Ejemplo n.º 1
   * This static method creates the main function as described in the class comment. It first checks
   * that the filter has no inputs/outputs and does not declare any I/O rates Then it creates the
   * function and attaches it to the filter.
   * @param top The single flatnode that contains the single filter of the app.
   * @param executionCounts The schedule for the stream graph as calculated by the scheduler.
  public static void doit(FlatNode top, HashMap[] executionCounts) {
    assert top.contents instanceof SIRFilter : "Error top of graph is not filter";

    assert top.inputs == 0 && top.ways == 0 : "Error: Fused filter contains neighbors";

    SIRFilter filter = (SIRFilter) top.contents;

    assert filter.getPushInt() == 0 && filter.getPopInt() == 0 && filter.getPeekInt() == 0
        : "Error: fused filter declares non-zero I/O rate(s)";

    // make sure there are no push, pops or peeks...
    assert CheckForCommunication.check(filter) == false
        : "Error: Communication expression found in filter";

    //  assert !(filter instanceof SIRTwoStageFilter) :
    //    "Error: Fused filter is a two stage";

    ExecutionCode exeCode = new ExecutionCode();

    // check to see if the schedule is valid and
    // set the number of times the filter fires in the init
    // stage (weird)
    exeCode.checkSchedule(executionCounts, filter);

    // create the main function of the C code that will call
    // the filter
    JBlock block = exeCode.mainFunction(filter);

    // create the method and add it to the filter
    JMethodDeclaration mainFunct =
        new JMethodDeclaration(
    // make the main the new work function
Ejemplo n.º 2
   * generate the code for the steady state loop. Inline the work function inside of an infinite
   * while loop.
   * @param filter The single fused filter of the application.
   * @return A JStatement that is a while loop with the work function inlined.
  JStatement generateSteadyStateLoop(SIRFilter filter) {

    JBlock block = new JBlock(null, new JStatement[0], null);

    JBlock workBlock = (JBlock) ObjectDeepCloner.deepCopy(filter.getWork().getBody());

    // add the cloned work function to the block

    // return the infinite loop
    return new JWhileStatement(null, new JBooleanLiteral(null, true), block, null);
Ejemplo n.º 3
  private boolean does_peek(int index) {

    CConfig child = childConfig(index);

    if (child instanceof CConfigFilter) {
      CConfigFilter fc = (CConfigFilter) child;
      SIRFilter filter = (SIRFilter) fc.getStream();

      int f_pop = filter.getPopInt();
      int f_peek = filter.getPeekInt();

      if (f_peek > f_pop) return true;

    if (child instanceof CConfigSplitJoin) {
      CConfigSplitJoin sj = (CConfigSplitJoin) child;
      if (sj.getPeek()) {

        return true;

    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
   * Construct the main function.
   * @param filter The single SIRFilter of the application.
   * @return A JBlock with the statements of the main function.
  private JBlock mainFunction(SIRFilter filter) {

    JBlock statements = new JBlock(null, new JStatement[0], null);

    // create the params list, for some reason
    // calling toArray() on the list breaks a later pass
    List paramList = filter.getParams();
    JExpression[] paramArray;
    if (paramList == null || paramList.size() == 0) paramArray = new JExpression[0];
    else paramArray = (JExpression[]) paramList.toArray(new JExpression[0]);

    // add the call to the init function
        new JExpressionStatement(
            new JMethodCallExpression(
                null, new JThisExpression(null), filter.getInit().getName(), paramArray),

    // add the call to the pre(init)work function if this filter
    // is a two stage..
    if (filter instanceof SIRTwoStageFilter) {
      SIRTwoStageFilter two = (SIRTwoStageFilter) filter;
          new JExpressionStatement(
              new JMethodCallExpression(
                  null, new JThisExpression(null), two.getInitWork().getName(), new JExpression[0]),

    // add the call to the work function

    return statements;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  public FusionInfo getFusionInfo(int from, int to) {

    // check if we have precomputed
    if (fusion_info[from][to] != null) return fusion_info[from][to];

    long work = 0;
    long work_no_penalty = 0;
    int code = 0;
    int data = 0;

    int mult[] = new int[cont.size()];
    mult[from] = 1; // init mult. of first item to 1

    for (int i = from; i < to; i++) {
      int push = childConfig(i).getFusionInfo().getPushInt() * mult[i];
      int pop = childConfig(i + 1).getFusionInfo().getPopInt();

      int common = gcd(push, pop);
      int xtra = pop / common;

      if (xtra > 1) {
        for (int a = from; a <= i; a++) {
          mult[a] = mult[a] * xtra;

      mult[i + 1] = (push * xtra) / pop;

    for (int i = from; i <= to; i++) {
      CConfig child = childConfig(i);

      FusionInfo fi = child.getFusionInfo();
      work += fi.getWorkEstimate();
      work_no_penalty += fi.getWorkEstimateNoPenalty();

      code += fi.getCodeSize() * mult[i];
      data += fi.getDataSize(); // * mult[i]; // removed Nov-15-2004

      // removed Nov-15-2004
      // if (i < to) data += fi.getOutputSize() * fi.getPushInt() * mult[i] * 2;

      // add impossible unroll penalty
      if (KjcOptions.unroll < mult[i]) work += fi.getWorkEstimate() / 2;

      // If peek ratio is 1024 add fusion peek overhead!
      if (KjcOptions.peekratio >= 1024) {
        if (i > from && child instanceof CConfigFilter) {
          CConfigFilter fc = (CConfigFilter) child;
          SIRFilter filter = (SIRFilter) fc.getStream();

          int f_pop = filter.getPopInt();
          int f_peek = filter.getPeekInt();
          int f_extra = f_peek - f_pop;

          if (f_extra > 0) { // peek > pop

            // only penalize if peek rate < 25% of (peek-pop)

            // System.out.print("[ extra:"+f_extra+"("+(f_pop * mult[i] * 4)+") pop:"+f_pop+"
            // m:"+mult[i]+" ]");

            if (f_extra > f_pop * mult[i] * 4) {
              // work += fi.getWorkEstimate()/2;
              // work += 1500;
              // System.out.print("penalty!!");

            // System.out.println();


        if (i > from && child instanceof CConfigSplitJoin) {
          CConfigSplitJoin sj = (CConfigSplitJoin) child;
          if (sj.getPeek()) {
            // work += fi.getWorkEstimate()/2;
            // work += 1500;

    int to_push = childConfig(to).getFusionInfo().getPushInt();
    int from_pop = childConfig(from).getFusionInfo().getPopInt();
    int from_peek = childConfig(from).getFusionInfo().getPeekInt();

    fusion_info[from][to] =
        new FusionInfo(
            from_pop * mult[from],
            from_pop * mult[from] + (from_peek - from_pop),
            to_push * mult[to],

    return fusion_info[from][to];
Ejemplo n.º 6
  private int refactor(int from, int to) {

    // System.out.println("refactor from:"+from+" to:"+to);

    int new_cuts = 0;

    // find multiplicity of filters

    int mult[] = new int[cont.size()];
    mult[from] = 1; // init mult. of first item to 1

    for (int i = from; i < to; i++) {
      int push = childConfig(i).getFusionInfo().getPushInt() * mult[i];
      int pop = childConfig(i + 1).getFusionInfo().getPopInt();

      int common = gcd(push, pop);
      int xtra = pop / common;

      if (xtra > 1) {
        for (int a = from; a <= i; a++) {
          mult[a] = mult[a] * xtra;

      mult[i + 1] = (push * xtra) / pop;

    for (int i = from + 1; i <= to; i++) {
      CConfig child = childConfig(i);

      // If peek ratio is 1024 -- try to refactor partition

      if (KjcOptions.peekratio >= 1024 && child instanceof CConfigFilter) {
        CConfigFilter fc = (CConfigFilter) child;
        SIRFilter filter = (SIRFilter) fc.getStream();

        int f_pop = filter.getPopInt();
        int f_peek = filter.getPeekInt();
        int f_extra = f_peek - f_pop;

        if (f_extra > 0) { // peek > pop

          // double amortize_break = f_extra / ClusterBackend.getExecCounts(filter);
          // double amortize_fuse = f_extra / mult[i];

          // System.out.print("[refactor extra:"+f_extra+"("+(f_pop * mult[i] * 4)+") pop:"+f_pop+"
          // m:"+mult[i]+" ]");

          // break if peek rate < 25% of (peek-pop)
          // if (f_extra > f_pop * mult[i] * 4) {

          // System.out.print("Cutting partition!!");
          greedyCuts[i - 1] = true;
          // }

            else if (amortize_break * 2 < amortize_fuse) {

            // break if amortize_break * 2 < amortize_fuse

            //System.out.print("Cutting partition!!");
            greedyCuts[i-1] = true;

          // System.out.println();


      if (i > from && child instanceof CConfigSplitJoin) {
        CConfigSplitJoin sj = (CConfigSplitJoin) child;
        if (sj.getPeek()) {

          // System.out.print("Cutting partition!!");
          greedyCuts[i - 1] = true;

          // work += fi.getWorkEstimate()/2;
          // work += 1500;

    return new_cuts;