Ejemplo n.º 1
 public void insert_fixed(java.math.BigDecimal value) {
   typeCode =
           orb, orb.create_fixed_tc(TypeCodeImpl.digits(value), TypeCodeImpl.scale(value)));
   object = value;
   isInitialized = true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 /*      */ public void insert_fixed(BigDecimal paramBigDecimal) {
   /* 1175 */ this.typeCode =
               TypeCodeImpl.digits(paramBigDecimal), TypeCodeImpl.scale(paramBigDecimal)));
   /*      */
   /* 1177 */ this.object = paramBigDecimal;
   /* 1178 */ this.isInitialized = true;
   /*      */ }
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public void insert_fixed(java.math.BigDecimal value, org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode type) {
   try {
     if (TypeCodeImpl.digits(value) > type.fixed_digits()
         || TypeCodeImpl.scale(value) > type.fixed_scale()) {
       throw wrapper.fixedNotMatch();
   } catch (org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage.BadKind bk) {
     // type isn't even of kind fixed
     throw wrapper.fixedBadTypecode(bk);
   typeCode = TypeCodeImpl.convertToNative(orb, type);
   object = value;
   isInitialized = true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 // This method could very well be moved into TypeCodeImpl or a common utility class,
 // but is has to be in this package.
 public static Any extractAnyFromStream(TypeCode memberType, InputStream input, ORB orb) {
   Any returnValue = orb.create_any();
   OutputStream out = returnValue.create_output_stream();
   TypeCodeImpl.convertToNative(orb, memberType).copy(input, out);
   returnValue.read_value(out.create_input_stream(), memberType);
   return returnValue;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 /*      */ public void insert_fixed(BigDecimal paramBigDecimal, TypeCode paramTypeCode)
       /*      */ {
   /*      */ try {
     /* 1184 */ if ((TypeCodeImpl.digits(paramBigDecimal) > paramTypeCode.fixed_digits())
         || (TypeCodeImpl.scale(paramBigDecimal) > paramTypeCode.fixed_scale()))
     /*      */ {
       /* 1187 */ throw this.wrapper.fixedNotMatch();
       /*      */ }
     /*      */ }
   /*      */ catch (BadKind localBadKind) {
     /* 1191 */ throw this.wrapper.fixedBadTypecode(localBadKind);
     /*      */ }
   /* 1193 */ this.typeCode = TypeCodeImpl.convertToNative(this.orb, paramTypeCode);
   /* 1194 */ this.object = paramBigDecimal;
   /* 1195 */ this.isInitialized = true;
   /*      */ }
Ejemplo n.º 6
 /*      */ public TypeCode createTypeCodeForClass(Class paramClass, ORB paramORB) /*      */ {
   /* 1212 */ TypeCodeImpl localTypeCodeImpl = paramORB.getTypeCodeForClass(paramClass);
   /* 1213 */ if (localTypeCodeImpl != null) {
     /* 1214 */ return localTypeCodeImpl;
     /*      */ }
   /*      */
   /* 1220 */ RepositoryIdStrings localRepositoryIdStrings =
   /*      */ java.lang.Object localObject1;
   /*      */ java.lang.Object localObject2;
   /* 1226 */ if (paramClass.isArray())
   /*      */ {
     /* 1228 */ localObject1 = paramClass.getComponentType();
     /*      */
     /* 1230 */ if (((Class) localObject1).isPrimitive()) {
       /* 1231 */ localObject2 = getPrimitiveTypeCodeForClass((Class) localObject1, paramORB);
       /*      */ }
     /*      */ else {
       /* 1234 */ localObject2 = createTypeCodeForClass((Class) localObject1, paramORB);
       /*      */ }
     /*      */
     /* 1237 */ TypeCode localTypeCode = paramORB.create_sequence_tc(0, (TypeCode) localObject2);
     /*      */
     /* 1239 */ String str = localRepositoryIdStrings.createForJavaType(paramClass);
     /*      */
     /* 1241 */ return paramORB.create_value_box_tc(str, "Sequence", localTypeCode);
     /* 1242 */ }
   if (paramClass == String.class)
   /*      */ {
     /* 1244 */ localObject1 = paramORB.create_string_tc(0);
     /*      */
     /* 1246 */ localObject2 = localRepositoryIdStrings.createForJavaType(paramClass);
     /*      */
     /* 1248 */ return paramORB.create_value_box_tc(
         (String) localObject2, "StringValue", (TypeCode) localObject1);
     /*      */ }
   /*      */
   /* 1253 */ localTypeCodeImpl =
               paramORB, paramClass, ORBUtility.createValueHandler());
   /*      */
   /* 1256 */ localTypeCodeImpl.setCaching(true);
   /*      */
   /* 1258 */ paramORB.setTypeCodeForClass(paramClass, localTypeCodeImpl);
   /* 1259 */ return localTypeCodeImpl;
   /*      */ }
Ejemplo n.º 7
   * Utility method for insert_Value and Util.writeAny.
   * <p>The ORB passed in should have the desired ORBVersion. It is used to generate the type codes.
  public TypeCode createTypeCodeForClass(java.lang.Class c, ORB tcORB) {
    // Look in the cache first
    TypeCodeImpl classTC = tcORB.getTypeCodeForClass(c);
    if (classTC != null) return classTC;

    // All cases need to be able to create repository IDs.
    // See bug 4391648 for more info about the tcORB in this
    // case.
    RepositoryIdStrings repStrs = RepositoryIdFactory.getRepIdStringsFactory();

    // Assertion: c instanceof Serializable?

    if (c.isArray()) {
      // Arrays - may recurse for multi-dimensional arrays
      Class componentClass = c.getComponentType();
      TypeCode embeddedType;
      if (componentClass.isPrimitive()) {
        embeddedType = getPrimitiveTypeCodeForClass(componentClass, tcORB);
      } else {
        embeddedType = createTypeCodeForClass(componentClass, tcORB);
      TypeCode t = tcORB.create_sequence_tc(0, embeddedType);

      String id = repStrs.createForJavaType(c);

      return tcORB.create_value_box_tc(id, "Sequence", t);
    } else if (c == java.lang.String.class) {
      // Strings
      TypeCode t = tcORB.create_string_tc(0);

      String id = repStrs.createForJavaType(c);

      return tcORB.create_value_box_tc(id, "StringValue", t);

    // Anything else
    // We know that this is a TypeCodeImpl since it is our ORB
    classTC =
            ValueUtility.createTypeCodeForClass(tcORB, c, ORBUtility.createValueHandler());
    // Intruct classTC to store its buffer
    // Update the cache
    tcORB.setTypeCodeForClass(c, classTC);
    return classTC;
Ejemplo n.º 8
  /** See the description of the <a href="#anyOps">general Any operations.</a> */
  public org.omg.CORBA.Object extract_Object() {
    // debug.log ("extract_Object");
    if (!isInitialized) throw wrapper.extractNotInitialized();

    // Check if the object contained here is of the type in typeCode
    org.omg.CORBA.Object obj = null;
    try {
      obj = (org.omg.CORBA.Object) object;
      if (typeCode.id().equals("IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0") || obj._is_a(typeCode.id())) {
        return obj;
      } else {
        throw wrapper.extractObjectIncompatible();
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      throw wrapper.extractObjectFailed(ex);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 /*      */ static AnyImpl convertToNative(ORB paramORB, Any paramAny) /*      */ {
   /*  158 */ if ((paramAny instanceof AnyImpl)) {
     /*  159 */ return (AnyImpl) paramAny;
     /*      */ }
   /*  161 */ AnyImpl localAnyImpl = new AnyImpl(paramORB, paramAny);
   /*  162 */ localAnyImpl.typeCode =
       TypeCodeImpl.convertToNative(paramORB, localAnyImpl.typeCode);
   /*  163 */ return localAnyImpl;
   /*      */ }
Ejemplo n.º 10
 /*      */ public void type(TypeCode paramTypeCode) /*      */ {
   /*  248 */ this.typeCode = TypeCodeImpl.convertToNative(this.orb, paramTypeCode);
   /*      */
   /*  250 */ this.stream = null;
   /*  251 */ this.value = 0L;
   /*  252 */ this.object = null;
   /*      */
   /*  254 */ this.isInitialized = (paramTypeCode.kind().value() == 0);
   /*      */ }
Ejemplo n.º 11
 // We could optimize this by noticing whether the target stream
 // has ever had anything marshaled on it that required an
 // alignment of greater than 4 (was write_double() ever called on it).
 // If not, then we can just do a byte array copy without having to
 // drive the remarshaling through typecode interpretation.
 public void write_value(OutputStream out) {
   // debug.log ("write_value");
   if (AnyImpl.isStreamed[realType().kind().value()]) {
     typeCode.copy(stream.dup(), out);
   } else {
     // _REVISIT_ check isInitialized whether all we write is TypeCode!
     TCUtility.marshalIn(out, realType(), value, object);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 /*      */ public Any extractAny(TypeCode paramTypeCode, ORB paramORB) /*      */ {
   /* 1315 */ Any localAny = paramORB.create_any();
   /* 1316 */ org.omg.CORBA.portable.OutputStream localOutputStream =
   /* 1317 */ TypeCodeImpl.convertToNative(paramORB, paramTypeCode)
       .copy(this.stream, localOutputStream);
   /* 1318 */ localAny.read_value(localOutputStream.create_input_stream(), paramTypeCode);
   /* 1319 */ return localAny;
   /*      */ }
Ejemplo n.º 13
 static AnyImpl convertToNative(ORB orb, Any any) {
   if (any instanceof AnyImpl) {
     return (AnyImpl) any;
   } else {
     AnyImpl anyImpl = new AnyImpl(orb, any);
     anyImpl.typeCode = TypeCodeImpl.convertToNative(orb, anyImpl.typeCode);
     return anyImpl;
Ejemplo n.º 14
   * sets the type of the element to be contained in the Any.
   * @param tc the TypeCode for the element in the Any
  public void type(TypeCode tc) {
    // debug.log ("type2");
    // set the typecode
    typeCode = TypeCodeImpl.convertToNative(orb, tc);

    stream = null;
    value = 0;
    object = null;
    // null is the only legal value this Any can have after resetting the type code
    isInitialized = (tc.kind().value() == TCKind._tk_null);
Ejemplo n.º 15
 /*      */ public static Any extractAnyFromStream(
     TypeCode paramTypeCode, org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream paramInputStream, ORB paramORB)
       /*      */ {
   /* 1325 */ Any localAny = paramORB.create_any();
   /* 1326 */ org.omg.CORBA.portable.OutputStream localOutputStream =
   /* 1327 */ TypeCodeImpl.convertToNative(paramORB, paramTypeCode)
       .copy(paramInputStream, localOutputStream);
   /* 1328 */ localAny.read_value(localOutputStream.create_input_stream(), paramTypeCode);
   /* 1329 */ return localAny;
   /*      */ }
Ejemplo n.º 16
  // If the InputStream is a CDRInputStream then we can copy the bytes
  // since it is in our format and does not have alignment issues.
  public void read_value(org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream in, TypeCode tc) {
    // debug.log ("read_value");
    // Assume that someone isn't going to think they can keep reading
    // from this stream after calling us. That would be likely for
    // an IIOPInputStream but if it is an AnyInputStream then they
    // presumably obtained it via our create_output_stream() so they could
    // write the contents of an IDL data type to it and then call
    // create_input_stream() for us to read it. This is how Helper classes
    // typically implement the insert() method.
    // We should probably document this behavior in the 1.1 revision
    // task force.

    typeCode = TypeCodeImpl.convertToNative(orb, tc);
    int kind = realType().kind().value();
    if (kind >= isStreamed.length) {
      throw wrapper.invalidIsstreamedTckind(CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_MAYBE, new Integer(kind));

    if (AnyImpl.isStreamed[kind]) {
      if (in instanceof AnyInputStream) {
        // could only have been created here
        stream = (CDRInputStream) in;
      } else {
        org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable.OutputStream out =
            (org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable.OutputStream) orb.create_output_stream();
        typeCode.copy((org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable.InputStream) in, out);
        stream = (CDRInputStream) out.create_input_stream();
    } else {
      java.lang.Object[] objholder = new java.lang.Object[1];
      objholder[0] = object;
      long[] longholder = new long[1];
      TCUtility.unmarshalIn(in, realType(), longholder, objholder);
      value = longholder[0];
      object = objholder[0];
      stream = null;
    isInitialized = true;
Ejemplo n.º 17
  /** See the description of the <a href="#anyOps">general Any operations.</a> */
  public void insert_wstring(String s) {
    // debug.log ("insert_wstring");
    // Make sure type code information for bounded strings is not erased
    if (typeCode.kind() == TCKind.tk_wstring) {
      int length = 0;
      try {
        length = typeCode.length();
      } catch (BadKind bad) {
        throw wrapper.badkindCannotOccur();

      // Check if bounded strings length is not exceeded
      if (length != 0 && s != null && s.length() > length) {
        throw wrapper.badStringBounds(new Integer(s.length()), new Integer(length));
    } else {
      typeCode = orb.get_primitive_tc(TCKind._tk_wstring);
    object = s;
    isInitialized = true;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 /** A variant of the insertion operation that takes a typecode argument as well. */
 public void insert_Object(org.omg.CORBA.Object o, TypeCode tc) {
   // debug.log ("insert_Object2");
   try {
     if (tc.id().equals("IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0") || o._is_a(tc.id())) {
       typeCode = TypeCodeImpl.convertToNative(orb, tc);
       object = o;
     } else {
       throw wrapper.insertObjectIncompatible();
   } catch (Exception ex) {
     throw wrapper.insertObjectFailed(ex);
   isInitialized = true;
Ejemplo n.º 19
 /*      */ public void insert_Value(Serializable paramSerializable) /*      */ {
   /* 1143 */ this.object = paramSerializable;
   /*      */ TypeCode localTypeCode;
   /* 1147 */ if (paramSerializable == null) {
     /* 1148 */ localTypeCode = this.orb.get_primitive_tc(TCKind.tk_value);
     /*      */ }
   /*      */ else
   /*      */ {
     /* 1159 */ localTypeCode =
         createTypeCodeForClass(paramSerializable.getClass(), (ORB) ORB.init());
     /*      */ }
   /*      */
   /* 1162 */ this.typeCode = TypeCodeImpl.convertToNative(this.orb, localTypeCode);
   /* 1163 */ this.isInitialized = true;
   /*      */ }
Ejemplo n.º 20
 /*      */ public void insert_Object(org.omg.CORBA.Object paramObject, TypeCode paramTypeCode)
       /*      */ {
   /*      */ try
   /*      */ {
     /* 1047 */ if ((paramTypeCode.id().equals("IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0"))
         || (paramObject._is_a(paramTypeCode.id())))
     /*      */ {
       /* 1049 */ this.typeCode = TypeCodeImpl.convertToNative(this.orb, paramTypeCode);
       /* 1050 */ this.object = paramObject;
       /*      */ }
     /*      */ else {
       /* 1053 */ throw this.wrapper.insertObjectIncompatible();
       /*      */ }
     /*      */ } catch (Exception localException) {
     /* 1056 */ throw this.wrapper.insertObjectFailed(localException);
     /*      */ }
   /* 1058 */ this.isInitialized = true;
   /*      */ }
Ejemplo n.º 21
 /*      */ public void read_value(
     org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream paramInputStream, TypeCode paramTypeCode)
       /*      */ {
   /*  554 */ this.typeCode = TypeCodeImpl.convertToNative(this.orb, paramTypeCode);
   /*  555 */ int i = realType().kind().value();
   /*  556 */ if (i >= isStreamed.length)
     /*  557 */ throw this.wrapper.invalidIsstreamedTckind(
         CompletionStatus.COMPLETED_MAYBE, new Integer(i));
   /*      */ java.lang.Object localObject;
   /*  561 */ if (isStreamed[i] != 0) {
     /*  562 */ if ((paramInputStream instanceof AnyInputStream))
     /*      */ {
       /*  564 */ this.stream = ((CDRInputStream) paramInputStream);
       /*      */ } else {
       /*  566 */ localObject =
           (org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable.OutputStream) this.orb.create_output_stream();
       /*      */
       /*  568 */ this.typeCode.copy(
           (org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable.InputStream) paramInputStream,
           (org.omg.CORBA.portable.OutputStream) localObject);
       /*  569 */ this.stream =
               ((org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable.OutputStream) localObject).create_input_stream());
       /*      */ }
     /*      */ } else {
     /*  572 */ localObject = new java.lang.Object[1];
     /*  573 */ localObject[0] = this.object;
     /*  574 */ long[] arrayOfLong = new long[1];
     /*  575 */ TCUtility.unmarshalIn(
         paramInputStream, this.typeCode, arrayOfLong, (java.lang.Object[]) localObject);
     /*  576 */ this.value = arrayOfLong[0];
     /*  577 */ this.object = localObject[0];
     /*  578 */ this.stream = null;
     /*      */ }
   /*  580 */ this.isInitialized = true;
   /*      */ }
Ejemplo n.º 22
  public void insert_Value(Serializable v) {
    // debug.log ("insert_Value");
    object = v;

    TypeCode tc;

    if (v == null) {
      tc = orb.get_primitive_tc(TCKind.tk_value);
    } else {
      // See note in getPrimitiveTypeCodeForClass.  We
      // have to use the latest type code fixes in this
      // case since there is no way to know what ORB will
      // actually send this Any.  In RMI-IIOP, when using
      // Util.writeAny, we can do the versioning correctly,
      // and use the insert_Value(Serializable, TypeCode)
      // method.
      // The ORB singleton uses the latest version.
      tc = createTypeCodeForClass(v.getClass(), (ORB) ORB.init());

    typeCode = TypeCodeImpl.convertToNative(orb, tc);
    isInitialized = true;
Ejemplo n.º 23
  * takes a streamable and inserts its reference into the any
  * @param s the streamable to insert
 public void insert_Streamable(Streamable s) {
   // debug.log ("insert_Streamable");
   typeCode = TypeCodeImpl.convertToNative(orb, s._type());
   object = s;
   isInitialized = true;
Ejemplo n.º 24
 /*      */ private boolean equalMember(
     TypeCode paramTypeCode,
     org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream paramInputStream1,
     org.omg.CORBA.portable.InputStream paramInputStream2)
       /*      */ {
   /*  369 */ TypeCode localTypeCode = realType(paramTypeCode);
   /*      */ try
   /*      */ {
     /*      */ int j;
     /*      */ int m;
     /*  372 */ switch (localTypeCode.kind().value())
     /*      */ {
         /*      */ case 0:
         /*      */ case 1:
         /*  376 */ return true;
         /*      */ case 2:
         /*  378 */ return paramInputStream1.read_short() == paramInputStream2.read_short();
         /*      */ case 3:
         /*  380 */ return paramInputStream1.read_long() == paramInputStream2.read_long();
         /*      */ case 4:
         /*  382 */ return paramInputStream1.read_ushort() == paramInputStream2.read_ushort();
         /*      */ case 5:
         /*  384 */ return paramInputStream1.read_ulong() == paramInputStream2.read_ulong();
         /*      */ case 6:
         /*  386 */ return paramInputStream1.read_float() == paramInputStream2.read_float();
         /*      */ case 7:
         /*  388 */ return paramInputStream1.read_double() == paramInputStream2.read_double();
         /*      */ case 8:
         /*  390 */ return paramInputStream1.read_boolean() == paramInputStream2.read_boolean();
         /*      */ case 9:
         /*  392 */ return paramInputStream1.read_char() == paramInputStream2.read_char();
         /*      */ case 26:
         /*  394 */ return paramInputStream1.read_wchar() == paramInputStream2.read_wchar();
         /*      */ case 10:
         /*  396 */ return paramInputStream1.read_octet() == paramInputStream2.read_octet();
         /*      */ case 11:
         /*  398 */ return paramInputStream1.read_any().equal(paramInputStream2.read_any());
         /*      */ case 12:
         /*  400 */ return paramInputStream1
         /*      */ case 18:
         /*  402 */ return paramInputStream1.read_string().equals(paramInputStream2.read_string());
         /*      */ case 27:
         /*  404 */ return paramInputStream1
         /*      */ case 23:
         /*  406 */ return paramInputStream1.read_longlong() == paramInputStream2.read_longlong();
         /*      */ case 24:
         /*  408 */ return paramInputStream1.read_ulonglong()
             == paramInputStream2.read_ulonglong();
         /*      */ case 14:
         /*  411 */ return paramInputStream1.read_Object().equals(paramInputStream2.read_Object());
         /*      */ case 13:
         /*  413 */ return paramInputStream1
         /*      */ case 17:
         /*  416 */ return paramInputStream1.read_long() == paramInputStream2.read_long();
         /*      */ case 28:
         /*  418 */ return paramInputStream1.read_fixed().compareTo(paramInputStream2.read_fixed())
             == 0;
         /*      */ case 15:
         /*      */ case 22:
         /*  421 */ int i = localTypeCode.member_count();
         /*  422 */ for (int k = 0; k < i; k++) {
           /*  423 */ if (!equalMember(
               localTypeCode.member_type(k), paramInputStream1, paramInputStream2)) {
             /*  424 */ return false;
             /*      */ }
           /*      */ }
         /*  427 */ return true;
         /*      */ case 16:
         /*  430 */ Any localAny1 = this.orb.create_any();
         /*  431 */ Any localAny2 = this.orb.create_any();
         /*  432 */ localAny1.read_value(paramInputStream1, localTypeCode.discriminator_type());
         /*  433 */ localAny2.read_value(paramInputStream2, localTypeCode.discriminator_type());
         /*      */
         /*  435 */ if (!localAny1.equal(localAny2)) {
           /*  436 */ return false;
           /*      */ }
         /*  438 */ TypeCodeImpl localTypeCodeImpl =
             TypeCodeImpl.convertToNative(this.orb, localTypeCode);
         /*  439 */ int n = localTypeCodeImpl.currentUnionMemberIndex(localAny1);
         /*  440 */ if (n == -1) {
           /*  441 */ throw this.wrapper.unionDiscriminatorError();
           /*      */ }
         /*  443 */ if (!equalMember(
             localTypeCode.member_type(n), paramInputStream1, paramInputStream2)) {
           /*  444 */ return false;
           /*      */ }
         /*  446 */ return true;
         /*      */ case 19:
         /*  449 */ j = paramInputStream1.read_long();
         /*  450 */ paramInputStream2.read_long();
         /*  451 */ for (m = 0; m < j; m++) {
           /*  452 */ if (!equalMember(
               localTypeCode.content_type(), paramInputStream1, paramInputStream2)) {
             /*  453 */ return false;
             /*      */ }
           /*      */ }
         /*  456 */ return true;
         /*      */ case 20:
         /*  459 */ j = localTypeCode.member_count();
         /*  460 */ for (m = 0; m < j; m++) {
           /*  461 */ if (!equalMember(
               localTypeCode.content_type(), paramInputStream1, paramInputStream2)) {
             /*  462 */ return false;
             /*      */ }
           /*      */ }
         /*  465 */ return true;
         /*      */ case 29:
         /*      */ case 30:
         /*  473 */ org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable.InputStream localInputStream1 =
             (org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable.InputStream) paramInputStream1;
         /*      */
         /*  475 */ org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable.InputStream localInputStream2 =
             (org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable.InputStream) paramInputStream2;
         /*      */
         /*  477 */ return localInputStream1.read_value().equals(localInputStream2.read_value());
         /*      */ case 21:
         /*  481 */ throw this.wrapper.errorResolvingAlias();
         /*      */ case 25:
         /*  484 */ throw this.wrapper.tkLongDoubleNotSupported();
         /*      */ }
     /*      */
     /*  487 */ throw this.wrapper.typecodeNotSupported();
     /*      */ }
   /*      */ catch (BadKind localBadKind) {
     /*  490 */ throw this.wrapper.badkindCannotOccur();
   } catch (Bounds localBounds) {
     /*      */ }
   /*  492 */ throw this.wrapper.boundsCannotOccur();
   /*      */ }
Ejemplo n.º 25
  // Needed for equal() in order to achieve linear performance for complex types.
  // Uses up (recursively) copies of the InputStream in both Anys that got created in equal().
  private boolean equalMember(TypeCode memberType, InputStream myStream, InputStream otherStream) {
    // Resolve aliases here
    TypeCode realType = realType(memberType);

    try {
      switch (realType.kind().value()) {
          // handle primitive types
        case TCKind._tk_null:
        case TCKind._tk_void:
          return true;
        case TCKind._tk_short:
          return (myStream.read_short() == otherStream.read_short());
        case TCKind._tk_long:
          return (myStream.read_long() == otherStream.read_long());
        case TCKind._tk_ushort:
          return (myStream.read_ushort() == otherStream.read_ushort());
        case TCKind._tk_ulong:
          return (myStream.read_ulong() == otherStream.read_ulong());
        case TCKind._tk_float:
          return (myStream.read_float() == otherStream.read_float());
        case TCKind._tk_double:
          return (myStream.read_double() == otherStream.read_double());
        case TCKind._tk_boolean:
          return (myStream.read_boolean() == otherStream.read_boolean());
        case TCKind._tk_char:
          return (myStream.read_char() == otherStream.read_char());
        case TCKind._tk_wchar:
          return (myStream.read_wchar() == otherStream.read_wchar());
        case TCKind._tk_octet:
          return (myStream.read_octet() == otherStream.read_octet());
        case TCKind._tk_any:
          return myStream.read_any().equal(otherStream.read_any());
        case TCKind._tk_TypeCode:
          return myStream.read_TypeCode().equal(otherStream.read_TypeCode());
        case TCKind._tk_string:
          return myStream.read_string().equals(otherStream.read_string());
        case TCKind._tk_wstring:
          return (myStream.read_wstring().equals(otherStream.read_wstring()));
        case TCKind._tk_longlong:
          return (myStream.read_longlong() == otherStream.read_longlong());
        case TCKind._tk_ulonglong:
          return (myStream.read_ulonglong() == otherStream.read_ulonglong());

        case TCKind._tk_objref:
          return (myStream.read_Object().equals(otherStream.read_Object()));
        case TCKind._tk_Principal:
          return (myStream.read_Principal().equals(otherStream.read_Principal()));

        case TCKind._tk_enum:
          return (myStream.read_long() == otherStream.read_long());
        case TCKind._tk_fixed:
          return (myStream.read_fixed().compareTo(otherStream.read_fixed()) == 0);
        case TCKind._tk_except:
        case TCKind._tk_struct:
            int length = realType.member_count();
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
              if (!equalMember(realType.member_type(i), myStream, otherStream)) {
                return false;
            return true;
        case TCKind._tk_union:
            Any myDiscriminator = orb.create_any();
            Any otherDiscriminator = orb.create_any();
            myDiscriminator.read_value(myStream, realType.discriminator_type());
            otherDiscriminator.read_value(otherStream, realType.discriminator_type());

            if (!myDiscriminator.equal(otherDiscriminator)) {
              return false;
            TypeCodeImpl realTypeCodeImpl = TypeCodeImpl.convertToNative(orb, realType);
            int memberIndex = realTypeCodeImpl.currentUnionMemberIndex(myDiscriminator);
            if (memberIndex == -1) throw wrapper.unionDiscriminatorError();

            if (!equalMember(realType.member_type(memberIndex), myStream, otherStream)) {
              return false;
            return true;
        case TCKind._tk_sequence:
            int length = myStream.read_long();
            otherStream.read_long(); // just so that the two stream are in sync
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
              if (!equalMember(realType.content_type(), myStream, otherStream)) {
                return false;
            return true;
        case TCKind._tk_array:
            int length = realType.member_count();
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
              if (!equalMember(realType.content_type(), myStream, otherStream)) {
                return false;
            return true;

          // Too complicated to handle value types the way we handle
          // other complex types above. Don't try to decompose it here
          // for faster comparison, just use Object.equals().
        case TCKind._tk_value:
        case TCKind._tk_value_box:
          org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable.InputStream mine =
              (org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable.InputStream) myStream;
          org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable.InputStream other =
              (org.omg.CORBA_2_3.portable.InputStream) otherStream;
          return mine.read_value().equals(other.read_value());

        case TCKind._tk_alias:
          // error resolving alias above
          throw wrapper.errorResolvingAlias();

        case TCKind._tk_longdouble:
          throw wrapper.tkLongDoubleNotSupported();

          throw wrapper.typecodeNotSupported();
    } catch (BadKind badKind) { // impossible
      throw wrapper.badkindCannotOccur();
    } catch (Bounds bounds) { // impossible
      throw wrapper.boundsCannotOccur();
Ejemplo n.º 26
   * checks for equality between Anys.
   * @param otherAny the Any to be compared with.
   * @result true if the Anys are equal, false otherwise.
  public boolean equal(Any otherAny) {
    // debug.log ("equal");

    if (otherAny == this) return true;

    // first check for typecode equality.
    // note that this will take aliases into account
    if (!typeCode.equal(otherAny.type())) return false;

    // Resolve aliases here
    TypeCode realType = realType();

    // _REVISIT_ Possible optimization for the case where
    // otherAny is a AnyImpl and the endianesses match.
    // Need implementation of CDRInputStream.equals()
    // For now we disable this to encourage testing the generic,
    // unoptimized code below.
    // Unfortunately this generic code needs to copy the whole stream
    // at least once.
    //    if (AnyImpl.isStreamed[realType.kind().value()]) {
    //        if (otherAny instanceof AnyImpl) {
    //            return ((AnyImpl)otherAny).stream.equals(stream);
    //        }
    //    }
    switch (realType.kind().value()) {
        // handle primitive types
      case TCKind._tk_null:
      case TCKind._tk_void:
        return true;
      case TCKind._tk_short:
        return (extract_short() == otherAny.extract_short());
      case TCKind._tk_long:
        return (extract_long() == otherAny.extract_long());
      case TCKind._tk_ushort:
        return (extract_ushort() == otherAny.extract_ushort());
      case TCKind._tk_ulong:
        return (extract_ulong() == otherAny.extract_ulong());
      case TCKind._tk_float:
        return (extract_float() == otherAny.extract_float());
      case TCKind._tk_double:
        return (extract_double() == otherAny.extract_double());
      case TCKind._tk_boolean:
        return (extract_boolean() == otherAny.extract_boolean());
      case TCKind._tk_char:
        return (extract_char() == otherAny.extract_char());
      case TCKind._tk_wchar:
        return (extract_wchar() == otherAny.extract_wchar());
      case TCKind._tk_octet:
        return (extract_octet() == otherAny.extract_octet());
      case TCKind._tk_any:
        return extract_any().equal(otherAny.extract_any());
      case TCKind._tk_TypeCode:
        return extract_TypeCode().equal(otherAny.extract_TypeCode());
      case TCKind._tk_string:
        return extract_string().equals(otherAny.extract_string());
      case TCKind._tk_wstring:
        return (extract_wstring().equals(otherAny.extract_wstring()));
      case TCKind._tk_longlong:
        return (extract_longlong() == otherAny.extract_longlong());
      case TCKind._tk_ulonglong:
        return (extract_ulonglong() == otherAny.extract_ulonglong());

      case TCKind._tk_objref:
        return (extract_Object().equals(otherAny.extract_Object()));
      case TCKind._tk_Principal:
        return (extract_Principal().equals(otherAny.extract_Principal()));

      case TCKind._tk_enum:
        return (extract_long() == otherAny.extract_long());
      case TCKind._tk_fixed:
        return (extract_fixed().compareTo(otherAny.extract_fixed()) == 0);
      case TCKind._tk_except:
      case TCKind._tk_struct:
      case TCKind._tk_union:
      case TCKind._tk_sequence:
      case TCKind._tk_array:
        InputStream copyOfMyStream = this.create_input_stream();
        InputStream copyOfOtherStream = otherAny.create_input_stream();
        return equalMember(realType, copyOfMyStream, copyOfOtherStream);

        // Too complicated to handle value types the way we handle
        // other complex types above. Don't try to decompose it here
        // for faster comparison, just use Object.equals().
      case TCKind._tk_value:
      case TCKind._tk_value_box:
        return extract_Value().equals(otherAny.extract_Value());

      case TCKind._tk_alias:
        throw wrapper.errorResolvingAlias();

      case TCKind._tk_longdouble:
        // Unspecified for Java
        throw wrapper.tkLongDoubleNotSupported();

        throw wrapper.typecodeNotSupported();
Ejemplo n.º 27
 /*      */ public void insert_Streamable(Streamable paramStreamable) /*      */ {
   /*  610 */ this.typeCode = TypeCodeImpl.convertToNative(this.orb, paramStreamable._type());
   /*  611 */ this.object = paramStreamable;
   /*  612 */ this.isInitialized = true;
   /*      */ }
Ejemplo n.º 28
 public void insert_Value(Serializable v, org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode t) {
   // debug.log ("insert_Value2");
   object = v;
   typeCode = TypeCodeImpl.convertToNative(orb, t);
   isInitialized = true;
Ejemplo n.º 29
 /*      */ public void insert_Value(Serializable paramSerializable, TypeCode paramTypeCode)
       /*      */ {
   /* 1169 */ this.object = paramSerializable;
   /* 1170 */ this.typeCode = TypeCodeImpl.convertToNative(this.orb, paramTypeCode);
   /* 1171 */ this.isInitialized = true;
   /*      */ }