Ejemplo n.º 1
 public void keyDown(KeyEvent e) {
   if (activeIndex
       != -1) { // If there is an active tool (activeIndex > -1), then it's key down method should
     // be called
     if (Controls.bank.status(Controls.WORKSPACE_TAKE_SCREENSHOT)) {
           new SaveFile("Save screenshot:", VagueWindow.getWindow().getBuffer(), activeChild));
     } else if (Controls.bank.status(Controls.WORKSPACE_SAVE_IMAGE)) {
       BufferedImage save = Context.getContext().renderAsSave();
       if (!SaveFile.save(save, lastSavePath.toString())) {
         lastSavePath = new StringBuilder(); // Clear save path
         activeChild.fill(new SaveFile("Save image:", save, activeChild, lastSavePath));
     } else if (Controls.bank.status(Controls.WORKSPACE_SAVE_AS)) {
       System.err.println("save as!");
       lastSavePath = new StringBuilder(); // Clear save path
           new SaveFile(
               "Save image:", Context.getContext().renderAsSave(), activeChild, lastSavePath));
     } else {
Ejemplo n.º 2
  public void paint(GraphicsHandle graphics) {
    // this.fillBackground(); //Fill the background with color just in case

    for (int x = 0; x < width(); x += BG_WIDTH) { // Draw the tiled grey stone background image
      for (int y = 0; y < height(); y += BG_HEIGHT) {
        graphics.drawImage(Resources.bank.BACKGROUND, x, y);
    All child children except for one currently being moved are drawn because this Workspace's own
      buffer is then drawn to the 'workspace' buffer, which is a buffer of all Modules not being
      moved / resized. Doing it like this cuts down on the amount of graphical operations greatly
      because instead of drawing all children to both buffers, all static children can be drawn to the Module
      buffer and then that buffer can be drawn to the 'workspace' buffer, containing all the static
      children but not the dynamic child. The dynamaic child is then drawn onto this buffer because it
      needs to, just like every other child.
    for (WorkTool wt : children) {
      if (wt != moveTool) {

    if (moveTool
        != null) { // If a tool is being moved, it should not be drawn to the static buffer, but
      // does need to be drawn to the normal
      // graphics buffer
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public void stopMoving() {
   for (WorkTool wt :
       children) { // Reset the position of the moved tool if it intersects any other tools
     if (wt != moveTool) { // If the module is not the moveTool, check for intersection
       if (wt.intersects(moveTool)) {
             .resetMovePosition(); // If the tool being moved is intersecting others, it should be
         // reset
   moveTool =
       null; // Nullify the move tool so no tool will be given special graphical / other treatment
   repaint(); // Redraw the module because tools have been updated
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public void keyType(KeyEvent e) {
   if (activeIndex
       != -1) { // If there is an active tool (activeIndex > -1), then it's key up method should be
     // updated
Ejemplo n.º 5
   * Adds a new child to the Container.
   * @param m The child to add to the Container.
  protected final void addChild(WorkTool m) {
    m.setParent(this); // Set the parent of the child

    WorkTool[] tmp = children; // Expand the children array and add the new child.
    children = new WorkTool[children.length + 1];
        tmp, 0, children, 0, tmp.length); // Copy over the old values so they will be retained.
    children[tmp.length] = m;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public void stopResizing() {
   if (moveTool != null) {
     if (!validSize(moveTool)) {
     moveTool = null;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public boolean validPosition(WorkTool t) {
   boolean valid = true;
   for (WorkTool wt : children) {
     if (wt != t) {
       if (t.intersects(wt)) {
         valid = false;
   return valid;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public void mouseUp(MouseEvent e) {
   if (activeIndex == -1) { // If the activeIndex is -1, a tool may be being created
     if (createTool) { // If a tool was being created:
       createTool = false; // update createTool so mouseMove() will behave properly
       createTool(); // Create the new tool child and add it to the Workspace
   } else { // If there is an active tool (activeIndex > -1), then that tool should be updated
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public void createTool() {
   if (Controls.bank.status(
           .WORKSPACE_GRID_SNAP)) { // If the snapping control is activated, the new tool needs to
     // be snapped to grid
     toolStart.snap(GRID_SIZE); // Snaps the tool start to grid
     toolEnd.snap(GRID_SIZE); // Snaps the tool end to grid
   WorkTool newTool = WorkTool.create(toolStart, toolEnd); // Create the new tool
   Check if new tool is legitimate - this requires two checks:
   - The new tool has a size that is at least the minimum size
   - The new tool does not intersect any currently existing tools
   if (newTool.width() >= MIN_SIZE && newTool.height() >= MIN_SIZE) {
     boolean create = true; // Stores whether the new tool should be added
     for (WorkTool wt : children) {
       if (newTool.intersects(wt)) {
         create = false;
       } // If the new tool intersects an existing tool, it should not be created
     if (create) { // Create is only true if the new tool did not intersect any other tools
       newTool.setWorkspace(this); // Allow the new WorkTool to use move and resize functions
       addChild(newTool); // Add the new tool as a child
       // children[children.length - 1].draw(); //if a child was added, it needs to be drawn
       // initially
   repaint(); // If createTool, the Workspace always needs to be re-drawn because even if a tool
   // wasn't created, the red square needs to be un-drawn
Ejemplo n.º 10
  public void mouseMove(Vector pos, Vector dif) {
    if (activeIndex
        > -1) { // If the activeIndex is greater than 1, the active Module needs to be checked for
      // activeness retaint and if so, updated with its own mouseMove()
      if (!activeChild
          .retainFocus()) { // If the child is retaining focus, there is no point in checking if it
        // is no longer
        // active, because it wants to retain focus even if the mouse is no longer inside its
        // bounds.
        if (!activeChild.containsPoint(pos)
            || !activeChild
                .visible()) { // if the child is not retaining focus, check to make sure that
          // that child should still have focus
              .onUnfocus(); // If the child is no longer focused, it's onUnfocus() method should be
          // called
          updateActiveChild(pos); // Update the active child in case a different one is now active
      // Pass mouse coordinates onto child module but where the coordinates passed will have an
      // origin
      // at the top left corner of the child module
      if (activeIndex > -1) {
            dif); // Pass the mouse movement on to the active child (or the new active child, if it
        // was just updated)
    } else if (createTool) { // If there is not an active child, but tools are being created,
      // nothing other than tool creation should be happending
      if (Controls.bank.status(
          Controls.WORKSPACE_SQUARE_TOOL)) { // If the square tool control is active, make the tool
        // square
        toolEnd =
            new Vector(
                    + (toolStart.y
                        - toolStart
                            .x)); // Right now, squaring the tool is done using the x coordinate
        //// TODO: Make much better square tool creation algorithm (need to consider the most
        // user-friendly way to do so)
      } else {
        toolEnd =
            pos; // The toolEnd is updated the mouse position and the toolStart remains anchored

      drawTool(); // Draw the tool that is potentialaly going to be created
    } else { // If absolutely nothing else is happening, update the active child because the mouse
      // may have moved into focus of a child module
Ejemplo n.º 11
  public void mouseDown(MouseEvent e) {
    if (activeIndex == -1) { // If there is no active tool, mouse down creates new tools
      createTool =
          true; // Set the tool creation flag so that the mouseMove() method will do tool creation
      toolStart =
          new Vector(mousePosition()); // Copy the mousePosition into both the toolStart and toolEnd
      toolEnd =
          new Vector(
              toolStart); // both are equal to mousePosition because there is no other info yet

      // draw(); //Draw to update the workspace buffer
    } else { // If there is an active tool (activeIndex > -1), then it should be updated
Ejemplo n.º 12
  private void drawTool() {
    /// argh this wording tho
    GraphicsHandle handle = beginDraw();
    handle.drawImage(workspace, 0, 0, null); // Draw the current buffer of the workspace

    Vector start = new Vector(),
        size = new Vector(); // Store where the being created tool should be drawn
    Vector start - stores the start draw position of the tool
    Vector size - stores the size of the tool being draw

    The start will consist of the lesser x and y out of toolStart and toolEnd.
    The size will consist of the size required to draw based on this - it will
      consist of the difference between the greater coordinate and the lesser
      coordinate becauase that is the size of the tool.
    if (toolStart.x < toolEnd.x) {
      start.x = toolStart.x;
      size.x = toolEnd.x - toolStart.x;
    } else {
      start.x = toolEnd.x;
      size.x = toolStart.x - toolEnd.x;

    if (toolStart.y < toolEnd.y) {
      start.y = toolStart.y;
      size.y = toolEnd.y - toolStart.y;
    } else {
      start.y = toolEnd.y;
      size.y = toolStart.y - toolEnd.y;

    How snapping works with new tools -

    The toolStart and toolEnd are not themselves snapped because
      if the snapping control becomes inactive, toolStart and toolEnd
      will need to revert to what they were before snapping started.
      When drawing the tools, however, if they are being snapped, the
      Vectors used for drawing ('start' and 'size') do need to be snapped
      such that an accurate picture of the new tool is drawn.

    If the snapping control continues to be active when the tool is actually
      created, then both toolStart and toolEnd will be snapped because they had
      not been snapped previously.
    if (Controls.bank.status(Controls.WORKSPACE_GRID_SNAP)) {
      start.snap(GRID_SIZE); // Snap the drawing Vectors if the snapping control is active

    The drawn rectangle should appear blue if the tool is valid and red
      if the tool is invalid. The only cases where the tool is invalid
      (currently) are if it is smaller than the minimum size or if it
      intersects a currently existing tool. Therefore, before drawaing the
      tools, it is checked if they are valid to present a real-time picture
      to the user if the tool is valid or not.

    boolean valid =
        true; // If true, the tool is valid and is drawn blue; otherwise, it is invalid and drawn
    // red (and not created when the mouse is released.)
    if (size.x >= MIN_SIZE && size.y >= MIN_SIZE) { // Checks to see if the tool is of a valid size
      Rectangle validator =
          new Rectangle(
              size); // Create a rectangle with the potential bounds to check for intersections
      for (WorkTool wt :
          children) { // Check to see if the bounds of the potential tool intersect any existing
        // tools
        if (wt.intersects(validator)) {
          valid =
              false; // if the bounds intersect and existing tool, the tool should be drawn as red
    } else {
      valid = false; // If the tool is not of a valid size, it should be drawn red

            ? TOOL_FILL_COLOR
            : BAD_TOOL_FILL_COLOR); // Set the fill color of the tool based on whether the tool is
    // valid or not
        start.x + 1,
        start.y + 1,
        size.x - 2,
        size.y - 2); // Fill the projected bounds of the created tool
            ? TOOL_BORDER_COLOR
            : BAD_TOOL_BORDER_COLOR); // Set the border color based on whether the tool is valid or
    // not
        size.x - 1,
        size.y - 1); // Border in the projected bounds of the created tool
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public boolean validSize(WorkTool t) {
   return t.width() >= MIN_SIZE && t.height() >= MIN_SIZE && validPosition(t);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public void mouseScroll(MouseWheelEvent e) {
   if (activeIndex != -1) {