Ejemplo n.º 1
   * Add allowed URL protocols for an element's URL attribute. This restricts the possible values of
   * the attribute to URLs with the defined protocol.
   * <p>E.g.: <code>addProtocols("a", "href", "ftp", "http", "https")</code>
   * @param tag Tag the URL protocol is for
   * @param key Attribute key
   * @param protocols List of valid protocols
   * @return this, for chaining
  public Whitelist addProtocols(String tag, String key, String... protocols) {

    TagName tagName = TagName.valueOf(tag);
    AttributeKey attrKey = AttributeKey.valueOf(key);
    Map<AttributeKey, Set<Protocol>> attrMap;
    Set<Protocol> protSet;

    if (this.protocols.containsKey(tagName)) {
      attrMap = this.protocols.get(tagName);
    } else {
      attrMap = new HashMap<AttributeKey, Set<Protocol>>();
      this.protocols.put(tagName, attrMap);
    if (attrMap.containsKey(attrKey)) {
      protSet = attrMap.get(attrKey);
    } else {
      protSet = new HashSet<Protocol>();
      attrMap.put(attrKey, protSet);
    for (String protocol : protocols) {
      Protocol prot = Protocol.valueOf(protocol);
    return this;
Ejemplo n.º 2
   * Add a list of allowed elements to a whitelist. (If a tag is not allowed, it will be removed
   * from the HTML.)
   * @param tags tag names to allow
   * @return this (for chaining)
  public Whitelist addTags(String... tags) {

    for (String tagName : tags) {
    return this;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 Attributes getEnforcedAttributes(String tagName) {
   Attributes attrs = new Attributes();
   TagName tag = TagName.valueOf(tagName);
   if (enforcedAttributes.containsKey(tag)) {
     Map<AttributeKey, AttributeValue> keyVals = enforcedAttributes.get(tag);
     for (Map.Entry<AttributeKey, AttributeValue> entry : keyVals.entrySet()) {
       attrs.put(entry.getKey().toString(), entry.getValue().toString());
   return attrs;
Ejemplo n.º 4
   * Test if the supplied attribute is allowed by this whitelist for this tag
   * @param tagName tag to consider allowing the attribute in
   * @param el element under test, to confirm protocol
   * @param attr attribute under test
   * @return true if allowed
  protected boolean isSafeAttribute(String tagName, Element el, Attribute attr) {
    TagName tag = TagName.valueOf(tagName);
    AttributeKey key = AttributeKey.valueOf(attr.getKey());

    if (attributes.containsKey(tag)) {
      if (attributes.get(tag).contains(key)) {
        if (protocols.containsKey(tag)) {
          Map<AttributeKey, Set<Protocol>> attrProts = protocols.get(tag);
          // ok if not defined protocol; otherwise test
          return !attrProts.containsKey(key) || testValidProtocol(el, attr, attrProts.get(key));
        } else { // attribute found, no protocols defined, so OK
          return true;
    // no attributes defined for tag, try :all tag
    return !tagName.equals(":all") && isSafeAttribute(":all", el, attr);
Ejemplo n.º 5
   * Add an enforced attribute to a tag. An enforced attribute will always be added to the element.
   * If the element already has the attribute set, it will be overridden.
   * <p>E.g.: <code>addEnforcedAttribute("a", "rel", "nofollow")</code> will make all <code>a</code>
   * tags output as <code>&lt;a href="..." rel="nofollow"></code>
   * @param tag The tag the enforced attribute is for. The tag will be added to the allowed tag list
   *     if necessary.
   * @param key The attribute key
   * @param value The enforced attribute value
   * @return this (for chaining)
  public Whitelist addEnforcedAttribute(String tag, String key, String value) {

    TagName tagName = TagName.valueOf(tag);
    if (!tagNames.contains(tagName)) tagNames.add(tagName);
    AttributeKey attrKey = AttributeKey.valueOf(key);
    AttributeValue attrVal = AttributeValue.valueOf(value);

    if (enforcedAttributes.containsKey(tagName)) {
      enforcedAttributes.get(tagName).put(attrKey, attrVal);
    } else {
      Map<AttributeKey, AttributeValue> attrMap = new HashMap<AttributeKey, AttributeValue>();
      attrMap.put(attrKey, attrVal);
      enforcedAttributes.put(tagName, attrMap);
    return this;
Ejemplo n.º 6
   * Add a list of allowed attributes to a tag. (If an attribute is not allowed on an element, it
   * will be removed.)
   * <p>E.g.: <code>addAttributes("a", "href", "class")</code> allows <code>href</code> and <code>
   * class</code> attributes on <code>a</code> tags.
   * <p>To make an attribute valid for <b>all tags</b>, use the pseudo tag <code>:all</code>, e.g.
   * <code>addAttributes(":all", "class")</code>.
   * @param tag The tag the attributes are for. The tag will be added to the allowed tag list if
   *     necessary.
   * @param keys List of valid attributes for the tag
   * @return this (for chaining)
  public Whitelist addAttributes(String tag, String... keys) {
    Validate.isTrue(keys.length > 0, "No attributes supplied.");

    TagName tagName = TagName.valueOf(tag);
    if (!tagNames.contains(tagName)) tagNames.add(tagName);
    Set<AttributeKey> attributeSet = new HashSet<AttributeKey>();
    for (String key : keys) {
    if (attributes.containsKey(tagName)) {
      Set<AttributeKey> currentSet = attributes.get(tagName);
    } else {
      attributes.put(tagName, attributeSet);
    return this;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Test if the supplied tag is allowed by this whitelist
  * @param tag test tag
  * @return true if allowed
 protected boolean isSafeTag(String tag) {
   return tagNames.contains(TagName.valueOf(tag));