Ejemplo n.º 1
  public Instantiator<?> findInstantiator(@NotNull Type type, @NotNull NamedTypeList types) {
    // First check if we have an immediate conversion registered. If so, we'll just use that.
    if (types.size() == 1) {
      TypeConversion conversion = findConversionFromDbValue(types.getType(0), type).orElse(null);
      if (conversion != null) return args -> conversion.convert(args.getSingleValue());

    Class<?> cl = rawType(type);

    Instantiator<?> instantiator = findExplicitInstantiatorFor(cl, types).orElse(null);
    if (instantiator != null) return instantiator;

    if (!isPublic(cl.getModifiers()))
      throw new InstantiationFailureException(
              + " can't be instantiated reflectively because it is not public or missing a @DalesbredConstructor-annotation");

    return candidateConstructorsSortedByDescendingParameterCount(cl)
        .map(ctor -> implicitInstantiatorFrom(ctor, types).orElse(null))
            () ->
                new InstantiationFailureException(
                    "could not find a way to instantiate " + type + " with parameters " + types));
Ejemplo n.º 2
  public Object valueToDatabase(@Nullable Object value) {
    if (value == null) return null;

    TypeConversion conversion =
    if (conversion != null) return conversion.convert(value);
    else if (value instanceof Enum<?>) return dialect.valueToDatabase(((Enum<?>) value).name());
    else return dialect.valueToDatabase(value);
Ejemplo n.º 3
  public void testBasic() throws Exception {
    Assert.assertEquals(true, TypeConversion.convert("true", Boolean.class).booleanValue());
    Assert.assertEquals(true, TypeConversion.convert("1", Boolean.class).booleanValue());

    Assert.assertEquals(1234567890, TypeConversion.convert("1234567890", Integer.class).intValue());

        12345678901234L, TypeConversion.convert("12345678901234", Long.class).longValue());

            "com.avast.syringe.config.internal.TypeConversionTest", Class.class));
 public void visitFunctionSignature(FunctionSignature functionSignature) {
   Function function = functionSignature.getFunction();
   if (function != null) {
     getList(callbacksByLibrary, getLibrary(functionSignature)).add(functionSignature);
     Identifier name = typeConverter.inferCallBackName(functionSignature, false, false, null);
     if (name != null) {
       callbacksByName.put(name, functionSignature);
       Identifier identifier =
           typeConverter.inferCallBackName(functionSignature, true, true, null);
       if (identifier != null) callbacksFullNames.add(identifier);
  public Identifier getTaggedTypeIdentifierInJava(TaggedTypeRef s) {

    Identifier tag = s.getTag();
    if (tag != null) {
      TaggedTypeRef rep = null;
      if (s instanceof Struct) {
        rep = structsByName.get(tag);
      } else if (s instanceof Enum) {
        rep = enumsByName.get(tag);
      if (rep != null) s = rep;

    Identifier name = declarationsConverter.getActualTaggedTypeName(s);
    if (name == null) return null;

    String library = getLibrary(s);
    if (library == null) return null;

    name = name.clone();
    Struct parentStruct = s.findParentOfType(Struct.class);
    if (parentStruct != null && parentStruct != s)
      return ident(getTaggedTypeIdentifierInJava(parentStruct), name);
    else if ((s instanceof Struct)
        && (config.putTopStructsInSeparateFiles || config.runtime == JNAeratorConfig.Runtime.BridJ))
      return ident(getLibraryPackage(library), name);
    else return typeConverter.libMember(getLibraryClassFullName(library), null, name);
Ejemplo n.º 6
  private static Optional<TypeConversion> findEnumConversion(@NotNull Type target) {
    if (isEnum(target)) {
      Class<? extends Enum> cl = rawType(target).asSubclass(Enum.class);

      return Optional.ofNullable(
          TypeConversion.fromNonNullFunction(value -> Enum.valueOf(cl, value.toString())));

    return Optional.empty();
Ejemplo n.º 7
   * Returns conversion for converting value of source to target, or returns null if there's no such
   * conversion.
  private Optional<TypeConversion> findConversionFromDbValue(
      @NotNull Type source, @NotNull Type target) {
    if (isAssignable(target, source)) return Optional.of(TypeConversion.identity());

    Optional<TypeConversion> directConversion =
        typeConversionRegistry.findConversionFromDbValue(source, target);
    if (directConversion.isPresent()) return directConversion;

    Optional<TypeConversion> arrayConversion = findArrayConversion(source, target);
    if (arrayConversion.isPresent()) return arrayConversion;

    Optional<TypeConversion> optionalConversion = findOptionalConversion(source, target);
    if (optionalConversion.isPresent()) return optionalConversion;

    Optional<TypeConversion> enumConversion = findEnumConversion(target);
    if (enumConversion.isPresent()) return enumConversion;

    return Optional.empty();
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public String toString() {
   if (value instanceof CharSequence) return "'" + value + "'";
   else return TypeConversion.toString(value);
 int readLH(int ireg) {
   byte[] bytes = this.i2cDeviceClient.read(ireg, 2);
   return TypeConversion.byteArrayToInt(bytes, ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
 int read8(int ireg) {
   byte b = this.i2cDeviceClient.read8(ireg);
   return TypeConversion.unsignedByteToInt(b);