  public void verify_facualcal_onfresh_launch() throws InterruptedException, IOException {
    // Handling error / failures
    FactSteps = 1;

    // Report part invoking
    ExtentReports reporter = Driver.getInstance();
    logger = reporter.startTest("Verify Factual Call test case").assignCategory("Smoke_Test");
    logger.log(LogStatus.PASS, "Started Factual Call Testcase");
    System.out.println("Case Started");

    // reading filr from Propery file

    // Report logs for Launching the app
    ATUReports.add("Launch the app", false);
    logger.log(LogStatus.PASS, "Launch the app");

    // run command for getting logs in idevicesyslog.log
    String[] str = {
      "/usr/local/bin/idevicesyslog.log  >>" + properties.getProperty("LogFilePath")
    Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(str);

    FactSteps = FactSteps + 1;
    BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(properties.getProperty("LogFilePath")));

    String line = "";
    String allLine = "";

    while ((line = r.readLine()) != null) {
      System.out.println("Sys data is ::" + line);

    String FilePath = properties.getProperty("LogFilePath");
    // Users/aparna/Desktop/syslog1.log";

    Map<String, String> mapkeys = new HashMap<String, String>();

    try {
      FileInputStream fstream = new FileInputStream(FilePath);
      BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fstream));
      String strLine;

      // / read log line by line ------ strLine = br.readLines(6, 10); /
      StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("");
      while ((strLine = br.readLine()) != null) {

      ATUReports.add("Verify the Factual values(FAUD,FGEO) in Feed_1 Call", false);
      logger.log(LogStatus.PASS, "Verify the Factual values(FAUD,FGEO) in Feed_1 Call");

      // Handle wrong data failure for log file
      //			if(!sb.toString().contains("7646/app_iphone_us/display"))
      //			{
      //				FactSteps=4+1;
      //				System.out.println("Log data is not correct");
      //				Assert.fail();
      //			}

      // Get sg values form pub ad call
      if (sb.toString().contains("Requesting ad: /7646/app_iphone_us/display/feed/feed_1")) {
        String req =
                            "Requesting ad: /7646/app_iphone_us/display/feed/feed_1 with parameters: {"));
        req = req.substring(req.indexOf("{") + 1, req.indexOf("}"));
        String[] arrays = req.split(";");
        System.out.println("Verifing the " + req);
        for (String keys : arrays) {
          System.out.println("keys is::" + keys);
          if (keys.contains("=")) {
            String[] key = keys.split("=");
            // System.out.println(key[0] + "---"+key[1]);
            mapkeys.put(key[0], key[1]);
        for (Entry<String, String> entryKeys : mapkeys.entrySet()) {
          // System.out.println("key : "+entryKeys.getKey() + "----"+"value:"+entryKeys.getValue());
          if (entryKeys.getKey().contains("fgeo")) {
            String fgeo = entryKeys.getValue();
            System.out.println("fgeo values are :" + entryKeys.getValue());
            ATUReports.add("sg values are presented", false);
            logger.log(LogStatus.PASS, "sg values are present");
            // container.add(entryKeys.getValue());
            // sg.add(entryKeys.getValue());
            int size = fgeo.length();
            System.out.println("Size is  : " + size);
            fgeo = fgeo.substring(2, fgeo.lastIndexOf('"'));
            fgeo = fgeo.replaceAll(",", ", ");

            // System.out.println("sg1::"+sg1);
            System.out.println("fgeo values and split data is ::" + fgeoval);

        // Get id values for lotame call

        Map<String, String> Factualkeys = new HashMap<String, String>();
        String factualString;
        if (sb.toString().contains("https://location.wfxtriggers.com")) {
          String factualreq =
              sb.toString().substring(sb.toString().lastIndexOf("WFX triggers Response {"));
          String factualreq1 =
              factualreq.substring(factualreq.indexOf("(") + 1, factualreq.indexOf(");") - 1);
          //	String[] arrays = Lotamereq.split(";");
          System.out.println("FactualReq1 ::" + factualreq1);

          //	System.out.println("json is :;"+Lotamereq1);
          String[] factualarrays = factualreq1.split("},");
          //	System.out.println("Lotamearray is::"+ Lotamearrays.toString());
          // Gson gson = new Gson();
          String[] factualVal = null;

          for (String factualKeys : factualarrays) {
            // System.out.println("Lotkeys ::"+LotKeys.toString());
            factualVal = factualKeys.split(";");

            for (String FactualValues : factualVal) {
              if (FactualValues.contains("index")) {
                String Factualval = FactualValues.toString().replace("{", "").trim();
                System.out.println("Factual values are ::" + Factualval);

                if (Factualval.contains("")) {
                } else {

                      Factualval.toString().replaceAll("index =", "").trim().replaceAll(", ", ","));
          // System.out.println("sg values are :" + sg.toString());
          String Actual = fgeoval.toString().replace("[", "").replace("]", "");

          System.out.println("fgeoval  ::" + Actual.toString());

          // System.out.println("Container vales are :"+container.toString());
          String Expected = container.toString().replace("[", "").replace("]", "");
          System.out.println("Container vales are ::" + Expected.toString());

          // Assert.assertEquals(Actual, Expected);

          String[] Factualarrays = Actual.split(",");
          System.out.println("Verifing the " + Factualarrays);
          for (String Factualkey : Factualarrays) {
            if (Expected.toString().contains(Factualkey.toString())) {

              System.out.println("Values are matched");
              ATUReports.add("FGEO value is present", false);
              logger.log(LogStatus.PASS, "FGEO Values are matched");
            } else {
              FactSteps = FactSteps + 1;
              System.out.println("Values are not matched");

    } catch (Exception e) {

    System.out.println("Verification of FactualCall test case done");

Ejemplo n.º 2
 private void setIndexPageDescription() {
   ATUReports.indexPageDescription = "PROPERTY VALUE";
   ATUReports.setAuthorInfo("Automation Tester", Utils.getCurrentTime(), "1.0");
  @SuppressWarnings({"unused", "unchecked", "rawtypes", "resource", "deprecation"})
  public void SmokeTest_WFX() throws Exception {

    // app kill and relaunch the app

    System.out.println("Verification of WeatherFX Call Test_Case Started");

    String adbPath = properties.getProperty("adbPath");

    String[] str = {"/bin/bash", "-c", adbPath + " shell setprop log.tag.TwcAd DEBUG"};
    Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(str);

    System.out.println("Debug command is done");

    String[] str1 = {
      "/bin/bash", "-c", adbPath + " -d logcat -v time >> " + properties.getProperty("LogFilePath")
    Process p1 = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(str1);

    System.out.println("Writing App logs to LogFile");

    ATUReports.add("Launch the app", false);

    try {
      // Wait for 20 sec for element presence
      WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(Ad, 10);

      // Temperature  Element
      MobileElement el = (MobileElement) Ad.findElementById("com.weather.Weather:id/temperature");
      System.out.println("Temp : " + el.getText());

      ATUReports.add("Scroll to Feed-1 Ad", false);
      // Ad.swipe(0,1800,0,20,2000);
      // Ad.swipe(0,1800,0,20,2000);
    } catch (Exception e) {

      //			System.out.println("Exception message :: "+e);

    MobileElement AdEle =
        (MobileElement) Ad.findElementById("com.weather.Weather:id/ad_view_holder");

    WebDriverWait wait1 = new WebDriverWait(Ad, 4);


    if (AdEle.isDisplayed()) {
      System.out.println("Feed-1 Ad is displayed");
      ATUReports.add("Feed-1 Ad is present", false);

    // Reading the log file for feed_1,to verify WFXTG value

    BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(properties.getProperty("LogFilePath")));

    String line = "";
    String allLine = "";

    while ((line = r.readLine()) != null) {
      System.out.println("Sys data is ::" + line);

    String FilePath = properties.getProperty("LogFilePath");

    try {
      FileInputStream fstream = new FileInputStream(FilePath);
      BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fstream));
      String strLine;

      // / read log line by line ------ strLine = br.readLines(6, 10); /
      StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("");
      while ((strLine = br.readLine()) != null) {


      String req = null;
      String[] arrays;
      String[] key;
      String zipcode = null;
      List<String> pubad_zip = new ArrayList<String>();
      ATUReports.add("Verify the PubAd_WFXTG values in Feed_1 Call", false);

      if (sb.toString().contains("slotName=weather.feed1")) {
        req = sb.toString().substring(sb.toString().lastIndexOf("slotName=weather.feed1"));
        req = req.substring(req.indexOf(",") + 1, req.indexOf("}"));
        System.out.println("Verifing the " + req);
        arrays = req.split(" ");
        for (String keys : arrays) {

          if (keys.contains("=")) {
            key = keys.split("=");
            // System.out.println("keys are :: "+key[0] + "---"+key[1]);
            if (key[0].contains("zip")) {
              key[1] = key[1].toString();
              key[1] = key[1].substring(0, key[1].lastIndexOf(","));
        zipcode = pubad_zip.toString().replace("[", "").replace("]", "");
        System.out.println("Zip value is :: " + zipcode);

      List<String> pubad_ZCSvalues = wfxtg.getValues(req, "zcs");
      List<String> pubad_HZCSvalues = wfxtg.getValues(req, "hzcs");
      List<String> pubad_NZCSvalues = wfxtg.getValues(req, "nzcs");



      try {
        // Capturing the WFXTG Call Data
        String wfxValues = null;
        int test = 0;
        for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) {
          int index =
                      "response from server is {" + "\"wfxtg\"" + ":{" + "\"current\"" + ":[",
          int emptyindex =
                      "response from server is {" + "\"wfxtg\"" + ":{" + "\"current\"" + ":[]",
          if (index == -1) {
          } else if (index != emptyindex) {
            wfxValues = sb.toString().substring(index);
            wfxValues =
                    wfxValues.indexOf("scatterSegs" + '"' + ":") + 13,
                    wfxValues.indexOf("]}}") + 1);
            // WFXTG call of https://triggers.wfxtriggers.com
            System.out.println("Verifing the WFXTG call" + wfxValues);
          test = index + 2;
        //						if (sb.toString().contains("response from server is {" + '"' + "wfxtg")) {
        //							String wfxValues = null;
        //							if (sb.toString().contains("response from server is {" + "\"wfxtg\"")) {
        //								wfxValues = sb.toString().substring(sb.toString().lastIndexOf("response from
        // server is {" + '"'+ "wfxtg"));
        //								wfxValues = wfxValues.substring(
        //										wfxValues.indexOf("scatterSegs" + '"' + ":") + 13,
        //										wfxValues.indexOf("]}}") + 1);
        //								System.out.println("Verifing the WFX call " + wfxValues);
        //							}


        List<String> segmentList = new ArrayList<String>();
        String seg = null;
        String zip = zipcode;
        JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
        Object obj = parser.parse(wfxValues.toString());
        JSONArray jsonObject = (JSONArray) obj;

        Map<String, List<String>> zcsmap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
        Map<String, List<String>> hzcsmap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
        Map<String, List<String>> nzcsmap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();

        for (int index = 0; index < jsonObject.size(); index++) {
          JSONObject obj1 = (JSONObject) jsonObject.get(index);
          if (obj1.containsKey("zcs")) {
            JSONArray array2 = (JSONArray) obj1.get("zcs");
            for (int index2 = 0; index2 < array2.size(); index2++) {
              JSONObject obj2 = (JSONObject) array2.get(index2);
              JSONArray array3 = (JSONArray) obj2.get("segments");
              List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
              for (int index3 = 0; index3 < array3.size(); index3++) {
                list.add(((Long) array3.get(index3)).toString());
              zcsmap.put((String) obj2.get("zip"), list);

          } else if (obj1.containsKey("hzcs")) {
            JSONArray array2 = (JSONArray) obj1.get("hzcs");
            for (int index2 = 0; index2 < array2.size(); index2++) {
              JSONObject obj2 = (JSONObject) array2.get(index2);
              JSONArray array3 = (JSONArray) obj2.get("segments");
              List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
              for (int index3 = 0; index3 < array3.size(); index3++) {
                list.add(((Long) array3.get(index3)).toString());
              hzcsmap.put((String) obj2.get("zip"), list);

          } else if (obj1.containsKey("nzcs")) {
            JSONArray array2 = (JSONArray) obj1.get("nzcs");
            for (int index2 = 0; index2 < array2.size(); index2++) {
              JSONObject obj2 = (JSONObject) array2.get(index2);
              JSONArray array3 = (JSONArray) obj2.get("segments");
              List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
              for (int index3 = 0; index3 < array3.size(); index3++) {
                list.add(((Long) array3.get(index3)).toString());
              nzcsmap.put((String) obj2.get("zip"), list);

        // Asserting the PubAd_ZCS_Values and WFX_APICall_ZCS_Values
        List<String> zcssegments = zcsmap.get(zip);

        List wfx_zcs = new ArrayList();
        for (String i : zcssegments) {
        String wfx_zcs_values = wfx_zcs.toString().replace(" ", "");

        String pubAd_zcs_values = pubad_ZCSvalues.toString();
        System.out.println("PubAd_ZCS_values " + pubAd_zcs_values);
        System.out.println("WFX_APICall_ZCS_values " + wfx_zcs_values);

        //						//	ATUReports.add("PubAd_ZCS_values :: "+pubAd_zcs_values,false);
        //						//	ATUReports.add("WFX_APICall_ZCS_values :: "+wfx_zcs_values,false);

        ATUReports.add("ZCS_values are present in Feed-1_PubAd call", false);
        ATUReports.add("ZCS_values are present in WFX_APICall", false);

        if (wfx_zcs_values.equalsIgnoreCase(pubAd_zcs_values)) {
          System.out.println("PubAd_ZCS_values and WFX_APICall_ZCS_values are equal");
          ATUReports.add("PubAd_ZCS_values and WFX_APICall_ZCS_values are equal", false);
        } else {
          System.out.println("PubAd_ZCS_values and WFX_APICall_ZCS_values are NOT equal");
          ATUReports.add("PubAd_ZCS_values and WFX_APICall_ZCS_values are NOT equal", false);


        // Asserting the PubAd_NZCS_Values and WFX_APICall_NZCS_Values
        List<String> nzcssegments = nzcsmap.get(zip);

        List wfx_nzcs = new ArrayList();
        for (String j : nzcssegments) {
        String wfx_nzcs_values = wfx_nzcs.toString().replace(" ", "");

        String pubAd_nzcs_values = pubad_NZCSvalues.toString();
        System.out.println("PubAd_NZCS_values " + pubAd_nzcs_values);
        System.out.println("WFX_APICall_NZCS_values " + wfx_nzcs_values);

        //						//	ATUReports.add("PubAd_NZCS_values :: "+pubAd_nzcs_values,false);
        //						//	ATUReports.add("WFX_APICall_NZCS_values :: "+wfx_nzcs_values,false);

        ATUReports.add("NZCS_values are present in Feed-1_PubAd call", false);
        ATUReports.add("NZCS_values are present in WFX_APICall", false);

        if (wfx_nzcs_values.equalsIgnoreCase(pubAd_nzcs_values)) {
          System.out.println("PubAd_NZCS_values and WFX_APICall_NZCS_values are equal");
          ATUReports.add("PubAd_NZCS_values and WFX_APICall_NZCS_values are equal", false);
        } else {
          System.out.println("PubAd_NZCS_values and WFX_APICall_NZCS_values are NOT equal");
          ATUReports.add("PubAd_NZCS_values and WFX_APICall_NZCS_values are NOT equal", false);

        // Asserting the PubAd_HZCS_Values and WFX_APICall_HZCS_Values
        List<String> hzcssegments = hzcsmap.get(zip);

        List wfx_hzcs = new ArrayList();
        for (String j : hzcssegments) {
        String wfx_hzcs_values = wfx_hzcs.toString().replace(" ", "");

        String pubAd_hzcs_values = pubad_HZCSvalues.toString();
        System.out.println("PubAd_HZCS_values " + pubAd_hzcs_values);
        System.out.println("WFX_APICall_HZCS_values " + wfx_hzcs_values);

        //	ATUReports.add("PubAd_HZCS_values :: "+pubAd_hzcs_values,false);
        //    ATUReports.add("WFX_APICall_HZCS_values :: "+wfx_hzcs_values,false);

        ATUReports.add("HZCS_values are present in Feed-1_PubAd call", false);
        ATUReports.add("HZCS_values are present in WFX_APICall", false);

        if (wfx_hzcs_values.equalsIgnoreCase(pubAd_hzcs_values)) {
          System.out.println("PubAd_HZCS_values and WFX_APICall_HZCS_values are equal");
          ATUReports.add("PubAd_HZCS_values and WFX_APICall_HZCS_values are equal", false);
        } else {
          System.out.println("PubAd_HZCS_values and WFX_APICall_HZCS_values are NOT equal");
          ATUReports.add("PubAd_HZCS_values and WFX_APICall_HZCS_values are NOT equal", false);

        //						}

      } catch (Exception e) {
        System.out.println("WFXTG values are showing as " + '"' + "nl" + '"' + "for ZCS/NZCS");
        ATUReports.add("WFXTG values are showing as " + '"' + "nl" + '"' + "for ZCS/NZCS", false);
    } catch (Exception e) {

    System.out.println("Verifying WFX test case done");
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public void init() {