/** Test For CASSANDRA-8178 */
 public void testNonTextComparator() throws Throwable {
   // the comparator is IntegerType, and there is a column named 42 with a UTF8Type validation type
   execute("INSERT INTO \"Keyspace1\".\"JdbcInteger\" (key, \"42\") VALUES (0x00000001, 'abc')");
   execute("UPDATE \"Keyspace1\".\"JdbcInteger\" SET \"42\" = 'abc' WHERE key = 0x00000001");
   execute("DELETE \"42\" FROM \"Keyspace1\".\"JdbcInteger\" WHERE key = 0x00000000");
   UntypedResultSet results = execute("SELECT key, \"42\" FROM \"Keyspace1\".\"JdbcInteger\"");
   assertEquals(1, results.size());
   UntypedResultSet.Row row = results.iterator().next();
   assertEquals(ByteBufferUtil.bytes(1), row.getBytes("key"));
   assertEquals("abc", row.getString("42"));