Ejemplo n.º 1
 /** Supports Parcelable */
 public MessageValue(Parcel in) {
   mContacts = new ArrayList<MessageContactValue>();
   in.readList(mContacts, MessageContactValue.class.getClassLoader());
   mBodies = new ArrayList<MessageBodyValue>();
   in.readList(mBodies, MessageBodyValue.class.getClassLoader());
   mAttachments = new ArrayList<MessageAttachmentValue>();
   in.readList(mAttachments, MessageAttachmentValue.class.getClassLoader());
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public GalleryImage(Parcel source) {
   hash = source.readString();
   account_url = source.readString();
   title = source.readString();
   score = source.readInt();
   starting_score = source.readInt();
   virality = source.readFloat();
   size = source.readInt();
   views = source.readLong();
   is_hot = source.readByte() == 1;
   is_album = source.readByte() == 1;
   album_cover = source.readString();
   mimetype = source.readString();
   ext = source.readString();
   width = source.readInt();
   height = source.readInt();
   ups = source.readInt();
   downs = source.readInt();
   points = source.readInt();
   reddit = source.readString();
   bandwidth = source.readString();
   timestamp = source.readString();
   hot_datetime = source.readString();
   source.readList(images, AlbumImages.class.getClassLoader());
Ejemplo n.º 3
 protected SchoolModel(Parcel in) {
   this.id = (Integer) in.readValue(Integer.class.getClassLoader());
   this.name = in.readString();
   this.type = in.readString();
   this.relegious = in.readString();
   long tmpEstablished = in.readLong();
   this.established = tmpEstablished == -1 ? null : new Date(tmpEstablished);
   this.active = in.readByte() != 0;
   this.gradeFrom = (Byte) in.readValue(Byte.class.getClassLoader());
   this.gradeTo = (Byte) in.readValue(Byte.class.getClassLoader());
   this.website = in.readString();
   this.gender = in.readString();
   this.crestUrl = in.readString();
   this.slogan = in.readString();
   this.street = in.readString();
   this.city = in.readString();
   this.state = in.readString();
   this.countrycode = in.readString();
   this.zip = in.readString();
   this.longitude = (Double) in.readValue(Double.class.getClassLoader());
   this.latitude = (Double) in.readValue(Double.class.getClassLoader());
   long tmpAuCreatedDt = in.readLong();
   this.auCreatedDt = tmpAuCreatedDt == -1 ? null : new Date(tmpAuCreatedDt);
   long tmpAuUpdatedDt = in.readLong();
   this.auUpdatedDt = tmpAuUpdatedDt == -1 ? null : new Date(tmpAuUpdatedDt);
   this.listOfSchoolDetail = new ArrayList<SchoolDetailModel>();
   in.readList(this.listOfSchoolDetail, List.class.getClassLoader());
   this.contactNumber = in.readString();
   this.email = in.readString();
  protected WeekdaysDataSource(Parcel in) {

    this.mDataSource = new ArrayList<>();
    in.readList(this.mDataSource, List.class.getClassLoader());

    this.locale = (Locale) in.readSerializable();

    this.mAttachId = in.readInt();
    this.mWeekdayLayoutId = in.readInt();
    this.mWeekdayViewId = in.readInt();
    this.mBackgroundColor = in.readInt();
    this.mTextColorSelected = in.readInt();
    this.mTextColorUnselected = in.readInt();
    this.mSelectedColor = in.readInt();
    this.mUnselectedColor = in.readInt();

    this.mIsVisible = in.readByte() != 0;
    this.mFillWidth = in.readByte() != 0;
    this.mIsAllDaysSelected = in.readByte() != 0;
    this.mFirstDayOfWeek = in.readInt();
    this.mTextDrawableType = in.readInt();
    this.mNumberOfLetters = in.readInt();

    this.mViewWidth = in.readInt();
    this.mViewHeight = in.readInt();
    this.mViewMargin = in.readInt();
    this.mViewGravity = in.readInt();
    this.mLayoutPadding = in.readInt();

    this.mNestedScrollEnable = in.readByte() != 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 protected RelatedVideosBean(Parcel in) {
   this.id = in.readInt();
   this.title = in.readString();
   this.description = in.readString();
   this.artistName = in.readString();
   this.posterPic = in.readString();
   this.thumbnailPic = in.readString();
   this.albumImg = in.readString();
   this.regdate = in.readString();
   this.videoSourceTypeName = in.readString();
   this.totalViews = in.readInt();
   this.totalPcViews = in.readInt();
   this.totalMobileViews = in.readInt();
   this.totalComments = in.readInt();
   this.url = in.readString();
   this.hdUrl = in.readString();
   this.uhdUrl = in.readString();
   this.shdUrl = in.readString();
   this.videoSize = in.readLong();
   this.hdVideoSize = in.readLong();
   this.uhdVideoSize = in.readLong();
   this.shdVideoSize = in.readLong();
   this.duration = in.readInt();
   this.status = in.readInt();
   this.linkId = in.readInt();
   this.playListPic = in.readString();
   this.artists = new ArrayList<ArtistsBean>();
   in.readList(this.artists, ArtistsBean.class.getClassLoader());
 protected RepeatValues(Parcel in) {
   type = in.readInt();
   days = new ArrayList<Integer>();
   in.readList(days, null);
   endDate = (Calendar) in.readValue(null);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 protected Extensions(Parcel in) {
   this.isHub = in.readByte() != 0;
   this.occupancyData = in.readParcelable(OccupancyData.class.getClassLoader());
   this.deviations = new ArrayList<Deviation>();
   in.readList(this.deviations, Deviation.class.getClassLoader());
   this.lineColour = in.readString();
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public void readFromParcel(Parcel source) {
   homeTeam = source.readString();
   awayTeam = source.readString();
   wins = source.readString();
   losses = source.readString();
   draws = source.readString();
   goalsMade = source.readString();
   goalsTaken = source.readString();
   winGames = new ArrayList<Game>();
   drawGames = new ArrayList<Game>();
   lossGames = new ArrayList<Game>();
   source.readList(winGames, Game.class.getClassLoader());
   source.readList(drawGames, Game.class.getClassLoader());
   source.readList(lossGames, Game.class.getClassLoader());
   isSerieB = (source.readInt() == 0) ? false : true;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public CountryList(Parcel in) {
   if (in.readByte() == 0x01) {
     countries = new ArrayList<Country>();
     in.readList(countries, Country.class.getClassLoader());
   } else {
     countries = null;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public PrivateQuizRoom(Parcel source) {
   //	this.questions =
   // Arrays.asList((Question[])source.readParcelableArray(Question.class.getClassLoader()));
   source.readList(questions, Question.class.getClassLoader());
   this.description = source.readString();
   this.roomName = source.readString();
   this.roomID = source.readString();
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * A constructor for implementing the Driver as a Parcelable.
  * @param source The source Parcel
 public Driver(Parcel source) {
   id = source.readInt();
   fee = source.readDouble();
   licenseId = source.readString();
   insuranceId = source.readString();
   balance = source.readDouble();
   active = source.readByte() != 0;
   source.readList(requests, Request.class.getClassLoader());
Ejemplo n.º 12
 private PolylineOptions(Parcel in) {
   polyline = new Polyline();
   ArrayList<LatLng> pointsList = new ArrayList<>();
   in.readList(pointsList, LatLng.class.getClassLoader());
Ejemplo n.º 13
 protected StoreContent(Parcel in) {
   id = in.readLong();
   name = in.readString();
   if (in.readByte() == 0x01) {
     content = new ArrayList<Book>();
     in.readList(content, Book.class.getClassLoader());
   } else {
     content = null;
Ejemplo n.º 14
   * ***************************************************
   * <p>Write the contents to a parcel.
   * <p>***************************************************
  public void writeToParcel(Parcel parcel, int flags) {
    parcel.writeParcelable(mPromoCodeDiscount, flags);

    parcel.readList(mLineItemArrayList, LineItem.class.getClassLoader());

    parcel.writeParcelable(mTotalProductCost, flags);
    parcel.writeParcelable(mTotalCost, flags);
    parcel.writeParcelable(mTotalShippingCost, flags);
 private void readFromParcel(Parcel in) {
   mScore = in.readInt();
   mNumberOfBulletsFired = in.readInt();
   mNumberOfTargetsKilled = in.readInt();
   mCurrentCombo = in.readInt();
   mMaxCombo = in.readInt();
   mNumberOfBulletsMissed = in.readInt();
   mExpEarned = in.readInt();
   mLastScoreAdded = in.readInt();
   mLoot = new ArrayList<Integer>();
   in.readList(mLoot, Integer.class.getClassLoader());
Ejemplo n.º 16
 protected Assembly(Parcel in) {
   lastResolution = in.readString();
   numNations = in.readInt();
   numDelegates = in.readInt();
   if (in.readByte() == 0x01) {
     events = new ArrayList<Event>();
     in.readList(events, Event.class.getClassLoader());
   } else {
     events = null;
Ejemplo n.º 17
  // Parcelling part
  public User(Parcel in) {
    ArrayList<String> data = new ArrayList<String>();



    this.joinedGames = new ArrayList<Game>();

    in.readList(this.joinedGames, Game.class.getClassLoader());
Ejemplo n.º 18
 protected Movie(Parcel in) {
   id = in.readInt();
   title = in.readString();
   popularity = in.readDouble();
   vote_count = in.readInt();
   vote_average = in.readDouble();
   poster = in.readString();
   overview = in.readString();
   release_date = in.readString();
   if (in.readByte() == 0x01) {
     trailers = new ArrayList<Trailer>();
     in.readList(trailers, Trailer.class.getClassLoader());
   } else {
     trailers = null;
   if (in.readByte() == 0x01) {
     reviews = new ArrayList<Review>();
     in.readList(reviews, Review.class.getClassLoader());
   } else {
     reviews = null;
Ejemplo n.º 19
 protected OfficeRecipientsModel(Parcel in) {
   this.Id = in.readInt();
   this.OrderNo = in.readString();
   this.DepartmentId = in.readInt();
   this.Department = in.readString();
   this.EmployeeId = in.readString();
   this.Employee = in.readString();
   this.MakerId = in.readInt();
   this.Maker = in.readString();
   this.MakeDateStr = in.readString();
   this.OfficeRecipientsItem = new ArrayList<OfficeRecipientsItemModel>();
   in.readList(this.OfficeRecipientsItem, List.class.getClassLoader());
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public Observation(Parcel parcel) {
   id = parcel.readInt();
   publidate = parcel.readLong();
   lat = parcel.readDouble();
   lng = parcel.readDouble();
   distance = parcel.readDouble();
   nom = parcel.readString();
   description = parcel.readString();
   nb_commentaires = parcel.readInt();
   observateur = parcel.readParcelable(Observateur.class.getClassLoader());
   notes = parcel.readParcelable(Notes.class.getClassLoader());
   photos = new ArrayList<>();
   parcel.readList(photos, getClass().getClassLoader());
Ejemplo n.º 21
 protected MVDetailBean(Parcel in) {
   this.id = in.readInt();
   this.title = in.readString();
   this.description = in.readString();
   this.artistName = in.readString();
   this.posterPic = in.readString();
   this.thumbnailPic = in.readString();
   this.albumImg = in.readString();
   this.regdate = in.readString();
   this.videoSourceTypeName = in.readString();
   this.totalViews = in.readInt();
   this.totalPcViews = in.readInt();
   this.totalMobileViews = in.readInt();
   this.totalComments = in.readInt();
   this.url = in.readString();
   this.hdUrl = in.readString();
   this.uhdUrl = in.readString();
   this.shdUrl = in.readString();
   this.videoSize = in.readLong();
   this.hdVideoSize = in.readLong();
   this.uhdVideoSize = in.readLong();
   this.shdVideoSize = in.readLong();
   this.duration = in.readInt();
   this.status = in.readInt();
   this.linkId = in.readInt();
   this.playListPic = in.readString();
   this.favorite = in.readByte() != 0;
   this.pauseImageUrl = in.readString();
   this.pauseTraceUrl = in.readString();
   this.pauseClickUrl = in.readString();
   this.artists = new ArrayList<ArtistsBean>();
   in.readList(this.artists, ArtistsBean.class.getClassLoader());
   this.relatedVideos = new ArrayList<RelatedVideosBean>();
   in.readList(this.relatedVideos, RelatedVideosBean.class.getClassLoader());
   this.pauseTraceUrls = in.createStringArrayList();
 protected DiscoverResultMovie(Parcel in) {
   this.adult = in.readByte() != 0;
   this.backdrop_path = in.readString();
   this.genre_ids = new ArrayList<Integer>();
   in.readList(this.genre_ids, List.class.getClassLoader());
   this.id = in.readDouble();
   this.original_language = in.readString();
   this.original_title = in.readString();
   this.overview = in.readString();
   this.poster_path = in.readString();
   this.release_date = in.readString();
   this.title = in.readString();
   this.video = in.readByte() != 0;
   this.vote_average = in.readDouble();
   this.vote_count = in.readDouble();
Ejemplo n.º 23
 protected Poll(Parcel in) {
   id = in.readInt();
   title = in.readString();
   text = in.readString();
   startTime = in.readLong();
   stopTime = in.readLong();
   author = in.readString();
   if (in.readByte() == 0x01) {
     options = new ArrayList<PollOption>();
     in.readList(options, PollOption.class.getClassLoader());
   } else {
     options = null;
   isVotingEnabled = in.readByte() != 0x00;
   votedOption = in.readInt();
Ejemplo n.º 24
   * ***************************************************
   * <p>Creates order pricing from a parcel.
   * <p>***************************************************
  private OrderPricing(Parcel parcel) {
    mPromoCodeInvalidMessage = parcel.readString();
    mPromoCodeDiscount =

    mLineItemArrayList = new ArrayList<LineItem>();
    parcel.readList(mLineItemArrayList, LineItem.class.getClassLoader());

    mTotalProductCost =
    mTotalCost =
    mTotalShippingCost =
Ejemplo n.º 25
 protected StatSearch(Parcel in) {
   mUniqueGameIds = new ArrayList<>();
   in.readList(mUniqueGameIds, List.class.getClassLoader());
   mUniqueMatchIds = new ArrayList<>();
   in.readList(mUniqueMatchIds, List.class.getClassLoader());
   mUniqueRotationLocationIds = new ArrayList<>();
   in.readList(mUniqueRotationLocationIds, List.class.getClassLoader());
   mUniqueRotationIds = new ArrayList<>();
   in.readList(mUniqueRotationIds, List.class.getClassLoader());
   mUniquePlayerIds = new ArrayList<>();
   in.readList(mUniquePlayerIds, List.class.getClassLoader());
   mUniqueTeamIds = new ArrayList<>();
   in.readList(mUniqueTeamIds, List.class.getClassLoader());
Ejemplo n.º 26
 protected TvShow(Parcel in) {
   backdropPath = in.readString();
   if (in.readByte() == 0x01) {
     createdBy = new ArrayList<CreatedBy>();
     in.readList(createdBy, CreatedBy.class.getClassLoader());
   } else {
     createdBy = null;
   if (in.readByte() == 0x01) {
     episodeRunTime = new ArrayList<Integer>();
     in.readList(episodeRunTime, Integer.class.getClassLoader());
   } else {
     episodeRunTime = null;
   firstAirDate = in.readString();
   if (in.readByte() == 0x01) {
     genres = new ArrayList<Genre>();
     in.readList(genres, Genre.class.getClassLoader());
   } else {
     genres = null;
   homepage = in.readString();
   id = in.readByte() == 0x00 ? null : in.readInt();
   byte inProductionVal = in.readByte();
   inProduction = inProductionVal == 0x02 ? null : inProductionVal != 0x00;
   if (in.readByte() == 0x01) {
     languages = new ArrayList<String>();
     in.readList(languages, String.class.getClassLoader());
   } else {
     languages = null;
   lastAirDate = in.readString();
   name = in.readString();
   if (in.readByte() == 0x01) {
     networks = new ArrayList<Network>();
     in.readList(networks, Network.class.getClassLoader());
   } else {
     networks = null;
   numberOfEpisodes = in.readByte() == 0x00 ? null : in.readInt();
   numberOfSeasons = in.readByte() == 0x00 ? null : in.readInt();
   if (in.readByte() == 0x01) {
     originCountry = new ArrayList<String>();
     in.readList(originCountry, String.class.getClassLoader());
   } else {
     originCountry = null;
   originalLanguage = in.readString();
   originalName = in.readString();
   overview = in.readString();
   popularity = in.readByte() == 0x00 ? null : in.readDouble();
   posterPath = in.readString();
   if (in.readByte() == 0x01) {
     productionCompanies = new ArrayList<ProductionCompany>();
     in.readList(productionCompanies, ProductionCompany.class.getClassLoader());
   } else {
     productionCompanies = null;
   if (in.readByte() == 0x01) {
     seasons = new ArrayList<Season>();
     in.readList(seasons, Season.class.getClassLoader());
   } else {
     seasons = null;
   status = in.readString();
   type = in.readString();
   voteAverage = in.readByte() == 0x00 ? null : in.readDouble();
   voteCount = in.readByte() == 0x00 ? null : in.readInt();
   credits = (Credits) in.readValue(Credits.class.getClassLoader());
   videos = (VideoList) in.readValue(VideoList.class.getClassLoader());
   contentRatings = (ContentRatings) in.readValue(ContentRatings.class.getClassLoader());
Ejemplo n.º 27
 private IdList(Parcel in) {
   this.code = in.readLong();
   in.readList(this.responseData, Entity.class.getClassLoader());
 // Read the passed-in Parcel and populate object's data from its values.
 private ChatInfoContainer(Parcel in) {
   destId = in.readInt();
   in.readList(msgs, null);
Ejemplo n.º 29
  public VideoCollection(Parcel in) {
    List<Video> videos = new LinkedList();
    in.readList(videos, null);

    this.list = videos;
 protected ProductResponse(Parcel in) {
   this.productList = new ArrayList<ProductPost>();
   in.readList(this.productList, List.class.getClassLoader());