public void createNodes(FlatNode top, HashMap[] exeCounts) { inputNodes = new HashMap<SIROperator, InputSliceNode>(); outputNodes = new HashMap<SIROperator, OutputSliceNode>(); filterNodes = new HashMap<SIROperator, FilterSliceNode>(); generatedIds = new HashSet<FilterSliceNode>(); this.exeCounts = exeCounts; top.accept(this, null, true); }
public void visitNode(FlatNode node) { System.out.println("Creating SliceNodes: " + node); OutputSliceNode output = new OutputSliceNode(); InputSliceNode input = new InputSliceNode(); FilterContent content; int mult = 1; if (node.isFilter()) { if (node.contents instanceof SIRFileWriter) { content = new FileOutputContent((SIRFileWriter) node.contents); } else if (node.contents instanceof SIRFileReader) { content = new FileInputContent((SIRFileReader) node.contents); } else content = new FilterContent(node.getFilter()); } else if (node.isSplitter()) { CType type = CommonUtils.getOutputType(node); SIRIdentity id = new SIRIdentity(type); RenameAll.renameAllFilters(id); content = new FilterContent(id); if (!node.isDuplicateSplitter()) mult = node.getTotalOutgoingWeights(); } else { // joiner CType type = CommonUtils.getOutputType(node); SIRIdentity id = new SIRIdentity(type); RenameAll.renameAllFilters(id); content = new FilterContent(id); mult = node.getTotalIncomingWeights(); } if (exeCounts[0].containsKey(node.contents)) content.setInitMult(mult * ((int[]) exeCounts[0].get(node.contents))[0]); else content.setInitMult(0); content.setSteadyMult(mult * ((int[]) exeCounts[1].get(node.contents))[0]); FilterSliceNode filterNode = new FilterSliceNode(content); if (node.isSplitter() || node.isJoiner()) generatedIds.add(filterNode); inputNodes.put(node.contents, input); outputNodes.put(node.contents, output); filterNodes.put(node.contents, filterNode); }
private void flattenInternal(FlatNode top) { Iterator<FlatNode> dataFlow = DataFlowTraversal.getTraversal(top).iterator(); while (dataFlow.hasNext()) { FlatNode node =; System.out.println(node); InputSliceNode input = sliceNodes.inputNodes.get(node.contents); OutputSliceNode output = sliceNodes.outputNodes.get(node.contents); FilterSliceNode filterNode = sliceNodes.filterNodes.get(node.contents); assert input != null && output != null && filterNode != null; // set up the slice Slice slice = new Slice(input); input.setNext(filterNode); filterNode.setPrevious(input); filterNode.setNext(output); output.setPrevious(filterNode); input.setParent(slice); output.setParent(slice); filterNode.setParent(slice); System.out.println(" outputs: " + node.ways); if (node.ways != 0) { assert node.ways == node.getEdges().length && node.ways == node.weights.length; // set up the i/o arcs // set up the splitting... LinkedList<InterSliceEdge> outEdges = new LinkedList<InterSliceEdge>(); LinkedList<Integer> outWeights = new LinkedList<Integer>(); HashMap<InputSliceNode, InterSliceEdge> newEdges = new HashMap<InputSliceNode, InterSliceEdge>(); for (int i = 0; i < node.ways; i++) { if (node.weights[i] == 0) continue; InterSliceEdge edge = new InterSliceEdge(output, sliceNodes.inputNodes.get(node.getEdges()[i].contents)); newEdges.put(sliceNodes.inputNodes.get(node.getEdges()[i].contents), edge); outEdges.add(edge); outWeights.add(node.weights[i]); } edges.put(output, newEdges); LinkedList<LinkedList<InterSliceEdge>> translatedEdges = new LinkedList<LinkedList<InterSliceEdge>>(); if (node.isDuplicateSplitter()) { outWeights = new LinkedList<Integer>(); outWeights.add(new Integer(1)); translatedEdges.add(outEdges); } else { for (int i = 0; i < outEdges.size(); i++) { LinkedList<InterSliceEdge> link = new LinkedList<InterSliceEdge>(); link.add(outEdges.get(i)); translatedEdges.add(link); } } output.set(outWeights, translatedEdges); } else { // no outputs output.setWeights(new int[0]); output.setDests(new InterSliceEdge[0][0]); } if (node.isFilter()) { if (node.getFilter().getPushInt() == 0) { output.setWeights(new int[0]); output.setDests(new InterSliceEdge[0][0]); } } // set up the joining, the edges should exist already from upstream System.out.println(" inputs: " + node.inputs); if (node.inputs != 0) { assert node.inputs == node.incoming.length && node.inputs == node.incomingWeights.length; LinkedList<Integer> inWeights = new LinkedList<Integer>(); LinkedList<InterSliceEdge> inEdges = new LinkedList<InterSliceEdge>(); for (int i = 0; i < node.inputs; i++) { if (node.incomingWeights[i] == 0) continue; inEdges.add(edges.get(sliceNodes.outputNodes.get(node.incoming[i].contents)).get(input)); inWeights.add(node.incomingWeights[i]); } input.set(inWeights, inEdges); } else { input.setWeights(new int[0]); input.setSources(new InterSliceEdge[0]); } if (node.isFilter() && node.getFilter().getPopInt() == 0) { input.setWeights(new int[0]); input.setSources(new InterSliceEdge[0]); } // set up the work hashmaps int workEst = 0; if (sliceNodes.generatedIds.contains(filterNode)) { workEst = 3 * filterNode.getFilter().getSteadyMult(); } else { assert node.isFilter(); workEst = work.getWork((SIRFilter) node.contents); } bottleNeckFilter.put(slice, filterNode); sliceBNWork.put(slice, workEst); workEstimation.put(filterNode.getFilter(), workEst); slice.finish(); if (node.contents instanceof SIRFileReader || node.contents instanceof SIRFileWriter) { System.out.println("Found io " + node.contents); ioList.add(slice); } if (topSlice == null) topSlice = slice; sliceList.add(slice); } }