public Object next() {
    if (firstTime) { // initial condition
      firstTime = false;
      if (adaptor.getChildCount(tree) == 0) { // single node tree (special)
        return tree;
      return tree;
    // if any queued up, use those first
    if (nodes != null && nodes.size() > 0) return nodes.remove();

    // no nodes left?
    if (tree == null) return eof;

    // next node will be child 0 if any children
    if (adaptor.getChildCount(tree) > 0) {
      tree = adaptor.getChild(tree, 0);
      nodes.add(tree); // real node is next after DOWN
      return down;
    // if no children, look for next sibling of tree or ancestor
    Object parent = adaptor.getParent(tree);
    // while we're out of siblings, keep popping back up towards root
    while (parent != null && adaptor.getChildIndex(tree) + 1 >= adaptor.getChildCount(parent)) {
      nodes.add(up); // we're moving back up
      tree = parent;
      parent = adaptor.getParent(tree);
    // no nodes left?
    if (parent == null) {
      tree = null; // back at root? nothing left then
      nodes.add(eof); // add to queue, might have UP nodes in there
      return nodes.remove();

    // must have found a node with an unvisited sibling
    // move to it and return it
    int nextSiblingIndex = adaptor.getChildIndex(tree) + 1;
    tree = adaptor.getChild(parent, nextSiblingIndex);
    nodes.add(tree); // add to queue, might have UP nodes in there
    return nodes.remove();
Ejemplo n.º 2
  // $ANTLR start "topdown"
  // /Volumes/scratch/jcottam/workspace/Stencil/Stencil/Core/stencil/parser/DefaultPack.g:92:1:
  // topdown : ^(r= PACK DEFAULT ) ->;
  public final DefaultPack.topdown_return topdown() throws RecognitionException {
    DefaultPack.topdown_return retval = new DefaultPack.topdown_return();
    retval.start = input.LT(1);

    StencilTree root_0 = null;

    StencilTree _first_0 = null;
    StencilTree _last = null;

    StencilTree r = null;
    StencilTree DEFAULT1 = null;

    StencilTree r_tree = null;
    StencilTree DEFAULT1_tree = null;
    RewriteRuleNodeStream stream_DEFAULT = new RewriteRuleNodeStream(adaptor, "token DEFAULT");
    RewriteRuleNodeStream stream_PACK = new RewriteRuleNodeStream(adaptor, "token PACK");

    try {
      // /Volumes/scratch/jcottam/workspace/Stencil/Stencil/Core/stencil/parser/DefaultPack.g:92:8:
      // ( ^(r= PACK DEFAULT ) ->)
      // /Volumes/scratch/jcottam/workspace/Stencil/Stencil/Core/stencil/parser/DefaultPack.g:92:10:
      // ^(r= PACK DEFAULT )
        _last = (StencilTree) input.LT(1);
          StencilTree _save_last_1 = _last;
          StencilTree _first_1 = null;
          _last = (StencilTree) input.LT(1);
          r = (StencilTree) match(input, PACK, FOLLOW_PACK_in_topdown68);
          if (state.failed) return retval;
          if (state.backtracking == 1) stream_PACK.add(r);

          if (state.backtracking == 1) if (_first_0 == null) _first_0 = r;
          match(input, Token.DOWN, null);
          if (state.failed) return retval;
          _last = (StencilTree) input.LT(1);
          DEFAULT1 = (StencilTree) match(input, DEFAULT, FOLLOW_DEFAULT_in_topdown70);
          if (state.failed) return retval;
          if (state.backtracking == 1) stream_DEFAULT.add(DEFAULT1);

          match(input, Token.UP, null);
          if (state.failed) return retval;
          _last = _save_last_1;

        // AST REWRITE
        // elements:
        // token labels:
        // rule labels: retval
        // token list labels:
        // rule list labels:
        // wildcard labels:
        if (state.backtracking == 1) {
          retval.tree = root_0;
          RewriteRuleSubtreeStream stream_retval =
              new RewriteRuleSubtreeStream(
                  adaptor, "rule retval", retval != null ? retval.tree : null);

          root_0 = (StencilTree) adaptor.nil();
          // 92:28: ->
            adaptor.addChild(root_0, fromDefault((Pack) r));

          retval.tree = (StencilTree) adaptor.rulePostProcessing(root_0);

    } catch (RecognitionException re) {
      recover(input, re);
    } finally {
    return retval;