Ejemplo n.º 1
   * Reserved for internal use. Parses the table operation response into a {@link TableResult} to
   * return.
   * @param xmlr An <code>XMLStreamReader</code> containing the response to an insert operation.
   * @param httpStatusCode The HTTP status code returned from the operation request.
   * @param etagFromHeader The <code>String</code> containing the Etag returned with the operation
   *     response.
   * @param opContext An {@link OperationContext} object that represents the context for the current
   *     operation.
   * @return The {@link TableResult} representing the result of the operation.
   * @throws XMLStreamException if an error occurs accessing the <code>XMLStreamReader</code>.
   * @throws ParseException if an error occurs in parsing the response.
   * @throws InstantiationException if an error occurs in object construction.
   * @throws IllegalAccessException if an error occurs in reflection on an object type.
   * @throws StorageException if an error occurs in the storage operation.
  protected TableResult parseResponse(
      final XMLStreamReader xmlr,
      final int httpStatusCode,
      final String etagFromHeader,
      final OperationContext opContext)
      throws XMLStreamException, ParseException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException,
          StorageException {
    TableResult resObj = null;
    if (this.opType == TableOperationType.INSERT) {
      // Sending null for class type and resolver will ignore parsing the return payload.
      resObj = AtomPubParser.parseSingleOpResponse(xmlr, httpStatusCode, null, null, opContext);
    } else {
      resObj = new TableResult(httpStatusCode);

      if (this.opType != TableOperationType.DELETE) {

    return resObj;
   * Reserved for internal use. Parses the operation response as an entity. Parses the result
   * returned in the specified stream in JSON format into a {@link TableResult} containing an entity
   * of the specified class type projected using the specified resolver.
   * @param parser The <code>JsonParser</code> to read the data to parse from.
   * @param clazzType The class type <code>T</code> implementing {@link TableEntity} for the entity
   *     returned. Set to <code>null</code> to ignore the returned entity and copy only response
   *     properties into the {@link TableResult} object.
   * @param resolver An {@link EntityResolver} instance to project the entity into an instance of
   *     type <code>R</code>. Set to <code>null</code> to return the entity as an instance of the
   *     class type <code>T</code>.
   * @param options A {@link TableRequestOptions} object that specifies execution options such as
   *     retry policy and timeout settings for the operation.
   * @param opContext An {@link OperationContext} object used to track the execution of the
   *     operation.
   * @return A {@link TableResult} containing the parsed entity result of the operation.
   * @throws IOException if an error occurs while accessing the stream.
   * @throws InstantiationException if an error occurs while constructing the result.
   * @throws IllegalAccessException if an error occurs in reflection while parsing the result.
   * @throws StorageException if a storage service error occurs.
   * @throws IOException if an error occurs while accessing the stream.
   * @throws JsonParseException if an error occurs while parsing the stream.
  private static <T extends TableEntity, R> TableResult parseJsonEntity(
      final JsonParser parser,
      final Class<T> clazzType,
      HashMap<String, PropertyPair> classProperties,
      final EntityResolver<R> resolver,
      final TableRequestOptions options,
      final OperationContext opContext)
      throws JsonParseException, IOException, StorageException, InstantiationException,
          IllegalAccessException {
    final TableResult res = new TableResult();

    final HashMap<String, EntityProperty> properties = new HashMap<String, EntityProperty>();

    if (!parser.hasCurrentToken()) {



    // get all metadata, if present
    while (parser.getCurrentName().startsWith(ODataConstants.ODATA_PREFIX)) {
      final String name = parser.getCurrentName().substring(ODataConstants.ODATA_PREFIX.length());

      // get the value token

      if (name.equals(ODataConstants.ETAG)) {
        String etag = parser.getValueAsString();

      // get the key token

    if (resolver == null && clazzType == null) {
      return res;

    // get object properties
    while (parser.getCurrentToken() != JsonToken.END_OBJECT) {
      String key = Constants.EMPTY_STRING;
      String val = Constants.EMPTY_STRING;
      EdmType edmType = null;

      // checks if this property is preceded by an OData property type annotation
      if (options.getTablePayloadFormat() != TablePayloadFormat.JsonNoMetadata
          && parser.getCurrentName().endsWith(ODataConstants.ODATA_TYPE_SUFFIX)) {
        edmType = EdmType.parse(parser.getValueAsString());

        key = parser.getCurrentName();
        val = parser.getValueAsString();
      } else {
        key = parser.getCurrentName();

        val = parser.getValueAsString();
        edmType = evaluateEdmType(parser.getCurrentToken(), parser.getValueAsString());

      final EntityProperty newProp = new EntityProperty(val, edmType);
      properties.put(key, newProp);


    String partitionKey = null;
    String rowKey = null;
    Date timestamp = null;
    String etag = null;

    // Remove core properties from map and set individually
    EntityProperty tempProp = properties.remove(TableConstants.PARTITION_KEY);
    if (tempProp != null) {
      partitionKey = tempProp.getValueAsString();

    tempProp = properties.remove(TableConstants.ROW_KEY);
    if (tempProp != null) {
      rowKey = tempProp.getValueAsString();

    tempProp = properties.remove(TableConstants.TIMESTAMP);
    if (tempProp != null) {
      timestamp = tempProp.getValueAsDate();

      if (res.getEtag() == null) {
        etag = getETagFromTimestamp(tempProp.getValueAsString());

    // do further processing for type if JsonNoMetdata by inferring type information via resolver or
    // clazzType
    if (options.getTablePayloadFormat() == TablePayloadFormat.JsonNoMetadata
        && (options.getPropertyResolver() != null || clazzType != null)) {
      if (options.getPropertyResolver() != null) {
        for (final Entry<String, EntityProperty> p : properties.entrySet()) {
          final String key = p.getKey();
          final String value = p.getValue().getValueAsString();
          EdmType edmType;

          // try to use the property resolver to get the type
          try {
            edmType =
                options.getPropertyResolver().propertyResolver(partitionKey, rowKey, key, value);
          } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new StorageException(

          // try to create a new entity property using the returned type
          try {
            final EntityProperty newProp = new EntityProperty(value, edmType);
            properties.put(p.getKey(), newProp);
          } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            throw new StorageException(
                String.format(SR.FAILED_TO_PARSE_PROPERTY, key, value, edmType),
      } else if (clazzType != null) {
        if (classProperties == null) {
          classProperties = PropertyPair.generatePropertyPairs(clazzType);
        for (final Entry<String, EntityProperty> p : properties.entrySet()) {
          PropertyPair propPair = classProperties.get(p.getKey());
          if (propPair != null) {
            final EntityProperty newProp =
                new EntityProperty(p.getValue().getValueAsString(), propPair.type);
            properties.put(p.getKey(), newProp);

    // set the result properties, now that they are appropriately parsed

    // use resolver if provided, else create entity based on clazz type
    if (resolver != null) {
          resolver.resolve(partitionKey, rowKey, timestamp, res.getProperties(), res.getEtag()));
    } else if (clazzType != null) {
      // Generate new entity and return
      final T entity = clazzType.newInstance();


      entity.readEntity(res.getProperties(), opContext);


    return res;