private void buildEye(double x, double y) { GOval Eye = new GOval(x, y, eye_radius * 2, eye_radius * 2); Eye.setColor(Color.YELLOW); Eye.setFilled(true); Eye.setFillColor(Color.YELLOW); add(Eye); }
/** getReady: Initialize the game */ private void getReady() { // Make up the bricks double brickPerWidth = (getWidth() - DIST_BRICK_WALL * 2 - DIST_BRICK_BRICK * (NUM_BRICK_ROW - 1)) / NUM_BRICK_ROW; double brickPerHeight = BRICK_HEIGHT; double x_start = DIST_BRICK_WALL; double y_start; for (int i = 1; i <= NUM_BRICK_ROW; i++) { for (int j = 1; j <= NUM_BRICK_COL; j++) { y_start = 50 + (j - 1) * (DIST_BRICK_BRICK + brickPerHeight); GRect tmpbrick = new GRect(brickPerWidth, brickPerHeight); tmpbrick.setFilled(true); add(tmpbrick, x_start, y_start); } x_start += DIST_BRICK_BRICK + brickPerWidth; } // Make up the board board = new GRect(BOARD_WIDTH, BOARD_HEIGHT); board.setFilled(true); add(board, (getWidth() - BOARD_WIDTH) / 2, (getHeight() - 30)); // Place the ball ball = new GOval(BALL_RADIUS * 2, BALL_RADIUS * 2); ball.setFilled(true); ball.setColor(Color.RED); add(ball, (getWidth() - BALL_RADIUS * 2) / 2, (getHeight() - 30 - BALL_RADIUS * 2)); // Set up random generator rgen = RandomGenerator.getInstance(); // Add Listeners addMouseListeners(); }
public void run() { while (true) { // move ball to right // end when ball moves off right side of screen setup(); while (ball.getX() < getWidth()) { moveBall(); checkForCollision(); pause(DELAY); } // move ball to left xVel = -X_VEL; X_START = getWidth() - DIAM_BALL; setup(); while (ball.getX() > -DIAM_BALL - 5) { moveBall(); checkForCollision(); pause(DELAY); } X_START = DIAM_BALL / 2; xVel = X_VEL; yVel = 0.0; } }
public void drawInnerOval() { double x = getWidth() / 2.0 - INNER_CIRCLE_WIDTH / 2.0; double y = getHeight() / 2.0 - INNER_CIRCLE_WIDTH / 2.0; GOval oval = new GOval(x, y, INNER_CIRCLE_WIDTH, INNER_CIRCLE_WIDTH); add(oval); oval.setFilled(true); oval.setFillColor(Color.RED); oval.setColor(Color.WHITE); }
private void PrecisionPaddle() { if (ball.getY() > HEIGHT - PADDLE_Y_OFFSET - PADDLE_HEIGHT - BALL_RADIUS * 2) { // check if the ball drops below the paddle double diff = ball.getY() - (HEIGHT - PADDLE_Y_OFFSET - PADDLE_HEIGHT - BALL_RADIUS * 2); ball.move(0, -2 * diff); // move ball an amount equal to the amount it drops below the paddle } }
public void run() { GOval o = new GOval(40, 40); o.setColor(Color.RED); o.setFilled(true); add(o, 100, 100); while (true) { pause(WAIT); o.move(xMove, yMove); } }
private GOval createFilledCircle(double x, double y, double r, int i) { GOval circle = new GOval(x - r, y - r, 2 * r, 2 * r); if (i % 2 != 0) { circle.setColor(Color.RED); } else { circle.setColor(Color.WHITE); } circle.setFilled(true); return circle; }
public void drawWhiteOval() { double x = getWidth() / 2.0 - WHITE_CIRCLE_WIDTH / 2.0; double y = getHeight() / 2.0 - WHITE_CIRCLE_WIDTH / 2.0; GOval oval = new GOval(x, y, WHITE_CIRCLE_WIDTH, WHITE_CIRCLE_WIDTH); add(oval); oval.setFilled(true); oval.setFillColor(Color.WHITE); oval.setColor(Color.WHITE); }
public void run() { for (int i = 0; i < NCIRCLES; i++) { double r = rgen.nextDouble(MIN_RADIUS, MAX_RADIUS); double x = rgen.nextDouble(0, getWidth() - 2 * r); double y = rgen.nextDouble(0, getHeight() - 2 * r); GOval circle = new GOval(x, y, 2 * r, 2 * r); circle.setFilled(true); circle.setColor(rgen.nextColor()); add(circle); } }
private void checkWall() { boolean checkLeftWall = ball.getX() <= 0; boolean checkRightWall = ball.getX() + BALL_RADIUS * 2 >= WIDTH; boolean checkTop = ball.getY() <= 0; if ((checkLeftWall) || (checkRightWall)) { vx = -vx; } if (checkTop) { vy = -vy; } }
private void checkForCollision() { // check if ball has hit floor. If so, bounce it upwards. if (ball.getY() > getHeight() - DIAM_BALL) {; yVel = -yVel * BOUNCE_REDUCE; // bounces back almost to BOUNCE_REDUCE * starting height // moves ball back above the floor the same distance it would have dropped below the floor in // same time double diff = ball.getY() - (getHeight() - DIAM_BALL); ball.move(0, -2 * diff); } }
private void drawOval(int x, int y, int size) { // create circle and set whether it will be red or white GOval circle = new GOval(x, y, size, size); if ((size % 2) == 0) { // if the size of the circle divides evenly (remainder of zero) // color the circle RED circle.setFillColor(Color.RED); } else { // color the circle white circle.setFillColor(Color.WHITE); } circle.setFilled(true); // add color add(circle); // create circle }
private void drawBall() { double x = WIDTH / 2 - BALL_RADIUS; double y = HEIGHT / 2 - BALL_RADIUS; double d = 2 * BALL_RADIUS; ball = new GOval(x, y, d, d); ball.setFilled(true); add(ball); }
private void checkObject() { // x and y parameters for the different corners double leftX = ball.getX(); double rightX = ball.getX() + (2 * BALL_RADIUS); double upperY = ball.getY(); double lowerY = ball.getY() + (2 * BALL_RADIUS); // check the corners for object GObject upperLeft = checkCorner(leftX, upperY); // check upper-left corner if (upperLeft == null) { GObject upperRight = checkCorner(rightX, upperY); // check upper-right corner } GObject lowerLeft = checkCorner(leftX, lowerY); // //check lower-left corner if (lowerLeft == null) { GObject lowerRight = checkCorner(rightX, lowerY); // check lower-right corner if ((lowerLeft == paddle) && (lowerRight == paddle)) { // When both lower corners hit paddle, change direction. vy = -vy; } } }
private void gaming() { boolean loseOneTurn; boolean win = false; boolean stillAlive = true; for (int i = NTURNS; i > 0; i--) { // loops for the number of turns. GLabel life = showLifeCount(i); waitForClick(); add(life); while (stillAlive) { // the ball moves and bounces until the user loses or wins the turn. moveBall(); loseOneTurn = (ball.getY() >= HEIGHT); // user loses one turn when the ball falls under the paddle. win = (brickCount == 0); // user wins when there is no brick left. stillAlive = !(loseOneTurn || win); } if (win) break; // breaks from the loop if the user wins in one turn. remove(ball); createBall(); // a new ball appears on the center of the screen after one turn stillAlive = true; remove(life); } }
/** Check for collision */ private void checkRebounce() { // check for left/right/top wall if (ball.getX() < 0) { vx *= -1; ball.move(vx, 0); return; } else if ((ball.getX() + 2 * BALL_RADIUS) > getWidth()) { vx *= -1; ball.move(vx, 0); return; } else if (ball.getY() < 0) { ball.setLocation(ball.getX(), -ball.getY()); vy *= -1; return; } // check for collision with bricks: from the four vertexs lefttop = getElementAt(ball.getX(), ball.getY()); righttop = getElementAt(ball.getX() + 2 * BALL_RADIUS, ball.getY()); leftbottom = getElementAt(ball.getX(), ball.getY() + 2 * BALL_RADIUS); rightbottom = getElementAt(ball.getX() + 2 * BALL_RADIUS, ball.getY() + 2 * BALL_RADIUS); if ((lefttop != null) && (righttop != null) && (lefttop != board) && (lefttop != mylabel)) { remove(lefttop); num_brick_left--; vy *= -1; } else if ((righttop != null) && (rightbottom != null) && (righttop != board) && (righttop != mylabel)) { remove(righttop); num_brick_left--; vx *= -1; } else if ((rightbottom != null) && (leftbottom != null) && (rightbottom != board) && (rightbottom != mylabel)) { remove(rightbottom); num_brick_left--; vy *= -1; } else if ((leftbottom != null) && (lefttop != null) && (leftbottom != board) && (leftbottom != mylabel)) { remove(leftbottom); num_brick_left--; vx *= -1; } // check for collision with board if (getElementAt(ball.getX(), (ball.getY() + BALL_RADIUS / 2)) == board) { vy *= -1; ball.move(0, vy); } }
// Update/move ball down and sideways. yVel increases each cycle, due to gravity. private void moveBall() { yVel += GRAVITY; ball.move(xVel, yVel); }
// Create and place ball private void setup() { ball = new GOval(X_START, Y_START, DIAM_BALL, DIAM_BALL); ball.setFilled(true); add(ball); }
/** Check whether the game is over */ private boolean gameover() { return (ball.getY() > (getHeight() - 2 * BALL_RADIUS)) || (num_brick_left == 0); }
/** Move the ball */ private void moveBall() { ball.move(vx, vy); }
public void run() { double outerCircleDiameter = 2 * OUTER_CIRCLE_RADIUS; double middleCircleDiameter = 2 * MIDDLE_CIRCLE_RADIUS; double innerCircleDiameter = 2 * INNER_CIRCLE_RADIUS; double xOuterCircle = (getWidth() - outerCircleDiameter) / 2; double xMiddleCircle = (getWidth() - middleCircleDiameter) / 2; double xInnerCircle = (getWidth() - innerCircleDiameter) / 2; double yOuterCircle = (getHeight() - outerCircleDiameter) / 2; double yMiddleCircle = (getHeight() - middleCircleDiameter) / 2; double yInnerCircle = (getHeight() - innerCircleDiameter) / 2; GOval outCircle = new GOval(xOuterCircle, yOuterCircle, outerCircleDiameter, outerCircleDiameter); GOval middleCircle = new GOval(xMiddleCircle, yMiddleCircle, middleCircleDiameter, middleCircleDiameter); GOval centreCircle = new GOval(xInnerCircle, yInnerCircle, innerCircleDiameter, innerCircleDiameter); outCircle.setColor(Color.RED); middleCircle.setColor(Color.WHITE); centreCircle.setColor(Color.RED); outCircle.setFilled(true); middleCircle.setFilled(true); centreCircle.setFilled(true); outCircle.setFillColor(Color.RED); middleCircle.setFillColor(Color.WHITE); centreCircle.setFillColor(Color.RED); add(outCircle); add(middleCircle); add(centreCircle); }
/*Defines and places the Rent state as a circle */ private void placeRent(int x, int y, int width, int height, Color rentColor) { GOval shape = new GOval(x, y, width, height); shape.setFilled(true); shape.setColor(rentColor); add(shape); }
private void startFall() { ball.move(vx, vy); pause(DELAY); ball.sendToBack(); }