Ejemplo n.º 1
  public void testGetTokensForNamenodes() throws IOException {

    Credentials credentials = new Credentials();
    TokenCache.obtainTokensForNamenodesInternal(credentials, new Path[] {p1, p2}, jConf);

    // this token is keyed by hostname:port key.
    String fs_addr = SecurityUtil.buildDTServiceName(p1.toUri(), NameNode.DEFAULT_PORT);
    Token<DelegationTokenIdentifier> nnt = TokenCache.getDelegationToken(credentials, fs_addr);
    System.out.println("dt for " + p1 + "(" + fs_addr + ")" + " = " + nnt);
    assertNotNull("Token for nn is null", nnt);

    // verify the size
    Collection<Token<? extends TokenIdentifier>> tns = credentials.getAllTokens();
    assertEquals("number of tokens is not 1", 1, tns.size());

    boolean found = false;
    for (Token<? extends TokenIdentifier> t : tns) {
      if (t.getKind().equals(DelegationTokenIdentifier.HDFS_DELEGATION_KIND)
          && t.getService().equals(new Text(fs_addr))) {
        found = true;
      assertTrue("didn't find token for " + p1, found);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  public void testGetTokensForViewFS() throws IOException, URISyntaxException {
    Configuration conf = new Configuration(jConf);
    FileSystem dfs = dfsCluster.getFileSystem();
    String serviceName = dfs.getCanonicalServiceName();

    Path p1 = new Path("/mount1");
    Path p2 = new Path("/mount2");
    p1 = dfs.makeQualified(p1);
    p2 = dfs.makeQualified(p2);

    conf.set("fs.viewfs.mounttable.default.link./dir1", p1.toString());
    conf.set("fs.viewfs.mounttable.default.link./dir2", p2.toString());
    Credentials credentials = new Credentials();
    Path lp1 = new Path("viewfs:///dir1");
    Path lp2 = new Path("viewfs:///dir2");
    Path[] paths = new Path[2];
    paths[0] = lp1;
    paths[1] = lp2;
    TokenCache.obtainTokensForNamenodesInternal(credentials, paths, conf);

    Collection<Token<? extends TokenIdentifier>> tns = credentials.getAllTokens();
    assertEquals("number of tokens is not 1", 1, tns.size());

    boolean found = false;
    for (Token<? extends TokenIdentifier> tt : tns) {
      System.out.println("token=" + tt);
      if (tt.getKind().equals(DelegationTokenIdentifier.HDFS_DELEGATION_KIND)
          && tt.getService().equals(new Text(serviceName))) {
        found = true;
      assertTrue("didn't find token for [" + lp1 + ", " + lp2 + "]", found);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 private void populateTokens(Job job) {
   // Credentials in the job will not have delegation tokens
   // because security is disabled. Fetch delegation tokens
   // and populate the credential in the job.
   try {
     Credentials ts = job.getCredentials();
     Path p1 = new Path("file1");
     p1 = p1.getFileSystem(job.getConfiguration()).makeQualified(p1);
     Credentials cred = new Credentials();
     TokenCache.obtainTokensForNamenodesInternal(cred, new Path[] {p1}, job.getConfiguration());
     for (Token<? extends TokenIdentifier> t : cred.getAllTokens()) {
       ts.addToken(new Text("Hdfs"), t);
   } catch (IOException e) {
     Assert.fail("Exception " + e);
Ejemplo n.º 4
  public void testGetTokensForUriWithoutAuth() throws IOException {
    FileSystem fs = dfsCluster.getFileSystem();
    HadoopArchives har = new HadoopArchives(jConf);
    Path archivePath = new Path(fs.getHomeDirectory(), "tmp");
    String[] args = new String[6];
    args[0] = "-archiveName";
    args[1] = "foo1.har";
    args[2] = "-p";
    args[3] = fs.getHomeDirectory().toString();
    args[4] = "test";
    args[5] = archivePath.toString();
    try {
      int ret = ToolRunner.run(har, args);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      fail("Could not create har file");
    Path finalPath = new Path(archivePath, "foo1.har");
    Path filePath = new Path(finalPath, "test");

    Credentials credentials = new Credentials();
    TokenCache.obtainTokensForNamenodesInternal(credentials, new Path[] {finalPath}, jConf);
Ejemplo n.º 5
  public void testGetTokensForHftpFS() throws IOException, URISyntaxException {
    HftpFileSystem hfs = mock(HftpFileSystem.class);

    DelegationTokenSecretManager dtSecretManager =
    String renewer = "renewer";
    jConf.set(JTConfig.JT_USER_NAME, renewer);
    DelegationTokenIdentifier dtId =
        new DelegationTokenIdentifier(new Text("user"), new Text(renewer), null);
    final Token<DelegationTokenIdentifier> t =
        new Token<DelegationTokenIdentifier>(dtId, dtSecretManager);

    final URI uri = new URI("hftp://host:2222/file1");
    final String fs_addr = SecurityUtil.buildDTServiceName(uri, NameNode.DEFAULT_PORT);
    t.setService(new Text(fs_addr));

    // when(hfs.getUri()).thenReturn(uri);
            new Answer<URI>() {
              public URI answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
                return uri;

    // when(hfs.getDelegationToken()).thenReturn((Token<? extends TokenIdentifier>) t);
            new Answer<Token<DelegationTokenIdentifier>>() {
              public Token<DelegationTokenIdentifier> answer(InvocationOnMock invocation)
                  throws Throwable {
                return t;

    // when(hfs.getDelegationTokens()).thenReturn((Token<? extends TokenIdentifier>) t);
            new Answer<List<Token<DelegationTokenIdentifier>>>() {
              public List<Token<DelegationTokenIdentifier>> answer(InvocationOnMock invocation)
                  throws Throwable {
                return Collections.singletonList(t);

    // when(hfs.getCanonicalServiceName).thenReturn(fs_addr);
            new Answer<String>() {
              public String answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
                return fs_addr;

    Credentials credentials = new Credentials();
    Path p = new Path(uri.toString());
    System.out.println("Path for hftp=" + p + "; fs_addr=" + fs_addr + "; rn=" + renewer);
    TokenCache.obtainTokensForNamenodesInternal(hfs, credentials, jConf);

    Collection<Token<? extends TokenIdentifier>> tns = credentials.getAllTokens();
    assertEquals("number of tokens is not 1", 1, tns.size());

    boolean found = false;
    for (Token<? extends TokenIdentifier> tt : tns) {
      System.out.println("token=" + tt);
      if (tt.getKind().equals(DelegationTokenIdentifier.HDFS_DELEGATION_KIND)
          && tt.getService().equals(new Text(fs_addr))) {
        found = true;
        assertEquals("different token", tt, t);
      assertTrue("didn't find token for " + p, found);