Ejemplo n.º 1
  public static void convert(FileConfiguration data, Logger log) {

    if (data.isSet("economy")) {

      log.info("It seems that you last ran an older version");
      log.info("of CrystalQuest. CrystalQuest is now converting");
      log.info("all players' economy to the new UUID format.");
      log.info("This could take a while... Please be patient!");

       * CRYSTALS
      for (String playerName : data.getConfigurationSection("economy.crystals").getKeys(false)) {
        UUIDFetcher fetcher = new UUIDFetcher(Arrays.asList(playerName));
        Map<String, UUID> response = null;
        try {
          response = fetcher.call();
          String uuid = response.get(playerName).toString();

              "shop.crystals." + uuid + ".xp",
              data.getInt("economy.crystals." + playerName + ".xp"));
              "shop.crystals." + uuid + ".smash",
              data.getInt("economy.crystals." + playerName + ".smash"));
              "shop.crystals." + uuid + ".win",
              data.getInt("economy.crystals." + playerName + ".win"));
              "shop.crystals." + uuid + ".blood",
              data.getInt("economy.crystals." + playerName + ".blood"));
        } catch (Exception e) {
          log.warning("Oops could't fetch one's UUID, don't worry! The process continues!");

       * BALANCE
      for (String playerName : data.getConfigurationSection("economy.balance").getKeys(false)) {
        UUIDFetcher fetcher = new UUIDFetcher(Arrays.asList(playerName));
        Map<String, UUID> response = null;
        try {
          response = fetcher.call();
          String uuid = response.get(playerName).toString();

          data.set("shop.balance." + uuid, data.getInt("economy.balance." + playerName));
        } catch (Exception e) {
          log.warning("Oops could't fetch one's UUID, don't worry! The process continues!");

       * UPGRADE
      for (String playerName : data.getConfigurationSection("economy.upgrade").getKeys(false)) {
        UUIDFetcher fetcher = new UUIDFetcher(Arrays.asList(playerName));
        Map<String, UUID> response = null;
        try {
          response = fetcher.call();
          String uuid = response.get(playerName).toString();

              "shop.upgrade." + uuid + ".buff",
              data.getInt("economy.upgrade." + playerName + ".buff"));
              "shop.upgrade." + uuid + ".debuff",
              data.getInt("economy.upgrade." + playerName + ".debuff"));
              "shop.upgrade." + uuid + ".explosive",
              data.getInt("economy.upgrade." + playerName + ".explosive"));
              "shop.upgrade." + uuid + ".weaponry",
              data.getInt("economy.upgrade." + playerName + ".weaponry"));
              "shop.upgrade." + uuid + ".creepers",
              data.getInt("economy.upgrade." + playerName + ".creepers"));
              "shop.upgrade." + uuid + ".wolf",
              data.getInt("economy.upgrade." + playerName + ".wolf"));
        } catch (Exception e) {
          log.warning("Oops could't fetch one's UUID, don't worry! The process continues!");

       * CLASSES
      for (String playerName : data.getConfigurationSection("economy.classes").getKeys(false)) {
        UUIDFetcher fetcher = new UUIDFetcher(Arrays.asList(playerName));
        Map<String, UUID> response = null;
        try {
          response = fetcher.call();
          String uuid = response.get(playerName).toString();

          data.set("shop.classes." + uuid, data.getStringList("economy.classes." + playerName));
        } catch (Exception e) {
          log.warning("Oops could't fetch one's UUID, don't worry! The process continues!");

      data.set("economy", null);

      log.info("Finished converting!");
Ejemplo n.º 2
  public final UUID getTranslatedUuid(@NonNull String player, boolean expensiveLookups) {
    // If the player is online, give them their UUID.
    // Remember, local data > remote data.
    if (ProxyServer.getInstance().getPlayer(player) != null)
      return ProxyServer.getInstance().getPlayer(player).getUniqueId();

    // Check if it exists in the map
    CachedUUIDEntry cachedUUIDEntry = nameToUuidMap.get(player.toLowerCase());
    if (cachedUUIDEntry != null) {
      if (!cachedUUIDEntry.expired()) return cachedUUIDEntry.getUuid();
      else nameToUuidMap.remove(player);

    // Check if we can exit early
    if (UUID_PATTERN.matcher(player).find()) {
      return UUID.fromString(player);

    if (MOJANGIAN_UUID_PATTERN.matcher(player).find()) {
      // Reconstruct the UUID
      return UUIDFetcher.getUUID(player);

    // If we are in offline mode, UUID generation is simple.
    // We don't even have to cache the UUID, since this is easy to recalculate.
    if (!plugin.getProxy().getConfig().isOnlineMode()) {
      return UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes(("OfflinePlayer:" + player).getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8));

    // Let's try Redis.
    try (Jedis jedis = plugin.getPool().getResource()) {
      String stored = jedis.hget("uuid-cache", player.toLowerCase());
      if (stored != null) {
        // Found an entry value. Deserialize it.
        CachedUUIDEntry entry = RedisBungee.getGson().fromJson(stored, CachedUUIDEntry.class);

        // Check for expiry:
        if (entry.expired()) {
          jedis.hdel("uuid-cache", player.toLowerCase());
          // Doesn't hurt to also remove the UUID entry as well.
          jedis.hdel("uuid-cache", entry.getUuid().toString());
        } else {
          nameToUuidMap.put(player.toLowerCase(), entry);
          uuidToNameMap.put(entry.getUuid(), entry);
          return entry.getUuid();

      // That didn't work. Let's ask Mojang.
      if (!expensiveLookups || !ProxyServer.getInstance().getConfig().isOnlineMode()) return null;

      Map<String, UUID> uuidMap1;
      try {
        uuidMap1 = new UUIDFetcher(Collections.singletonList(player)).call();
      } catch (Exception e) {
        plugin.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Unable to fetch UUID from Mojang for " + player, e);
        return null;
      for (Map.Entry<String, UUID> entry : uuidMap1.entrySet()) {
        if (entry.getKey().equalsIgnoreCase(player)) {
          persistInfo(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), jedis);
          return entry.getValue();
    } catch (JedisException e) {
      plugin.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Unable to fetch UUID for " + player, e);

    return null; // Nope, game over!