           + "				// use this edge for subsample sync\n"
           + "				int32_t _i1 = i1;\n"
           + "				int32_t _i0 = psample;\n"
           + "				if (i1<0) {\n"
           + "					_i1 = -i1;\n"
           + "					_i0 = -psample;\n"
           + "				}\n"
           + "				subsample = ((_i0<<6)/(_i0-_i1)) + 64*buffer_index;\n"
           + "                             if (f == 0) {\n"
           + "                                 %sync% = 1;\n"
           + "                             }\n"
           + "			}\n"
           + "		}\n"
           + "	} else if (ss > (sexp+2)) {\n"
           + "	    b = -1; // start searching again...\n"
           + "	}\n"
           + "} else if (b == -26){\n"
           + "	if ((ss > (2*sexp-2))&&(ss <= (2*sexp+2))) {\n"
           + "		ss = 0;\n"
           + "		b--;\n"
           + "	} else if (ss > (2*sexp+2)) {\n"
           + "		// busted\n"
           + "		b = -1; // start searching again...\n"
           + "	}\n"
           + "} else if (b >= 0) {\n"
           + "	if ((ss > (sexp-2))&&(ss <= (sexp+2))) {\n"
           + "		if (transition){\n"
           + "			if (b<32) {\n"
           + "				data[0] |= 1<<b;\n"
           + "			} else {\n"
           + "				data[1] |= 1<<(b-32);\n"
           + "			}\n"
           + "		}\n"
           + "	}\n"
           + "	if ((ss > (2*sexp-2))&&(ss <= (2*sexp+2))) {\n"
           + "		if (transition){\n"
           + "			ss = 0;\n"
           + "			b++;\n"
           + "			if (b == 64) {\n"
           + "				f = (data[0]&0x0F) + 10*((data[0]>>8)&0x03);\n"
           + "				s = ((data[0]>>16)&0x0F) + 10*((data[0]>>24)&0x07);\n"
           + "				m = (data[1]&0x0F) + 10*((data[1]>>8)&0x07);\n"
           + "				h = ((data[1]>>16)&0x0F) + 10*((data[1]>>24)&0x03);\n"
           + "				data2[0] = data[0];\n"
           + "				data2[1] = data[1];\n"
           + "	//			f++;\n"
           + "				b = -1;\n"
           + "			}\n"
           + "		}\n"
           + "	} else if (ss > (2*sexp+2)) {\n"
           + "		// busted\n"
           + "		b = -1; // start searching again...\n"
           + "	}	\n"
           + "}\n"
           + "\n"
           + "psample = i1;\n"
           + "ss++;\n";
   return o;